Jenny (2/2) [FM] [Party] [Oral] [Anal]

Jenny’s relationship with Pierce was never exactly healthy. Truth be told, Jenny was just in it for the sex. Pierce wasn’t exactly a wholesome lover, however, he definitely had his share of issues.

After a week of meeting in private Jenny thought it would be time to introduce him to her parents. Pierce was satisfied to see that Jenny lived in a wealthy home but was nervous nonetheless. Jenny felt the same, uneasy on how her parents would feel about her dating an older black man.

The plan was for Pierce to show up at Jenny’s house in the evening for dinner. Jenny would answer the door, introduce him, and he would feast with her and her parents.

The doorbell rang a few seconds after Pierce sent Jenny an arrival text. Jenny rushes down the stairs and toward the door to beat her dad, who was sitting in the living room closest to the door watching a movie. Jenny opened it to see Pierce smiling, wearing the same loose and baggy clothes he always wore.

“Hey dad,” Jenny called to the next room. “Come meet my boyfriend!”

Jenny opened the door to allow Pierce to enter the main room. It was raining outside so Pierce was a little soaked- he didn’t have an umbrella. “Don’t fuck this up,” Jenny whispered to him.

“I got this,” Pierce enthusiastically replied.


Jenny’s father had not left his chair. Because of his daughters second intrusion he paused the movie.

“What is it honey?” He called back.

“Meet my boyfriend,” Jenny responded, annoyed.

Jenny’s father only turned his head to the room Jenny and Pierce were in. He eyed them then turned back to the T.V.

“Looks nice, dear,” he said, grabbing the remote to resume the movie.

Jenny felt her heart sank, embarrassed. Her eyes darted to Pierce, then back to her father again. She opened her mouth to argue but at that moment her mother came strolling into the room.

“Hey dear, is this your boyfriend?” She asked Jenny, eyeing Pierce with a distasteful expression.

Jenny let out a sigh of relief, just being happy someone is acknowledging him. “Yes,” she responded. “This is Pierce.”

“How old are you, Pierce?” Jenny’s mother asked, grabbing her umbrella.

“I’m 20,” Pierce responded. Jenny had placed a hand on his chest as if to stop him but she was too late. Jenny’s mother shot Jenny a suspicious glare.

“Is that so?” She mumbled.

“Mom, can we-“

“Your father and I have a dinner reservation,” Jenny’s mom raised her voice. “We’re living, Jim,” she called into the living room.

“Fine,” Jenny’s dad answered, getting out of his chair.

Jenny tried to speak again but was interrupted by her mom.

“We’ll be back in about two hours, we’ll talk about this then. Without him here.”

Jenny rolled her eyes, moving aside so her mom and dad could reach the door. Her dad walked outside without searching for an umbrella and made his way to his car. Jenny’s mother grabbed the door, about to leave.

“You send him home, have dinner here, or do god knows what else. I’m done.”

Jenny’s mom slammed the front door, leaving Jenny and Pierce standing in the main room alone. Pierce awkwardly stood by as Jenny’s face grew red from anger. Jenny screamed and marched up her stairs to her bedroom.

Jenny jumped on her bed to cry as the rain trickled against her windows. The room was dark and only slightly illuminated by the lights outside. Her face buried into her pillow to muffle the sound and hide her tears as she always had done. After several seconds her door opened.

“So are you kicking me out or?” Pierce asked, standing in the doorway.

“No,” Jenny yelled at him, lifting her face from the pillow just for a second.

Pierce sauntered to her bed, sitting on the end. He watched the rain fall as Jenny cried.

“How do you feel?” He asked, unsure how to comfort her.

“How do I feel? How do I fucking feel?” Jenny yelled again, this time sitting up.

“What the hell am I supposed to do?” Pierce barked back at her. “You didn’t tell me about this shit!”

“Well I have problems, okay? I didn’t think you’d need an application!”

“How could you not tell me they’d be upset? What are you hiding?”

Instead of arguing back, Jenny stared out of the window, still crying.

“You don’t understand,” she whispered.

Pierce didn’t understand a young girl’s emotions like Jenny. He looked for a retort but stopped to sigh. Pierce thought he could use Jenny’s sudden change in direction to avert the mood.

“I think this will help,” Pierce said to her. Jenny looked at him, unsure what he meant. Pierce dropped his shorts and pulled out his fat dick.

“What the fuck? Why would I want that now?” Jenny yelled, watching him stroke himself. “What part of upset don’t you see about me?”

