Father’s forgiveness ( oral , masturbating) religion

Father’s forgivness (A chalice of hope)
Father had taken it upon himself to tutor Willow in the ways of being a true bride of christ, knowing he must keep her sinful lust in check. Father’s teachings had been firm but fair, he had shown her great mercy making sure Willow understood that she must show true repentance for her previous sinful acts. Father had shown her true kindness and joy by even taking her into the pulpit during his service. As Willow knelt hidden from sight behind the velvet curtain of the pulpit, father had told her that she must take the Lord into her body with out question and with vigorous rapture, but you must also show restrain child!
As she knelt under the lectin and waited for the father to spread the word to his flock , she felt the urges of sin start to raise from her sinful pussy. The heat started to raise from her and the fimilar tingle of lust started call to her!
“I must resist “ she thought as the throbbing grew greater in her holy sanctuary
Willow could now hear the people of the village entertaining and moving to there fimilar seats. She tried to hold her resolve,but her restrain was starting to fault. She could feel the roughness of her habit against her large erect nipples the material was course and harsh normally but now the roughness felt good against her bare skin. Since fathers teachings had begun she had found that certain area’s of her body had become more sensitive especially since she had taken to wearing her nipple clamps on daily basis, today was no exception. As her body sucom to her inner demons of lust Willow could feel her resolve begin to crumble. With the tingle of her sanctuary becoming like a burning like the pits of Hell the throbbing sensation consuming her every ragged breath.
As the sounds of the arriving people grew louder the resolve she had prayed hard for was cracking until she could not contain her sinful urges anymore, as she slid the bottom of her habit up exposing her sin. She could feel the wieght of the Bible above her head and from the gap in the red velvet curtains she could see the son God looking down on her from the cross knowing the full village was just gathering mere feet from her. She knew now that her resolve finally was gone.
As Willow reached between her legs she could feel the warmth radianting from her sanctuary of sinful desire. She knew what she was about to do was a truly an act of sin maybe enough to condemned her eternal soul forever to the darkest depth of Hell and even in the eye’s of Father. These were her last thoughts before she lost her self in the true pleasure of the flesh with one’s self.
As her finger parted the gates to her holy sanctuary a flood of pleasure swept through her body only matched by the flood of holy juices that flowed out of her covering her shameful fingers in slick sticky liquid, her wetness was devine. She could feel the light raise up into her consuming her full body only by biting hard on her own lip was she able to stifle her moan of pure joy and lust. Her fingers grew more furious in there pursuit of opening her up to God’s light as her fingers traced up to the top of her sanctuary above the flooded entrance she could feel the place of true divinity swollen and throbbing from her vigorous pursuit of heaven. But here she knew was the key to God’s gift of worldly pleasures! She began to circle round the mound of bliss gently rolling it between her soddin fingers her own holy water making slide easily between them as she applied more pressure she could feel her muscles begin to tense waiting for the release of rapture to was so very close. She covered her mouth with her free hand to best silence her pray of lust to the waiting flock . She close now to the light of God her fingers desperately trying to unlock his love within her, suddenly her eyes opened and the velvet curtain opened….
She could no longer see the saviour on the cross, but father face with a look of pure rage and disappointment, they sat eye’s looked tother for what felt like a life time in purgatory….
He spoke in a flat low tone only small hints of his anger only showing in the slightest way’s and so only Willow could hear
“This sin will not go unpunished child!”
His hands gripping firmly on the soft red velvet curtains, he realised his grip on them as Willow somewhere between fear and ecstasy staired into those dark eyes he reached by her head taking an ornamental chalice that would be used in the offering in today’s service placing it outside the curtain he then took a second less ornate chalice and placed in front of Willow
“for the sacrament” he said in the same low flat tone
As he stood Willow dared not take her eye’s from him, as she sat still trying to catch her breath from her earlier exuberance she looked down at the cup in front of her wondering what she was supposed to do. As she sat with a wetness of her own making Father began his service today surmin was to deal with sin of lust!
As always Father was very energetic as he talked about “the danger of the flesh “and “ how wicked women my divert us from God’s path”. He said for everyone to bow there heads and pray for forgivness for the act’s of lust they had committed, Willow closed her eyes and bowed her head as she must the prayer was short.
Forgive us father for we do not know what we do, when the devil place’s these objects of lust into or path, we are sometimes to weak to resist satan’s temptations. But we must take the Lord into us and with our own mouths pray for his forgivness. Amen”
As Willow raised her head tears stinging her eyes she saw father’s divine rod had been realised from his vestments at this moment Willow knew her only source of repentance would be to “take the Lord into her and with her own mouth pray for forgivness”
She could see that through fathers rod his anger at her had gathered, as it stood firm unmoving. In the darkness of her cover she could still make the redness at the tip of his strong relentless iron rod, at the very tip she could make out a dribble of divine light starting to flow out of his mighty rod and she knew that she had to take him into herself.
As Willow began to pray for her forgivness, father did not miss a word of his service, her mouth enveloped the red hot tip of his rod, she could taste a small amount of devinity but knew she would have to work hard to receive enough to cleanse her soul! Her mouth moved over the rod trying to draw fathers rage from it, her tongue lapped around the throbbing tip trying to Quench the heat from it her tongue and moth in a wordless prayer for God and Father’s forgivness. Thoe she tried to hold back her own lustful desires she was unable to help the reignited fire’s within her holy sanctuary, Willow’s hand moved as controlled by someone else it moved to the lock she had tried to open earlier it was still slick with her own holy water allowing her fingers to easily spread open her gates again and start to unlock her own kingdom. she moved the chalice under her holy sanctuary to not allow her holy waters spill anymore on the church floor . As she water’s ran into the chalice she could hear father getting more angry with his flock as his hands came thundering down onto the bible above Willow’s head as this happened father’s rod thrust deeper into Willow mouth causing her to lose her place in her prayer. Father’s voice grew louder and “bang”his rod thrust deeper “bang” deeper still at this moment Willow was final able open the lock on her kingdom, her body convulsed as her holy sanctuary opened fully allowing her water’s to flow freely into the waiting chalice her moans stifled by fathers rod. Then “bang”bang”bang” each bang Father thrust into her mouth, she knew his forgivness was close and would help wash away her sins. Her wordless prayer became more furious and verdant but she knew that fathers would be offering the sacrament soon. She took the chalice as she could feel father reaching the end of his service, she worked tirelessly to help him realise his holy light. As he reached the climax of his syrmond with one final “bang” he realised into her mouth Willow did not swallow his light instead allowing it flow from her mouth to the chalice. As father caught his breath after his string close he took the chalice from his pulpit raised above his head looking down to pray his eyes open as he blessed his wine and the mixture of his light and Willow’s holy waters. As he put it to his lips Willow mamiced him as he drank so did she tasting there divinity mixed together.

Willow waited in her hiding place until everyone had left she heard fathers fimilar footstep approach the pulpit as she started to move from her hiding place her eyes stung in the light she was smiling with a glee of God’s love in her heart but she turned to meet fathers eye’s she saw that she was not forgiven for her sinful acts of lust his hand reached quickly grabbing her hair.
“I think you will never learn, my office at midnight”
Willow fell to her knees in front of saviour as father walked away from her she prayed that father’s punishment would truly help save her soul…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/hv5d2v/fathers_forgiveness_oral_masturbating_religion

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