Thanks, Dad! (Part five) [Mff] [Father] [Adoptive Daughter] [Daughter] [Fingering] [Simultaneous Female Orgasms] [First Sex] [Blood] [Incest]

The next month was a whirlwind of pleasuring Ella’s body and filling her with my cum. Sophie, Tristan and Rachel were all due home on Wednesday afternoon. So I got one more lunch of dripping pussy and then I pulled her to the edge of the counter and worked my dick into her. It was getting easier for me to get my dick in there in one go now, but I’m not sure if that’s from me wearing out the elasticity of her cunt or if I’m just getting used to the right angle to stretch her tightness quickly.

I do know my dick still feels like it’s going to rip her apart if I make a wrong move. One thing her parents did right by her was blessing her with the genetics of the absolute perfect teen body. Everything on her was tight and perky. She was looking me in the eye as I thrust slowly but deeply into her.

“If she wants to, I’m bringing her to your room after everyone else is asleep, right?” she asked between moans.

I nodded, “I can’t fuck her, but I’ll try to make her happy in other ways,” I said as I pushed a little deeper than I meant to and her breath caught.

A few more thrusts into her with her slender fingers toying with her own clit got her off in a gentle orgasm and I followed soon after.

When I pulled out she lay back on the counter and lifted her butt and hips into the air with her legs stretched up and back. She hasn’t gotten pregnant yet so I’ve been helping her learn ways to hold my cum in her better, not that her cunt ever really lets go of it once it tightens back up, but this should help keep the sperm by her womb. She bit her lip and said, “Daddy, I’ve told Sophie I have a boyfriend and I’ve had sex with him now. She doesn’t know it’s you, but she will before she goes back to school. What if she’s not into the idea anymore and hates me for sleeping with you?”

I reached out and stroked her cheek, “That is a risk, baby. But, I think they’ll all see how much happier I am and they will get over it when they find out we’re together. It might take a little while, but I think ultimately they are just going to want us to be happy, El. They may also be grossed out by it because you’ve been such a rock in the family for so long now they feel like you’re really their sibling and I’m your dad. We’ll talk, as a family like we always do, when they find out. We’ll hear their concerns and we’ll address them and work through them as a family.”

I bent down and kissed her lips softly as she smiled. When I pulled away I looked her in the eye, “Now go get showered and dressed and help me make a real lunch for when your sisters and brother gets home.”

She nodded and hopped down off the counter with such a bouncy step and smile that I almost grabbed her and pinned her to the counter for a quick dicking from behind first, but I didn’t. I waited for her to shower and then I went in right after her, just in case the kids got home earlier than expected. We both got dressed in my bedroom, though, as I’d bought each of the kids a new outfit, a tradition we’d started when Rachel was the only one in college. She always came home to a gift bag with a brand new outfit carefully selected by me according to what I knew of her clothing taste from doing her laundry.

Admittedly, buying my daughters bras and thongs felt disgusting because I had to know their sizes, but the smile on Rachel’s face that first time made it all worth it. She had been feeling down and homesick, worried we’d all carried on without her and had forgotten about her. Seeing the bag there with her current sizes in an outfit she really liked made her feel very loved and remembered. I did the same with Tristan when he started college. He was more neutral about it, but he always ran straight to his bedroom for the new outfit when he got home and put it on right away, so I think he approved.

This year Ella helped me pick out the outfits since she was home, but I picked out her outfit and I wanted to see her put it on.

The bra and panties were a navy blue lace that contrasted beautifully with her pale but lightly sun-kissed skin tone. They hugged and lifted her breasts into perfect mounds and I smiled as she admired the cleavage enhancing effect. The panties hugged her curves tightly, while she normally wore a thong, these were cut more into the shape of shorts that curved along her ass, exposing half of the cheek and I admired the covered-yet-exposed quality they had. She smiled as she admired herself in the mirror and I came over to give her a kiss in just her underwear.

She moaned and when I broke from the kiss I whispered to her, “I hope you don’t mind the style change? I just wanted to see what they’d look like on you.”

She was smiling as she looked me in the eye, “I love them, Dad, thank you.”

