Madame Marie’s Predatory Academy for Gently Born Young Ladies- Lady Helena and Lady Vivian [ff][Fingering][virgin][upskirt][squirt]

Helena drew her knees together and tried the breathing technique she had learned from the discrete research she had done in her fathers library. Helena missed the familiar comfort of her family’s country home, and accepted seat of power, in the little county of Dilanshire. She had been content to while her days away in the luscious gardens and luxurious forests, or reading the ancient tomes in the library. Home was so different than the strict stone edifices and pretty but useless landscape of Madame Marie’s Academy for Gently Born Young Ladies.
“In and out. In and out.” Helena thought hopeful that the tingle in her loins would subside.
Her enthusiasm waned after minutes of trying did nothing to quell the ache in her core. She groaned frustration mounting along with her unwanted arousal.
“IN and OUT. IN and OUT!” She mentally screamed wanting to close her eyes against the living temptations around her.

She knew closing her eyes to block out the veritable bevy of nubile curves and ravishing flesh that literally surrounded her would bring too much attention, so she suffered in silence, heat rising into her cheeks and between her legs.

After several more seconds she decided the technique was doing nothing to ease the tension of her unwanted arousal. Helena looked around her. The other girls of Madame Marie’s Predatory Academy for Gently Born Young Ladies were mostly oblivious to her dilemma. On the outside she looked and acted the part of a blue stocking en route to doing her duty as an earl’s daughter should, but ever since…

Helena quivered thinking about the flame that ignited the wick. Her attention was brought back to the girls around her and the professor but Helena could not focus.

In truth, the other girls rarely noticed her, a daughter of a earl and countess from a small county on the out skirts of everything. Helena allowed the memory of her modest but comfortable life back home to distract her from her problem. She rose for a satisfying breakfast everyday and spent countless hours socializing and tending to the duties of a girl of her station.

Helena lamented her lost ignorance. As a high-born, Helena knew nothing of sex or what her body could do. She still wasn’t completely sure, even with her research, if the throbbing that constantly assailed her was normal. All she could surmise was that her obvious preferences were not at all common.
Her problem didn’t fully become evident until…

Helena cut her own thoughts short attempting again to shift her focus to the happy obliviousness of home.
Helena had never once noticed the men she was constantly surrounded by, at least not in the way that a female was supposed to notice the opposite sex. Their brawn was fine but she had never met a man that inspired her to burn for him. She had, however, been close to her neighbor’s daughter. Helena’s interest in the other girl, another earl’s daughter named Sati, seemed like nothing exceptional. Helena certainly hadn’t meant for her involvement with the other girl to become anything out of the ordinary but she supposed that was the nature of fate. One rarely planned such discoveries in advance.

Helena’s loins went from throbbing to aching, reminding her of her shameful arousal. Helena fought a bruising blush that would probably show even against the even bronze she had inherited from her Spanish mother. She drew her knees together so hard they hurt.

She gave up the battle and let the memory take her. It was only after she had seen her dearest friend out of clothes that Helena began to realize that she was not like other girls. At the time she was on the cusp of being considered a young woman as was her friend.

Helena remembered the peach coloring of Sati’s elegantly curved body. Both girls were of an age where their bodies had developed the unmistakable flowering of womanhood and Sati was perfect, a paragon. The images of that day assailed Helena’s memory with brutality transporting her fully.

Sati had invited Helena for tea and they were taking the refreshment in Sati’s room. When the conversation took a turn that would change Helena’s perceptions of herself forever.

“I have a freckle and I wonder if you would be so good as to help me apply a corrective cream to it. Can’t have my husband find fault.” Sati ended her request with a joke hoping to ease the awkwardness of her entreaty.
“Of course. What are friends for?” Helena smiled innocent and ignorant of what was to come.
“It is in a rather embarrassing hard to reach place.” Sati lowered her voice as if her words would reach inappropriate decidedly male ears.

Helena remembered shrugging, an unladylike thing to do, she had known.
“I shall keep it our little secret.” Helena raised her right hand sealing her words as a promise.
Sati smiled and gestured for Helena to help her undress. Helena obliged unbuttoning and untying as she was directed. It wasn’t until Sati had stripped her fine yet plain white shift away that Helena began to feel warm all over and embarrassingly wet between her thighs.

