Astronomically Far: my best friend [M,M]

I remember the first time I’ve fallen into him. Love? Lust? Back then such words were so trivial to me, or so I told myself as I watched and craved him from afar, in his presence and absence. Until I met him, I didn’t have the luxury of giving my heart and body to anyone, it was always one or the other. I met him by mistake, was it? A mistake? It was something that rarely happens to people, a person so like me I could almost hear their thoughts, I could’ve sworn our heartbeats were in sync. We became friends, I’ve never met anyone who got so excited about me before, everyone hated me, I was too cold back then.

He’d come and bring sunshine with him. But I always remembered my mom saying “don’t look directly into the sun.” And now I get it, wish I did back then… My feelings were made of my skin. Oh how I envied him. He was everything I wanted to be; valiant, alluring, and cunning. One cold night I was at his mansion, it was a magnificent place, full of art and big empty spaces. The house was too large for him, I secretly wished he could find someone to share it with, and I regretfully have to admit that I wished it was me. I leave my parents’ house to go and see him but it felt like I was heading home. We’d get food, blankets, watch old films, smoke, and talk. And when it got too late I’d head back home. On that night I fell asleep on his couch. I remember him waking me up, he was wearing a robe and he smelled like sandalwood. He must’ve taken a shower while I was asleep. I wanted to get my stuff and leave, he didn’t want me to. He said it was too late. So I stayed. And that was my mistake. I was a fool, I knew subconsciously what was going to happen if I stayed.

He wanted me to sleep in one of guest bedrooms but I insisted that the couch will do just fine. He wanted to lie next to me, I didn’t refuse or agree, I was in shock. I didn’t know if it was a normal thing to do, our connection has always been a mystery to both of us. I was on lying my side, he came under my pile of blankets and we were facing each other, so close I could smell his perfume even better. I wanted to bury my head into his hairy chest. Resisting was the hardest part, until he started flopping like a fish to get close. We were so close, any involuntary movement from either of us could land my lips on his. He was staring into my eyes, and he was drowsy. As he was falling asleep he slid his leg between mine. I was hard and he probably felt my hard cock against his bare thigh. I couldn’t sleep, I was just looking at his face as he did. Suddenly he grabbed me with both his arms and hugged me, I placed my hand on his chest and started to make my way down till the knot untangled and he was exposed underneath the blankets. Right before reaching his cock I asked “can I?”. He opened his eyes, smirked, and kissed me and I proceeded. I had my fingers around his cock.
It was hard, warm, soft, and surprisingly big— If I wrapped both my hands around it I still wouldn’t cover the tip. I stroked it gently as we kissed. Our kisses were so intense it felt like we were waiting an entire eternity just to be united. Was it true, that he really loved me the same way I did? Or was it just his moment of weakness? I wasn’t really there, my body went into auto pilot mode, our movements were in sync and I felt like I was welcomed into his heart, his radiance blinded me. I put my hand between our lips and gently pushed his head a short distance away. I said “Is this real?” His face transmogrified into an expression I’ve never seen before. He said “Kiss me.” Oh how my heart melted. It was a picture perfect memory, his warm beefy thigh between my legs, the gentle oscillations of his hips, his scent, his warm skin after a hot shower under blankets, his perfect face, body, and figure.

It was two friends who have been toughened by their unconditional love for each other, unable to confess in fear of losing each other. Finally united in each other’s arms behind closed doors. I stood up and kneeled in front of him on his beautiful marble floor, he was sitting and I reached for his cock, caressed it a bit and put it in my mouth. It was my first time. I wanted to pleasure him, he deserved it in my mind, I wanted him more than anything. He rested his arms, without urging me, or pushing my head, I was in control. I couldn’t get it all in my mouth, in fact I could barely do half without gagging, and he didn’t mind at all, judging by the look on his face he was enjoying it. Suddenly, he started moaning, it was the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard. It wasn’t loud, it sounded like a release. His warm juice was all over my mouth and jacket. It was a lot, so much more than I expected. I licked some off my lips he put his hand around my neck and pulled me closer. I was on top of him we started kissing, I couldn’t resist those beautiful soft lips as he licked his own cum off my face. I paused and told him that I wanted to take a bubblebath. He prepared it for me. He was eating chocolate dipped strawberries as I undressed and dipped my exhausted body, he wasn’t looking at me out of respect. But he got closer with his front exposed and said “can I?” as he put he dipped his hand into the bathtub. I smiled and he took off his robe and joined me. The water was hot enough to turn my skin pink. I felt his legs against mine in the water, next thing I knew I was on top of him kissing his neck and thrusting against him, he put his hands on my neck and choked me just enough to feel the blood running through my veins without cutting my supply of air.

We got out of the bathtub I dried myself put on some of his perfume and headed to his bed wearing one of his robes. For some reason he had peaches beside his bed so I cut one. I got on top of him, put a slice of peach in his mouth and instructed him to bite it and tilt his head upwards as the juice went down his throat. I took my trembling hand off shoulder and placed my wrist right in front of his nose and softly caressed his neck with my other hand from his chin to his collarbone… There and then I knew that I had him, no one could ever satiate his hunger for unique experiences but me. It was a skill, it wasn’t simple seduction, it was a craft for me, something to be good at. How could I ever conquer his heart? His weakness was me and I knew how to capture him. With our legs intertwined like a messy landscape I was drawn to his eyes, with every breath I leaned, till I was able to land my lips on his stubble — sharp like a cactus but I didn’t mind, in fact I licked his neck. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, our chests collided, I felt his warmth, I felt warmth for the first time in my life, I rested my head on his shoulder and bit his ear a little too hard. He pinched my back. I whispered “can I stay here forever?”
He said “can you be mine forever?”. I smiled, pushed his upper body and lied on top of him for the rest of the night.

PS We’re still together, we have a very complicated relationship. We won’t ever get the chance to live together or be public about our relationship (it already looks bad, apart from the fact that we’re two males engaging in a sexual activities with each other in a country that doesn’t tolerate it, I’m 20 he’s 38). It’s our secret. I don’t want to risk his social status in a community that would shun us if they ever find out. I don’t like it but it works. We’re basically each other’s harlots, which sucks… but we’re from the same social class, everyone knows each other so it’s risky. But I enjoyed writing this. Didn’t reread it or make edits, wrote it while drunk actually, copied and pasted it here from my notes.

Hope you enjoyed reading this (it actually happened, nothing is made up.)
