Six Shots: Betrayal (part six of series)

[Six Shots: The Dream (part five of series)](

Alex was kneeling next to me, his lips pressed to mine as I opened my eyes sleepily. I smiled at him and he returned the smile for a moment. Then he looked up and I followed his gaze, Bella was standing behind the couch. Dread churned in my stomach as I sat up, my towel had fallen off of me at some point during the night and Phil had his arm wrapped around my bare tits and his dick was hard, resting on top of my thigh.

Phil was snoring and Alex put his finger to his lips, a shushing motion as he gently moved Phil’s arm off of me, placing a pillow in my spot as he pulled me up from the couch. My husband leaned down to my ear and whispered to me, “I told her about last night, she’s not mad, she understands. Just go with her and do whatever she says to make it up to her.”

I looked to Alex, he was smiling gleefully, his eyes fixed on Bella. Was he sharing me again? I looked to Bella and she didn’t look happy at all. Was he sharing me with someone who wanted to hurt me? Was he excited about her wanting to hurt me?

Bella handed me a short trench coat and told me to put it on. I started to go over to my luggage to fish out clothes to wear with it and Bella smacked my hand, “Just the coat,” she whispered to me, being careful not to wake Phil.

My hand trembled but I put it on, it fell to about mid-thigh and fastened snugly around me. Bella took my hand and led me out of the hotel room and down the hall.

“Who’s with the kids?” I asked as I tried to keep pace with her without exposing myself under the coat.

She looked back to me and scowled, “I didn’t say you could talk.”

Bella took me on the elevator, we went up two floors, and I became uneasy, pulling my hand from Bella’s grip as we exited the elevator, “Stop. Tell me what’s going on.”

She stood with her arms on her hips, tapping her foot impatiently, “You fucked my husband. I think the least you can do is quietly follow me until we get to where we’re going, and then you can ask questions.”

“I didn’t plan to…” I protested.

She stepped closer to me and glared, “But you did, and I know you did. Come on, it’s just down the hall,” she reached her hand out to me and I begrudgingly took it.

She led me down a narrow hall and used a key card on the last door on the right. Bella pulled me into the room behind her and latched the door at the top. Her expression softened as she looked at me. She stepped towards me and I stepped back. I was kind of afraid of her.

She smiled, much more genuinely, much more sweetly, patronizing, she was patronizing me, and motioned for me to continue into the next room. I took small steps, but continued just ahead of her.

The room was bright, but sparse. It held a single twin sized bed in the center of the room, a bureau, and a camera on a tripod. Bella ushered me over to the bed, but I stayed where I was, next to the exit, “I want to know what you’re going to do…”

She pointed the camera, it was aimed at the bed, “I’m just going to photograph you. I’m not going to hurt you. Look, I haven’t loved him in years. I’m not mad…okay, I’m a little mad, but I’m not ‘gonna kill you’ mad. Just, do this for me and I’ll forget you spent last night fucking my husband.”

“What are you going to do with them?” I asked

She sighed, “I didn’t want to do it this way, but…I’m planning on divorcing Phil and I want something that will make him not fight anything I want in the divorce. Ruining your career as a school teacher by posting pornographic photos of you is what I came up with.”

“Why didn’t you just take pictures of us sleeping together on the couch?” I asked.

“Because he’s a teacher too and I don’t want to ruin him, just you,” she said.

I moved over to the bed and wiped the tears on my cheeks away, “What do you want me to do?”

She smiled, that same condescending smile, and grabbed a bag near the foot of the bed, “Change into this, but put the coat back on over it. Put some makeup on, nothing too whorish, keep it light and simple and fix your hair then come back out.”

I took the bag from her and went into the bathroom. This room had to be under construction or something. It wasn’t supplied like our room, and everything seemed just a little bit off from a room they would rent out. I opened the bag and pulled out a black lace bra and panty set, a jersey from some sports thing, a set of handcuffs, and a blindfold. My heart sank a little, but I dressed as I was told. I used the makeup and hair products in the bottom of the bag to fix myself up like she’d asked me to.

I carried the blindfold and handcuffs back into the room with me, she looked over at me and smirked, “Well done. Give me the blindfold and get on the bed. Just put the cuffs down for now.”

I put them on the edge of the bed before I climbed on it. She came over to me and her anger seemed a bit softer, “I’m not going to use this to hurt you unless I absolutely have to, so try to relax,” she tied the blindfold around my eyes and tugged on my hair, “What makes you so special, I wonder.”

She pushed me down and I caught myself on the edge of the bed as she spoke to me, “Kneel on the bed and unfasten the jacket. Pull it partially off your shoulders and push your chest out.”

