Mothers Gone Wild – another homage to 80s porn paperbacks – Chapter One [FF, FM, Incest]


At one o’clock in the afternoon on a Tuesday in May Lucille Aldrich sat on the edge of an examination table in Doctor Norman’s office. She wore nothing but a backless, pink paper robe, and the green vinyl upholstery of the table was cold against her slender ass cheeks. She shifted uncomfortably and watched as Courtney Harris, the young physician assistant who worked in Norman’s practice, flipped through her medical records.

“You’re fifty-one…” Courtney read aloud, “blood pressure 120 over 60, cholesterol good, all the standard tests come back negative. You’re in excellent health, overall. Exercise?”

“I’ve got two grandchildren to keep me busy, and a boy of my own still at home. I’m always up and moving.” Lucille said. “But yes, I do find time to work out. Aerobics, yoga…”

“Of course.” Courtney closed the folder and looked directly at Lucille, smiling. “I can see that you’re *very* fit.” She looked Lucille up and down appraisingly.

Lucille blushed. It was not just the cold tabletop that made her uncomfortable now. In truth, she took more pride in her appearance than she thought modesty ought to allow. She was lithe and supple of limb and she hadn’t gained a pound in twenty years – in fact, she could wear her twenty seven year-old daughter Jamie’s skinny jeans. Her small breasts were still high and firm enough that she could go braless if she chose. Only her silver hair and the fine lines etched at the corners of her mouth and wide grey eyes suggested her true age.

*And that’s just vanity*, Lucille chided herself silently. In fact her current predicament had everything to do with her age.

“You usually see Doctor Norman,” Courtney said. “Why’d you ask for me?”

“I thought…this problem might be easier to discuss with another woman. It’s…to do with sex.”

“Ah.” Courtney plucked a pen from behind her ear, brushing a few strands of dark hair out of the way. Lucille guessed the blue-smocked PA was about the age of her own daughter. “Well, at this…stage…in your life, Mrs. Aldrich, some decrease in libido is normal.”

“At my *age*, you mean” Lucille snapped. “I apologize, but let’s not break our backs to be delicate about it. I’m not twenty. But that’s not the -”

“Of course,” Courtney said quickly. “If you’re finding intercourse uncomfortable, there are drug therapies we can start you on. Premarin – ”

“That’s *not the problem*,” Lucille insisted. “It’s the opposite. Damn it, I’m…I’m getting aroused all the time.”

“Really?” Courtney looked taken aback.

A*t least now I’ve got her goddamned attention,* Lucille thought. “Yes, really. There are days I feel like I’m going nuts. I want to jump every man who walks by in the Wal-Mart.”

The young PA appeared keenly interested now. “And how does this affect your marital relations?”

“Marital – young lady, my Frank is counting the days to retirement from his accounting firm. He falls asleep during Simpsons reruns most nights and he hasn’t *looked* at me in, Christ, at least five years.”

Courtney kept her head down, assiduously taking notes, but Lucille could have sworn the younger woman suppressed a smile at her patient’s tirade. “It’s certainly your husband’s loss,” she said. Then she straightened, sat forward in her chair and engaged Lucille with a studiedly serious gaze. “In *most* women,” she began, “the sudden drop in the body’s estrogen production during menopause is accompanied by steady decreases in the estradiol and testosterone levels. There may be something hormonally unusual in your…I tell you what, let’s just start with the regular exam and go from there.”

Courtney stood up and walked to Lucille. “Just lie back, now,” she said as she flipped the table’s obstetric stirrups into place and adjusted their height. Lucille lay back on the cushion, pointlessly tugging her gown down over her slim upper thighs. “Put your feet up…that’s it, good. Now, you get comfortable and I’ll be right back.”

The PA turned on her heel and exited the examination room abruptly, leaving Lucille feeling vulnerable and foolish in her position. *Get comfortable, my ass. Does the child think I’m going to catch a nap?* God, she hated pelvics.

Still, Lucille reflected, she appreciated that the girl had given voice to her own inner feeling that her sexual energies were wasted in her current marriage. What she really hated was her dreary, predictable and unfulfilling life. Trey would graduate Greenleaf High this year, and was far too busy with his soccer buddies to spend any time at home. The closest thing to novelty that Lucille knew during the week was when Jamie and her husband would call on “Grandma’s drop-in daycare service.” And soon enough those kids would be in school, Trey would be on his own and she’d be stuck with…what?