Helena could not take her eyes away from the soft curves and elegant womanly figure her friend possessed.
Sati had been said to have a figure the women of the Ton would envy and Helena could see that the jealousy would be well placed. It seemed like an eternity passed as Sati stood there, her flaxen hair coiffed perfectly, her face expectant after producing a small milk glass jar of white cream, her high pert breasts rising and falling, her taught belly tense with perfect posture. What surprised Helena even more was her natural interest in what was hidden below Sati’s golden curls at the apex of her thighs.

Helena was oddly mesmerized by Sati’s perfect breasts with their blushing pink nipples and she was so dumbfounded that she simply stared at Sati’s breasts and then her curls, and then her breasts, and then her curls again.

“I’m sorry.” Helena breathed placing the back of her right hand against her forehead.
“Are you quite alright?” Sati asked stepping forward to put a hand on Helena’s shoulder.
Helena remembered the heat that rose to her cheeks no doubt betraying her condition of distress. Later when reading in her fathers library, a term for women in her particular state, lesbian, popped off a page more than once. The books made the condition seem to be a mental illness, or a chemical abnormality, or a curse from God. What had she done to deserve a curse?

Helena tried to ground herself in the moment but the images of her memory continued.

“Shall I call Anna?” Sati asked, concern making her forget she was fully nude.
Sati helped Helena to a nearby chaise presenting the now seated girl with a full view of her perfect peach breasts.
“I apologize. I suddenly grew quite warm.” Helena had not made the connection between her sudden turn and her friends’ body until much later.

Not even a visit from the family doctor later that same day had helped her connect the dots. Helena managed to help her friend apply the cream to her single imperfection located at the center of her lower back at the small. It was after that that Helena had taken another turn and had been forced to go home.
Helena remembered the little jolt of lightening that had shot through her fingers and directly to her throbbing core when she had applied the cream to Sati’s back. A phantom jolt caused her nipples to grow painfully tight beneath her bodice in real time.

Helena’s hand shot up, her handkerchief between her fingers. The professor addressed her immediately.
“May I be excused.” Was that her voice? It sounded so breathy, and uncertain, and foreign over the loud pounding in her ears.

“Are you quite alright?” The professor asked, the prim older woman’s eyes cool yet showing the proper amount of concern.

“I believe I shall be. I simply need a lie down.” Helena’s voice quivered, unintentionally lending power to her plight.
“Of course.” The professor gestured, a movement that brought Helena’s attention to the older woman’s ample bosom.

She whimpered, certain that her underthings were drenched. Helena stood with all the grace of a turd and the professor, perhaps thinking the girl might faint dead away, directed her ice blue gaze to the only girl in the room that had made it painfully clear that she did not like Helena. The professor asked the raven haired English beauty to escort Helena to her chambers.

“Be certain to assist Lady Helena into bed and leave her in the care of her servants.”
Lady Vivian pasted on a concerned face which seemed to be clouded with something else, and played the part of dutiful escort until the wooden door of the class was closed behind them.

Lady Vivian, the daughter of a duke, constantly flaunted her status to those with titles below her own. Helena, the daughter of an earl and the product of a slightly controversial union, was less than nothing in Lady Vivian’s eyes. The Englishwoman had taken great pains to make her fervent hatred of Helena known and Helena never knew why. Helena assumed it was the union between her commoner mother and her high-born father.

So when Lady Vivian, who had lent a steadying arm to Helena in the study hall, had abruptly released her elbow as if it were spoiled offal, and when her look of concern turned to a scowl, Helena was oddly grateful. Seeing how convincing Lady Vivian’s face of concern was made Helena uncomfortable. If the raven hair woman could feign concern so easily what else could she hide?

Helena was hot and bothered and being escorted to her room by a woman who cared less than nothing about her well being. Helena wondered if her day could get any worse, any more embarrassing, anymore shameful, or anymore sinful.