I complied as she instructed me to pull the jacket partially off, then completely off, to lift the jersey, to partially pull the jersey up, to slowly pull it off and to toss it off the bed. She instructed me to crawl to the edge of the bed with my breasts pushed out, to bite my lower lip, to slide my hands over my bra and stomach, over my hips, and along my neck. I obeyed each and every time.

Then she had me take the bra off, and then to remove my underwear and sit on the edge of the bed with my legs spread and my chest pushed out. Then I felt a weight on the bed and turned towards it, somewhat nervous, somewhat scared.

“I see why Phil likes you,” she whispered to me as her hand trailed over my shoulder. I heard the camera still clicking and turned my attention back to it.

She ran her hand over my stomach and down between my legs. I protested, pulled away and grabbed her wrist to stop her.

She kissed my neck and cupped my breast, lightly trailing her fingertips over my nipple and up along my neck.

“Stop, please?” I asked her as I turned my head towards her.

“No,” she said. Her fingers pushed into me and I tried to pull away but she grabbed my thigh and pulled me further onto the bed, “It’s not like you haven’t been through this before, Jess.”

I gasped and tears were wetting the blindfold she had around my eyes as she forcefully stuck multiple fingers inside of me, “Bella, stop, please?” I pleaded and she had four fingers in me with her thumb rubbing my clit.

“You took my husband’s cock alright, you can handle my fist,” she said.

I pulled back and she put her hand on my throat holding me down to the bed. Her fingers pulled out of me and I felt her knuckles at my entrance as she pushed at me. I cried out and tried to close my legs, “Stop! It hurts, please stop?” I begged her tearfully.

She grabbed my thigh and my hair and pulled me until I was laying across the width of the bed. Her fist resumed pushing at my cunt and I cringed and cried as I tried to pull away from her. She smacked my clit hard and I closed my legs and cried out, “Stay still or I’ll make it hurt more. Now spread your legs like the fucking whore you are.”

The camera shuttered as she tried to push her fist into me without the benefit of me either being wet or lubed. I was crying and screamed as I felt a painful tear and what I assumed to be blood dripping down me. She stopped with that. I don’t know if that was her goal or if it scared her, but she stopped.

I had my hands up over my face, covering it as I cried and the camera continued shuttering, undoubtedly getting clear shots of the blood dripping down my cunt and smearing onto my thigh as I moved.

She grabbed my hair and pulled hard, pulling me up to a kneeling position on the bed and stretching my neck back as the camera continued to snap every few seconds.

I reached back to her and she pulled harder, causing me to cry out and gasp. The blindfold was wet with my tears, she pulled it off of me and I blinked, my eyes were red and it was brighter in the room than I thought it had been, I held my hand up to block the light and she grabbed my jaw, turning me to look at her, “You’re really pretty when you cry.”

She licked my cheek, and pushed her fingers back down between my legs. I just froze. She shoved four fingers back into me and I held my breath, afraid she was going to try to maneuver her hand into me if she couldn’t get her closed fist in. She kept coming back out of my cunt and gathering the blood from my thigh, using it to lubricate her fingers as she roughly thrust back into me. I just knelt there and cried.

She practically purred in my ear as she coated my clit in my own blood, “I’m not supposed to tell you this, but I’ve been fucking your husband for years. You are a meek little nothing to him. Just a pretty whore that catches the eye of people he wants to impress. It’s why he doesn’t want to have kids with you, it would ruin your body and then he just wouldn’t have a use for you anymore. He’s been slipping birth control to you every morning without you knowing it. He doesn’t love you, you’re just the whore he pimps out.”

Bella let go of me and I sat on the bed. Her words rang true to me and they were what I’d thought for a while. She grabbed her purse and retrieved a large vibrator. She walked back over to me and turned it on, “Just last night your Alex fucked me with this and when he was done, I rammed it down his throat until he gagged, then he begged me to let him suck his own cum from my ass.”

I was numb. I stared blankly at the camera, a few tears streaked down my cheeks, but I wasn’t sobbing or crying really, they were just there.

She touched the vibrator to my lips and it snapped me back into the room. I I closed my lips and turned my head away from her. Her fingers pinched my clit hard, all I could do was wince and try to pull away, she shoved the vibrator in my mouth as I was distracted by the pain and she lifted my chin so that she could slide it to the back of my throat with ease. She had a firm grip on it and laughed as its thickness bulged in my throat and the camera snapped a couple of images of me gagging on it and of her pulling it from my mouth covered in thick strings of saliva as I coughed and gagged.

She put the wet vibrator in my hand, “Fuck yourself with this and I won’t make Phil stop seeing his kids unless he cuts you off completely,” she said as she started undressing herself.

