Hot Tub Fiasco Part 6 [Ending] [MF] [Friend’s Little Sister] [Age Gap]

Mallory and I stood in the living room and watched as Jenny opened the door. She opened it just so that it would be blocking Mallory and I from the view, only revealing the kitchen and Jenny herself.

“What’s going on here?” Matt’s voice bellowed.

Mallory and I froze in shock.

“What are you so angry about?” Jenny tried to tame him.

“Don’t fuck with me, you know exactly why I’m here,” Matt said, forcing a step inside. He looked in the kitchen, then to the living room, making eye contact with me.

“What the fuck are you doing here dude?” Matt asked me, charging toward my direction.

“Chill our man,” I yelled, raising my fist.

Before he clashed into me, Mallory stepped in front of me.

“Knock it out, you ass!”

Matt stopped dead in his tracks, now focusing his attention on Mallory.

“Me? I’m the one who needs to stop?” He yelled at her, stopping only because she was in the way.

I began to raise my voice at him, and he did the same to me. Mallory voiced herself as well, and in a matter of seconds none of us could hear each other.

“All of you shut the fuck up, you’re so damn annoying,” Jenny called to us, slamming the front door Matt left open.

Matt tried to get around Mallory, but she just moved with him, knowing he wouldn’t lay a hand on her.

“Matt, you’re being a child,” Jenny screamed at him.

“Stay the fuck out of this,” he yelled back at her.

Jenny walked forward and grabbed him from behind, wrapping her arms around him. Matt fought it for a few seconds, but ended up giving in. Unbeknownst to us, Jenny was his soft spot.

“Can we talk about this? Instead of you killing us?” Mallory asked him, almost in tears.

Matt was now motionless. He couldn’t move as his heart was held together by Jenny.

Matt and I were locking eyes. None of us let out an ounce of air as the world around us remained frozen. After time resumed itself I grabbed Mallory’s hand and walked her over to the couch.

“We’re gonna have a talk, and you’re not gonna lay a fucking finger on Connor,” Jenny sternly whispered in Matt’s ear, much like a mother commanding her children.

Matt raised his fist again, but Jenny grabbed his arm tightly. He let out a groan, and walked with Jenny to a chair opposite of the room from the couch. Instead of sitting, Jenny stood behind the chair, resting her arms on the leather above Connor’s head.

We all awkwardly stared at each other. Mallory sat next to me, her hand in mind. Matt watched us with a hellish glare, Jenny keeping him calm like a tamed wolf.

“You know Connor, right?” Jenny spoke to break the silence. “You do. I want you to forget about the age difference for a second and think about that. Think about your friend Connor.”

Mallory and I didn’t want to interrupt. Weirdly enough it seemed like Jenny knew exactly how to talk to him.

“You love your sister, we can all see that. What you don’t realize is that she’s taken a liking to someone you actually know. Again, your friend Connor.”

“Yeah, but-“ he tried to interrupt. Jenny grabbed his shoulder tightly.

“But what?” She yelled at him. “Stop fucking thinking about it, you prick!”

We all would’ve expected him to rebuttal and to be done with it, but he just didn’t. Matt kept silent and closed his eyes. I looked at Mallory and couldn’t help but stare at her curly hair.

“Mallory is literally dating Connor, your *friend*. The age difference is definitely there, but it can be worked around and you fucking know it. You’re not going to have to worry about someone raping her or fucking her up or whatever because you *know* Connor.”

He sighed.

“Besides,” Jenny let out a chuckle, “We both know you’re being a hypocrite about this.”

Mallory and I dropped a confused expression, loosening our grip.

“Don’t you fucking dare,” Connor turned around to Jenny, his face growing red.

“No, I think we ought to,” Jenny smirked. “Not to embarrass you but to help the situation.”

“Stop,” Matt begged her. He appeared caught like a child found red-handed.

“What is it?” Mallory asked nervously. “What did you do?”

“Speak up, dude,” I said calmly.

Matt looked back at us. Not in anger anymore, but fear. Fear of not only Mallory’s relationship but the one he held secretly.

“May I?” Jenny asked him.

Matt turned back around to Mallory, his air caught in his throat. He closed his eyes again and exhaled slowly before nodding his head.

“Well, you see,” Jenny smirked again, now speaking to Mallory and I.

“Matt also has a thing for younger girls, it seems.”

“Jenny just tell us,” Mallory said, a little annoyed.

Jenny laughed. She kneeled forward and wrapped her arms around Matt’s chest. “Your brother and I are fuck buddies.”

Mallory’s expression changed to anger for a slight second, and she stood on her feet. I grabbed her hand, and she turned back to me, tears now in her eyes. I pulled her back to me, and cuddled her.

“You all get so emotional over this shit,” Jenny giggled.

