Hot Tub Fiasco – Alternative Ending (1/2)

“He’s a lowlife fucking coward!” Matt yelled at the top of his lungs. He was looking out of the window of the house, blinded by the headlights of Connor’s car. “They’re actually leaving.”

“When are you going to tell me what the hell is going on?” His mother demanded, her face flustered with anger. “You woke us up, now he’s taking Mallory away, I need answers-“

“They were making out, mom,” Matt yelled at her. “He was violating my sister.”

Matt’s mother took a step back. Her expression wasn’t exactly disappointed nor happy either. Matt’s father gave a look of disgust, and sat down at the dining room table.

“I’m calling her again, this is just stupid,” his mom muttered, taking her phone back out.

“It’s more than stupid, he’s a pedophile!”

“Calm down, son, this is Connor we’re talking about,” his dad raised his voice. “You can’t just go tossing that word around and you know it.”

“I saw him, I saw the way he held her, they-“

“Enough!” Matt’s father yelled across the room. “Think logically. It’s messed up, yes, but he isn’t gonna *rape* her. Of course you both beat the hell out of each other, you never have any self control.”

Matt’s mom’s phone buzzed again. “She’s not gonna pick up,” she sighed.

Matt slammed his fist on the floor in anger. His mother walked into the living room to turn the light back out. After she did this, she placed her hand on Matt’s shoulder.

“Just chill out,” she said. “I get it, it’s Mallory, but it’s Connor. If they have been secretly smooching it’s not the end of the world.”

“You don’t get it, both of you don’t,” Matt said, leaving the room.

Matt’s father stood up to go after him, but his mother stopped him. “Let him be a drama queen,” she said. “We’re going back to bed.”

Matt walked outside into the back yard. He threw a rock into the pool in anger, forgetting about his injuries. Now in pain, he walked around in circles, considering what just happened. Looking over, he noticed the hot tub was still on. Instead of turning it off, he walked over, took off his clothes and got in.

Matt pulled out his phone after relaxing for a minutes. He tried calling Connor three times before texting him.

“I’ll kill you, but I’ll kill you again if you hurt her,” he mumbled to himself. After the message was sent, he called a friend from the party.

“What’s up dude?” The guy answered.

“Hey man, I just have a quick question.”

“Go ahead.”

“That night at the party, you were one of the two that stayed at the pool after I went inside, right?”

“Uhhh, yeah, what about it?”

“Did you see anything? Did anything happen with Connor and my sister after I left?”

The guy didn’t answer for a few seconds, thinking.

“If anything did happen, I don’t think any of us saw it. I’m pretty sure he stayed out there with here though. Did something happen?”

“Fuck,” Matt grunted, almost throwing his phone. “I think they may have fucked, dude.”

“Oh shit,” his friend laughed. “I didn’t think Connor was into 18 year old pussy.”

“What? Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Sorry, sorry man. Are you really that pissed about it?”

“Yes, dude, she’s my little sister! And Connor is a grown ass man!”

“And your sister is a grown ass woman.”

“What? What are you-“

“She’s an adult now, dude. She can make her decisions. Even if hooking up with Matt is out of pocket.”

“I didn’t call you to lecture me, man.”

“I know, just put yourself in Connor’s shoes. Man is by himself a lot, I don’t think hooking up with your sister is totally a terrible thing for him.”

Matt didn’t answer.

“Besides,” his friend added, “she’s got fat titties. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t-“

Matt hung up the phone. Instead of tossing it, he placed it on the side of the hot tub. He lied back and closed his eyes for thought.

“You’ve been fucking my sister, huh?” He mumbled to himself.

He thought about this for several more minutes before his anger slowly began to die down. Realizing he needed to features, he dialed another number.

“Hey,” a voice answered.

“Come over and blow me,” Matt demanded. “Sorry it’s so late.”

“Haha, I knew this was a booty call,” she responded. “Sure, be there in half an hour.”

Mallory and I got out of the car at a gas station. I was walking better today, but not perfectly.

“Shouldn’t you not be with me?” I asked her as we walked to the door.

