Hot Tub Fiasco Part 5 [MF] [Friend’s Little Sister] [Age Gap]

“He’s a lowlife fucking coward!” Matt yelled at the top of his lungs. He was looking out of the window of the house, blinded by the headlights of Connor’s car. “They’re actually leaving.”

“When are you going to tell me what the hell is going on?” His mother demanded, her face flustered with anger. “You woke us up, now he’s taking Mallory away, I need answers-“

“They were making out, mom,” Matt yelled at her. “He was violating my sister.”

Matt’s mother took a step back. Her expression wasn’t exactly disappointed nor happy either. Matt’s father gave a look of disgust, and sat down at the dining room table.

“I’m calling her again, this is just stupid,” his mom muttered, taking her phone back out.

“It’s more than stupid, he’s a pedophile!”

“Calm down, son, this is Connor we’re talking about,” his dad raised his voice. “You can’t just go tossing that word around and you know it.”

“I saw him, I saw the way he held her, they-“

“Enough!” Matt’s father yelled across the room. “Think logically. It’s messed up, yes, but he isn’t gonna *rape* her. Of course you both beat the hell out of each other, you never have any self control.”

Matt’s mom’s phone buzzed again. “She’s not gonna pick up,” she sighed.

Matt slammed his fist on the floor in anger. His mother walked into the living room to turn the light back out. After she did this, she placed her hand on Matt’s shoulder.

“Just chill out,” she said. “I get it, it’s Mallory, but it’s Connor. If they have been secretly smooching it’s not the end of the world.”

“You don’t get it, both of you don’t,” Matt said, leaving the room.

Matt’s father stood up to go after him, but his mother stopped him. “Let him be a drama queen,” she said. “We’re going back to bed.”

Matt walked outside into the back yard. He threw a rock into the pool in anger, forgetting about his injuries. Now in pain, he walked around in circles, considering what just happened. Looking over, he noticed the hot tub was still on. Instead of turning it off, he walked over, took off his clothes and got in.

Matt pulled out his phone after relaxing for a minutes. He tried calling Connor three times before texting him.

“I’ll kill you, but I’ll kill you again if you hurt her,” he mumbled to himself. After the message was sent, he called a friend from the party.

“What’s up dude?” The guy answered.

“Hey man, I just have a quick question.”

“Go ahead.”

“That night at the party, you were one of the two that stayed at the pool after I went inside, right?”

“Uhhh, yeah, what about it?”

“Did you see anything? Did anything happen with Connor and my sister after I left?”

The guy didn’t answer for a few seconds, thinking.

“If anything did happen, I don’t think I saw anything. I’m pretty sure he stayed out there with her though. Did something happen?”

“Fuck,” Matt grunted, almost throwing his phone. “I think they may have fucked, dude.”

“Oh shit,” his friend laughed. “I didn’t think Connor was into 18 year old pussy.”

“What? Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Sorry, sorry man. Are you really that pissed about it?”

“Yes, dude, she’s my little sister! And Connor is a grown ass man!”

“And your sister is a grown ass woman.”

“What? What are you-“

“She’s an adult now, dude. She can make her decisions. Even if hooking up with Matt is out of pocket.”

“I didn’t call you to lecture me, man.”

“I know, just put yourself in Connor’s shoes. Man is by himself a lot, I don’t think hooking up with your sister is totally a terrible thing for him.”

Matt didn’t answer.

“Besides,” his friend added, “If I remember correctly, I think Josh told me he saw Mallory walking back topless. He had woken up and seen her tits and everything.”

“What?” Matt gasped, his anger redirecting him again.

“Yeah, so, I guess it probably did happen. In that hot tub.”

Matt hung up the phone and placed it on the side. He hadn’t completely realized it, but he probably was sitting exactly where Connor supposedly fucked Mallory.

Connor got out and turned the hot tub off. He made his way through the house to where the gun cabinet was located. He looked inside, seeing his dad’s many rifles, a few handgun’s, and Matt’s M1911.

After staring for a minute, he took his eyes off of the cabinet. *You’re not thinking correctly,* he thought. *You’re off the pill.*

After making three more attempts to call Connor, he sent a text message.

I’ll kill you, but I’ll kill you again if you hurt her.”

Mallory and I got out of the car at a gas station. I was walking better today, but not perfectly.

“Shouldn’t you not be with me?” I asked her as we walked to the door.