“It’s different when you’re not a slut,” Matt said, now holding a grip on Jenny’s arms.

“Don’t be mean,” she bickered back at him. “I’m just saying this doesn’t have to be a pity party.”

“How could you be so pissed?” I called to Connor, holding Mallory in my arms as she cried quietly. “You raised hell about me seeing your little sister while you were fucking her friend who’s roughly the same age as her.”

“It’s different,” he raised his voice.

“Barely,” Jenny spoke over him, calming him down again. “Just because you don’t love me doesn’t make it that much more different.”

Matt’s expression changed from anger or embarrassment to now hopelessness. He let go of Jenny and sat back in the chair just to breathe.

We all sat awkwardly in that room. Mallory had stopped crying and was now just resting against me. Jenny watched over Matt, who was slipping out of reality.

“Look like we beat him,” Jenny said. She stepped back into the kitchen to grab her vape. Walking back towards the chair Matt was resting in, she blanketed him in her cloud of vapor. Mallory and I didn’t say anything.

Seconds passed. Minutes. Jenny had taken a seat in the chair next to Connor vaping as we were all just basking in the silence.

“You two go back to Connor’s apartment,” Jenny turned to Mallory and I. “I’ll take care of him. He’ll call later.”

Matt didn’t say anything. Mallory and I got off the couch, grabbed our things, and walked to the door.

“Connor,” Matt called. Jenny got up to restrain him, but he put his palm up at her.

I walked to the leather chair, leaving Mallory at the door. Matt turned to me, giving me a convincing look.

“I meant what I said. If you ever hurt her you’re done.”

I smiled. I turned to Jenny, who just raised her eye brows. My hand bounced off of Matt’s shoulder as I gave him a friendly jab.

“Yeah, sure dude,” I said before walking back to Mallory.

Mallory smiled as I took her hand. She felt so warm next to me. We knew we had done it, we knew Jenny managed to get Matt to finally calm down.

After Mallory and I left, Jenny walked over to Matt, grabbing his arm. “That wasn’t so hard.” He looked up to meet her gaze.

“Do you think,” he muttered to her.

“What?” Jenny responded, leaning in to hear him better.

“What if…” he said slowly. “Do you think *we* could love each other?”

It was like a beautiful melodic piano tuned into Jenny’s heart. She had plenty of boyfriends in the past and fucked plenty of guys, but none of them had given the feeling Matt just gave her. They had been sleeping with each other for a year, but pleasuring Matt was all that had ever happened between them. Learning to admire his flaws had etched her more toward him.

Jenny was speechless. Surprisingly to Matt, a tear rolled down her left eyelid. He leaned in, and Jenny did the same. Their warm lips touched and they kissed passionately.

“How could you,” Jenny whispered, parting to speak. “How could you love me? You *know* how much of a waste I am.”

“We’re both a hot mess,” Matt ran his fingers through her hair.

“I’m a spoiled brat that sucks dick and intoxicates herself almost daily,” she giggled. “Have you *seen* my kitchen?”

“You’re a spoiled brat I want to make mine,” Matt smiled. He stared longingly into her eyes, her cheeks growing red.

“I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you too.”

Their lips met again as they now kissed roughly. Jenny’s tongue met Matt’s and their heads turned in rhythm with the other. It was what Jenny wanted deep down but never admitted to anyone including herself. Matt knee that by accepting what he had for Jenny it could open his heart to accept Mallory and Connor.

He parted his lips from hers again and a trail of saliva fell across his chest. Matt pecked up and down her neck, causing her to sit on his lap on hold her arms around his neck.

“We’re doing this?” Jenny moaned to him.

“Yes,” Connor breathed, leaving Marks on her neck, reaching to take her shirt off.

“You’re gonna fuck me, right here in this chair,” she demanded. She helped Matt remove her shirt and she reached behind her to untie her bra. Afterwards, she leaned forward and pulled Matt’s shirt off of him.

“Where’s your lube?” Matt asked her, unbuckling his pants.

“One sec,” Jenny kissed him before getting up to leave. She walked up the stairs, disappearing for two minutes. While she was gone, Matt slid his pants and boxers off, sitting naked in the chair with his erect cock.

Jenny was happy to see him ready when she came back holding her bottle of lube. She kneeled down and licked his shaft to the tip of his cock before covering it with the lubricant.

“We’re gonna have our best night yet,” she said, standing up to slide her pants off. “I hope you’re ready.”

“Fuck yeah,” Matt said, stroking his cock covered in lube. “Now come take your seat.”

Mallory and I slept in my bed as soon as we reached my apartment. We would’ve had sex, but we honestly just needed to take in what just happened with Matt. I woke up at midnight and couldn’t fall back asleep.