“I don’t think they care, they’re not gonna card you.”

“I know, just sometimes they do care.”

“Stop being a wuss, we’ll take our chances,” she laughed.

It was about 6pm so the sun was beginning to set, but not totally. The gas station was quiet, just like the roads were. We entered the store and went straight to the back, looking at the alcohol. Mallory walked up and down the aisle with me, searching.

“What are we even getting?” She asked me.

“Vodka, duh,” I told her. “You need to acquire the taste for college anyways.”

“Okay, you know-it-all,” she teased me.

I grabbed a bottle of grey goose and we made our way to the counter. “Linger back,” I told her.

Mallory sighed. “Fine.”

I payed for the alcohol and we made our way back to the car. Mallory was driving not only because I was still slightly in pain, but because she knew how to get to our destination.

A few minutes down the road, I received a text from Mallory’s mom. I read it to myself.

“Who was that?” Mallory asked after I put my phone down.

“Shit, it was your mom,” I confessed, not really wanting to bring up the drama.

“What’d she say?” Mallory asked, suddenly slightly emotional.

At first I didn’t move, and just kept my phone in my pocket. I could see how much she was hurting, however.

“Okay,” I muttered, pulling my phone back out to find the text.

“Connor,” it read, “we just want Mallory back. We won’t kill you and neither will Matt. We’ll hold a white flag up if that’s what you demand. We’re not crazy happy about this, but we’re willing to sit down and talk about it. Bring her back soon, please.”

“Don’t respond, please,” Mallory asked me desperately. “I’m scared.”

I placed my hand on her thigh. “I’m here, it’s okay,” I told her. “We’ll get through this, just don’t think about it right now.”

She stared at the road, still driving.

“How far out are we?”

“Just a few more minutes,” she said.

Matt cuddled with his fuck buddy after they finished, gazing at the midnight moon.

“Don’t be so worked over it,” she said.

“I can’t shake it off,” Matt sighed, holding her. They were still in the hot tub, completely nude.

“Well, you fuck me,” she said, giggling. “If Connor really does care about her, he’ll take your feelings into consideration, but I think you should consider how they feel for each other. If you’re right about this, that is.”

Matt didn’t answer.

“I’m not exactly a wise spirit, I just like fucking you,” she said, standing to get out.

“Wait,” Matt said, sitting back up.

“What? We finished, didn’t we?” She answered.

He stared at her body.

“What do you think? Do you think they would fuck each other?”

She sighed. “I think that Mallory gets pretty lonely up here, and one thing may have lead to another. You have to keep her feelings into consideration, you dick. If she likes him, you can accept that. You grew up with this Connor guy, you should be supportive.”

Matt stayed in the hot tub for another half hour after she left. Once he finally got up to leave, he turned off the hot tub and went to sleep upstairs. He thought about driving to Connor’s but figured he’d give time a chance to think about things.

Mallory knocked on the front door of the massive home. “You were right,” I said. “Jenny’s house would’ve been a good choice for a party.”

“Her parents are rich,” Mallory said. “Also shitty. They’re gone a lot, leave her to do whatever she wants.”

Jenny answered the door. She was a slim, 19 year old blond wearing an oversized t shirt and pajama pants. She had a vape with her.

“Hey,” Jenny said to Mallory, opening the door to let us in. “This is your boyfriend?” She said, eyeing me down.

“Yeah,” Mallory answered, her face red.

“You serious about tonight?” Jenny asked me, making awkward eye contact.

“Well it was her idea,” I said, nudging Mallory.

“No shit,” Jenny responded, hitting her vape. “But are *you* serious about tonight? You’re gonna sleep with both of us?”

“I already bought the alcohol, so yeah,” I answered, holding up the bottle.

“Okay, then smack my ass,” Jenny said, turning around.

“Don’t make this weird,” Mallory complained. “Just let us inside.”

“I gotta see if he’s serious, I don’t want to waste time,” Jenny said, thrusting her ass at me. I turned my eyes to Mallory.

“It’s okay,” she stuttered.