“You are so tiresome Hattie.” Vivian said sounding completely bored with the whole situation.
Helena had long since stopped trying to figure Lady Vivian out. Quite simply, Helena did all she could to stay out of the of the raven haired woman’s sight. Even so, Helena knew that Lady Vivian knew her name because she had used it in disdain so many times. To intentionally mis-say her name was just childish teasing, so Helena pretended not to hear Lady Vivian.

When Helena didn’t answer, Lady Vivian turned her pale face to her and asked, “Can you not hear? I am speaking to you.”

“I apologize. Perhaps it is the illness.” Helena managed to keep the edge of all of her emotions from effecting her voice.

“I certainly hope it is not contagious.” Lady Vivian quipped determined to get an emotional response out of the other woman.

Helena knew that every comment Lady Vivian uttered had a completely hateful meaning behind it. Lady Vivian was simply an awful person but her distaste only seemed to be centered on Helena. Lady Vivian looked the part of paragon but the Englishwoman had chosen Helena to be her whipping girl. For someone to claim to care nothing for the girl, Lady Vivian certainly put a lot of energy into being just in the right place at the right time to Helena her of that fact.

Even when the pair crossed paths outside of the Academy, Lady Vivian had been as mean as polite society would allow a gently born young lady to be. Helena had given up trying to figure out why and even her determination to stay away from Lady Vivian seemed to bring more of the Englishwoman’s hate into her life.
“I would pull myself together if I were in your shoes. Someone like you could be easily expelled from this Academy.”

Helena’s fine brows together looking for the double meaning there.
“I am certain I don’t know what you mean.” Helena meant just what she said.
Her lord father paid her tuition just like any other gently born young woman in attendance at the Academy and she had done nothing to offend anyone but Lady Vivian.

Lady Vivian was probably referring to her mother and the controversy there but Helena could not be sure.
Helena sensed Lady Vivian become unreasonably angry.

“You tramp around here ogling every girl like a common sailor. I am certain I am not the only one who has seen the way you stare at other girls. People might start talking about unnatural urges and all that.” Lady Vivian growled the words clearly losing her composure.

Helena stopped dead in her tracks. Was her predicament that obvious that even Lady Vivian, who wanted nothing to do with her, could see her abnormality? Was it hat plainly written on her face?
Helena, unable to afford to lose this battle, was quick to recover.

“How would, the daughter of Duke Yorkbridge, know about unnatural urges?” Helena asked becoming emboldened by the need to survive this fight.
Helena hoped that Lady Vivian would simply back off. The raven haired woman was the last person Helena wanted to know her secret. Lady Vivian might not be above spreading Helena’s unwanted urges around which would make Helena’s life infinitely more difficult.

The Spaniard was frightened inside but prayed her composure would hold and Lady Vivian would see that Helena could not be cowed. Instead of dropping the matter a flash of something like guilt passed over Lady Vivian’s pretty face before years of training kicked in and her pale features became cool and calm. The flash of emotion was so quick an untrained eye would miss it but all gently born ladies were trained from the cradle to pay attention to even the most minute of details. Before Helena could even ponder what it meant the woman went on.

“I-I.” Lady Vivian may have schooled her features but her words were another story entirely.
What was going on? Helena could sense something, but she could not put her finger on what exactly it was.
“I am quite normal.” Lady Vivian blurted, something like hatred mixed with pain flaring in her moss green eyes.
“Are you certain?” Helena knew she was playing with fire but something besides the irritation that came with her constant unwanted arousal encouraged her to push even if it wasn’t exactly prudent.

Lady Vivian looked thoroughly caught which was what damned her. Helena could not or simply did not try to hide the expression on her face. Lady Vivian? The same Lady Vivian that had all but trampled over Helena at every opportunity was a lesbian? Helena kept the shock from mixing with her knowing expression, still playing the game Lady Vivian had started. Lady Vivian floundered looking as though she had backed into a corner.

“I see.” Helena said softly allowing a look of shock to finally cross her smokey Mediterranean features.
Lady Vivian sputtered but said nothing knowing that the jig was up. The raven haired woman chastised herself inwardly for allowing her temper to get the best of her. The pair resumed their sashay to the nearby dorms with the weight of Helena’s discovery between them.