“Doctor Norman will be in shortly,” Courtney said as she returned. “Your situation is unusual enough that I’d like to get his input. And I imagine you’d like to get this phase of the physical finished beforehand.” She sat down, then leaned in close between Lucille’s thighs and parted her pussy lips with two fingers.

“Oh!” Lucille sucked in her breath involuntarily at the warmth and pressure. It had been so long since any other human being had touched her there. *”Uh…”*

“I’m sorry,” Courtney said, “is that painful?”

“No…” Lucille said slowly. “It’s very…” she couldn’t bring herself to finish the sentence, suddenly aware of the rising flood inside her.

“Hmm, you *do* seem to be easily stimulated,” Courtney murmured. She slowly inserted a finger into Lucille’s pussy. “Tell me, does this increase your arousal?”

*”Yesss!”* Lucille hissed.

A second finger followed the first. “And *this?”*

“Oh, oh yes! Please…what are you doing to me?”

“I’m trying to determine the limits of your sexual response,” the young PA said patiently. She started moving her fingers inside Lucille, massaging the older woman’s inner walls. “Would you like me to stop?”

“No,” Lucille moaned, involuntarily rocking her hips against the girl’s hand. “It feels wonderful.”

“Good. You’re becoming very wet.” Courtney’s head disappeared beneath the edge of her patient’s gown. A moment later Lucille trembled as she felt warm breath on her pussy. An electric rush of excitement shot through her as something soft touched her clitoris. “Relax and let the sensation take you. Your pleasure is the point of the exercise, after all.”

The motion of Courtney’s lips against Lucille’s most intimate flesh left no doubt what exactly was rubbing thrillingly against her long-neglected love button. All of her muscles tensed. *This isn’t right…I should stop this,* she thought frantically.

At that instant Courtney’s fingers found Lucille’s G-spot, and all her objections fled. She squirmed on her cushion, fingers curling around the edges of the table top and gripping it for dear life as unexpected waves of pure pleasure coursed through her from her toes to the top of her head.

“There’s no question that you do turn on real easy, Mrs. Aldrich,” Courtney said, withdrawing her fingers from Lucille’s pussy. She planted lingering kisses up and down the length of her patient’s slit, then ever so slowly slipped her tongue inside.

Lucille cried out and thrashed uncontrollably. Courtney chuckled and grabbed hold of Lucille’s hips, doing her best to hold her patient still while slithering her tongue expertly in and out of her patient’s tight slick pussy.

*She’s fucking me,* Lucille realized through her lust-drunk haze. The vulgarism itself excited her. *She’s fucking me with her tongue*. The heretofore modest, middle-aged grandmother had never experienced anything like this. For many lonely years now she’d satisfied herself nightly with what she’d primly labeled “romantic fantasies.” While her husband Frank dozed in his Barcalounger in the TV room downstairs she’d slip up to their bedroom, lift up her nightgown and play with herself while reading favorite passages from the dog-eared Rosemary Rogers paperbacks she’d buy at the second-hand book store. The orgasms she’d give herself this way were far from satisfying. They’d never been enough, and these last few years she’d taken to what she considered far more lurid fantasizing: images of herself paired off with any one of a number of the young male teachers she’d met at parent-teacher conferences for her son.

Yet until this moment she’d remained a good and faithful wife. Her own sexual experiences had been conventional and mostly disappointing. She’d never been with any man other than Frank Aldrich. And neither her reading nor her own imagination had begun to suggest the completely different and delightful feelings that overwhelmed her now as this young woman’s mouth and fingers coaxed her closer and closer to an orgasm.

Lucille didn’t know it, but sucking her pussy was just as satisfying to Courtney Harris.

Courtney had grown up here in the little town of Greenleaf, the daughter of local shopkeepers who could not afford to send her away to college. Her mother’s younger sister Lynn, the successful CEO of her own PR firm, had paid for her favorite niece’s undergraduate and post-graduate work with the agreement that the girl would come to live with her in the city. “I’ll pay for the school, but I won’t have her living in one of those dormitories,” Lynn had said haughtily. “The kids get into who-knows-what kinds of trouble down there. But I’m sure that with proper family supervision Courtney will do splendidly.”

