A good boss values her employees. [FF] [Futa]

“Oh Ms. Hornthrows” the receptionist, Rachel, said shocked. She was a little thing, a full head shorter than Angela, with dazey amber eyes and dyed red hair. Her small breasts made even smaller by the tight jacket she was wearing. “I didn’t know you were coming in today or else I would have prepared a room for you!”

“That’s very much okay Rachel. I’m not here for the quarterly exam.” Angela, said walking to Rachel’s side of the reception desk, all the while gesturing to all the hastily scrawled notes and earnings charts, some of them even containing doodles in the corners and margins as these were all going to be put into the computer at another time. This made Rachel fluster slightly, scrambling to collect all the papers and make them orderly.

Slowly Angela placed her hand on Rachel’s shoulder. “No need to worry.” She moved closer to Rachel’s ear as a slight smile formed at the corners of her mouth. “We’re meant to be *filthy* here.” She chuckled out.

As if she had heard the crack of a whip she stopped. Then relaxed a bit as she laughed in an almost nervous fashion still ashamed of her mess. And even through the nervousness her mind was still racing. ‘Why is Ms. Hornthrows touching me, why is she so close to my face.’ but the next question set in a crushing reality for her, ‘when was the last time someone *wanted* to touch me?’

“Rachel?” Angela asked, but when Rachel looked up at her boss’s tan, kind face, she could only note the maturity within it, at least until a single gentle tear ran down her own.

Without a word she stood from her chair, flipped up a placard on her desk that read ‘out for lunch’. The clock next to the front door said that it was only 9:07. Even though Rachel was fully aware her boss was watching, she simply headed through the door behind her, hardly able to shut it behind her before she began to cry

Angela thought it was nothing, so why did she feel a pain in her heart, urging her to check on her employee?

It was the masters room, the single most expensive and luxurious they offered at the brothel. On the walls were display cabinets filled with toys. Dildos of every shape size and color. Plugs of any girth, from anal newbie to a plug requiring an anus that could accommodate a frisbee. Paddles with wooden engravings for marking the punished with ‘daddy’s little slut’ to ‘hit me harder you fucking pussy’. Whips from all types of leather to canes, gags, costumes, and anything you can imagine of all shapes and sizes to meet any clients desires. But the newest addition to the brightly lit scene was a simple-looking wooden chair in the center, one that Rachel had begged Angela to get a few months after starting, and to which Ms. Hornthrows had drunkenly wrote out a blank check for the cost after coming into the office late one night when only Rachel had been there taking care of a few accounting errors. Oddly, she noted, there was no longer a bed.

To her right, she could hear water running from the bathroom. Angela knocked. “Is everything okay Rachel?” To which the only reply to come was the sound of water splashing into the drain.

Slowly Angela opened the bathroom door, and entered, knocking to give Rachel notice. But even then she didn’t protest at the intrusion. Or perhaps Rachel simply couldn’t hear it over her own sobs.

The shower door and mirror had fogged up, and Rachel’s clothes were strewn about on the floor.

Without a word Angela lowered the toilet’s lid and sat there, unsure of what to say. As the minutes passed, Angela could feel the steam filling the room grow steadily hotter. Still, she didn’t speak, not until Rachel asked her.

“Ms. Hawthorne… why are you in here.” She managed to utter, her voice strained as it gets when there is an insurmountable pain inside your heart, just waiting for the instant to crack and rupture and spill out.

“You seemed upset, so I came to check on you.”

“But why? You shouldn’t care about me. I’m a freak.” her voice trailed off, catching in the back of her throat.

Scared to ask what she meant, and feeling like prying might hurt more than it would help right now, Angela decided to tell her one of her secrets.

“You know Rachel, I don’t even need this place to be open. Hell, I could shut the whole place down right now, or gamble it off in a game of cards and still retire without a care in the world if I wanted to.” She said, unbuttoning her top, trying to not boil under the sweltering heat of the steam. “I keep it open for a few reasons, some personal, some professional, did you know you can meet a *lot* of important people in this line of business?” She continued, putting her hair into a bun to try to alleviate the wetness on the back of her neck. “But one part of it that I do like is that you keep the place running by yourself.” Her tone shifted slightly then, becoming more sentimental and warm. “And, if for some reason, I did want to close down shop here, I certainly would offer you a new position at one of my other ventures. Losing you would be a tremendous loss for me.”

