Erica, sister #2, part 1 [Str8][Mf](oral)

I tried to post this with a link to the first story, but it was removed. So if you want to read the first part, just check my profile, it’s easy to find.

This takes place at the beginning of my senior year in high school, about a year after I dated Connie. During that year, I had become a lot more experienced with girls and confident. I lost my virginity, but it’s not really worth a whole story, since it only lasted the typical 30 seconds. This story is worth sharing for several reasons.

I played soccer in high school, and while I was not good, it did come with some great perks, which is why I played all the way through my senior year. Due to the limited school funding, my school didn’t have enough room for the girls and guys to practice completely separately. The teams shared a field, and a lot of the time during conditioning, we ended up all running together. Since it was so hot outside, most of the time the guys went shirtless, and the girls usually only wore shorts and sports bras. At the beginning of senior year, all of the guy players were eagerly looking forward to see the group of younger girls moving up to varsity that would start practicing with us.

This talk heated up the first day of school, as most of the guys were actually looking forward to practice for once, to see the “new talent” as they called it. After one class I had with Connie, she pulled me aside to talk. We were still on good terms after the break up, and had some friends in common. She said her younger sister, Erica, was moving up to varsity soccer this year, and asked if I would keep an eye on her. I guess she had over heard some of the guys talking and went into protective big sis mode. Now this request kind of surprised me, since I remembered her sister seeming a lot younger than us. Maybe it had something to do with the awkward phase she was going through when Connie and I dated, where the braces and thick glasses didn’t really help her out. And I’m sure going through an awkward phase like that was even harder when her older sister looked as good as Connie did. So even though I didn’t think it was necessary, since I doubted she would get much attention from the guys, I agreed that I would keep an eye on her. She thanked me, and said she was happy her sister was on varsity, but it was going to be a pain in her ass since she was supposed to wait around till after practice to drive her home. Her family lived pretty far away from the school, almost as far as mine did. Since it would be on my way, I offered that I could just take her sister home. She lit up and jumped on that offer immediately. She said she would text Erica to let her know to find me after practice.

So later that day, when practice started, I kept an eye out for her, but never saw her. Practice wasn’t too hard since it was the first day back, but everyone was out of shape and the heat was unbearable, so all the girls were quickly down to their sports bras and shorts. Obviously the guys were very interested and kept pointing out which girl they really wanted to get to know. I figured Erica might have missed practice today for some reason, and I’d probably have a text from Connie explaining I wouldn’t need to drive her home after all. When practice was done, I checked my phone and didn’t have anything and was a little confused. I looked around again while everyone was taking off, and saw one of the new girls walking towards me. She was the girl getting the most attention from the other guys, and I couldn’t blame them. She was medium height, maybe 5’5, had long sandy blonde hair, and was in great shape. She was wearing the typical short shorts and sports bra, really showing off a great body. She was on the slim side, and didn’t look to have large breasts, but had a fantastic ass, if my glances from across the field were accurate. As she got closer she called out “Hey Matt, Connie told me you would give me a ride home?” And it hit me, that this was Connie’s younger sister Erica! I looked closer, and saw the resemblance, and I could just make out the traces of the young awkward girl that I remembered. She had obviously grown up a lot in the last year. I think she saw me taking all this in, and laughed a little bit, and said “I guess I look a little different than you remember.”

I told her she did, but she looks great. As we headed for my car, we caught up a little bit, and she told me about getting more into soccer, and switching to wearing contacts instead of glasses. She had gotten her braces off and all that made her feel like a new person. I agreed, since she seemed a lot more out-going than before. As we were driving home, I blasted the AC, and pretty quickly had cold air blowing hard on us. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her nipples start to poke through the sports bra, and decided I would freeze out before turning the air down. As we talked, she thanked me again for giving her a ride home, and half jokingly added at the end “…even if it is from my sister’s ex”. I heard the joking tone, but also noticed a little bit more to her tone that didn’t sound as happy. I glanced over and saw a little shadow cross her face, and asked if everything was ok between her and Connie. She looked surprised that I picked up on that, and looked at me seriously. I guess she decided to open up a little, and talked about how she kept getting talked about today as Connie’s little sister, and said she didn’t want to spend the next couple of years dealing with just being someone’s little sister.

I thought for a second, and said “well then, why don’t you give me your phone number, so I can coordinate rides with you and we don’t have to go through Connie? Then it won’t be like you’re getting rides from her ex, but just another guy from the soccer team.” I glanced at her out the corner of my eye as I said this, and she half smiled as she continued to study me. She let me sit there sweating it out for a bit, before giving a little laugh and saying “That was pretty smooth. Ok, give me your phone so I can put my number in.” That made me smile, that she saw where I was going with that, and still went for it.