Helena knew she had uncovered something huge and that she would have to step lightly if she were to survive the aftermath of her discovery. The brown eyed girl wished she was the type to use her knowledge to make Lady Vivian leave her alone but Helena lived by the most golden of rules.

Lady Vivian, Helena knew, would be ruthless in protecting her secret and that was something she understood. The pair walked in tight silence until they reached Helena’s quarters. The Spanish debutante moved to, of all things, thank Lady Vivian for walking her to her apartment and to say that her discovery was to be locked up safe in the confines of her mind when Lady Vivian pushed into Helena’s apartment, dismissed the maid that was pressing a dress, and rounded on Helena.

Lady Vivian, who was about three inches taller than Helena, stared down at the girl long enough for Helena to think that Vivian might have been beautiful if she weren’t so unpleasant and then Lady Vivian did something unthinkable.

The Englishwoman kissed Helena square on the mouth. When Lady Vivian’s slender arms pulled Helena close, the Spaniard remembered just why she had left the study hall in the first place. Helena’s body reacted intensely to Lady Vivian’s kisses, parts of her growing tight and other parts wet with new enthusiasm. It was odd that Lady Vivian had inspired all of the desire of a bucket of ice water over the head not ten minutes ago but now, as their bodies pressed together, Lady Vivian inspired highly concentrated arousal and even surprising passion.

Helena, in spite of herself and her dislike for the woman, found herself responding with a heat she did not know she had. Lady Vivian encouraged Helena’s plump lips apart and delved between her lips exploring every surface of Helena’s willing mouth until the shorter woman broke the kiss.

“This is…”
“Wrong?” Lady Vivian finished Helena’s sentence with a question.
Helena examine the other woman’s face noting the blush that bled into her alabaster cheeks.
“It is foul, a sin against God. It is unnatural?” Lady Vivian mimicked many of the thoughts that plagued Helena since the middle of last year.
Helena thought for a moment, none of Lady Vivian’s words ringing completely true. Even when they were her own private thoughts, Helena had not truly believed them.
She stared at the somber looking Englishwoman speechlessly for about a minute before remembering who she was staring at and looked away.
With a whisper of skirts the raven haired woman stepped back to give Helena room to absorb what had happened and what it meant.

Lady Vivian tried not to stare but she understood that she had lost that duel with herself long ago and it irked her that that failing only seemed to go one way. That’s how Lady Vivian had been able to study Helena so intimately for so long. Lady Vivian couldn’t remember how many times she had noted the elegant curves of Helena’s smokey flesh, the brilliant sweep of her chestnut locks, or the elegant shape of her ample bust. Lady Vivian could not take her eyes off of the beauty who had teased her without knowing it for the entirety of the time they had been acquainted with one another.

Lady Vivian, high-born that she was, might have known her treatment of the other woman had bordered on abuse at times but she couldn’t seem to help herself. It was the only way she had known how to get an emotional response from Helena. Any response was better than being completely unknown to the Spanish girl. Lady Vivian had seen how Helena had stared at other women with discrete curiosity and hungry desire. Yes, Lady Vivian had seen how her golden breasts hitched with tension, and how Helena’s body would become taut against the flood of arousal. She even saw how Helena chastised herself for being so different, so unnatural. How she had wanted to comfort Helena and alleviate her burden instead of piling onto it.

Lady Vivian watched the girl glad her judgement was proving sound. She knew the signs to watch for when it came to gauging the likelihood that another woman would be interested in the pleasures only the fairer sex could provide. It was obvious that Helena did not have that same knowledge or experience.

Helena clearly did not know how to tell which woman wanted to kiss her, to hold her, to tear off her dress and sink her tongue deep into her Spanish loins and lap up her sweet juices like a starving animal. No, Helena, even now, looked the part of a virginal Goddess, and not the beguiling seductress she actually was.

It ticked Lady Vivian off royally that Helena had held the power to completely and totally ruin a daughter of a duke and the little earl’s daughter didn’t even know it. Helena’s ignorance felt like callousness. It pissed Lady Vivian off even more than Helena had stared at every other girl in the academy and every female professor with desire but when those innocent dark eyes turned to her Helena did all she could to look away. Lady Vivian hated Helena a little bit for that and that was truly why she continued to find little ways to hurt the girl. It was shameful and complicated. Now, the secret was out and Lady Vivian was growing impatient waiting to see how the cards would fall.

