Thanks, Dad! (Part two) [Mf] [Fatherly] [Genital Inspection] [Adoptive Daughter]

My initial plan was scrapped. Try as I might, I couldn’t bring myself to drug Sophie and Ella in order to strip El down to have my way with her. I felt bad enough sneaking around to get a glimpse of Soph bringing Ella to the most beautiful orgasms. Adding rapist to the list of shitty dad and disgusting pervert was just too much. So I suffered weeks of El in tight tops without a bra and tiny shorts that outlined her ass and pussy, resorting to long showers and retrieving El’s panties from the wash to sniff and rub my cock with.

I was blessed with a fresh pair as she came by while I was gathering laundry. She literally stopped me as I was walking out, “Wait, I just went for a run and wanted to change, can you wash these for me too, dad?” she asked. I nodded and waited outside of her room so she could change and she came out in a new outfit, throwing the soiled ones in the wash then kissed my cheek, “Thanks, Dad, you’re the best!”

I did the laundry, but that soft pink thong was soaked in her juices and sweat and I held onto it until it was stiff with my saliva and cum. I washed it and returned it with the rest of the laundry from that load and began to do laundry more than once a week, hoping to catch another pair of fresh from her pussy panties.

One morning I went in to wake the girls for breakfast and found them both naked and sound asleep in Sophie’s bed. Ella’s perfectly round ass was tilted up and I could see her pussy glistening as her leg was wrapped over my daughter’s leg. Ella had her fingers in Soph and I smiled. As much as I wanted to toy with her slippery pussy, I restrained myself. Ella’s fingers moved in Sophie slightly as she started to wake up.

I quietly went knelt down beside her and gently rubbed her shoulder, “Ella, I need to talk to you,” I whispered.

She smiled as she heard my voice. She started waking up more and pulled her fingers from Sophie’s cunt as she turned over and looked at me, “Dad?” she asked.

I nodded, “Put some clothes on and don’t wake Sophie,” I said softly.

Her eyes shot open and she looked at me, her cheeks flushed red as she realized she wasn’t wearing any clothes and both her and Soph were completely exposed to me. I was trying to look stern but I honestly just wanted to kiss her and tell her it was going to be okay. “I’m going to wait outside while you get dressed, so try to hurry before Sophie wakes up, okay?”

She nodded, her eyes were glossed over with the moisture of impending tears.

I went outside their room and she emerged shortly later in a pair of jean shorts and a tank top without a bra on underneath. Her breasts pushed against the fabric and I tried not to stare as I took her by the hand and led her down the hallway and into my bedroom. I locked the door behind us and turned to look at her. Her hand was trembling.

I felt guilty about what I wanted to get from her out of this and changed my mind. Instead, turning to dad mode, protecting her and reassuring her.

“You’re not in trouble, El,” I said softly as I wiped the first tear from her cheek, “I just want to know if you’re being safe. Will you let me ask you a few questions?” I asked.

She nodded, tears were freely flowing down her cheeks and I wanted to hug her. I felt disgusting knowing I’d brought her in here with the intention of using her fucking my daughter as leverage to get her to fuck me. Now, I just wanted her safe, especially from myself.

“Have either of you been tested for STIs before you started messing around?” I asked.

She shook her head and started to say something but stopped when I held my hand up to quiet her.

“If I set up an appointment will you both go? I just want to make sure you’re both safe with each other, okay?” I reiterated.

She nodded, “But…,” she started but didn’t finish as she clasped her hands together and fiddled with her thumbs.

“What is it, El?” I asked gently, kneeling down on one leg as I looked up to her, trying to be less intimidating to her.

“We’ve only been with each other? Neither of us has had a boyfriend, or a girlfriend either, that we did anything with,” she said softly.

My cock twitched, I was thankful that she couldn’t tell with me in this position, and I nodded, “Okay, and you trust that you’re both telling each other the truth?” I asked.

She nodded.