I was still silently crying and gagging slightly on the rubber taste and forceful deep throating, but I still obeyed her, partially out of fear, partially out of guilt.

It hurt, but it was at least wet with my own spit. I tore myself a little more getting it in me and blood streaked the silicone as I looked her in the eye. Why was she being so cruel to me? She said she didn’t even love Phil anymore and wanted to divorce him.

I mindlessly pushed the vibrator in and out of me, feeling pretty much nothing but tinges of pain as it held the torn skin spread apart. My thoughts came back around to what she’d said, she’s been fucking Alex for years. That’s what this is. She stopped fucking Phil but he didn’t stop fucking me. She’s in love with my husband.

Bella noticed that I wasn’t exactly present and it irritated her.

She groaned and took the vibrator from me, holding my thigh as she turned up the speed. I tried to close my thighs and and she glared and pulled the vibrator against the torn skin, making it burn and bleed more. I opened my legs back up and she pushed me back onto the bed before climbing over me. Her knees were on either side of my head. She was naked and she pushed her pussy down to my face as she thrust the vibrator hard and deep. I screamed a little, but it was muffled by her cunt as she pushed her hips down tightly to my face, she was positively dripping wet over this.

She continued roughly fucking me with the vibrator, hitting my cervix repeatedly and tearing me a little more as I practically suffocated under her cunt.

Bella lifted from me and I took a deep, gasping breath.

She pulled the vibrator from me and spread my pussy lips as the camera clicked. I glistened with a mixture of my own saliva from the vibrator and blood, but it was mostly blood. She knelt over me again and held the head of the vibrator to my clit as she looked back at me, “Get your husband’s cum out of my cunt, Jessica, there’s a nice fresh load from this morning.”

I writhed as Bella pushed the vibrator harder against my clit. I hurt a lot, I was already sore from fucking Phil so much, but now she’d actually ripped me in a few places from being so rough. She eased up on rubbing my clit with the bloody vibrator when she felt my tongue penetrate her pussy lips. Then she eased up a bit more when the tip of my tongue flicked in a quick circle over her clit. She seemed to be surprised by it, so I continued by gently closing my lips around her clit and bringing my hands up to spread her pussy for me. S

he actually had a nice cunt. It was a dark pinkish tan color, and her clit was already swollen from her abuse of me. I leaned up and plunged my tongue into her hole again and she tensed up and started to pull away, but I grabbed her thigh and held her down so that I could get my lips on her opening, placing soft kisses from the entrance of her cunt, up to her clit, then very lightly let my tongue dance all around it again.

She moaned and put the vibrator down, but ran her fingertips over my clit, spreading my blood onto her fingers more than it had been. I opened my legs to her and coated her clit in my saliva before I very gently began rubbing my fingers in tight little circles as I plunged my tongue in and out of her, dipping and curving it along her inner walls.

She spread her legs further apart and lowered her hips to me a bit more, a whispered, “Fuck,” escaped her and I smirked.

“Lay down and I can do this better, Bella,” I cooed between soft licks and gentle rubbing.

She climbed off of me and sat at the edge of the bed as she opened her legs to me. I smiled at her, sweetly, without being patronizing about it, and climbed off the bed, kneeling in front of her. She leaned back on her hands and tipped her head back. I did as she asked and thoroughly cleaned my husband’s cum from her cunt.

My fingers quickly, and wetly, rubbing her clit as my tongue pushed as deeply into her as I could finally brought her to orgasm, her pussy clenched my tongue gently as I felt the tremors cascade through her stomach and down into her legs. I pulled my tongue free of her and pushed my fingers in her clenching pussy, I moved quickly, rubbing against the sensitive upper wall with as much pressure as I could manage. Her hips lifted and she whined as they bucked, her orgasm intensified by my fingers rubbing her g-spot.

I looked up at her, her creamy fluids still glistened on my lips and chin as I leaned up and kissed her, my tongue danced the same dance with her tongue as it had with her clit. She moaned and then she pushed me away from her and slapped me, hard, leaving a bloody trail on my cheek.

I fell to the ground and winced, my hand went up to rub my cheek as I looked at her. She was absolutely seething.

“Did you hear what I said? I fucked your husband,” she taunted me.

I nodded, “And I fucked yours. Your husband loves me just as much as I love him, though. I know you love Alex considering you just raped me to get back at me because he still wants to fuck me, but does he love you the same way you love him? I know you stopped fucking Phil for him…Did he say no to you when you asked him to stop fucking me, too, or did he just not tell you we were still fucking until tonight? Because before he left last night, Alex fucked me, then Phil fucked me, then they fucked me together.”

She drew her hand back to hit me again and I brought my hand up to block my face when I heard a deep voice come from the doorway, “That’s enough.”