“I don’t think they care, they’re not gonna card you.”

“I know, just sometimes they do care.”

“Stop being a wuss, we’ll take our chances,” she laughed.

It was about 6pm so the sun was beginning to set, but not totally. The gas station was quiet, just like the roads were. We entered the store and went straight to the back, looking at the alcohol. Mallory walked up and down the aisle with me, searching.

“What are we even getting?” She asked me.

“Vodka, duh,” I told her. “You need to acquire the taste for college anyways.”

“Okay, you know-it-all,” she teased me.

I grabbed a bottle of grey goose and we made our way to the counter. “Linger back,” I told her.

Mallory sighed. “Fine.”

I payed for the alcohol and we made our way back to the car. Mallory was driving not only because I was still slightly in pain, but because she knew how to get to our destination.

A few minutes down the road, I received a text from Mallory’s mom. I read it to myself.

“Who was that?” Mallory asked after I put my phone down.

“Shit, it was your mom,” I confessed, not really wanting to bring up the drama.

“What’d she say?” Mallory asked, suddenly slightly emotional.

At first I didn’t move, and just kept my phone in my pocket. I could see how much she was hurting, however.

“Okay,” I muttered, pulling my phone back out to find the text.

“Connor,” it read, “we just want Mallory back. We won’t kill you and neither will Matt. We’ll hold a white flag up if that’s what you demand. We’re not crazy happy about this, but we’re willing to sit down and talk about it. Bring her back soon, please.”

“Don’t respond, please,” Mallory asked me desperately. “I’m scared.”

I placed my hand on her thigh. “I’m here, it’s okay,” I told her. “We’ll get through this, just don’t think about it right now.”

She stared at the road, still driving.

“How far out are we?”

“Just a few more minutes,” she said.

Matt searched through Mallory’s bedroom. He didn’t know exactly what he was looking for, but he searched. He went through her personal things, found photos and items that conveyed an endless showcase of memories to his mind. Though he could be an ass, he loved his sister. The thought of an older man violating her drew him mad, it didn’t matter who it was.

And then, he found it. Matt found a setting in her digital alarm clock for a 4am alarm. The only reason this could be set, he figured, was to avoid their mother in the morning.

He knew very well it could be nothing and he was pushing this too far, but he just wanted to protect his sister.

“Connor?” A voice called from outside his sister’s bedroom. Matt turned around, frightened in the dark. It was his mother.

“Baby, I thought you’d be asleep,” she said to him. “It’s been an hour.”

Instead of arguing, Matt finally broke into tears. He finally reached his breaking point. His mother opened her arms, and they sat on Mallory’s bed.

“I know it’s scary, I get that,” his mother said. “Believe me, I’m scared. My daughter is possibly seeing a man who’s been alive about half the time she has been.”

“I’m going crazy,” Matt whispered.

His mother patted his side, her arms still around him.

“No,” she replied. “Just upset. And that’s okay.”

They sat like this without speaking for a few more minutes. Matt felt as if he had a shield protecting him from the madness of the world.

“Come to bed,” his mom said, standing up. “We’ll sort out this damn thing soon enough.”

Matt followed her out of the room, closing the door behind them.

“At the end of it all,” his mother replied. “You have got to remember that this is Connor we’re talking about.”

Mallory knocked on the front door of the massive home. “You were right,” I said. “Jenny’s house would’ve been a good choice for a party.”

“Her parents are rich,” Mallory said. “Also shitty. They’re gone a lot, leave her to do whatever she wants.”

Jenny answered the door. She was a slim, 19 year old blond wearing an oversized t shirt and pajama pants. She had a vape with her.

“Hey,” Jenny said to Mallory, opening the door to let us in. “This is your boyfriend?” She said, eyeing me down.

“Yeah,” Mallory answered, her face red.

Jenny’s phone rang. She sighed, and picked it up.

“What’s up?” She answered.

“Nah I can’t, I have company over. Yeah? Okay. Talk later, bye.”

She put down her phone, and took a hit of her vape. “I’m *popular*” she snarked. Mallory giggled.

Jenny led us inside. The first room was a staircase entrance, with a large living room to the left and a kitchen to the right. On the kitchen table were several bottles of alcohol and various drugs in bags and a pipe.

“So this was your good idea?” I asked Mallory, now a little nervous.

“Okay, so she’s a little crazy,” Mallory sighed, surveying the room.

