Thanks, Dad! [ff] [voyeur] [Dad] [Daughter] [Adoptive Daughter/Daughter’s Best Friend]

I didn’t really know how to react as I watched my daughter’s best friend kneeling on the sink in the bathroom examining her pussy in the mirror, so I twisted the lock on the inside of the door and pulled it shut with me still in the hallway, resisting temptation. My dick twitched from the sight but I pushed it out of my mind. This girl was off limits to me for so many reasons, not the least of which was that I’d practically adopted her a few years ago.

I walked down the hall and pretended nothing happened, that I hadn’t seen what I did. I prepped lunch for the girls. My daughter, Sophie, and Ella, her best friend since they could walk, I reminded myself. I tried to concentrate on the memories of Ella that were not at all appealing to me sexually. My mind went from watching the girls playing as toddlers, cleaning up horrible diaper blow outs, to me walking up behind Ella now and…no, I can’t do that, she’s practically my daughter. Off limits.

Ella had been kicked out of her very religious parents’ house when she was fourteen because she confided in her older sister about being attracted to girls just as much as boys. She was a scared kid trying to figure out something going on in her head that she’d always been told was the worst thing she could want or be. She spent that first night wandering the town in just the clothes she had on her back and her backpack of school supplies. She didn’t really know where to go or how to stay safe in such a situation.

She had been approached in the early morning hours by a guy and she got scared and came to our house, banging on the door furiously as she cried and looked behind her. It was one am and I was pissed at being woken up, but seeing how distressed she looked on the security camera, I went downstairs and let her in. She was sobbing and hugged me tightly. Her crying woke up the rest of the house and we were soon surrounded by my wife, Rose, our daughter, Sophie, my step-daughter Rachel, and my son Tristan. Sophie and my wife were trying to get Ella to calm down and talk to us.

She told us everything and Sophie brought her into the kitchen, fed her, then helped her get ready for bed, where she slept fitfully. My wife and I talked it over and we couldn’t believe her parents would just abandon her to god knows what like that. She was just a baby, a very sheltered one at that, tossed out into the wild like trash because she wasn’t sure about her sexuality. We didn’t make her go to school in the morning and asked Sophie to tell her teachers to call us and we’d explain, but to get any classwork and homework she needed for the day and bring it home with her after school.

My wife, Rose, and I spent the day talking to Ella, directly asking her if the man that had been following her had touched her or hurt her in any way. She insisted he hadn’t. She was the cross-country star of the girls’ track team, so I believed her when she said she was able to run away from him and given how hard she was panting when she got into our house, I’d believe she hadn’t stopped running until she started banging on our door.

Rose called Ella’s parents and the look on her face as she spoke to them told me it wasn’t good. Rose was a very strong woman, defiant and took no shit, but she had tears on her cheeks as she held her hand up to block her eyes from me and Ella while she tried to reason with El’s parents. I rubbed Ella’s shoulder and looked her in the eye, “Looks like you’re having a prolonged sleepover until we can sort this out more clearly,” I said.

Her hands trembled as she looked from me to Rose, “I…I don’t know how to…”

I shook my head, “You stay here, you stay safe, help Soph with her chores, and we see how things go with your parents over time. Sometimes people have hot-headed reactions and they need a cooling off period before they can see reason again.”

She breathed deeply and seemed to let go of all of the fear and tension that had tangled itself up inside of her. I looked to Rose, who was smiling again as she looked at Ella, “Tristan and Sophie are going to stop by your parents’ house after school to pick up your things. Is there anything special you want them to bring you?”

I noted how Rose said ‘your parents’ house’ rather than ‘your house’ and kind of knew what that meant. There would be no seeing reason and we had a new daughter to take care of unless we were okay with her being unsafe, which we weren’t.

She shook her head then took a deep breath, “Wait, there’s a box under my bed. It’s pictures of me and Soph growing up. I want those. I don’t want them to destroy them thinking…thinking it’s cause of Sophie. ‘Cause it’s not anything like that, I promise.”