“You better shut the fuck up and take it before I force you,” Pierce said, still stroking himself.

“Are you threatening to *rape* me right now?” Jenny asked tearfully. “You are such an asshole.”

“I don’t know how to cheer you up and you’re being difficult.”

“So this is the solution then? You fucking idiot!”

“I’m not arguing anymore,” Pierce yelled. He stepped forward, grabbing Jenny’s head. Jenny tried to let herself loose, but he was too strong. Her heart hammered in her chest of fear.

Pierce forced his dick into Jenny’s mouth. He let out a moan of relief, feeling her tongue and hot saliva engulf his tip. Jenny only cried and hummed loudly. Pierce shoved his cock in and out of her, slowly getting in inch by inch.

“Remember what we practice,” he grunted, trying to get her to take more in. “You said you wanted to suck dick like a pro.”

Just then, Jenny got an idea.

Jenny used her teeth to lightly bite down on Pierce’s cock. She got an immediate reaction out of him as he snarled in pain, jerking his cock out of her. He grabbed his dick, inspecting the area where Jenny bit down, not seeing a mark.

“You’re fucking crazy,” Pierce yelled at her.

“I didn’t want it,” Jenny yelled back.

Pierce walked forward and slapped her hard across the face. Jenny fell backwards into the bed without a word protruding from her lips.

“We’re done, your parents don’t have to worry,” Pierce said, pulling his shorts back up. “You were just a whore to me anyways.”

He stomped out of her bedroom, leaving her door open. Jenny crawled time look out of her bedroom. She watched as he got in his car and drove off.

All at the same time Jenny unconsciously held her left palm over her left cheek, the side of her face Pierce slapped. She hadn’t stopped crying and the burning from the friction made it worse. Jenny got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror.

Jenny’s eyes glistened before her. Her beautiful blond hair rested on her shoulders as if everything was fine. Jenny’s face was red from the crying and yelling but half of her face was a darker hue of the color. Her fingers shook sporadically as she inspected herself.

Jenny had fallen from the illusion that she was beautiful many, many moths ago. Now, however, she thought she was ugly physically too. She took her shirt off and stared at her reflection for a few minutes.

The shower nozzle hissed as Jenny prepared to wash her feelings away. The water shot against the floor and she stepped in. Jenny was her her hair, her body and grabbed her razor to shave.

*Maybe you should cut yourself like a dramatic bitch would,* Jenny thought to herself. *You’d match the bill perfectly.*

Jenny nervously lifted the razor to her thigh, but ultimately couldn’t bring herself to do anything. She held it there for several seconds then just sat it back where she kept it.

Jenny wasn’t happy with who she was but she just didn’t see fit to be rash.

Once she was cleaned up she stared at her reflection again before deciding to go to sleep. Jenny closed her bedroom door, locked it, then jumped into her bed naked. She texted her mom.

“No talk needed, we broke up.”

A few seconds after, Jenny’s mom texted back.

“Good. Love you.”

Jenny was emotionally hurt for several weeks after this event. She was a lot more quiet than usual and only socialized with her close friends. After explaining what happened to Mallory she came over and had a girls night. Despite her suspicious actions Jenny had a pretty rewarding group of friends.

Pierce would proceed to send Jenny a dic pic every few weeks for the next two months. This was his way at attempting to get Jenny back, he was never good with words. Jenny would leave him on read but would send the picture to her friends.

“I don’t need a souvenir, thanks,” Mallory responded to her.

“Asshole or not he still has a big dick,” Jenny assured her.

“Jenny he was going to rape you.”


Jenny would still have hookups but this was at a steady decline. Instead of seeing a guy every 3-4 days she would sleep with someone every two weeks. She would usually find someone on snapchat or use the same guy again. Her friends would express their concern but Jenny didn’t care. Jenny found that her way of coping with her image of truly was by guys expressing their lust for her.

Several months passed and Jenny found herself at a graduation party hosted by another rich kid in her graduation class. The party was to kick off the start of the summer before senior year. Jenny stayed with Mallory and their friend group, careful to avoid any weird situations.

It was in a very similar environment to Annalise’s party so many months ago. The lights were out, music was booming and plenty of people were there to dance or chat. The house was owned by Robert, a member of the football team. Robert’s dad was a cop so he was able to use this as an advantage to avoid the party being shut down.

“How much are you drinking?” Laura asked Jenny during their fifth trip to the kitchen for drinks.

“I don’t want to remember this shit,” Jenny answered, pouring herself more vodka. “Loosen up.”