Courtney had excelled at her studies, both at the University as well as in Lynn’s bed. For the first several years the girl had been exclusively her aunt’s plaything as Lynn had secretly “supervised” her through every aspect of lesbian loving. When Lynn had deemed Courtney mature enough she’d selected one from her own stable of frequent male partners to take her charge’s virginity. From that night onward Lynn had guided the young brunette through mutual explorations of every kind of kinky fun with multiple partners of both sexes.

It had been a wonderful six years for Courtney Harris. She’d finished her master’s degree with honors and it had been through Lynn’s networking that she’d finally come back to Greenleaf to be a member of Doctor Kurt Norman’s most private of private practices.

And at this moment Courtney was once again doing what she loved best: pleasuring a delicious, desirable older woman with her hungry young mouth.

Courtney quietly opened a cabinet drawer at the base of the examination table, feeling around inside until her fingers closed around the smooth cool cylinder of her favorite instrument: a bullet-shaped chrome vibrator, Aunt Lynn’s graduation gift. She lifted her lips from her patient’s cunt and slid the vibrator into her mouth, warming its surface and lathing it with saliva as well as drops of Lucille’s own pussy dew.

“Please,” Lucille whispered hoarsely, “keep… keep going. I’m so close…”

“I need to probe deeper,” Courtney said softly, touching the tip of the vibrator to Lucille’s open pussy slit. “Tell me if you can feel this.”

Lucille moaned helplessly as several inches of the toy slid into her. Courtney raised her head and looked up between Lucille’s thighs to see the older woman’s breasts rising and falling gently, her eyes half-closed and mouth slack as she struggled, perhaps, for some last vestige of self-control.

*You’re just about to lose that fight, Mommy*, Courtney thought wickedly. She switched the vibrator on.

“*GODDAWWGHH..UHNH! OH! OH! OH!”* Lucille shrieked. Her hips jerked up off the cushion. Her reflex was to sit bolt upright at the shock of the sudden new sensation but her position in the stirrups prevented it. She could only buck and push back against the silver missile as Courtney worked it back and forth inside her pussy.

Courtney’s own lust flowered as she watched Lucille, who had let go her earlier two-handed grip on the table and was clutching and pulling desperately at her own hair breasts as she tossed her head back and forth. “Oh, you *do* feel that now, don’t you?” the young brunette teased. She slid her free hand past the waistband of her scrubs, fingers seeking the little nubbin of her own clit thrusting out just above her hairless pussy. Lucille was one of the very best ever. “You like it, huh?” she said, drilling further and further into Lucille with every stroke. “Yeah, I can see that you do. You love it, don’cha? You need it.”

“I-I-I-uh-uh – I do!” Lucille gasped. “Ooohhh, Christ! Aaawww!” She couldn’t see what Courtney was pushing in and out of her pussy but the feeling was indescribable. She was sure that Frank had never been this *hard*, and he certainly had never possessed a fraction of young Courtney’s understanding of what drove a woman crazy*. She is…she’s driving me mad. I’ll never be the same…oh please I don’t want ever to stop GOD! don’t let her stop I’ll do anything anything anything I want this FOREVER!*

Without warning, an intense orgasm shook Lucille and she wailed with passion. Courtney sped up the motion of the vibrator in and out of her patient’s pussy. Lucille howled as her joy crested.

“Guess what?” Courtney said gleefully. “That’s the *lowest* speed. Let’s kick it up a setting.” At the same moment that the vibration of the machine shifted into a stronger, pulsing rhythm Courtney plunged it further into Lucille than ever before, her small hand following it up, up into Lucille’s pussy channel.

“Aieeeeee!” Lucille screamed. Before her first orgasm subsided she soared toward another, then another, waves of pleasure cascading higher and higher.

All sense of time and place fled Lucille’s consciousness. She floated on an ocean of pure bliss. She didn’t have any idea how much time passed before she heard the sound of the examination room door opening and then closing again.

She did manage to sit up this time. Courtney was standing beside her at the head of the table, casually licking the vibrator clean. Doctor Norman locked the door behind him, then turned to face the two women. “There now, we shouldn’t be interrupted for a few hours,” he said.

He was naked, his erection jutting out before him like a club.

“I think she’s ready for you now, Doctor,” Courtney said, smirking.



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