Zach’s First College Sports Physical [MM]

Zach waited in the hall outside his college medical office. At 18 years old, he had never seen anyone but his family doctor in his hometown. His scholarship and new college insurance required a full physical exam before allowing the young soccer star to play. He had missed the chance to get it done before leaving home. Fortunately the college also had a good medical program, and he was able to book the last appointment before the weekend. So here he was, all alone in a strange city, about to have his body poked and prodded by a stranger.


“Zach? I’m Grant, and I’ll be doing your exam today. Come in.” – a young man said from the door behind Zach. He looked up at the smiling, handsome man in scrubs. Grant was not much older than Zach, no older than 24. He followed him down the quiet hall. Zach thought he looked young for a doctor, but it was a teaching school. In the exam room, Grant made the typical small talk – how did he like his classes, what sport he played. And then slid into the more personal questions – health, hygiene, drinking, sex. Ticking everything off on Zach’s charts.


Grant was smooth – he knocked out blood pressure, temperature, and nose/throat checks while they were chatting. Zach felt good about all this, talking about his body with another adult, not worrying about things being relayed back to his parents. Not that he had much to hide. He had dated a few girls, and peeked at guys in the locker room, but was still a virgin. As he thought about this, Grant shifted gears.


“Alright, take off your shirt for me.” Zach broke out of his thoughts. His family doctor had always done exams without removing much clothing, and Zach figured the urban legends about embarrassing, fully nude exams were just legends. But a shirt off wasn’t anything to worry about, so he slipped out of it and hung it over a chair.


Grant told him to hop up on the exam table and checked his heart and breathing. The cold stethoscope didn’t bother Zach at all, but there was something giving him butterflies about this guy paying close attention to small details of his body. Grant checked his range of motion, then said for Zach to “pop off” his shoes and jeans so they could get his weight. But that he could keep his underwear on.


Zach didn’t know how to react. He stammered something and Grant quickly said that for the sports program they needed to get his accurate weight, and the jeans and shoes would throw that way off. Zach stood and unbuckled his jeans, shucking them and then realizing they’d get stuck on his shoes. He bent down awkwardly to untie his Converse and asked “socks too?”


“Sure, why not?” said Grant. Zach immediately regretted bringing it up. He wasn’t shy about his feet, but losing the socks meant there was only one garment between him and full nudity. He was regretting his choice to wear his tighty-whities as he folded his pants and placed them on the chair. Grant complimented Zach’s legs, toned from years of soccer. Zach blushed a little as he stepped on the scale. No one had ever made comments about his body like that. Grant weighed him in at 155 pounds, and said his muscle tone looked good.


He told Zach to lie down on the exam table now so that he could check his organs. Zach felt like Grant was touching every corner of his body, probing for things that Zach didn’t even know were there. Zach thought they must be near the end when Grant’s fingers slipped under his waistband, grazing his light pubic hair. Just a quick feel of his balls and this would all be over. But Grant looked him in the eye and said: “Alright, time for these to come off.”


It wasn’t a question. Zach barely had time to react as Grant tugged on his waistband, slipping the elastic under Zach’s slim bottom and down his legs taking his last modesty away. Zach lay on the table, completely naked, exposed and vulnerable. No one had seen him naked since he was a kid, not even in the showers at practice or his new dorm. Now here he was, with everything about his body on display to someone he barely knew.


Fortunately, he was too shocked to be aroused yet. Grant turned to his station and Zach heard him say “Whoops – out of gloves. Be right back. Don’t go anywhere.” Zach heard the door open and close as he stared at the ceiling. When Grant had been gone for a moment, he sat up. He couldn’t believe he was completely naked in a strange space. He didn’t even sleep naked. He spotted himself in the full body mirror across the room. He went to it, admiring himself. His legs were coming along nicely, covered in his soft blond fuzz. He had never seen his butt from this angle, and it was, to his surprise, perky.


Grant returned, and Zach apologized for being up, still adrift in the unreality of being totally naked with a guy who had his clothes on. Grant said, don’t worry, we can do the exam standing. Grant knelt in front of him and Zach’s imagination went somewhere – the last place – he wanted it to. His eyes found the mirror again and he saw himself, naked as the day he was born, with Grant on the ground, looking intently at his penis. Grant rolled Zach’s balls between his fingers, and the younger man trembled, almost unnoticeably. He felt around in his groin, then picked up his shaft and pulled back his foreskin. Grant commented that Zach was uncircumcised, and asked if he had any trouble with it. This is what turned the tide. Grant examining his most private space, casually pulling back it’s covering, and asking about it caused Zach’s penis to begin swelling in his hands. Zach looked down and uttered a humiliated “sorry.”