“Just be at least a little careful,” Laura laughed at her. “I get wanting to have fun but you gotta live to next week for our girl’s night at Mallory’s.”

“I don’t need everyone worrying about me,” Jenny said, closing the vodka and picking up her cup. “I’ll be fine, I promise.”

Laura watched her drink from her cup, not wanting to argue.

“Hey bitches,” Mallory approached them, drunk. “What are you *doing*? We’re in the other room!”

“We’re coming Mallory,” Laura said, taking her hand. “Come on, Jenny.”

Laura walked ahead and left Jenny to catch up.

“Hey,” a masculine voice called to Jenny.

Jenny looked around her, searching for the voice.

“You’re Jenny, right?” A man stepped up to her. It was Robert.

“What do you want?” Jenny asked him, slurring.

“I’ll get to the point, you want to fuck tonight or not?” Robert said to her ear. “Word gets around you like sucking dick.”

Jenny took a step back and laugh at him.

“Do I look like a prostitute to you?”

Robert squeezed her ass then turned around to leave. Jenny jumped from shock.

“I’ll leave you until 2:00am to decide, party is over then. Seeya.”

Jenny watched him walk away, seeing some other football players grab his shoulders and walk him into another room. She originally was disgusted by his straightforwardness but was kind of turned on by his sudden gesture.

Jenny shook the feeling off and went to look for her friends. Once she found them they continued to party and have fun for the next few hours.

The lights came on when the clock struck 2:00am. As if someone was eyeing the clock, the music also stopped. It was a given that it was time to leave. By this time, Jenny and her friends had sobered up slightly. Everyone had their own DD’s for getting back home.

The house was almost emptied in ten minutes. Cars went up and down the street looking for their drunk partners. Jenny was to go home with Mallory but truthfully couldn’t shake Robert’s invitation out of her head. She hadn’t gotten to fuck around with a football player.

“You ready?” Mallory asked her, seeing Matt’s truck.

“Actually, I,” Jenny stuttered. “My mom is coming to get me, she’s nervous.”

Mallory gave her a disappointed look. “That’s weird, but okay,” she sighed, giving her a hug. “See you soon, be safe.”

Jenny waved as she watched her friend walk away from the house. She made sure Mallory was in Matt’s truck and they had driven off before she walked back inside.

Inside the main room of the house she found no one, just a messy floor. Confused, Jenny walked through the different rooms downstairs to look for a Robert. After a few minutes she heard a laugh from upstairs.

Jenny didn’t exactly know if what she was doing was the right decision by Robert’s dominance from earlier intrigued her. She found her way back to the staircase and walked to the second floor. After looking around she found a bedroom with the door wide open. Robert stood inside the room and looked out of the doorway, spotting her.

“She’s here, boys,” he announced to the room. Jenny heard two or three more guys clap inside. Her heart suddenly grew nervous.

“What are you playing at?” Jenny asked him.

Robert laughed, stepping out into the hallway to laugh at her. “Chill out, just come smoke weed with us.” He pulled a bag out of his pocket, holding it to her.

Jenny looked at him, then back at the bag again, then took it out of his hands. *He knows*, she thought to herself. Robert put a hand on her waist and led her into the bedroom.

Inside of the bedroom was a king sized bed with four other guys apart from Robert. They were all muscular men, obviously football players. They sat in chairs and on the bed drinking beer and smoking cigarettes. To say they looked like wasted douchebags was an understatement.

The guys cheered as Jenny entered the room and awkwardly sat on the bed away from the guys. Robert took a seat in his bean bag chair away from the bed. Jenny stared at them silently.

“We’re not gonna gang rape you,” Robert laughed. The guys snickered at her, scrolling through their phones.

“I think I want to leave,” Jenny mumbled nervously.

Robert leaned forward, looking her in the eye.

“Look, I get it, we’re intimidating,” he smirked. “Just smoke with us, I’ll promise you’ll feel better.”

The guys looked at her desperately. Jenny turned back to Robert who was nodding his head.

After an hour Jenny was blazed. She had gotten comfortable with the group of guys talking about the party. Other than Robert there was a black guy named Derick, two white guys named Todd and Eli and a Mexican named Angel. They all were loose clothes because of the party and Angel said topless. Jenny would find herself admiring his abs every few minutes.

“So like I was saying,” Robert said to Jenny, “word gets around. Rumors have been flying you have a lot of partners.”

The other guys laughed. Derick spoke. “Just how many guys have you slept with?”