She pulled on her tank top and the big fluffy sweater I got her then pulled on the tightly fitted jeans and I kissed her again as I ran my hand over her ass, then said “Go finish getting ready in your room before I pull these back off of you, baby,” she bit her lip and looked up to me, a devilish little, ‘Go ahead’ to her gaze, but the sound of the front door opening made her scamper out of my room and down the hall to her own bedroom to wait for Sophie to come in and change into her new outfit.

“Dad! We’re home!” Rachel called out.

I went to the door and yelled back, “Will be down in a sec, go get your presents while I finish getting dressed.”

Then I closed and locked the door and scrolled through the hundreds of photos I’ve taken over the last few months of Ella’s cum-filled or covered body and jerked off, hoping it would be enough to keep me from getting a raging hard-on when I saw Sophie. I didn’t even notice that the lotion on my bedside table was Ella’s as I grabbed it for a quick tug, but when I smelled it I was instantly turned on. She always smells so sweet, like honey and mint, and this lotion must be why.

I scrolled through the photos until I came to what I was looking for, a video we’d taken on my birthday. I turned the volume down but I remembered every word she said. She was playing naive, “Daddy? Can you look at my privates and tell me if they would be okay for having a baby?” she’d asked as she crawled into my bed.

I looked over at her, my phone was trained on her, she was wearing the outfit she’d been wearing the night she came into our home as our daughter. It was a little snug on her now as she’s filled out a lot since then, but they still fit her nicely. “What do you want me to look at, baby?” I’d asked her.

She sat up beside me and peeled her shirt up over her breasts and pointed to them, “Here,” she said.

“What am I looking for?” I asked.

“Are they okay for breastfeeding?” she asked.

I looked at them, yup, perfect for it, but turned my eyes up to her as I handed her the camera, “Let’s find out together.”

She held the camera as I cupped and lifted her breasts and massaged her nipples until they were hard pink points resting above the thickest part of her tit. I pressed my lips to her nipple and sucked hard. She winced slightly but didn’t pull away. I used my tongue to manipulate her nipple and pretended to latch and feed from her left breast then moved over to the right. She was biting her lip and when I pulled away her nipples were even more prominent and firm. I looked up at her, “I think they’d be okay for it,” I said almost dismissively.

I took the camera back and she pulled her shorts off and spread her legs on the bed, much like she had that first time she tempted me, “And here?” she asked.

I couldn’t help myself and I leaned forward as I recorded her pussy and sucked and tongued her sensitive clit as she yelped, “Daddy!”

I pulled back and said, “I don’t think that will work for breastfeeding, El,” she giggled and hit my shoulder softly, a deep blush on her cheeks since she wasn’t expecting it.

Her voice was soft and wavered a little, “I mean the hole, it’s so little, how will a baby come out of it?” she asked.

I rubbed her little hole, working my thumb into her as she squirmed, “It stretches to let the baby come through, but you are very tight here. You should do some stretching to open it up or you’ll probably tear when you give birth,” I said.

“How do I stretch it?” she asked.

I handed her the phone and unfastened my jeans, pulling my cock free as I pulled her to the edge of the bed, “Daddy can help with that,” she sat up and angled the camera to show how much bigger my cock was than her hole.

“That’s not going to fit, Dad,” she said.

Her pussy was dripping in anticipation and she held the camera on herself as I lowered the head of my dick to her hole, rubbing it back and forth until her hole glistened and my dick did too. Then I angled myself downward and rocked the tip of my cock back and forth at her hole, pushing forward just a little more each time I rocked to the top of her. It had taken me two minutes to get her hole stretched over the very tip of my cock, “See, baby, it’ll fit,” I said as she moaned. Her pussy hole was pulled tight over my dick head, the ridge wasn’t even inside yet, just the very tip.

I pushed a little and she whimpered as her pussy skin pulled a little tighter then I pulled my dick out of her and repeated the motions. Another minute working my dick into her reddened tiny hole and the head was fully in with her pussy closing back down around the top of my shaft. I could feel the difference in pressure between my cock head and shaft. The thickest part of the head was being squeezed as I pushed into her much more tightly, but her inner folds clung tightly to the thinner parts of my dick too, she was just that snug.

I pulled my dick free from her again and rubbed the freshly wet from her hole head of my dick on her clit and she moaned loudly then I moved my dick back to her hole and gave one big push into her tightness. She gasped and I was down to the hilt in her, my hands on her waist, rocking her pussy against my pelvis, “See baby, it’ll fit just fine and the more Daddy uses it the easier it’ll stretch open when it’s time for a baby to push through. Do you want Daddy to help you have a baby?”