I stood up and moved to unlock the bedroom door, feeling guilty for scaring her so bad and ready to end it when she grabbed my hand, “Are…are you going to kick me out?” her voice choked up and it tore at me.

I turned and looked at her, my brow furrowed, “No. I’m not like your dad,” I reminded myself of the fact that I wasn’t really her father, that this attraction was not incestuous, it was just perverted because I helped raise her. “I promised you that you were safe here no matter what and that you could come to me for anything, I’m not going back on any of that. My only care in this is that you and Soph are safe, with each other and from each other. I would still feel better with you both having an STI panel done, even if you’re both certain you’ve only been with each other, just to put my own mind at ease that you are both safe, but I’m not going to require it of you because I trust you both to be honest and open with me.”

I knelt back down to her, careful to keep my cock away from her body in any way, and hugged her tightly to me as she cried softly on my shoulder. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, baby,” I whispered to her.

She nodded and pressed her tear stained cheek to my neck and hugged me back. I tried to pull away but she held me there as she cried. I wasn’t sure if she was upset still or just very relieved, so I stayed and rubbed my hand up and down her back, very much in a fatherly soothing his upset daughter way.

She pulled back and rubbed her eyes, I wiped the tears from her cheeks and smiled at her as she assessed my demeanor to see if I was being genuine or secretly hating her. I took her hand and started to lead her back towards my bedroom door but she tugged on my hand and looked at me, “Dad?” she asked.

I looked at her and smiled, “What is it, El?”

“You locked the bathroom door the other day, right?” she asked quietly.

“Well, yeah, you and Soph were in such a rush to use the bathroom I thought you might forget,” I said.

She shook her head, “No, I mean…earlier, when I was in the bathroom…by the mirror?”

I nodded, “Yeah, I locked it then too. You forgot, it’s okay”

“I wasn’t…,” she started but I held my hand up.

“You’re nineteen, El. What you do in private is your business,” I said.

She sighed, “Can I ask you about it, though?”

I looked her up and down, “What do you mean? Ask me about masturbation?” I asked.

She shook her head, “No, I wasn’t doing that, that’s what I was trying to say…”

“What were you doing?” I asked, genuinely curious now.

“I was trying to figure out why I don’t look like other girls down there?” she said softly.

I looked at her, “What do you mean?”

“I tried to talk to Sophie about it but she said it’s normal for things to be different from person to person, but she looks like most other girls we’ve seen pictures of and I don’t?” she seemed upset by it.

“What do you think is different about you?” I asked.

She bit her lip and fidgeted, “Can I just show you? Without it being weird? I mean…I know it’s weird, but I just want to know if it’s normal or not?”

I tilted my head, “You can’t just tell me?” I asked.

She shook her head, “It’s something you have to see to know what I mean?”

“Where is it that you want to show me?” I asked.

She was getting flustered and sighed, giving me a ‘Seriously? You saw me looking, you know where it is…’ look.

“Well, I mean, do you think you’d be better going to a doctor and having them check it out or is it just an insecurity?”

“Insecurity, I think?” she said softly, “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with me really, just feel weird that Sophie has a harder time playing with me than I do with her?” she was blushing brightly and fidgeting. This was hard for her and she was clearly trying to get some reassurance from someone she trusts.

I nodded, “Okay, you can show me then, I suppose?”

She went over beside my bed and turned on the lamp on the table. I followed her as she pulled her shorts off of her legs then climbed up onto my bed. Her ass taunted me as she moved further up onto the bed before she sat down and lay back, angling herself towards the light. Her knees were together but her feet were up on the bed and wide apart, showing me some of her pussy very clearly. Fucking hell, she was perfectly smooth with tiny lips, her clit was poking past them and it took all I had to not bend over and start teasing it to see how much it would swell. My breath caught in my throat but I looked up to her eyes, “What am I supposed to be looking at?” I asked.

She was looking up at the ceiling but she reached down and spread the lips of her pussy apart, “The entrance to things? Is it normal?” she asked.