“I want you Helena.” Lady Vivian’s words resonated in Helena’s chest, rousing the Spaniard from her shock.
“We are not evil creatures of sin. Women like us are simply made differently. We were made to enjoy the exquisite understanding comfort of another woman’s arms.” Lady Vivian opened her arms making the gesture drip with grace and invitation.

Helena who had at some point started staring at the floor, lips swollen and throbbing, brought her gaze to the pale dark haired debutante a few feet away from her.
“You…kissed me.” Helena knew it was the dumbest thing to say.
“It felt right did it not?” Lady Vivian managed an even tone but felt like crying in frustration.
Was she losing her chance with Helena? The girl certainly seemed to be in a full state of astonishment and as though she might go either way.

Lady Vivian looked alarmed but quickly schooled her features.
“Perhaps I should leave you to your rest.” The comment was met with more silence.
“If you mention this to anyone I shall deny it and I will have you expelled.” Lady Vivian allowed her temper to flare again through her sadness but she stood a moment more unable to truly accept that Helena was rejecting her.
Helena shook her head uncertain whether it was because Lady Vivian was threatening her after committing a crime and a sin against God or if it was because she was certain she was going to say yes.
“Your secret is safe with me.” Helena assured the green eyed woman.
Lady Vivian stepped closer to Helena pouncing on the promise as encouragement.

“Is it not our secret?” Helena was untouched and considered innocent but she recognized desire in Lady Vivian’s husky tone and nodded.
Lady Vivian offered Helena her hand and it seemed like the vague beginning of something beautiful, and real, and Gordian.
“You are not ill, you know. You are simply aroused and I can alleviate that pressure for you if you will allow me to.” Lady Vivian squeezed Helena’s hand gently before smiling a tantalizing pearly smile.
“I would…like that Lady Vivian.” Helena wanted the throbbing and the impossible tautness of her nipples to cease. She had been desperate for relief for far too long.
“No more talking then.” Vivian commanded abruptly grabbing fistfuls of Helena’s royal blue skirts and using them to pull Helena’s pelvis against her own.

“And you may call me Vivian.”
“How are we…” Helena’s question was cut short by a kiss and a whispered promise of, “I will show you.”
Vivian’s small hands began to work, expertly unbuttoning and untying the series of complicated buttons and ribbons that bound Helena in all the while keeping the passion and the potential protests at bay with kisses and nips. Vivian was encouraged by the gasps and little noises of pleasure that Helena sighed as she became freed.
When only the thin layer of a shift and a pair of bloomers stood between Vivian’s burning touch and Helena’s bare flesh Vivian stepped back and kicked out of her shoes. Helena, eyes closed lips and nipples swollen, looked thoroughly intoxicated and she swayed without Vivian’s support. Helena opened her eyes clearly disappointed that Vivian had stopped. The Spanish beauty wondered if the other woman had changed her mind and opened her mouth to speak.

“If we are both to enjoy this experience I must get out of this dress.” Vivian explained directing the situation.
Helena moved and quickly helped Vivian out of her restrictive garments, the girl’s attempts at maintaining the passion were clumsy but appreciated and met with an eager intensity.
Once Vivian was down to her shift, the green eyed woman grabbed Helena’s hand and tugged her over to the bed where Vivian pushed Helena on to her back.
Helena didn’t understand the mischievous grin that blossomed across Vivian’s face as the green eyed woman tugged Helena’s bloomers off.

Helena suddenly felt vulnerable as cool air hit her already sopping privates and she felt heat rise into her cheeks. The girl tried to pull her knees together but Vivian was having none of that. Vivian urged her knees apart with a smile that said, “Everything is going to be alright. Trust me,” and a couple of teasing kisses that chased Helena’s doubts and reservations away.

Only half an hour earlier Helena would have been running in the opposite direction but her forbidden desires demanded to be explored. She knew that she would have to ponder Vivian’s sudden change of demeanor later but for now Helena needed to do this. There was a screaming tension inside of her that had built up to a degree which made life difficult. In not so many words, she felt ill in pleasure-pained ways she didn’t understand and Vivian seemed like the cure.
Helena only had a moment to relax before Vivian slid her middle finger up and down Helena’s desire fattened clit and slick trembling cleft.

