Howl [F][Bst]

Mandy had always felt more at home in nature. She had left her Subaru WRX at the trail-head over three days ago, and since that time the civilized world had melted away, leaving just her, the breeze, and the sky.

She had been off the beaten trail for nearly half the time, following ridges and deer trails into the wooded wilds. Her only companions were her overstuffed Kelty pack, and her GPS. She wore tall danner boots, green L.L. Bean shorts, and a tank top which she covered with a red arc’teryx jacket in the cool mornings.

Around her the world was painted in green, the grass, the trees, the clover in the meadow. The scent of fir and juniper danced through sunbeams as it rode the wind to her nostrils with each deep breath she drew as her toned legs propelled further and further from all her cares.

She slept in a suspended hammock at night, drinking in the stars and moon. In the distance she heard the howling of wolves, their mournful wails as beautiful as the sparkling sky itself. She joined them, pouring all her rage and grief and loneliness into the air.

On the fourth day, she sat on a fallen tree at the edge of a meadow, chewing on homemade lamb jerky as she alternated between studying her map and gazing aimlessly at the treeline.

To her shock she noticed movement there. A dark hunched shape. A wolf.

She had heard them howling in the distance the night before, but even this deep into the woods they were rare and she had not expected to encounter on in the flesh. She stayed still, observing it unafraid. Unafraid until she noticed one more, also in the tree line, but circling the other way around. Soon they would be on two sides of her, and it didn’t take much to imagine that there might be a third as well.

She held her calm, thinking through her options. Most likely they were only being territorial, not hunting her. She could simply walk out the way she came in.

Or she could return to the tree she had used for her hammock that night, climb in to it and wait for them to lose interest.

One thing was certain, she did not trust her chances against two wolves with her pocket knife.

She got back on the same route she had taken to the meadow, intent to calmly walk until they lost interest. She walked purposely, but with a measured pace, not wanting to appear to be fleeing. It soon became clear, however, that the wolves were near. She heard them, breaking through the brush around her, caught glimpses of them darting across the path in front of her, or behind her. Despite her best intentions her control faltered, she began to walk fast, and then jog, soon she was at a dead run, certain that she could feel the entire pack nipping at her heels. She turned once, to see if she was right, when in her moment of inattention her foot caught on an unseen root. She hit the ground at full speed, and the world went dark.

She awoke, disoriented, beneath a rocky overhang beside a small creek. Around her was the pack, the wolf family that had been tailing her. Two were playfully splashing in the creek, another sunning itself on the bank. But closer still, was the largest, sitting beside her, watching her.

It stretched its muzzle towards her, sniffed her breath, and quickly licked her across the face twice. Instinctively she reached up, felt the bruise on her forehead. She met eyes with the wolf, and knew then that they had brought her here, and was unafraid.

The male, who she though of as Grey, rose up and approached her. He had heard her howl, and accepted her. He sniffed her again, licked her mouth. She parted her lips, let his tongue meet hers as she tasted him. His breath was hot, and she inhaled his moisture, gasping at the wild erotic energy contained in his breath alone.

She found that she was entirely unconcerned with human notions of right and wrong, she knew that his is where she belonged, under this overhang, by this bend in the creek, with him. She ran his fingers through his fur, down to his groin, and found that her suspicions were correct. She felt her legs quiver in anticipation. If she was to join this pack, she would prove herself immediately.

He sensed the new smell, the rising heat from between her legs. Soon his muzzle was between them as well, his nose pressed against her, pushing the fabric of her shorts against her clit. He licked at her there, big, long, exploratory licks across her shorts, spilling over the sides to the bare skin of her thighs. Her own wetness mixed with his lapping, soaking through the shorts, giving Grey his first taste of her womanhood.

She licked her own lips, stared at his growing member, and considered taking him into her mouth. Instead, she felt the call of a primal nature. She flipped onto all fours, and willing pulled down her green shorts and bright pink panties, exposing her dripping pussy, inviting the wolf the mount her.

He accepted without hesitation, hopping on top of her with the agility that could down a deer. She nearly buckled under his weight, but held strong. He thrust at her, and found his mark by natures guidance, as if her human body and his canine one had been built to meet like this.

She fought back a yelp, and then realized there was truly no one to be embarrassed for, and let her vocals free. She panted, and yelped, and moaned to her heart’s desire as his firm length entered her again and again. His front paws wrapped around her, wrists on her hips, paws curled under and gripping her taut abdominals.

She began to ride back into his thrusts, as she would have in a human pairing, before realizing that it was entirely unnecessary. His raw power needed no help from her, only her acceptance.

He fucked her deeply and uninhibited, her mind swirled, she felt drugged by her own hormones and instinct. She felt the overwhelming wish and need to be bred by this virile male, to carry his seed within her, to mix his robust aspects with her own tender grace. Her higher mind momentarily mourned that she could not truly carry his young, but the thought was scattered to the wind by yet another delicious stroke of his canine cock.

Her pussy shuddered and tightened as she was brought to a merciless orgasm. This finally triggered a change in him as well. The base of his member began to swell, expanding inside her, locking his wolf erection in its rightful place inside her human pussy. As it did, he grew motionless, and with her whimpering help he rotated his position, completing the tie. They knelt like that together, for what felt like an eternity, his virile semen flooding into the raw depths inside her, raging against the cruel fate that prevented the deepest union between his sperm and her desperately willing eggs.

Nonetheless, the rest of the pack observed the spectacle from afar, and knew with certainty that this odd, lost creature, was now one of them.

After all was done, she joined them for breakfast, a raw meal, and began the first day of many with her true family. Home at last.


1 comment

  1. Why am I suddenly reminded of the song “Furr” by Blitzen Trapper

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