Spreading her tiny lips didn’t really do anything to show me her hole as it was barely covered by them. But I saw an opportunity and I took it. I may not be able to push myself to fuck her, but she’s literally asking me to inspect her cunt for her. I’d be a fool to not try and get something out of it.

“I can’t see it very well,” I said, “are you okay if I touch you so I can see the area better?”

She nodded and pulled her hands away. She was trying to keep her legs mostly closed and I was hesitant to ask her to open them for me, but I needed her to, not necessarily to see better, but because I wanted to be able to see her face when I touched her. I spoke quietly, “Can you open your legs for me, El?”

She spread her legs on the edge of my bed and pressed my thumbs to her pussy lips, separating them just about where her vaginal entrance would be. It looked perfect to me, softly pink, tiny, glistening with fluid. A little rivulet of her pussy juice was sliding down toward her ass as I spread her, “What do you think is wrong with it?” I asked as I spread her open just a little more, my thumbs pulling at her opening just slightly, aching to rub my thumb through the dripping liquid then push it back into her.

“It’s too small?” she asked more than said.

No, it looked fucking perfect to me. I was certain tongues and fingers were the only things that had ever invaded that space. I looked up and saw her clit, her hood was slightly retracted and the pink flesh just poked past. She was at least somewhat aroused right now and that did not help me with restraining myself. I repositioned my thumbs and slid over her hole. The pad of my thumb was bigger than the opening. I looked up at her as I spread her a little rougher. She bit her lip and resisted a moan.

Everything in my head told me to put my mouth on her pink little cunt to see if my tongue was bigger than her hole too. I let go of her before I gave in to my wants and raped her with my tongue, but I did graze her clit with the back of my knuckles as I brought my hands up to her thighs and pulled them closed, “It looks normal to me, Ella,” I said softly.

“It doesn’t look too small?” she asked as she sat up on her elbows, spreading her legs back open and looked to me. I was still kneeling in front of her, dying at the smell of her juices wafting towards me.

I shook my head, “No, it usually starts small like that and opens up a bit when you get aroused. It stretches to accommodate whatever you…ya know?” I said, “Is sex painful for you?” I asked.

She blushed, “I haven’t…just with Sophie…her tongue and fingers are really dainty and she only ever uses one or two fingers?” she stammered.

I nodded, “Oh, then what has you worried about this?” I asked.

She sat up and I handed her shorts to her. She quickly put them on and I stayed knelt in front of her.

She was blushing brightly, “Sophie has a…thing…she wants to use with me?”

“And you’re afraid it’s going to hurt?” I asked.

She nodded, “Other girls seem more open down there when Sophie and I look at pictures. Even Sophie looks more open down there?”

Great, my little girl is a slut and is likely lying about not having fucked anyone. I looked at her, “Do you know how big the toy is?”

“Penis-sized?” she said hesitantly.

I smiled, “There isn’t a standard penis-size, you know? They come in a very big variety of lengths and thicknesses.”

She scowled, “I know, I don’t know…,” she hesitated as she looked me in the eye, “My vaginal entrance looks normal to you?” she asked.

I nodded, “Normal, healthy, nothing wrong with it that I can see, but I’m not a doctor, El.”

She started to get up and I grabbed her hand, “Ella,” I said, uncertain of how to approach it without sounding like a complete creep, “if you’re still scared and don’t want to do it, it’s okay you know? Don’t let Soph pressure you into anything. But if you want to, and you’re just scared of how it’s going to feel, come to me and I’ll help you find something smaller to start with on your own to help with the worry, okay?”

She nodded and smiled then hugged me and I hugged her back, “You’re really okay with me and Sophie?” She asked.

I pulled her back and looked her in the eye, “Are you both happy together?” I asked.

She nodded.

“Then I’m happy too. But if things go badly between you two on the intimacy side of things, you have to suck it up and continue your sibling-like friendship because I’m not choosing between you and you’re both expected at family events and meals,” I said as I smiled at her.