I took the phone back from her and she nodded while she bit her lip. I stretched her legs back until her knees were on the bed and her cunt was lifted in the air slightly, “Hold your legs like that while Daddy helps your pussy stretch.”

I trained the camera on her cunt, the lips were barely discernible and her anatomy lay fully exposed. The way the skin at her hole pushed in with me and then gripped my cock and pulled out with me was mesmerizing. I spit on my fingers and started rubbing her pink clit. She lifted her hips a little higher and squeaked as I hit her cervix on my next thrust in. I moaned too. Then it was just a video of me fucking my baby and getting her clit slippery and red until her hips were bucking up to my cock as she orgasmed.

Her mouth opened in a loud moan and her head tipped back as she rode out the orgasm is what got me to cum in both the video and while watching it. There’s just something about seeing her tight little body in pure ecstasy that sets me off. The video ended with me pulling my dick from her and her hole staying stretched open for a moment, the glisten of the white cum deep inside was visible for a second but she closes back up so quickly that it’s hard to get a nice shot of how full she is.

So I asked her to hold the camera on her pussy and I worked my index and middle fingers on my right hand into her, then my index and middle fingers on my left and she was whimpering softly as I know it hurt just a little as I stretched my fingers and opened her hole up manually so I could see my cum inside of her. As soon as I pulled my fingers from her, she started to close back up to the tight little nothing that usually greeted my hard cock.

I turned off the video and closed the folder that hid it. You had to have my password to get into the file, a necessary step so none of the kids happened across me fucking their sister by using my phone for something. I cleaned up my cock and hand then went down to the bathroom to piss and wash Ella’s lotion from my dick so Soph didn’t pick up on the familiar scent all over me. Then I went downstairs to find the rest of my kids.

Ella and I made lunch as Rachel, Tristan, and Sophie got dressed upstairs. I took a dangerous moment to kiss the back of El’s neck and whisper, “Your lotion is in my bedroom, you need to get it and put it back in yours.”

She blushed and looked back at me, “Sorry, Dad,” she whispered.

I smiled, “I considered keeping it to make my dick smell like you in other ways, but I don’t want Sophie to see it.”

She nodded and ran upstairs to retrieve it then went to her bedroom as Sophie was changing. When Ella came back down her lipstick was smeared a little and I pointed it out to her so she could fix it before Tristan and Rachel noticed. She was blushing brightly, caught kissing my daughter in a sneaky moment of passion.

We had lunch and caught up on how school was going for each of them. Sophie admitted to struggling a little this semester without Ella there to help her study. El felt bad but I looked to Sophie, “Do you want to take the rest of the fall off with Ella and catch up in summer with her?” I asked.

She shook her head, “No, I’m not failing or anything, it’s just harder and I’m more stressed. I miss sharing a dorm with El is all,” she looked sad and I felt bad for her.

“Things will be back to normal in spring, Soph,” I said as I looked to Ella and wondered if she planned on going back to school at all, and realized I would also be more stressed and things would be much harder without her here at home with me.

Tristan and Rachel were both doing good, but Tristan might end up dropping a class and re-taking it in the summer unless he can ace his next test. Rachel agreed to help him study for it as it was a class she’d already taken, and it was with the same professor.

We all went out to dinner and a movie together and when we got home I headed straight to bed. Ella not being in bed with me was a hard adjustment to make all of a sudden. I lay there in my boxers staring at the ceiling until well past midnight, wondering if Ella had told Sophie about us yet. I didn’t hear any yelling or slamming doors, so I assumed she hadn’t and eventually fell asleep.

I sat up with a start as I felt a soft hand in my boxers. I almost removed her hand from me but I saw Ella smiling as she lay down on my shoulder and looked up at me, “Scoot over to the middle of the bed, Dad?” she asked.

I obeyed her, just like she knew I would and then I felt the bed shift on my other side. I turned to see Sophie climbing up to lay on my other side. She looked nervous, and so did I, but then I felt the warmth of her hand on my dick just below Ella’s, her eyes were searching my face, looking for my disapproval, but I just closed my eyes and moaned.