It honestly hadn’t even occurred to me that it could be. They were practically sisters. A few weeks turned to a few years. We lost Rose to cancer part-way through Sophie and Ella’s sophomore year of high school and I struggled keeping the household going for the four kids, but we managed and we all made sacrifices to make it work. We were family, all of them equally loved, wanted, and respected.

I even had to have the sex talk with both of the girls one night when I caught them watching porn and trying to discern what the boys in their school might look like. I hated it, but I did it for their safety and stressed to them that they could come to me with any questions or concerns. Before I finished the talk I took a deep breath and asked them if they were on birth control.

Apparently, Rose had taken them to the doctor to be put on it before she got sick. Ella had really painful periods and Sophie hadn’t even started hers yet. Both girls went on birth control for medical reasons at the same time.

They were comfortable talking to me and I was glad that I knew Rose and I had done our best by them. If they couldn’t make mature and personal choices as sixteen year olds, we’d failed them as parents. Whatever happened from this point out, I could only observe, guide, and help sweep up the pieces so they could learn and work towards making better choices. I trusted them.

So why had Ella been kneeling naked on the sink with the bathroom door unlocked while she spread her pussy in the mirror? I’d told them before I didn’t care if they masturbated in the house, just to make sure the door was locked and they were somewhere private that wasn’t an inconvenience to the rest of the family. That was my only request of them.

I sat in the kitchen contemplating all of this, a few bowls sat nearby filled with taco salads for the girls, as they both came rushing into the room. Each grabbed their bowl and Sophie gave me a quick kiss on the cheek with a hasty, “Thanks, Dad!” then raced off to the living room to watch a movie. It was a hot Saturday afternoon, but I felt exceptionally warm as I felt Ella’s hand graze my neck and pull me closer to her as she pecked my cheek before uttering her own, “Thanks, Dad!” before rushing off after Soph.

I suddenly wasn’t hungry, so I brought the third bowl upstairs and knocked on Rachel’s door, “Hunny, I made taco salad for lunch. I know you said you were going out, but there’s one here for you too if you want it.”

She opened the door and had a big smile on her face as she gave me a kiss on the cheek, “You’re the best, Dad. Kara’s taking us to the sushi place for lunch and I’ve been gagging at the thought of having to eat seaweed but didn’t want to come down and beg you to make extra when I already said I didn’t want anything,” she happily took the bowl from me and retreated back over to her computer.

Rachel was twenty-three and in the midst of an intensive study course in college but was home for the summer and doing a work-study on some kind of social media thing. I didn’t understand it. Tristan was my only kid not home this summer, actually, he opted to do a summer course at college instead and wouldn’t be home until Thanksgiving.

I went back down to the living room and sat in the big recliner to watch the movie the girls had picked. It was some sort of romantic comedy and I dozed off shortly after I sat down. The house was quiet when I woke up, so I went looking for the three girls to see who was home and who wasn’t. There was a note on Rachel’s door that said ‘Dad- Thanks for lunch, love you, will be home late, don’t wait up! <3 R’

I smiled and moved down the hall to Soph and Ella’s room. The door opened quietly and I saw Ella in her bed but didn’t see Soph, then I noticed the blanket on top of Ella moving slightly and Soph pushed it off of her, “Ugh, it’s too hot to be under there, El,” she said as the blanket fell to the floor. Ella was naked and Sophie was in her underwear.

I should have turned away and left them to it, they were exploring things. I saw them as sisters, but they weren’t, so whatever, it wasn’t a big deal. But I didn’t shut the door, I watched through the very slight crack of the open door as Ella sat up and kissed my daughter on the mouth before she pulled away and guided my little girl onto her back, “I told you that you didn’t have to be under there, you were the one who was paranoid about dad walking in on us,” she said as she slid my daughter’s panties off of her body and tossed them towards the laundry basket, which was next to the door.

The sound of Sophie moaning drew my eye from her discarded panties that were close enough to grab without being noticed (and I, shamefully, did think about grabbing them) back up to the bed where Ella’s hands grasped my daughter’s thighs and held them spread open. The smell of Sophie’s sex-soaked panties drifted up to me as the sound of Ella’s tongue messily soaking my baby girl’s pussy assaulted my ears. I licked my lips and closed my eyes for a moment.