Grant told him that it happens all the time. Zach sheepishly admitted, yeah it does. Grant told him to get back up on the table. Zach did as he was told, but after a moment of casual chatting with Grant while his erection stood at full mast, he began to wonder – isn’t that it? Time to get out of here?


That’s when Grant said that he needed to do a prostate exam to complete the physical. Zach searched his mind for where the prostate was as Grant warned that it might be uncomfortable. That’s when it hit Grant like a ton of bricks – his handsome doctor and fellow student would be putting his fingers inside of Zach’s body. As if being stripped completely nude, and examined head to toe – and to tip – weren’t enough. He would be… penetrated. He nervously adjusted his cock and to his horror his hand came away wet. He looked down. His smooth pole bounced in his lap, whether from his bloodpressure or nerves he couldn’t tell. From the slit on it’s head, his penis leaked glistening beads of precum.


Grant followed his gaze. “Oh, don’t worry about that.” He said, and grabbed a tissue, casually taking the naked teen’s cock in his hand and wiping away the fluid. Zach was so ashamed that he didn’t mind when Grant told him to turn over, if only so that he wouldn’t have to see his blush. He felt Grant’s hands slide over his bare ass. “I’m going to need you up on all fours” he said.


Zach pushed himself up, acutely aware that Grant was getting a view of every inch of his naked, blushing body. He looked down, to see a wet spot left behind where his dick had touched the paper table cover. He felt Grant apply cool lubricant to the ring of his asshole. His last place no one had ever seen now high in the air, presented and on display. He hung his head, only to see his violent arousal throbbing between his legs, leaking precum in rivulets onto the table. Beyond that, the mirror, where he saw himself laid bare, Grant running his finger over his tight pink ring. He pushed it in. Gently of course, Grant was a pro, lubricating Zach, relaxing his muscles, and placing a hand on his shoulder to distract. Zach squirmed. He felt a slight burn that quickly, mercifully, gave way to a stretch and a sensation of fullness he had never experienced. He felt Grant moving inside him and wondered briefly what it would be like to have someone – maybe Grant’s – penis in there, before banishing that thought. He couldn’t lose full control. No one had ever seen him cum, he wasn’t ready for that.


But he felt the sensation in his groin. His mouth gone dry, his heart pounding, his vision clouding over and his whole trembling body under Grant’s gaze. He doesn’t know how long it took for Grant to find his prostate, but once he did, there was no going back. Zach knew it was hopeless and all he could do was to try to hide his shame. He uttered “I think I have a problem” and tried to move off the table to cover himself. But as he did, he lost his grip and tumbled. Grant, protective, didn’t lose his grip on Zach. His arm wrapped around the Zach’s chest as he exploded. Zach’s eyes closed as he jetted cum into the air, involuntarily rubbing his nude body against Grant. He moaned, loudly. Sweating, he sank into Grant’s arms.


His escape from humiliation lasted only a moment before he remembered where he was. He gathered himself, casting about for something to hide his shame. After a moment, he figured there was nothing left to hide now. Grant put a hand on his shoulder, told him it was okay, and helped him clean up a second time, tenderly wiping the cum off Zach’s chest. He made a joke about Zach being *unquestionably* healthy. Zach quickly dressed while Grant finished his paperwork.


As Grant walked him out, Zach felt strangely calm about the whole experience. He felt better in his body than he had in a long time, and he figured he might just be ready to figure out the whole sex thing and possibly whether he was gay or straight. Though if today’s events were anything to go by, Team Gay was in the lead. Grant told him he’d be available if Zach had any questions or needed a follow up. As Zach left the office, he spotted a flier on the door, and asked Grant what it was. Grant said “It’s for a study I’m running, about athletes bodies under stress.” It paid $50 a session and Zach would be an ideal specimen. Zach said he’d think about it, and tore off a tab, with Grant’s cell number on it.




*I started writing this to satisfy my own obsession with Doctor Fetishes, but really liked how it turned out. If you all like it, I might keep writing about Zach and Grant. It seems like they have more trouble to get into together.*



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