They worked together, massaging my dick in their hands as each pulled themselves closer to me. Ella’s breath was on the left side of me and Soph’s was on my right. Ella whispered to me, “See, Dad, I told you she wanted to.”

“I need her to say it though,” I said as I moaned.

My head turned to Sophie, “I need you to say it, baby,” I repeated.

She pulled herself up to me and whispered in my ear, “May I undress for you, Daddy?” she asked, her lips tickled my ear and her fingers tightened on my cock.

I nodded and watched as she and Ella both sat up and started removing their clothes. I looked at Ella, “Did you lock the door?” I asked.

She smiled and nodded.

My girls knelt beside me, their bodies fully on display and I looked over each of them. Ella was about six inches shorter than Soph, she had a softly curved shape going from her chest to her waist to her hips with everything perfectly proportionate to her size, tight tits that were the perfect mouthful, small toned muscles and a cleanly waxed cunt that fully displayed her clit as she knelt beside me. Soph was tall and slim through the waist but had a much wider set of hips than Ella. Her tits were larger but still on the firm side as her more tanned nipples and larger areola lay atop a larger swell of flesh than Ella had. She had just a slight layer of fat softening her body and her pussy had a thin strip of pubic hair leading to a symmetrical slightly puffy lip that actually hid her anatomy from me. Sophie’s body was just like her mother’s.

I resisted the urge to cup their pussies and start fingering them both right away, “Tell me what you want me to do, Soph,” I said, a slight catch in my voice.

She and El each straddled one of my legs and Soph looked to Ella then back to me, she tipped her pelvis up and spread her pussy lips so I could see the creamy fluids spread all over her inner labia and clit, “Finger me, Daddy?”

I looked to Ella and she was mimicking Soph’s stance. I smiled and sat back against the headboard and they followed me until their hips were touching and the legs that shared space between mine, forced my legs more apart so their knees were touching my balls.

Ella had clear stringy drool dripping from her cunt onto my thigh, but Soph’s was clinging to her skin in a soft white cream. I pressed my palms to each girl’s clit and guided my middle finger into each pussy. Both girls were tight, but Ella was still the tighter one in spite of our months of sex together.

Sophie moaned, a light flush across her chest and cheeks as she closed her eyes and let me invade her cunt with my finger. I kept Ella at just my middle finger but introduced my ring finger into Sophie and she moaned louder. My palm rubbed and pressed against their clits and both girls became audibly wet as I picked up the pace and pressure, curling my fingers towards their forward wall and pulling them to me slightly by their cunts.

They both moaned and pressed their hips down to my hand and soon I was moving as fast and hard as I could in their cunts in this position. Each girl whimpered and moaned then Ella grabbed Sophie’s hand and squeezed it. I pushed that second finger into Ella and she squeezed Sophie’s hand harder. “Are you girls going to cum for Daddy?” I asked breathily as they panted.

Both girls nodded enthusiastically, “Open your eyes and look at me when you cum for me,” I said.

They were squirming and I felt each one tightening on my fingers, Ella and Sophie both leaned forward and put their hands on my shoulders as they helped me fuck them with my fingers. Soph squeezed my shoulder first, “I’m gonna cum, Daddy,” she choked out.

I smiled and moved my head over to her and kissed her lips. She hungrily pressed to me and shoved her tongue into my mouth. Her sister had her lips by my ear, moaning and whimpering as she tightened on my fingers, “Now Daddy, now,” Ella whispered. I pulled roughly against both of their forward walls and they each cried out softly, Ella with a lusty haze over her eyes as she looked at me, and Soph with a confused ache to understand why this felt so good as she looked at me, their cunts quaked in my hand and their fluids drenched me and my bed. The girls trembled, cumming simultaneously from my rough fingering. I pulled my lips from Sophie’s and a string of saliva lingered between us.

Ella was smiling and Sophie gasped while she stared at me with her brow furrowed, her breasts heaving with the effort of breathing while coming to terms with her own father getting her off so easily. I pulled my fingers from them and pulled them back down against me so I could cuddle each girl. My hands rested on their hips while Soph and Ella each had their head and hand on my chest. I kissed each girl’s forehead and stroked their hips as they settled.

My cock was painfully engorged and standing straight as a fucking flagpole.

“Daddy?” Sophie asked pitifully.