As soon as she left my room, I tasted my thumbs then walked over to the bed and sniffed the wet spot she’d left on my comforter. I really hoped she didn’t let Soph use the toy on her and ruin my chance at spreading that tight little hole over my cock.

My mind reeled for days after that encounter. I smiled every time she looked at me with a soft blush on her cheeks. As Soph and Rachel were preparing to head back off to college, Ella asked me if she could delay her next semester in exchange for doing a summer course.

The entire fall alone in the house with her? Yeah, I was fine with it. We got Soph and Rachel moved back into their dorms over a few days. When it was all done Ella and I settled in at home, both of us being laze for the first week or so together,ordering pizza and watching movies together before bed. So many times I carried her up to her bedroom and put her to bed, fantasizing about her waking up and smiling at me then asking me to help her stretch her pussy.

It took me a few weeks to work up the courage to ask her about how things turned out with the toy situation.

She was helping me train for a 5k I wanted to run to support funding for the cancer we lost Rose to. I wasn’t terribly out of shape but my normal run was only two and half miles out and two and a half miles home. I think she liked ordering me around and making me work up a sweat with actual stretches and exercises to tone my muscles.

After a particularly long, ten miles out and ten miles back, run, she jogged easily into the house and I was reminded why she was a cross country track star. Her body glistened with the lightest sheen of sweat while my shirt was fucking soaked and my side ached.

I pulled my shirt off as soon as we got inside and quickly collapsed to the floor. She took a picture of me stretched out and shirtless on the ground, on my back, and sent it to the other kids, ‘I killed your dad by making him run ten miles with me. Should I call the police and report it or just let him rot there until one of you come home?’

I took her phone from her and watched their replies:

Tristan said, ‘RIP dad. I made that mistake once, don’t let El talk you into just one more mile, it becomes twenty quick and she doesn’t even break a fucking sweat.’

Sophie replied with, ‘Just hose him down with water and he’ll come around to yell at you for making a mess in the house.’

Rachel made a quirky eye smiley followed with, ‘Aww, leave dad alone, he’s trying his best, just put a cookie next to his face and he’ll wake up.’

I replied to them with ‘haha, none of you are getting an allowance this week ~Dad.’

Each sent back an angel smiley and cash emoji. I handed Ella back her phone and looked her over, “Ella, I know it’s none of my business, but I just wanted to ask, are you and Sophie okay?”

She nodded but didn’t elaborate.

“Did you two ever…do what you were worried about?” I asked more directly.

She shook her head, “No. I was still afraid to and she freaked out that I talked to you about it.”

I swallowed hard, “Did you tell her you showed me what you were worried about?”

She smirked, “No. I was scared, not dumb. You’d catch a lot of flak for it, but I know you only did it because I was scared and you wanted to reassure me, so thank you.”

I looked at her, “Are you still scared?”

She nodded and broke eye contact with me.

“Do you want to not be scared of it?” I asked, feeling a little bit more brave.

She brought her gaze back up to meet mine and nodded again.

“Are you afraid to ask for help not being scared?”

She glanced away then looked at me, “I’m not your daughter,” she said softly.

I shook my head, “No, you’re not.”

“I can still call you dad?” she asked.

I smiled, “Of course, baby.”

“Would you…help me directly, dad?” she asked. “No toys?” her voice caught a little as she was more direct with her own wants.

I nodded and grabbed her hand and led her upstairs until we were in my bedroom, “Show me again?” I asked.

She pulled her shoes off and guided her leggings and panties down over her hips. I just watched as she walked across the room and crawled up onto my bed. She lay down on her back and spread her legs wide open, much less hesitation this time. I moved over to her and knelt down. She gasped as she felt the heat of my breath on her cunt. I looked up at her, “Your top too?” I asked.