Jenny wasn’t embarrassed by the question but looked at it as an opportunity to show off.

“Nine,” she said softly, grinning.

“Impressive,” Robert laughed. He suddenly changed his expression, getting closer to Jenny. “You want to make that fourteen tonight?”

Robert was now sitting next to Jenny with his hand on her thigh. He was whispering in her ear and the boys were listening in closely.

“I don’t know,” Jenny mumbled. She did not move to stop Robert as he moved his hand over her crotch.

Robert kissed her neck, lightly biting it. He knew exactly how to seduce Jenny and she hated him for it. Jenny let out a moan as he continued to tease her.

“What’s your condition?” Robert said, biting her ear. “We’ll make you comfortable.”

Jenny let him now rub her crotch against her pants with his hand. She turned her head to Robert and time froze. Robert leaned in and she followed, bringing her lips to his. Robert softly bit at her lip and she slipped her tongue between his lips. She pulled away after two minutes.

“No pictures, no videos, no phones at all.”

“You heard her boys,” Robert said, tossing his phone across the room. He stood up and took his shirt off. The guys placed the phone on the floor.

Robert stood in front of Jenny and unbuckled his pants. As the guys removed their shirts, Robert pulled his bottoms off and his erect cock jumped out just inches from Jenny’s face. It was about seven inches along, untrimmed.

Jenny smirked and licked her lips. She didn’t know if it was the weed or the alcohol but she wanted Robert’s dick. It was even more exciting that there were more guys in the room.

“I don’t like to waste time,” Robert said. He grabbed the back of Jenny’s head and stepped forward, pushing his dick between her lips. Jenny accepted it, opening up to lick and slobber all over his length. As she began her work the other guys gathered around also pant less.

“Told you shes a whore,” Robert proudly stared as Jenny bobbed up and down on his dick.

“She’s a fucking pro,” Derrick watched, stroking himself.

“Take turns,” Eli said.

They watched Jenny suck Robert’s dick for a few minutes before he pulled out. Jenny was a little confused but understood after seeing Derrick walk up, his eight inch dick greeting her.

“I’m fucking crazy,” Jenny muttered to herself. Derrick heard her and slid his dick down her throat. He let out a moan of relief as he felt the tip hit the back of Jenny’s throat.

This pattern went on until everyone had been sucked off by Jenny. Every guy got a few minutes in her mouth. While Jenny was on her last customer, Angel, Robert jumped on the bed behind her. She could feel Angel’s grip tightening on her head as Robert jerked her pants off.

“What are you doing?” Jenny said, spitting Angel’s dick out.

“You couldn’t expect me to not play with this,” Robert said, smacking her ass. “You even wore a thong.”

The guys laughed at her and Derrick walked around to see. Angel shoved his dick back into Jenny.

Jenny wasn’t completely against the idea of them fucking her, she was just nervous. She was currently being gang banged by football players, which was pretty hot.

As she continued bobbing on Angel’s dick Robert pulled her thong down her thighs. The cold air blew against Jenny’s soaking pussy. Robert leaned forward and breathed his hot breath on it, knowing it would drive Jenny insane.

Angel pulled his dick out of her to see the view behind her. She was allowed a moment to breath as three of the guys inspected her ass, lying on her belly.

“Don’t leave me, I’m hungry for more,” Jenny teased, trying to sound brave.

Eli walked up to her and pushed his dick between her lips. “Shut up you fucking slut,” he said to her.

“She’s got a fat asshole too,” Robert said, pushing his thumb against her back door Jenny moaned, mouth full of Eli’s dick.

Suddenly she felt a cold liquid rush down her ass cheeks and crack. Jenny was confused at first but then realized it must be lubricant.

“This will help,” Derick said, tossing a bottle aside.

Jenny could feel Robert and Angel’s hands squeezing and rubbing her ass cheeks, spreading the lube. While they did this Todd walked up next to Eli.

“We gonna do this?” He said to Eli.

Jenny wasn’t sure he meant, but she could tell Eli knew.

“Hell yeah,” Eli mischievously grinned.

Surprisingly, Eli pulled open Jenny’s top lip with his finger and stepped aside, his dick swimming in Jenny’s left cheek. Todd moves forward and slid his dick inside, taking up the right. Jenny had two dicks in her mouth.

Before she could completely react she felt something else that was knew. Robert was rubbing the tip of his cock against Jenny’s butthole. She couldn’t speak to approve or disapprove of this because her mouth was stuffed. She bobbed up and down, slurping on Eli and Todd’s dicks like two popsicles. Her mouth was held wide open as she couldn’t possibly keep it closed.