Helena moaned in spite of her self. She hadn’t even touched herself down there and now she was fairly certain a finger would be inside of her. The absurdity of it somehow aroused her even more. Helena shuddered as Vivian’s clever finger passed over an exquisitely sensitive portion of her pulsing sex, her own fingers tangling in the sheets below her. If she had known a gentle caress could feel that good, Helena might have tried it sooner. Vivian looked pleased with Helena’s sighs of pleasure and dipped her middle finger into Helena’s body, officially receiving the gift of Helena’s virginity. Vivian’s movements were smooth, and calculated, and seeking. When she found the place where the friction and pressure of her finger was the most appreciated Vivian worked another finger into Helena’s tightness.

“Oh.” Helena cooed as fine tremors quivered through her bronzed thighs.
Vivian kissed Helena’s knee wisps of smokey arousal clouding her moss green eyes making them seemed darker. Vivian persisted enjoying the sweet smell and sloppy sucking sounds of Helena’s increased wetness.
“Lady Vivian…” Helena groaned unsure of what she wanted yet knowing her need was urgent.
“Just Vivian, darling.” Vivian punctuated her sentence by adding pressure from her thumb to Helena’s gorgeous tan pearl.

That drove Helena into a wild moaning, writhing, bucking frenzy. The Spaniard impressed Vivian by humping her fingers like a common wanton slut.

Vivian, mightily aroused by Helena in that moment, drank in the other woman’s image with heightened attention. The way Helena’s breasts bounced under her shift was poetic and she made a mental note to pay close attention to Helena’s nipples when she was ready to explore more facets of her sexuality. Vivian’s free hand wandered around to cup a perfect hand full of Helena’s derriere and she wondered how Helena would respond to having her backside worshiped. Vivian tried to imprint the flowery smell of Helena’s tanned core and the image of how the pinkness beyond Helena’s luscious threshold clung around her pale fingers. The contrast of their coloring was incredibly provoking, almost as much as Helena’s moans. The best part of the experience was Helena’s sweet face as she tipped over the edge of a precipice covering Vivian’s fingers with a copious amount of warm wet cum.
“That’s my girl.” Vivian moaned almost orgasming with her.

Vivian was quite sure she was in love just then.
“Oh my…” Helena panted looking totally undone and not unlike a goddess with a halo of rich dark hair spread out below her dainty head.
Vivian looked as though she were considering something.
“Perhaps that’s enough for today.” The kneeling woman said having come to a conclusion.
Helena still looked as though she were drunk and did not respond for long moments.

“Is this how it always is?”
Vivian, stroking her palms down Helena’s shaky legs in an attempt to ease the coming muscle soreness, nodded. Helena smiled a still not-all-there smile which Vivian could not help but mirror with genuine admiration.
“There are other ways to bring your arousal to completion but at the core of the experience it will be the same or better.” Vivian answered softly.
Helena looked daunted, and intrigued, and then confused on top of feeling incredibly relieved.
“Are you not feeling the same impossibly tight desire that I had been?”
Vivian examined her lovers deeply colored eyes, “Quite.”

Helena was surprised that the Lady Vivian she had known for more than a year was not demanding to be sated. The Vivian that Helena saw before her now was softer and somehow kinder even though her tresses were strict and still severely pulled into a perfect coif just like the former Vivian’s. How Helena wants to take the pins out of that pitch colored hair and tangle her fingers in it.
“I don’t want to over tax you.”

Helena looked as though new life had been brought into her. The Spaniard thought aloud, “We have come this far Lady Vivian.”
Vivian cringed at the formality, remembering her own cruelty done against the girl, neigh, woman she had lusted after for so long.
“Vivian.” Vivian corrected again with an apologetic tone.
Helena’s perfect brows drew together slightly.
“Alright.” On that word, Helena began to move.