We talked for the rest of the ride, and when we got to her house and she got out, she turned around and thanked me again for the ride, and gave me a big smile. I drove off feeling pretty good. I felt even better when I got a text from her before I even got home. When I got parked at my house, I read what she sent “Thanks again for the ride! Can you take me again tomorrow?” So we made plans for me to give her a ride again tomorrow, and kept texting for most of the night.

The next day at school, Connie thanked me for getting out of having to wait around to give Erica a ride, and I told her “No problem, but you could have at least warned me that she looks completely different now!” She just smiled, and I got the suspicion she had already talked to Erica about my reaction yesterday. Later at practice, I had a hard time focusing on the guys side of the field. It was a common problem, and the coaches were sure to let you hear it when they saw any of the guys starting over at the girls. So I wasn’t surprised to hear “Hey! Keep your eyes on this side of the field!”, but I was surprised that it came from one of the girls coaches. Obviously everyone had to look over to see which girl was caught eyeing the guys, and from the snickers directed at her from the other girls, and how embarrassed she looked, it seemed like Erica was the one having a hard time focusing.

When practice was over, and we were headed to the car, I asked her how practice went, with a little teasing tone. She picked up on what I was getting after, and looked embarrassed, but shot back with “you were looking over as much as I was!”. I was a little surprised that she noticed, and figured I must have been the one she kept looking at. I mustered up the confidence to go for it, and said “Well I suck at soccer, I’m only in it for the view at practice” and finished off with a wink at her. She blushed, and we ended up talking about soccer and school the rest of the way to her house. Before she got out of the car, she leaned up and gave me a hug, thanking me again for the ride.

And just like the day before, I got a text from her before I even got home. She said “same time tomorrow?”, and we ended up texting the rest of the night. I also found out that night that my parents would be out of town for the weekend, and I would have the house to myself. One of my friends was having a party at his parents’ house that Friday, and a plan started to form. Before going to bed that night, I asked if Erica wanted to go to that party with me, and she excitedly agreed.

That Thursday night, I texted her to make plans for me to pick her up to head to the party the next day. I casually worked it into conversation that my parents would be out of town, and we might need to stop by my house before heading to the party. I also told her my friend has a pool, so she should be prepared to go swimming. I hoped she might get the hint about going to my house, and she picked it up loud and clear. She replied “Sounds like fun ;) and I’m also looking forward to the party lol”. That led to things getting more flirty through texting until it wasn’t subtle anymore and we were basically just planning to stop at my house to hook up the next night. Then she sent me a text that I will never forget, she said “by the way, I don’t have a gag reflex ;)”. I don’t remember what I replied to that with, and we went to bed soon after.

The next day, on the ride home, it was pretty quiet. I was nervous thinking about what was going to happen in a few hours, and from what I could tell glancing over at her, she seemed nervous too. It hit me that while she tried to come off as confident, she probably did that through texting better since she probably wasn’t all that experienced. I think she saw how her older sister was with guys, and tried to copy that, but it didn’t really resonate the same. I started to think about how she was a gawky young girl not too long ago, and probably was trying a little too hard to get out from under her older sister’s shadow.

When we got to her house, she flashed me a smile and said “see you later” with a wink. I sped home and got ready as fast as possible, trying to will time to move faster. My parents had left earlier that day, so I texted Erica that I was ready and could come pick her up whenever she was ready. About an hour later, I finally got the text from her that said “ready ;)”. I hurried over to her house, and went up to knock on the door. She opened it as I walked up, and my jaw dropped. She was wearing a white bikini top, and pair of short jean shorts covering what I was assuming were matching bikini bottoms. She had her hair up in a slightly messy ponytail, and smiled widely at me as I walked up. She gave me a hug, and then I turned to go back to my car. She said “um, wait…” sounding a little nervous. I paused, and realized her parents probably wanted to talk to me. This put a little damper on my mood for a second, and I asked “does your dad want to give me the speech?” She giggled, and so “no, my parents are fine with me going with you, but Connie wants to talk to you.” I was wondering when Connie being my ex would make this complicated, and thought, here we go. I headed upstairs, and realized Erica wasn’t following me. I turned, and she said with a smile “you’ve got this, I’m not the one she wants to talk to”.