Then, she felt it. Robert pushed the tip of his dick into her butt. She gripped the edge of the bed, not being able to react much. Robert’s cock slowly slid further inside of her ass.

Eli and Todd couldn’t last much longer. Disappointingly, giving into the heat of the situation, they both came in Jenny’s throat.

“Already?” Derick laughed at them.

“Yeah, shit,” Eli groaned, stepping back to grab his shorts. Todd located his soon after.

“We’re gonna head to sleep Robert,” Eli said, walking out of the room. Jenny used these few seconds to breathe.

“Alright pussies,” Robert called to them, now gently fucking Jenny’s ass.

Derick and Angel saw the opportunity to take their spots instead of jerking off. They made their way to the spots Eli and Todd were in and stood waiting for Jenny.

“Let me take a break,” Jenny gasped for air.

Derick only chucked. “That’s funny,” he said.

Jenny looked up at him and Derick shoved his dick into her mouth. He grabbed Jenny’s head and skull fucked her.

“You’ll find I don’t cum in a few seconds,” he yelled. Angel and Robert laughed. As if to accommodate the mood, Robert slightly increased his speed. Jenny felt his length thrust in and out of her colon.

Jenny didn’t dislike this, in fact, she grew more wet because of it. Somehow she liked that she was being used like this.

Derick skull fucked Jenny for ten minutes until he was ready to cum. Angel had been jerking off watching. She could feel him slow down as his hot seed swelled out of his cock and down her throat. She choked on it for a few seconds before she could swallow.

Derick stepped back once he was emptied and walked out with his clothes without saying anything. Jenny collapsed forward, exhausted while Robert still pumped her ass.

Angel stepped directly in front of her and blew his load all over her face. All Jenny could do to encourage him was stick out her tongue. She watched as Angel milked himself dry, spilling a few drops of cum on the bed or in Jenny’s hair. Once he was done he grabbed his pants.

“All yours,” Angel called to Robert. He left the room, closing the door behind him.

Robert now clapped Jenny’s cheeks against him, fucking her doggy style.

“You’re such a whore,” he moaned, his balls slapping against her. “You like me fucking your ass?”

“Cum in it,” Jenny moaned, now crying.

Robert spanked her, hastening his speed. Jenny buried her face into the bedsheets. Her asshole tightened around Robert’s dick.

“You are so fucking sexy,” he groaned, nearing his limit. “It stretches with my girth like it’s trained for it!”

He was more rough. His dick pounded in and out of her over and over again, ruining her butthole. Once he was finally ready, he held his length inside of her. Jenny could feel his seed enter and swim around in her large intestine.

“Fuck!” Robert yelled, erupting inside of her. He pulled out as he did this, spraying some cum on her ass cheeks as well. He painted himself all over her until he was finally empty.

Jenny collapsed forward. The cum from Angel’s cock on her face was nearly gone. Jenny had been removing it with her fingers and shoving her face into the sheets.

Robert grabbed her waist and pulled her back toward him. The alcohol seemingly made him forget about Angel’s expulsion from earlier and kissed Jenny’s lips, making out with her. She let him do this for a few minutes until he finally stopped and pulled her close to him, spooning her. Shortly, they both fell asleep from exhaustion.

Jenny woke up at noon the next day. Robert was still asleep, having let go of her sometime in their sleep. She very quietly grabbed her clothes and awkwardly stumbled out of the room and down the stairs, not walking very well. She very sneakily opened the front door and closed it behind her once she was outside.

Jenny called her mom to come pick her up and she was there in five minutes.

“You smell funny,” Jenny’s mom said as they drove away from the house.

“It was a party, *mom*,” Jenny responded, staring out of the window.

“Just take a shower.”

“I was going to.”


**Thanks for reading. I understand the opinions on this story may be very half and half. Jenny’s story is more serious, but it makes sense in explanation for why she feels the way that she does and I hope that my readers will understand that bearing in mind how I like to toy with emotion in my literature. I will never have a character just decide they want to do slutty things because it just doesn’t make sense.**

*Other than that, I hope you enjoyed it! This series will be put to rest and I might write one or two single part stories before arriving on my next series. I might come back to this series later or not, we’ll just have to wait and see. I’ve personally grown more attached to Mallory, Jenny, Connor and Matt, so like I just said, we’ll see.*

**Thanks again!**