Jenny wasn’t upset by this. “This is how a queen lives,” she teased, hitting her vape. “The two of you wouldn’t know.”

Mallory and I just laughed at her. I sat the vodka on the table, indicating we should pour our cups.

Matt had done well trying to cool himself down, but ultimately he was still uneasy. He spent the next morning watching movies and by the afternoon he couldn’t keep it to himself anymore. He called his mother.

“You hear anything from her? From them?” He asked her.

“No,” she responded. “Don’t trouble yourself over it.”

“I just need some sort of update,” Matt sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

“He’ll call or text us eventually, it’ll happen. I’ll text him later once I’m home.”


“Just hang tight.”


“Bye, love you,” she said, hanging up.

The clock ticked. Time passed.

Eventually, he just couldn’t sit still.

Sometime in the evening, Matt left his home. He drove several minutes down the road to Connor’s apartment.

Upon reaching the complex, he knocked on the door. One of Connor’s roommates answered, confused. “What’s? up? Who is this?”

“My name is Matt,” Matt said impatiently. “I’m looking for Connor.”

“Just missed him,” Connor’s roommate responded. “He left half an hour ago.”

“You have any idea where?”

The roommate was hesitant.

“Look dude, I don’t know who you are,” he responded, sighing.

“I grew up with Connor, I know who he is,” Matt said, putting his hand on his waist.

“Well shit,” the roommate swallowed. “He had some chick over last night, kinda young. It was weird. I only saw her once when they left a few minutes ago.”

“Tell me more.”

“Well I think they fucked a few times today, I heard them,” he laughed. “What does it matter to you? She your sister?”

Matt gave him an angry look. He glared the man down as if he was about to burn him at the stake.

“Oh, fuck,” he responded, changing his tone. “So she is then?”

“Do you have the slightest idea where they went?” Matt was balling his fists.

“Look, I’ll call him.”

“I’ll wait. Go ahead,” Matt rested against the wall.

The guy fumbled for his phone in his pocket. He rolled his eyes looking for Connor in his contacts. The phone rang, and Connor answered.

“Hey Connor, where’d you go man? Yeah. Everything’s fine, I was just wondering. Okay. See you later dude.” He hung up.

“Well?” Matt asked him.

“He said he was going to his girlfriend’s friend’s house,” the guy answered, now sweating. “That’s all he said. No name.”

Matt flinched at the term “girlfriend.”

“We done?” He asked, hand on the door.

Matt closed his eyes and sighed. “Yeah, yeah I guess.”

Matt pulled out his phone, sitting in his car.

*Who the hell would they visit? Where could they be?*

Mallory’s friends were very strange people. Some of them would want to hang out, while some of them wouldn’t. It’s a pattern that changed every few months. After the fourth of July party she hadn’t been out very much. He thought of names, faces.

And then he knew. Matt knew exactly who to call.

We poured our drinks but stayed in the kitchen. We were too caught up in conversation, laughing.

“How did this even start?” Jenny asked us. “This is crazy.”

“Let’s just say I used what I have,” Mallory teased, drinking more out of her cup.

“Let’s not dig too deep into it,” I responded, getting defensive.

“Chill *out*, we’re just having fun,” Jenny said, closing the fridge. “What’s the plan? How is this gonna continue?”

“Well, we,” Mallory hesitated. She looked at me. “We’re not sure.”

I smiled before I spoke. “What’s important is we’ll figure it out. It’s definitely tough, but it can’t be impossible”

“Cuties,” Jenny responded monotone-like. “Let’s go into the living room already.”

At that moment, the doorbell rang. We all stopped what we were doing, confused as to who could be here.

Matt found Jenny’s number in his contacts. They had fucked a few months ago, completely unbeknownst to Mallory.

“I was just wondering, you want to hook up tonight?”

He clutched his phone.

“Is Mallory there?”

He found her.

“Okay, I was just wondering. Seeya.”

He set down his phone and stared ahead of him in the driver’s seat of his truck.

Jenny was known to be a hoe in Mallory’s friend group. She was high all the time, usually the one who hosted parties since Matt was the one holding parties at their house. Though she was only a year older than Matt, he still hooked up with her from time to time considering she was legal. It was a fuck buddy relationship that started one day on one of the very few occasions Mallory was able to have a party at their house.