In a mere instant, Rachel’s heart stopped throbbing in her chest, the pain subsiding. In the next, she was sobbing harder than before. The pain inside, doubled over as she dug her nails into the soft skin just over her heart.

‘How many years has it been since someone gave a shit about me.’

That was the one thought inside Rachel’s head. The one thought that had been etched on her brain. The one that dyed her heart black, cold and angry. The one thing that would always remind her that she was not someone worth a damn, and if someone said otherwise, they were lying.

Between the sobs, and honestly without really hearing herself, Rachel asked Ms. Hornthrows a question. One that caused a death-like apathy to radiate from her voice. “Why am I like this?” She started. “How come I’m unable to be close to anyone? Is it cause I’m just a fucking freak?”

“What do you mean you’re unable to be close to anyone?” Angela asked, failing to hide the concern in her voice.

“Because no one wants me near them. I told you I’m a freak.” Her voice rising slightly, a sense of anguish trailing with her words. “Every person I’ve ever cared about left me the instant they saw what I really was.”

“You can’t help me with this problem.” She said, a flash of anger rode with her words, yet cold and piercing and as fragile as ice.

“Rachel… please, I do care about you. And I-”

Without warning Rachel slammed open the shower door, believing the only way for Angela to understand that her ‘problem’ was beyond her, set it on full display for her boss.

“Wow uh.” Angela said, actually quite enthused at the development. She actually seemed quite pleased with it.

Suddenly Angela had an idea, she walked over and put her hand on Rachel’s shoulder, who was staring at the ground, desperately trying to look anywhere but Angela’s eyes. Gently Angela cocked Rachel’s face up, and said “That’s not a problem, that’s a gift.”

“What?” Rachel asked, more shocked than Angela.

“It’s a gift. A *very* handsome one at that.” Angela’s eyes tracing the shape of Rachel’s extra appendage. “Would you um-” she blushed, a first for her, but then again it’s not everyday you see another woman naked in the shower, much less one with a fully functioning cock. She bit her lip. “Mind if I… touch it?”

Suddenly Rachel fell back startled, her senses finally returning to her. She tried hastily to cover her private parts. Still half unsure if she had heard her properly.

That’s when it all clicked for Angela. “Are you a virgin?” She blurted out. When the younger of the two began to turn redder than the steam had already made her she had her answer. “Would you… like to lose it to me?” Her

“I… I don’t know…” Rachel replied, her chest heaving high and low.

“I have an idea.” Angela cooed, beginning to strip off her clothes. First came the black jacket and unclasping her bra, revealing her D-Cup breasts first. Rachel’s attention had already been grasped at her bosses figure, and she could feel herself get warm and hard in her hands, which she tried desperately to hide despite it obviously being too large to contain, but had been fully locked when Angela bent over and pulled off her tight yoga pants, which had left light marks where it bit into her hips and ankles. “We’ll take a shower together, and we’ll see how you feel afterwards.” The only reply Rachel could have hoped to utter was a nervous chuckle, but even that wouldn’t come to her.

Before she could protest Angela stepped into the shower, deliberately standing behind her and shut the door. The water was the perfect temperature but that wasn’t what she cared about.

Slowly Angela placed her fingertips on Rachel’s back and began to just move her thumbs in circles, massaging her shoulders deeply.

Almost as quickly those bad thoughts had consumed Rachel, they began to lift away, and an almost unprecedented but fulfilling feeling of euphoria began to overtake her. A feeling like she was starting to drift off into a mountain stream, flowing down it, almost like she was being separated from her body, and with it all the tension, stress, anxiety, negativity, pains, aches, and anger began to be pulled from her.

“You’re touch starved. Touch is a basic human need, going for so long without it can cause you to be stressed, but when it’s released it can be… well let’s just say it can be ***intoxicating***.”

And she was right, feeling another person’s warmth on her skin made Rachel feel like a weight had been lifted off of her, like a chain that had been pulling on her soul finally loosened and released.

With that same grace and kindness, Angela began to work her hands around.

The pressing and kneading of Angela’s palms into the middle of her back was an unreal feeling for the smaller girl. For the first time in her life, she could feel every muscle in her body relax, and fall weak under the brunettes handling, and she could finally find herself in the moment. She could feel every muscle in her body, and how it pulled, the paths her blood rushed down, and an odd, tingly feeling in her brain as every bit of energy was being stripped out of her, but it was still the most blissful thing she had ever felt before.