“Don’t kiss her or me,” I demanded to Jenny. “That’s my one rule. Mallory is mine.”

“Yeah, okay sure,” Jenny said. “Now hurry up, it’s getting cold out here.”

I reached down, and smacked both of Jenny’s cheeks. I didn’t realize it very well because of her pajama pants, but Jenny had a fat ass. Probably fatter than Mallory’s.

Jenny let us inside, laughing. The first room was a staircase entrance, with a large living room the the left and a kitchen to the right. On the kitchen table we’re several bottles of alcohol and various drugs in bags and a pipe.

“You smoke weed?” She asked the two of us. “It’ll help get us in the mood.”

“You want to?” Mallory asked me.

“Okay,” I told her.

“Too cute,” Jenny teased us. “Don’t hold her on a leash.”

She handed us two bags, taking the vodka out of my hand as a trade. While we got ready on our hand, she poured three cups with chasers.

An hour later, we were sitting in the living room watching a movie. Mallory and I lounged on the couch while Jenny sat in her chair. The sun had set and she was also playing music through a blu tooth speaker.

“Where are your parents?” I asked her. “You kinda have shit laid out everywhere.”

“This is my house,” Jenny answered, giggly. “They’re on a trip right now, so this is my palace.”

Mallory snuggled into my chest. I played with her hair, as if on command.

“I admire you two so much,” Jenny said, still laughing. “You cuties might be so many years apart, but fuck, it works right?”

“That’s what we think,” Mallory said, also giggly.

“How did this start?” Jenny asked.

“I showed Connor my boobs and he couldn’t resist me,” Mallory said, kissing my hand.

“Shut the fuck up,” I laughed at her.

“I don’t blame you,” Jenny said, taking a sip of her vodka mix. “Mallory’s got great little boobies.”

“You bitch,” Mallory said. “You’re just jealous of me because you have b cups.

Jenny made a disgusted faced, I was shocked.

“Take that back,” Jenny said, now laughing at what she said. “Guys like my boobs too, girls as well!”

I sniffed Mallory’s curly hair as she rested in my arms. “Well mine are better,” Mallory responded, holding me tighter.

Jenny stood up and walked to the kitchen to go pour another cup of her vodka mix. Mallory and I took the opportunity when she left to touch lips. After making out for a few minutes, Jenny returned.

“You don’t have to wait for me to leave,” she said, taking her seat. “It’s hot, your boyfriend is hot.”

Mallory rested her head back on my chest, leaving a trail of our saliva on her chin. “He’s the hottest,” she agreed, wiping her chin with her hand. “He’s got a fat dick too.”

I tightened my grip on her, a little nervous by the comment.

“Oh really? I bet that makes him a complete set,” Jenny said, drinking more alcohol. She was pretty wasted at this point. “How big is it?”

“You’ll see later,” I spoke up, trying to impress Mallory. She didn’t say anything, however.

Jenny grinned. “Okay, can’t wait,” she winked.

Jenny’s phone rang. She sighed, and picked it up.

“What’s up?” She answered.

“Nah I can’t, I have company over. Yeah? Okay. Talk later, bye.”

She put down her phone, and took another large hit of her vape. “I’m *popular*” she snarked. Mallory giggled.

We watched the tv for a bit in silence.

“To rebuttal against your argument about my boobs,” Jenny spoke up, almost spilling her drink, “I’ve been told my ass is pretty nice.”

Mallory laughed at her. “I guess you have something to be proud of, then, other than the fact that you can swallow cock.”

“It’s true,” Jenny screamed.

“We didn’t saw we don’t believe you,” Mallory explained.

“Here’s an interesting question,” Jenny said, trying to change the mood.

“Who has a better butt dude? We know Mallory’s got the titties.”

She caught me off guard. “Oh, well, I, uh-“

“I know you had to have felt mine pretty well at the door,” Jenny said, trying to get up.

Mallory snuggled in my chest, not moving.

“What if we let him pick? We show him?” Jenny called to Mallory, stumbling toward the couch.

“I like that idea,” Mallory smirked.

I didn’t say anything.