She peeled off her sports bra and tank top, her breasts were beautifully curved and I smiled as she sat up on her elbows and watched me lower my lips to her opening. She was sweaty from our run and she tasted divine. Her soft whimpers got me hard and she gasped as my tongue pushed into her, pulling back the stretchy fluids inside of her. She started to pull away as my tongue slid down to her asshole but I held her firmly against my mouth.

“Daddy…that’s…” she tried to complain but my thumb pushed into her ass and my ring and middle fingers penetrated the tightest pussy I’d ever felt.

I groaned, “Shh, baby, it’s okay,” I cooed to her. I climbed up onto the bed with her and took her right nipple into my mouth, suckling on her tit as she groaned with my fingers and thumb toying with two of her holes. I pulled my lips from her breast, a long line of spit trailed from her flesh to my lips, “Does it hurt?” I asked her softly as I stretched my fingers and alternated the penetration of her holes.

She shook her head, moving her hips towards my hand. I smiled and looked her in the eye, “Do you want more?” I asked.

Her back arched and she nodded. I brought my lips down on hers. I couldn’t help but moan as her pointy little tongue found mine. I smiled and kissed her harder, savoring the taste of her spit in my mouth as I fingered her cunt and ass.

When I pulled my lips from hers I noticed her hips were rocking more against my hand, “Does it feel good, El?”

She nodded and whined.

“I’m going to stop and go wash my hands. I’ll be right back, okay?”

She whined as I pulled my fingers from her but I kissed her lips softly and smiled at her. I went to the bathroom and washed my hands then washed my rock solid dick of the sweat from our run, the real reason I wanted to stop for a minute. I wanted her mouth on my cock but I didn’t want her first experience with it to be one of pure sweaty musk.

I came back into the bedroom naked and watched her playing with her own clit, rubbing and pulling at the hood as she squirmed. I climbed back up onto the bed and wrapped her hand around my cock. Her eyes got big and I smiled at her as I brought my lips back down on hers, my hand wrapped under her jaw and behind her ear as I lifted her from the bed and guided her with me. I got her up onto my lap with my dick between us then I let go of her and let her pull away from the kiss.

She looked drunk with lust as she started sliding her wet little pussy along the side of my dick. Her lips weren’t even big enough to spread around my shaft so she was just rubbing her clit and opening right over my shaft.

“Do I feel good, Daddy?” she asked as her body moved higher, until the head of my cock caught on her hole and pulled it slightly as she slid back down to my balls.

I nodded, my hand on her hip, urging her to continue. I was breathing heavily, “Have you ever sucked cock before, El?”

She shook her head and I groaned, “Do you want to?”

She didn’t really respond either way, but I guided her to climb down the bed and kneel between my legs. That bathroom fantasy was right here, her pouty lips parted and that strong little pointy tongue curled along the underside of my cock head. She could only get the tip of my dick into her mouth, but that’s all I fucking needed. The image of her bobbing her lips up and down on the head, and upper bit of shaft, of my cock with the wet noises of her saliva on my flesh made me tense up. “Fuck, Ella,” I cried out as I grabbed her hair and pulled her lips from me. I spurted all over her lips, cheek, neck, and tits as I grasped her hair tightly.

My dick softened and I lay her back on the bed, lowering my head to her cunt again as I quickly and roughly began to finger her tight little pussy. My cum still coated her, glistening in the soft afternoon light filtering into my bedroom. She looked absolutely heavenly lying in front of me with her barely covered clit swelling as my tongue pressed firmly down and rocked it back and forth while my fingers quickly and roughly rubbed her g-spot. Her little clit poked out of the her hood as she moaned, the tip of my tongue pushed her hood back to expose her more and I softly circled the sensitive flesh with my tongue, suckling on her gently.

She came hard, her stomach tensed and her impossibly tight cunt strangled my fingers inside of her as she cried out in soft whines.

I was hard again, but I paused, using my hand to wipe the cum from her face as I leaned down to her ear, “It’s going to hurt a little at first, so tell me now if you don’t want to have my dick in you, Ella.”