Angela managed to bring her down softly, turning the young girl to face her. As she herself kneeled on the cool tiles of the shower floor, the water tracing down her pale face and gentle curves.

Angela took Rachel’s hands, and looked down them, to which Rachel could scarcely watch them as they scanned her pristine flesh, her eyelids heavy, but she was not at all tired. But she could certainly feel her gaze on her when Angela’s gaze fell lower, and a different feeling of warmth began to rouse from inside her.

After she was done examining Rachel’s lovely, lightly toned, thighs, arms and half-aroused member, she moved the girls hands to her breasts. “It’s okay, do what you want. This is your time.” She whispered, her voice kind and reassuring, barely above the sound of the shower.

It was almost like part of the haze of ecstasy was lifted, some of her lost strength returning to her. And she used it to fondle her boss’ chest.

How Rachel grasped confirmed Angela’s earlier suspicion, Rachel was a virgin. Her hands were shaky, and unrefined, she panted, and the look of absolute unsureness on her face told her she needed help.

Gently Angela placed her hands on Rachel’s smaller than average tits and began to move her fingers purposefully. First running her thumbs over her nipples until they began to bud up, she began to gently roll over her small perky nipples with each finger, allowing it to rise back up with each pass, sending a shiver down the redhead’s spine.

A soft moan from Rachel’s lips began to make Angela wet, and not from the shower this time. Angela glanced at the younger girl, a smile spread across her lips, one which she quickly moved towards those small, delightful nipples.

Then she began to kiss the redheads breasts mildly. Soon Rachel moved her hands to Angela’s cheeks and surprised her. With a sudden jerk, the redhead jolted Angela’s face towards hers, thrusting her tongue Angela’s inside mouth.

Rachel’s legs were clamping around her cock, which had grown in length, but Angela wasn’t content with just that. She knew this girl must be sensitive, considering the sprinkling of water had made her half hard despite crying in pain.

Angela had kept one of her hands on the redheads breasts despite the interruption, so she resumed playing with one of them, gently tugging on her nipple as the redhead kept her tongue embraced with Angela’s.

Another moan reverberated inside the redheads mouth, only to be taken as a hot breath by the brunette who pulled back her face and smiled. Rachel let out another as she felt Angela’s other hand toy with the tip of her member.

“Do you want me to stoke you?” Angela asked coyly. Her only reply was a nod, but a nod with a pleading expression. So slowly she began to stroke with just her thumb and index finger wrapped around the head of Rachel’s cock until the redhead’s thighs clasped around Angela’s wrist, her expression growing in intensity.

In that instant Angela wanted nothing more than for the redhead to beg for release, to let loose those ropes of hot white cum that had surely been built up in those balls she desperately wanted to taste. Unfortunately, she had to let the virgin enjoy her first time, as was her rule.

Suddenly she felt the redheads cock begin to swell and stiffen more than it already was, until it was a rather formidable and girthy seven and a half inches long.

Each stroke up and down the length of her shaft drew the redhead closer and closer to orgasm. Her moans growing louder and louder. Angela added another finger to her grip. Tighter and tighter her legs tensed. Another and her panting grew louder and deeper, her ecstasy deepening as the virgin began to thrust her hips wildly into Angela’s grip. All of which grew even more erratic when Angela decided the redhead had suffered enough, and began to stroke with both hands. A sudden feeling overtook Angela, as she moved face down to the sweet smelling member and began to suck on the tip, swirling her tongue along the tip, the only feeling in her mind was that she wanted to taste that hot, sweet nectar that had worked hard to get at.

Finally she couldn’t hold back any longer. The redhead jutted forward with one final, decisive thrust, and in that motion her body seized up, arching her back. Without realizing it she had grabbed Angela’s head, and rammed her cock down her throat as her cock swelled, sending pulsating waves of hot, thick, cum down her boss’ throat straight into her stomach.

For a nice long moment there was a ringing in her ears, which of course meant that she couldn’t hear Angela gagging until she pried herself away from the redheads hips.

“God that was… *wonderful*.” Angela said, licking her lips. “But we’re not done yet.” She said, gesturing for the redhead to stand up, grabbing and leading the redhead her by the cock into the master room. “We’re going to have a session, you’re gonna be the master, I’m gonna be the submissive little slave.”

[Part 2 Coming Soon]

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/hubxlk/a_good_boss_values_her_employees_ff_futa