I went up to Connie’s room, and knocked. When she said “come in”, and I peeked my head in, she gave me a little glare. I moved into the room more, a little wary at her mood. She lightened up a little and said “when I asked you to keep an eye on her, this isn’t what I had in mind” then she added with a laugh “but at least she’s with someone I trust”. I relaxed a little, then realized she was dressed similar to her sister. I started to ask her about it, and she cut me off, saying that was invited to my friend’s party too, and would head over there later. She basically dismissed me from the room saying “take care of her, and I’ll check in on you both later”. I went downstairs, and Erica joined me to go out to the car. When we got in, she asked what Connie wanted to say. I told her she said to take care of you, and she’ll see us at the party later. I asked “do you want to head straight to the party instead of coming to my house first, since Connie will be there at some point?” She looked over and put her hand on my leg, saying “I don’t care what she thinks, I’ve been looking forward to this all day. Let’s go”

I don’t think I’ve ever driven so reckless, but soon we pulled into my driveway and headed inside. As soon as the door shut, I pounced on her. We kissed as I tried to lead her to my bedroom. It was difficult to lead her there while making out, but I wasn’t about to let up. She used a lot more tongue than her sister, but in a good way. I liked how sloppy this was. When we got to my room, I turned her around about to push her back onto my bed, until she put her hand down to my crotch and started rubbing my dick through my shorts. I bent down to kiss her neck, and decided to be the one to take charge. I took a chance and said while still kissing her neck “I want to find out if you really don’t have a gag reflex”. She pulled back and smiled up at me, then dropped to her knees.

She grabbed the waistband of my shorts and pulled them down, letting my rock hard dick swing out. She wrapped one hand around the shaft, and lightly grabbed my balls in the other, then looked up me and took the head in her mouth. She sucked on the head for a bit, then took it out and ran her tongue all the way down the shaft, to the balls, and licked them while stroking me. I was in pure heaven. She managed to maintain eye contact through most of this, and then moved lower to suck on my balls, and rested my dick on her face. Seeing my dick covering most of her petite face while she sucked on my balls was the hottest thing I had seen up this point in my life. It didn’t hold that top spot long though, because she was about to pull out all the stops. She went back to having one hand on the shaft, one on the balls, and the head in her mouth. I grabbed her ponytail in my fist, and she took a deep breath, before sinking down on my shaft, taking in over half of my dick. She kept eye contact with me this whole time, and then I hit the back of her mouth. She paused, and then pushed harder. Her eyes started to water, and she couldn’t seem to get over that hump to get my dick fully into her throat. She pulled back for another breath, and then went back to try again. I used my grip on her ponytail to help this time, and forced her further down, until the head popped through into her throat, and her lips reached the base as I groaned. Seeing her eyes watering and her lips wrapped about the base of my dick, while having a tight grip on her hair and feeling her tight throat squeezing my throbbing dick just about sent me over the edge. Not wanting to come yet, I pulled her off, and bent down to kiss her.

She looked so satisfied with herself, on her knees in front of me, with saliva dripping off her chin and tears running down her cheeks. We made out for a bit, while I took her top off. Her tits were smaller than her sisters, but perky and with really cute pink nipples. I was ready to feel that amazing feeling of breaking into her throat again, so I stood up and grabbed her ponytail. I leaned over enough to play with one nippled, while she obediently opened her mouth and put her hands behind her back. I groaned in appreciation, and said “good girl”. That got a moan out of her, as I pushed my head into her mouth again. I kept pushing further, until my head was again at the barrier at the back of her throat and she had about half my cock in her mouth. She had her eyes closed, so I said “look up at me”. She looked up into my eyes as I forced my dick back into her throat. This time, when I pushed her nose into my pelvis, she did gag around my cock. I let up and she pulled off, with a huge string of saliva still connecting my dick to her mouth. I told her she was doing a great job, and I was going to come soon. She had her hands back in front of her, after gagging, and stroked my dick while looking up at me and said “cum in my throat”. She could feel my dick jump at her words, and she smiled and went back to sucking me. She played with my balls and stroked my shaft while sucking hard on the head. It was all I could do to last another minute while she did that, and then I told her I was going to cum. She smiled up at me and took a deep breath. As I felt it coming, I grabbed her head and pushed her down again. This time the head didn’t pause at the back of her mouth nearly as long, and I slid into her throat. She pulled back just slightly, and then sunk further down, stroking my head with her throat. When she did this, I almost immediately started pumping my load into her. I held her head down as she choked on rope after rope that I pumped into her throat, then I let up towards the end of my orgasm. As she pulled off choking, one last rope shot out across her face. She was a trooper, and held onto my balls through the whole thing, and gripped my dick as soon as it left her mouth to stroke out the last bit of cum. She sucked out the last drops, and then still looking up at me, wiped the last rope from her cheek and sucked it off her finger. She swallowed it, and then smiled up at me, so proud of her self.

I was shell shocked at this point, and collapsed onto my bed. She laid down with me to snuggle while I recovered. I tried to express how amazing that was to her while we laid there, and I’m sure I didn’t do it justice, but she seemed to get the idea that I was blown away. Pretty soon though, we had to head to the party so we wouldn’t get there too much later than Connie. We made plans to come back to my house after the party, so I could make it up to her…


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