I rubbed the tip of my cock against her entrance. She wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered, “Fuck me, Daddy,” as she spread her legs more and lifted her hips towards me.

A quick thrust spread her open to me and she cringed as I moaned, “Nothing wrong with you at all, baby, you feel so fucking perfect to me.”

I put my hands on either side of her head so I could look into her eyes as I thrust my cock in and out of her tight cunt. She looked a little pained and I kissed her lips softly. I gave a few deep, firm thrusts into her and she squeaked and cried out as the bed shook with the force of my penetration.

I was pretty sure there was going to be blood, but it wasn’t long before her pained expressions became gentle moans as she thrust her hips up towards my cock.

Her ankles locked behind my back and I picked her up, turning us so she was on my lap and I was sitting up against the headboard. She started bouncing on me, her nipples were hard and her tits bounced as she fucked herself with my cock. I smiled, taking each of her breasts into my mouth, alternating to ensure both graced my tongue and mouth so I could savor the perfect mouthful her tits and nipples were. I reached down between us and angled my cock slightly different, I wanted to rub that ridged front wall of her cunt. I wanted her to cum hard on top of me.

She was moaning and arching her back as her hips rocked and lifted on me. Grabbing her hips firmly, I pulled her roughly down onto my cock as I thrust up into her. She whimpered and warm fluid shot from her, coating my stomach, cock and thighs as she blushed. I smiled and brought my lips to hers, kissing her passionately as her body calmed from the orgasm.

When I pulled my lips from hers I tangled my hand up into her hair and pulled her to me, my breath hot on her ear, “Thank you for cumming on my cock, baby,” I whispered to her.

I looked her in the eye, hers glistened with tears from the intense orgasm, mine narrowed in determination to see her take my cock as roughly as I need her to. She was whimpering and a few tears slid over her cheeks. My hands moved down to her hips and I guided her body, pulling and rolling her hips as I brought her down against me. Her clit was rubbing hard against my pelvis and I angled us so that it was a constant friction for her.

She put her hands on my shoulders, gasping as she brought her lips back to mine. Her tongue needily seeking mine out to distract her from my cock repeatedly hitting her cervix, pushing her towards a full body orgasm, which from her reaction is something I don’t think she’d yet achieved. I closed my eyes and fucked her hard from underneath, “Where do you want me to cum, El?” I asked breathily, her body tensing beneath my fingertips.

She rocked her cunt down onto me and held herself firmly against me, her lips barely left mine as she whispered, “Don’t cum yet, Daddy, I feel so good.”

I restrained myself but kept fucking her hard. Her groans and gasps made it hard to not focus on her, but she wanted more and I wanted her happy, so I got my mind on other subjects as I brought my baby to an explosive full body orgasm that left her crying hard on my shoulder as she rocked her cunt on my cock with a desperate need. The tightness of her pussy squeezing me was becoming overwhelming.

“I need to know now, El, Daddy’s going to cum and I need to…”

She cut me off and whined tearfully, “Pussy, my pussy, please?” she begged as she looked me in the eye.

All I could do was nod, anything she wanted she was getting. I restrained myself a little more, seeing her crying in ecstasy from my cock was…something else and I wanted it to last just a little longer.

She moaned and rocked her hips hard, pulling my hands up her body and over her breasts until both of my hands wrapped gently around her tiny neck. I rubbed her throat and slid one hand back, up into her hair at the base of her skull and tugged on it hard as I fucked her, her pussy squelched from the wetness coating us both. My other hand stayed on her throat, I could feel the vibrations of her moans and how her breath caught as she begged, “Now daddy, please?”

I groaned and she pushed down hard, holding herself tightly to me as she rocked her hips on me, milking my fucking dick like she’d done this a million times. I squeezed her throat gently and pulled her hair with each rope of cum that shot free. I didn’t pull out and I didn’t let her lift up. I brought my hand from her throat back down her body, squeezing her breasts roughly until my thumb was on her swollen clit and rubbed it until she was crying and moaning again. Her body tensed and she let loose these pitiful little squeaky whines as I felt her cunt tightening hard on my soft cock again. I loved her. God how I loved her.