One year ago, Matt was stuck up in his room while Mallory was hosting a party downstairs. It was really an excuse to drink and sneak some cannabis into their home, they were celebrating the start of their senior year. Something about a bunch of high school girls downstairs disinterested him in going down to the kitchen.

“Matt!” Mallory yelled from downstairs. “Come fix the T.V.”

He sighed, sitting up in bed. He really didn’t want to. Just to express his feelings he took his precious time reaching her. The living room was stuffed with eight girls, all wearing loose outfits. It was about 10:00pm. They stared at him as he walked into the room.

“Why do you need me?” Matt asked her, annoyed. “You know how.”

“No I *don’t*, Mallory replied, tipsy. “They wanted eye candy anyways!” Her girlfriends giggled.

Matt rolled his eyes but got to work, unplugging and plugging in cords behind the tv. The room felt silent as he did this for two minutes. Once he finished, he turned the T.V. on and used it as an opportunity to visit the kitchen. The *seven* girls playfully cheered him as he left the room.

Matt opened the fridge and found a beer. He popped it open on the counter, sipping it there, checking his phone. As he lie there drinking, one of the girls walked through the kitchen to get back to the living room. Matt assumed she had gone to the bathroom, seeing as that’s where she was coming from. This girl, unlike the others, wasn’t wearing anything for pants. Just an oversized t-shirt and panties. Probably because it was a girl’s party, but Matt wasn’t complaining.

As she walked by, Matt couldn’t help but stare at her figure, looking up from his phone. He didn’t know who she was, but her waist swayed slowly as her ass cheeks bounced left and right. It was an ass Matt wanted to do many things to and it locked him in a daze.

The girl had turned her head around, but Matt didn’t realize. She cleared her throat, trying to give him a hint. Matt lifted his head, meeting his eyes to her.

“Sorry,” he panicked, putting his hands to his face. To his surprise, the girl just winked and giggled, leaving the kitchen.

He sat there awkwardly, knowing he would have to walk through the living room again to find the stairs.

*What the hell did I just do*, he thought to himself. Matt scrolled through his phone for a few more minutes to distract himself and wait for his erection to die down.

When he finally got up to face his fears the lights in the living room were out with a movie on the T.V. The girls were relaxed on the couch, the chairs, and the remaining on the floor. The girl Matt exchanged with earlier sat cuddled on the couch with Mallory and another one of the friends, drinking plenty of alcohol. Matt made sure to avoid looking at the couch as he made his way back up to his room.

At 1:00am the girls had gone to sleep. Matt was in his room jacking off at the sight from earlier. He didn’t care for the noise he might be making or the world at all as he neared his climax.

His bedroom door cracked open. He didn’t notice it at first, but once he did, he yanked his bedsheets up. A voice just giggled.

“What? Who is it? What the fuck do you want?” Matt whispered, frightened.

A figure just stood at his door, not saying anything. Matt got up and walked to his door, only in his underwear. His erection was still prevalent, almost poking through his boxers. The girl at the door was the one he noticed earlier.

“I was looking for the bathroom, sorry,” she smirked.

“Okay, sorry you saw that,” Matt sighed.

“No, it’s okay,” she gave him a flirty look.

Matt placed a hand over his face, leaning against the door frame. “To the right,” he said. The girl didn’t respond.

Matt looked at her again and saw she was staring at his hard on. He grabbed the door and began to close it.

“*Thank you,*” the girl said, turning around to leave. Though embarrassed, Matt peaked through the crack in his door, watching her butt as she walked again.

He jumped back into bed, and just breathed. After sitting lying there for two minutes he pulled his dick back out and got to work. He was more turned on now especially since he had just been interrupted by the same girl. He closed his eyes and fantasized about her. He wanted to bite her panties off and fuck her juicy ass. He wanted to shove his cock in her face. He lusted for hey eyes, the way he looked at her. Matt didn’t realize Mallory had such a sexy friend.

Ignoring the world again in his horny thoughts, he hadn’t realized the girl walked into his bedroom. Matt didn’t realized he left the door cracked, so it didn’t make any sound. Matt stopped, shoving his dick back in pants, staring at the girl.

“Jesus fucking christ, stop that,” he said, scared by her.

“Cut the shit,” she laughed at him. “You want a blowjob or what?”

Matt was shocked. He didn’t move, eyeing her with confusion.

“What do I? What?” He stuttered.