“Hey, babe,” I turned to her, shaking her shoulder.

“What?” She yawned.

“What’s next?”

Mallory turned over to me, a slightly annoyed look in her eyes. “We argue over shit like this and then get married in a few years.”

My heart sank at her saying that so openly.

“Really?” I asked her. “Could I really end up marrying someone like you?”

She laughed at me. “You’re so gullible,” she giggled. “*someone like you*,” she mocked me. “You’re a fucking dope when you’re trying to be cute.”

“I’m not trying to be, I mean it,” I said to her seriously. “I never would’ve seen myself getting married, let alone to someone as beautiful as you are.”

She giggled again, but kept her words to herself. Mallory leaned into me. “You ass,” she whispered, cuddling me as she kissed me.

We would’ve stopped after a few minutes but we just didn’t. Our passionate, slow kisses turned into a teenage male out session. I loved tasting her tongue as she slid it in an out of my mouth.

Eventually she pulled back, grabbing my shoulders with an excited look in her eyes.

“Let’s go fuck,” she said.

“Well yeah,” I answered her.

“No,” she grinned, tightening her grip. “In the hot tub.”

“What?” I laughed at her.

“We’re accepted now, so let’s go fuck where it all started again,” she giggled mischievously.

“I don’t know if we’re totally accepted,” I leaned back to think. “What is your plan anyways, you idiot?”

“Mom and dad are definitely asleep by now,” she explained. “We can go in the backyard and just hop in. They forget to lock the back door all the time so once we’re done I’ll just go to sleep in my bedroom, I’ll just say you dropped me off in the morning.”

“What about Matt?” I asked her, almost on board.

“Oh he’s taken care of,” Mallory laughed. “It’s kinda gross, but if he has been fucking Jenny you know he’s sleeping at her house tonight.”

Mallory was thinking logically about this. “Yeah, you’re right,” I admitted.

“So let’s go be kinky,” Mallory tugged at me.

I let her pull at my body weight for half a minute before giving in.

“You’re a crazy bitch,” I told her.

“I know,” she said, getting out of the bed.

The drive to Mallory’s house was quick, and we were there by 12:40am. As she predicted, Matt’s truck was not there. I parked along the side of the road as to avoid shining my headlights onto the house. We got out quietly and made our way along the side of the house.

“Once we turn it on we can be louder,” she whispered as we crept through the grass.

“I guess it’s good you guys are semi secluded,” I said, looking around. “We look like burglars.”

“You are scary,” she made of me. “Ugly people are super scary.”

I grabbed her ass, and squeezed it tightly. She caught her breath, not expecting it.

“You’re one sexy burglar,” I said to her.

Mallory grinned, her face red. “If you do it like that it works,” she bit her lip.

We finished our walk and reached the fence surrounding the back yard. I could climb it pretty easily considering my height, but Mallory was another story.

“What are you waiting for?” She asked me. “Let me crawl up your shoulders.”

“First,” I commanded, trying to set the mood. “Strip naked. Right here.”

Mallory gave me a confused gaze, then laughed. “You’re really trying,” she said, grabbing her shirt.

“I’ll wait,” I leaned against the fence.

Mallory pulled my shirt that she was wearing up and over her head. Her cheeks were a rosy shade of red as she grew more excited. Her bra fell pretty easily, her breasts now exposed in the chill night air.

“Turn around when you take your pants off,” I told her.

She did as she was told. Mallory kicked her flip flops off and slowly peeled her pants down. I watched as her ass cheeks fell out, instantly hardening my sick in my pants. She removed her pants and tossed them in the same pile with her shirt and bra and slid her panties down her legs. I walked forward and smacked her ass, grabbing it with my hands.

“Why can’t this wait?” She moaned. “Because I said so,” I whispered in her ear, lightly nibbling it. I continued squeezing her ass cheeks, making circles and even spreading them open a few times. Without warning her, I jammed my right thumb into her asshole. She jerked forward at first out of shock, but I pulled her back to me and shoved it back in.

“We can do this as soon as we get in,” she begged me.

“I just wanted to tease you first,” I said as I released my grip. She turned back around to me and I sucked on the same thumb I just had in her ass. She widened her eyes and I couldn’t tell if she was into it or not.

“What has gotten into you tonight?” She said. “Come on, it’s cold, my nipples are hardening.” Mallory grabbed her boobs with her hand in an attempt to warm them.

I only pulled my thumb out of my mouth, and gestured it to her. She stared back at me, a blank expression on her face, but soon changed to a sexier one.

“Okay, fine,” she said. Mallory leaned forward and took my thumb in her mouth. The same thumb that was just in her ass.

I let her suck on it for a minute before I pulled it out, crouching so she could climb over the fence. Once Mallory was over I tossed her pile of clothes over before I made my entrance.