She collapsed onto my chest, panting. I wrapped my arms tightly around her and kissed the top of her head. She was mine. I wasn’t going to let go ever again.

She lifted her head up and looked me in the eye, “I’m not on birth control anymore dad. I just want to really be your family,” she said softly.

I furrowed my brow, still breathing hard, “You want me to get you pregnant?” I asked.

She nodded.

Anything she wanted, she was getting.

“No one could know?” I said softly.

She sighed, “But we would know, and I know you’d take care of us.”

I nodded, “You’re just as much my baby girl as Sophie and Rachel are, you know?”

She lifted her head and looked me in the eye, “Daddy?” she said softly as she stretched against me.

“Yeah, El?”

“How long have you wanted to fuck me?” she asked.

“Since I saw you looking at yourself in the bathroom mirror,” I said honestly.

She started to lay her head back down on my chest, but I guided her chin upwards to look at me, “What you about, El? You had no hesitation in letting me fuck you. My cock is bigger than the size you said the toy was. I’m starting to doubt you were ever worried about things fitting or you being too small. I think you showed me your cunt, knowing how absolutely perfect it was, to tempt me. How long have you wanted to fuck me?”

She smiled and leaned up so she could whisper in my ear, “I didn’t forget to lock the bathroom door, and I didn’t forget to lock mine and Sophie’s bedroom when we were messing around. I wanted you to want me for a few years now.”

My dick twitched, “You knew I saw you and Sophie together?”

She nodded, “And, daddy?” she asked.


“Can we fuck other ways too?”

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her, “I’ll fuck you any way you want me to, El.”

She pressed her lips to mine, her tongue invaded my mouth and I moaned as I hardened inside of her again. She got up and climbed off of my dick as I whined and tried to hold her onto me. She knelt on her hands and knees and looked back at me, “What would it feel like in my pussy like this, Daddy?” she asked sweetly as I climbed up to her. Her cunt dripped blood, pussy fluid and my cum onto the bed. Her pink asshole and filled, gaping pussy taunted me. I quickly pushed into her as she moaned and stretched her body, pushing her cunt back onto me as she lowered her upper body.

“Really fucking good, baby,” I thrust hard and kissed the side of her neck. One of my hands wrapped around her tits, holding her tightly and the other grasped her hip, pulling her tighter to me as I rocked my dick in her. I groaned near her ear as I whispered, “So fucking good.” I pushed my dick along the forward wall of her cunt and moved my hand around her hip to her clit, toying with the swollen nub that peeked from between her tiny pussy lips. I fucked her and rubbed her roughly until her body was squirming in my grip and I felt a light squirting of fluids trying to spray from her again, it was just enough to coat my palm.

Her entire body was trembling in orgasm and I took the opportunity to coat my dick in her fluids then turned her over onto her back and pushed my dick back into her trembling cunt. I groaned and she arched her back, “Thanks, Dad,” she whispered as I lifted her hips with quick deep thrusts.

“You’re welcome baby, now let Daddy cum deep inside of you again, okay?”

She nodded and lifted her hips to me and I didn’t stop until I let go of another load. We should have gotten up to clean up, instead we fell asleep with her snuggled into my arms and my dick plugging my cum inside of her.



  1. Fantastic story, you’re a very talented writer. Thank you for sharing your gift.

  2. In your own words “Thanks, Dad!” ? Definitely a great story and I am anxiously awaiting part 3

  3. The idea of genital inspection is incredibly sexy. Your fantasies are like mine in the sense of detail. The male character going to the bathroom to wash himself is a detail that I would have…everything should be perfect, with nothing detracting. You worry that the reader will think about your older sweaty body and it will detract.

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