The girl just laughed at him again. “I’m Jenny,” she introduced herself, sliding her t-shirt off. She hopped into his bed, and brought her face to his. “Do you want to do this or not?”

Matt didn’t move for a few more seconds before leaning in to kiss her. They furiously made out for five minutes. Matt undid her bra, tossing it to the side. He then reached his hands beneath the sheets, grabbing and smacking her ass.

“I knew you wanted me,” Jenny moaned in his ear. “Were you thinking about me just now, you pervert?”

“Shut the fuck up, you bitch,” he responded, lightly biting her nipple.

“I’m only doing this because you’re hot,” she moaned, now grabbing rubbing his boxers. “You’re also older. That turns me on.”

“No one can know about this,” Matt whispered in her ear, squeezing her ass tighter.

“If that’s what you want, *daddy,*” she responded, squeezing his erection against his boxers.

Matt couldn’t resist any longer. He reached down, pulling his cock out again. He grabbed the top of her head, shoving her down. Jenny gladly took hold of his length, shoving it in her mouth. She kissed at it, licked it, gave Matt the sloppiest blowjob he ever received. The feeling was unlike any girl he fucked before and he loved it. He could only last five minutes before filling her cheeks with his cum.

Jenny swallowed, then fell on top of him, tired. The lied there, breathing for air.

“You’re fucking crazy,” Matt whispered.

“I know. I’m just, well, I don’t know, bored? That’s the best excuse I have,” she responded, sitting on top of him to stretch.

Matt stared at her body.

“Well are you complaining? Would you rather me have not come up here?”

“I don’t know,” he responded, sweating. “This just usually isn’t that easy.”

“Don’t call me easy,” Jenny playfully slapped him. “I just have hoe intentions sometimes.”

Matt giggled at her. “That’s exactly what a slut would say,” he said.

Jenny got out of his bed and put her bra and t-shirt back on. Matt still couldn’t help but staring at her. She took notice of this, moving slowly.

“I like the attention, that might be it,” She whispered. “We can do this again if you want, I’m just offering,” she teased, grinning at him.

“Look, if we did, no one can know, like I said. And I don’t want to date you.”

She quietly laughed. “You can’t slut shame me and then ask me to be your fuck buddy,” she walked up to his bed. “But yeah, we can fuck around in private. I’ll give you my number.”

He kissed her again. They made out for a few more minutes before she finally left, giving her his number. Matt jacked off again when she was gone before going to sleep.

Matt sped to Jenny’s house. He knew Connor had to be there with Mallory. His eyes filled with rage, his body heated as he got closer to the home. He had to have been speeding.

His phone rang. He glanced, saw that it was his mother, and stepped on the gas just a little bit more.

*You’re so fucking stupid*, he thought to himself. *You should’ve never done that. You should’ve never left Connor alone with Mallory.*

He could hear his mother’s words in his head. He could hear the advice he had been given. Matt knew he was overreacting. Matt knew he was just angry.

But it just didn’t matter.

He reached the driveway of the giant house. He parked, and closed his eyes. In his pockets, he could feel his wallet, his phone, and his pocket knife.

*You don’t need to do something stupid,* he thought to himself. The sun was setting.

*Your emotions are tugging against one another*, he could hear his doctor explaining to him in his head. *It’s just anger issues, nothing to be alarmed about.*

Matt opened the truck door. He stood on the ground, his shoes sulking in the grass.

*It’s now or never.*

He locked his truck and put his keys in his pocket. The sky was a beautiful red, the clouds gliding above him.

*There’s no turning back now.*

He could feel himself stiffen, his throat drying up. He picked up his right leg, and then the right. He trudged himself along the grass, to the porch and then to the door.

He let out a sigh, emptying himself of air. He took a deep breath to follow. Sweat ran down his back, his palms a mess.

He rang the doorbell.

Hey everyone! Thanks again so much for reading. There will be one more concluding part to this story. With that being said, I know a handful of you may have wanted to see the threesome between Mallory, Connor and Jenny. To satisfy that audience and my primary audience, an alternate, sexier ending has been written and will be posted very shortly. It is certainly not as realistic as I would prefer, but it does offer the explicit erotica content some of you may prefer. **The true ending, Part 6, will be posted within 24-48 hours.**

Thanks again, and I await your opinions below. This story has definitely been a journey to put together.


1 comment

  1. Thank you alternate endings. This way everyone can fulfil their fantasies.

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