The bed sheets murmured below Helena as she rolled over and moved like a cat toward Vivian but when Helena was an inch away from touching Vivian, she stalled. Vivian could see the results of her slights and abuses suddenly stab through the desire Helena had clearly shown moments ago. Vivian wondered if the relationship could be repaired and she silently hoped she could ease Helena’s battered emotions. Her feelings were in conflict with her high-born nature but she would try to fix what she had done.

“You have my permission to touch me. Always.” Vivian maintained her apologetic tone.
Helena seemed to relax a bit but hesitated, this time, because she wasn’t sure how to give Vivian the same intense pleasure that Vivian had given her. Seeing this, Vivian gently cupped Helena’s cheek and stared into her eyes almost getting lost. Helena stared back uncertain of what was going to happen until Vivian grabbed Helena’s right hand and placed it below her shift over her dewy cleft. The green eyed woman guided two of Helena’s fingers into her slick body, placed Helena’s other hand on her breast, and nodded indicating that Helena had leave to explore. After a few tense moments of clumsy experimental thrusts and tugs, Vivian’s body language began to tell Helena what to do.

Her pale faced turned to the canopy with an expression of bliss flowering across her aquiline features, and a series of encouraging sounds fell from Vivian’s pink lips. Helena was bolder when she wasn’t being watched by those intense living emeralds.
Her hand twitched around Vivian’s pert breast and she wondered what Vivian’s nipples looked like. Though she was bold in that moment she wasn’t brazen enough to slide her hand down the collar of Vivian’s shift to find out.
Though she was emboldened she was still not confident in her abilities as least not until Vivian gave herself completely. A sense of power filled Helena’s chest as Vivian began to rock with each thrust and tug. The Spaniard’s thumb happened to brush the swollen pearl and both women were so pleased with Vivian’s reaction that Helena did it again and again. Vivian seemed to crumple, her hands gripping Helena’s thighs as she moaned, “Yes! Yes! Yes!,” becoming even wetter with the combined pressure and friction. Within moments Vivian gifted Helena with her complete undoing.

Helena was shocked yet again that day when Vivian squirted a puddle of hot cum in Helena’s hand. Helena, not knowing what to do and unable to move with Vivian crumpled in her arms simply sat on her haunches, fingers shallow inside of Vivian’s body, trying to balance a pool of liquid in her palm.

“God.” Vivian sighed breathing the word across Helena’s chest indicating the beginning of her recovery.
After what felt like five minutes Vivian pulled herself up and carefully slid Helena’s fingers out of her, feeling the loss instantly. Helena stared at the puddle of liquid in her hand. Suddenly given to satisfy impulses, Helena licked the pool of salty liquid from her palm swallowing it all.

“Damn.” Vivian cussed watching the incredibly hot scene take place in front of her.
With all that happened a lady, specifically the one who had just left a leaking mess in her palm, cussing only surprised her a tad.

Vivian still attempting to recover from her intense shuddering orgasm, smiled a tired but content smile.
“Come, lay with me.” Vivian sighed stretching her elegant form and sinking into the pillowy surface. Vivian could see the uncertainty return to Helena’s dark gaze.
“Come, darling. I will not bite unless you wish it.” Vivian hoped she sounded inviting and warm instead of as tired as she felt.

When Helena didn’t obey, Vivian quelled the urge to become a high-born brat and reprimand Helena’s insolence. Helena must have seen the flash of annoyance in Vivian’s eyes because her brows rose a degree. The desire to feel Helena’s feminine form against her own was so great that a quiet, “Please,” fell from Vivian’s lips and surprised them both.

Helena must have seen the sincerity in the Englishwoman’s face because she did as she was asked.
Their legs mingled together as Vivian pulled Helena close. Vivian sighed in content thoroughly enjoying the feeling of the other woman’s body against her. The gentle soft pressure of Helena’s breasts against Vivian’s felt amazing and right and oddly comforting. If Helena was still hesitant, it did not show because she quickly relaxed and was soon snoring lightly.

Vivian smiled to herself, loving the feeling of Helena in her arms, before sleep took her too.

To be continued…?



  1. Sorry about the weird spacing. I read it, submitted it, and then saw it was on big block tried to break it up so it wasn’t just one massive block of text. I’ve read this like 10 times and I just have to let it sit before I read it again. Tell me what you think.

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