I looked at her, “What is it baby?”

“I…I…want…” she started but was getting flustered.

I brought my hand up her back and placed it under her chin, lifting her head to me, “You can tell me anything, Sophie, I love you.”

She lifted herself up so she could whisper in my ear, “Daddy…May I fuck you now?”

My breath caught as I nodded. ‘Wait, this is what I said I wouldn’t do, right?’ I thought as I watched her climb over my lap and watched Ella help her guide my dick towards my baby girl’s pussy. I put my hand on her thigh, intending to stop her but she lowered herself fast and I felt the fucking pop of her hymen fully tearing as she cringed and gasped. Ella was kissing her softly, trying to soothe her, she hadn’t meant for her to move so quickly. Ella was going to guide her slowly down but she just fucking went for it. She was crying and I grabbed her and pulled her to my chest, stroking her back and hair as I soothed her.

“You were supposed to go slowly, Soph. Are you okay, baby?” I asked her softly.

She nodded but continued sobbing. I looked to Ella, “See if she’s bleeding badly?” I asked her. I could feel wetness dripping down my balls, so I knew she was, I just wanted confirmation it was blood and not piss in case she just wet herself form the suddenness of it.

Ella climbed down between my legs and I gently lifted Sophie by her ass as she cringed. Ella climbed up and whispered in my ear, “There’s a lot of blood, dad, what do we do?” she asked desperately.

As much as Sophie’s cunt felt amazing on my cock, I looked to Ella, “Throw something on and go get the first aid kit and some washcloths and bring them back here, ice too.”

Sophie was crying and I held her to me, soothing her, “It’s okay, Soph, you’re okay. You just went too fast and tore yourself. I was going to go slow and gentle so you didn’t bleed at all. You’re just going to need to heal up for a day or so, okay?”

She nodded and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck as she sobbed.

Then she started moving her hips as she cried and I tried to hold her still, “What are you doing, Soph? You’re hurt, stop.”

She shook her head and whispered to me between sobs, “I still want to.”

Sophie lifted herself and I looked down, my cock was red and I don’t think it was from the pressure of needing release, “Sophie, stop, you’re going to…ohh,” I groaned as she sat up and started to bounce on my cock.

The tears on her cheeks were drying and she wasn’t sobbing as much, but my dick was still coated In her blood. Her hands slid up the back of my neck and into my hair as she rode me fucking hard. She pulled me up to her and kissed me deeply. I wrapped my arms around her and got her onto her back on the bed. I started to pull out of her and she moaned and locked her ankles behind my back.

I pulled away from her kiss and looked her in the eye, “Sophie, stop it, you’re hurt.”

She shook her head, the contortion of pain was almost completely gone from her, “Fuck me, Daddy, please? Just like you do Ella?”

Where the fuck was Ella with that stuff? I wondered.

My hips pushed back into Soph and she moaned, her tits bouncing slightly on the impact. Then I did it again, and again. Everything in my head was telling me stop fucking hurting my own daughter just because I wanted to get off, but my hips kept moving and my baby kept moaning.

I kissed her deeply then whispered, “Are you on birth control, Sophie?”

She nodded and I bit her neck softly and pushed deeply into her. I heard the door shut just as I came hard and deep inside of Sophie, panting and grunting as she whimpered. Ella sounded hurt as she gasped. I looked at her, she was supposed to be involved in all of it, we’d talked about this and I’d just failed to keep my end of the deal, “Daddy?” she said softly.

I quickly pulled out of Sophie, my eyes were red and tears streamed down my face. I panicked as I got off the bed and pushed past Ella, through my bedroom door, and ran to the bathroom completely naked to throw up. My daughter’s virginal blood was coating my stomach, thighs and dick like a disgusting stain on my soul. I was a god damned monster and now both of my youngest daughters knew I valued my own orgasm more than their health. I vomited repeatedly and took a shower to try and cleanse myself of this fucked up and depraved sin. I caved to lust. I just wouldn’t do it again. I couldn’t look at my baby girl and want to shove my cock into her again, right?

I got hard at the thought of another go at Sophie’s bloody cunt and I sat in the bottom of the shower and cried, watching my daughter’s blood flow from my skin with the water down the drain.



  1. I hope the other sister is also interested in him cause we all know this is not where this story ends

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