This wasn’t happening. I had to still be downstairs in the recliner, dreaming about this after seeing El in the bathroom. When I open my eyes, I’ll see the girls passed out on the couch, perfectly innocently napping together like when they were little.

I opened my eyes and saw Sophie grab Ella’s hair and pull her head tighter to her cunt. Sophie squeaked and lifted her hips to her friend, grinding her hips against Ella, who happily helped her hold the position. When Sophie’s body settled, Ella lifted her head and her lips from between my baby’s legs, Ella’s cheeks and chin glistened with my daughter’s cum. El Bit her lip and sucked my daughter’s pussy juices from it with the most fucking satisfied face I’ve ever seen her make. I came in my pants at the sight of Ella looking down on Sophie so lovingly.

“Can we play now?” Ella asked my daughter.

Sophie spread her legs more and Ella positioned herself so their cunts were touching. It sounded so fucking wet as they moaned softly and rubbed their genitals together. Sophie grabbed Ella’s wrists and pulled her up into a sitting position, kissing her deeply as their cunts continued to rub together. Each girl got off by the feel of the other’s clit rubbing and circling one another. From the sounds I was hearing I could picture exactly how their bodies were moving and reacting and I was raging hard again as I watched them hold each other while each of their orgasms settled.

I thought they were done, so I started to close the door when I heard Ella, “Soph, do you think your dad would kick me out if he found out we’ve been fooling around the last couple of years?” She sounded scared, and sad. I wanted to hug her and tell her of course not, but I couldn’t without them finding out I’d been a disgusting fucking pervert and watched them fool around.

Sophie tilted her head and pulled Ella down into a hug as she lay back down on the bed, “My dad loves you, El. You’re our family, and you’ve been our family since your parents showed their true colors. He would ask me if I’m happy, and he would ask you if you’re happy. If we both said yes he would hug us and tell us that he’s happy too, then.”

I brought the back of my hand up to my mouth to stifle the sob that wanted to escape. I loved my kids, all of them, but now I felt like the fucking scum of the earth for betraying their privacy like this. I quietly closed the door and went down the hall to my bedroom, where I grabbed a change of clothes and headed back to the bathroom to shower before the cum started drying on my leg and I ended up accidentally waxing myself trying to get it off.

For the first time since any of the kids were born, I took an obnoxiously long shower. We only had one bathroom, so I always tried to ensure everyone took short showers, but fuck I needed this. Both girls had knocked and I told them I’d be out in a minute, but I sat in the bottom of the tub with the shower pouring over me as I leaned back and pictured Ella, my beautiful, sweet, sensitive Ella, between my legs with her pretty little blonde head bobbing up and down on my dick.

I was scum masquerading as righteousness and kindness in a father figure for a troubled teenage girl, and I was jealous of my own daughter for knowing what El’s pussy tasted like. The girls banged on the door a little more fervently and Ella’s sweet voice carried through the door, “Dad! Daddy!” she yelled through the closed door and I came hard at the sound of it. Fuck. I cleaned my cock up hastily and turned off the shower. I was rushing as I wrapped a towel around me then gathered my clothes.

When I opened the door both girls pushed past me, El’s hand grabbed my hip to turn me so she could push past as Soph tried to shove me over to block El from getting the bathroom first, causing El to tug on my towel slightly, I grabbed it quick and stepped aside so she could get into the bathroom too.

They argued over who got to use it first, each trying to shove the other out of the room so the other could go. I stepped out and laughed, “If it’s that urgent, and you just have to pee, one of you go in the bathtub while the other uses the toilet, I’ll clean it up after. My fault for taking so long anyway.”

Both girls looked relieved and I twisted the lock on the inside of the door and closed it behind me, wondering which one of them would undress to squat and piss in the tub and what the other would do while she watched. I went down to my bedroom then sat on my bed looking at my wife’s photograph. I picked it up and turned it around. I hadn’t so much as looked at another woman in the four years since my wife died, so why was my dick raging for the girl that was basically my adoptive daughter all of a sudden?

I lay back on my bed and stared at the ceiling. A smile slowly spread over my lips and I closed my eyes with a satisfied sigh.

I had an idea, I just had to wait a little while.



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