The backyard was quiet. Their pool sat almost motionless.

“Are you sure they’re not gonna question the hot tub humming?” I whispered to her as we tip toed to our destination.

“Oh it’ll be fine, they’ll think it’s Matt if they even wake up from it,” she reassured me.

Mallory turned a nob to wake up the hot tub. The hummed to life as the bubbles crept up, the water illuminating.

Mallory giggled to me. “This is it,” she said. “We actually did this.”

I took off my shirt, my pants and boxers soon to follow. As soon as my cock flopped out into the world Mallory gave it a tight squeeze.

“Now let’s please get in, it’s cold,” she pleaded.

I took her hand and we stepped in.

We started first with some oral. I leaned back in my usual spot and Mallory wrapped her hands around my dick. She leaned forward, and spat over it, rubbing it in with her hands. Mallory wasted no time taking my cock into her mouth.

I moaned, relaxing my body as she began her work. I spread my legs for her and she sat on her knees in front of me. Her boobs jiggled below, now at least a little warmed by the water.

She plopped my tip out of her mouth and moved to suck on my balls. She left one hand to slowly stroke my length and the other resting on my thigh. After doing this for several minutes, she moved to lower her pussy lips over my cock, indicating she was ready. Mallory spat on my dick again before grabbing my cock to guide it in, using this as last minute lubricant.

She stopped to bite her lip as she felt the tip enter her pussy. I leaned forward, taking her nipples into my mouth. Slowly but surely, we worked the few inches she could take of me into her, then slowly slid it back out then back in.

“Fuck it,” she moaned. “I want to take all eight inches of you. I want you to pound my pussy.”

I looked at her in question. “Are you *sure?* If it hurts you, I’ll stop.”

“I’ll squeeze your arm if it’s too much, I promise,” she said, forcing herself down to take more inside of her.

“Fuck,” she cried as my cock disappeared more up her pussy. Instantly turned on by the sight and what she told me, I grabbed her waist. Pumping my waist up and pulling her down, I slid myself deeper into her.

Mallory cried, stopped breathing, moaned and everything in between in the several seconds it took to work my length into her. Finally, after what seemed like hours, her pussy lips rested against my lower stomach, having engulfed my length.

Mallory’s face was beat red and she was very obviously in discomfort. I grabbed her arm, and looked into her eyes. She looked back at me, and swallowed before giving a nod.

I took her permission, and began fucking her. I pushed her waist up to show half my length, then slammed my cock back into her. Mallory fell forward and quickly grabbed my arms, but did not squeeze. My dick only kept producing a smacking sound as I continued pounding her.

It was like something out of a pornographic movie. Mallory, a petite 18 year old girl was taking my fat cock inside of her. I was able to grab her and pound my dick in her without her passing out or dying on me. Her tits bounced up and down, my balls smacked against her vagina as my shaft tore at her walls.

“Cum inside of me,” she begged, crying. “Shoot your load up my uterus and only with every inch in me.”

I brought her head to mine and kissed her. I sucked on her tongue as I fucked her even more roughly, encouraged by her words. She moaned and breathed into my mouth, never once telling me to stop. Once I was reaching my climax I only increased my speed.

She pulled her lips away from mine and bit at my neck. I slowed down as I could feel the heat in my cock boiling over.

“I love you,” she whispered in my ear.

I erupted. My seed filled Mallory up in the fattest ejaculation I had ever experienced. I forced my cock into her until there was nothing more to slide in and held her still as I emptied all of me into her. Mallory only bit her lip and pinched her nipples.

Once I knew I was done, I lied back breathless. I at least moved to slide my sick out of her but Mallory stopped me.

“No,” she said. “I love to feel it swim around inside of me.”

I kissed her again. We sat in that position for another twenty minutes, my cock buried in her pussy while we made out.

“I love you too.”


Well, this is the end of this story. I hope you all enjoyed it, and sorry I took a week to get this part out! I’m considering writing a single part for a backstory on Jenny. This way we can get a little bit more of her character and delve into her life of being a fuck toy.

I’m beginning to get an idea for the next series I want to do. I’m thinking of having a sort of house party with a roster of characters in different relationships with each other and having everyone fuck each other in an assortment of situations. I await to hear your thoughts on that and this story.
Thank you so much again for reading. It’s odd that I’ve suddenly found a passion for this sort of thing.



  1. Hey everyone, I made an edit to remove the bit with Connor rimming Mallory, which is why the sex at the end may seem a bit short. This is because it’s kind of out of nowhere and I don’t think it fits in with the characters very well. Again, I write this stuff when I’m horny late at night so sometimes I force what I personally enjoy into the story and it just doesn’t mesh well. My mistake.

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