Getting Naked [M/F] [Vanilla]

Levi paced around his room, groaning. “Bro, relax. She came onto you hard from the beginning, she’s picking up whatever you’re putting down.” His friend Garth said, attempting to reassure him. “That was before. Now she’s talked to me and realizes I’m not most, maybe any, of the things she thought I’d be when she asked me out on a whim forever ago.”

Stella had first asked Levi out in a class, but he’d turned her down. He was going through a lot and thought a girl would just complicate things further. But for months after she’d stopped trying, he had her on his mind. Finally, at the end of that year, they’d gotten together. They’d been together almost three months now and things had been moving slowly.

They’d both wanted it that way, but neither believed the other’s reason. Levi told her at the outset that he was pretty religious and he’d want to be deliberate about each step they took. Stella all but blurted out on their first date that he was the only person she’d ever even asked out, let alone been in a relationship with. But what they each interpreted these explanations as, even if only subconsciously, was “I’m not sure if I’m attracted to you.”

Tonight was the first night there was any hint of an expectation they’d go further. And “further,” for them, meant getting naked.

Stella had seen Levi’s dick once, for a moment, but it had been a blur for both of them. They were both too nervous to really enjoy themselves. So far, tonight wasn’t shaping up to be much different. Neither even felt totally comfortable getting naked alone.

They were both in college, and Levi had had his fair share of experience, but Stella hadn’t and the responsibility of making her “firsts” count for something, really put Levi off his game. Not to mention, those other girls had just been girls. Stella was something more. And he was petrified of losing it all over something out of his control… like his looks.

“My face is too wide. It looks like I have a birth defect.” Levi complained, inspecting himself in the mirror. “I wonder if my mom drank during her pregnancy.” He wondered aloud. “Oh my God, don’t let that leave this room or she’ll fly down here and rearrange your face.” Garth laughed. “Besides, it’s not your face she’ll be looking at.”

They’d done a lot of kissing, and they’d done a reasonable amount of touching, but other than that one brief dick appearance, they’d never actually gotten each other’s clothes off. Stella had finally started letting him feel her up under her shirt, but she still kept it on.

Levi ripped another shirt of his own off. “This one isn’t right either.” “She’s just gonna take it off, who cares?” Garth asked, a little irritated that Levi had such a fun night ahead but called him over to stress rather than celebrate.

“What if she’s not into me and she leaves?” Levi exclaimed, throwing himself on the bed after ruling out another outfit. It’s what he’d really been trying to say all afternoon.

Garth rolled his eyes, “You’re hotter than she is. You’ve got all the leverage here.” “No I’m not.” “Don’t do this to yourself, or me. You think she’s stressing like this? No, she’s getting wetter than a water fall and probably drinking a Cosmo and having a great time. So get over this.”

Garth might’ve been passing in the political science major, but he’d fail any test of human interaction.

Stella made Levi look like a cool, collected, playboy right then by comparison. She was sitting in her closet, sobbing, with every last outfit she owned strewn around her on the floor. She’d ripped everything off their hangers in a depressed fervor.

“He’ll take one look at me and make some dumb excuse to leave and I’ll never hear from him *agaaaiiinnnn*” she lamented, breaking into a fresh round of sobs.

“If you never hear from him again after almost four months of dating then he’s an asshole and you dodged a bullet.” Her mom said through the phone, trying to juggle this call with work. “So you’re saying it’s a possibility?” Stella asked. “EVEN MY OWN MOTHER THINKS I’M TOO FAT AND UGLY TO MAKE ANY MAN HAPPY. I JUST WANT TO *DDDIIIIIIIEEE*.” Stella wept, meaning every word of it. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d try to take her own life because her body didn’t fit in the world, and it wouldn’t have been the last.

“I didn’t say that. And if you’re feeling this upset about him, just don’t go.” Her mother replied, thinking this made perfect sense. “I’m not upset about *him*, I’m upset about what he’ll think of me when there isn’t fabric to hold everything in place and make me look at least moderately shapely instead of like a melting candle.”

Back at Levi’s, he was considering cancelling. “She’s going to leave once she sees me. I know she will. What’s worse is she’s really inexperienced so she’s probably only ever seen porn actors and has wildly unrealistic expectations. I should just cancel.” “Well don’t do that.” Garth said, finally realizing Levi was attempting to express legitimate insecurity to him. “You’re a baller. She’ll be mesmerized by you. Just nut up and walk in with confidence. You need to check this ‘woe as me’ shit at the door.”

Levi stood up and looked at himself in the mirror. He saw an awkward proportions with a 10 year old’s face, a 40 year old’s body, Otto the bus driver’s hair. His eyes were too far apart, his lips were too thin and too pointy on top. His skin was a weird shade, his legs were two shades brighter than the rest of him. “I’m like a caveman without the rugged appeal of killing panthers with my bare hands.” He said.

“Well if you’re cancelling you better do it soon because you’ve got to leave now or you’ll be late.” Garth informed him. “I don’t know.” Levi played with the idea of cancelling in his mind. “What do you think I should do?” He asked Garth, though he didn’t fully trust his advice. “What’s the last text she sent you?” Garth asked. “Are we still on for 7:00.” Levi said, moaning. He’d been sure the classes would be the most challenging part of college. He never would’ve guessed it’d be the social nuances.

“If you’re not gonna go, can I go?” Garth asked, standing. “You literally just said I was hotter than she was and not to stress.” Levi said, shoving him back on the bed, playfully. “Hey, you’re a stud, what can I say, it’s a high bar.” Garth replied. “I’d go out with any chick as obviously DTF as she is.” He continued. “I don’t know about that.” Levi replied. “She announced almost immediately that I was the only guy she’d ever talked to at this college outside of class, period, ever.”

Garth laid his head in his hands. He didn’t know whether to smack Levi or high five him. “Dude! This is like shooting fish in a barrel. You could literally just point to your dick and you’d be set to go. What are you doing? Time to go, let’s go!” Levi made a mental note never to set Garth up with any women he cared about as he tried another shirt. “I hate this one too. I think I’m going to cancel.”

“It’d be a really shitty thing to cancel now, she’s probably already on her way there,” Garth informed him.

Physically, she was. Mentally, nowhere close. “Mom, I think I should just go home. I don’t even see him here.” She lamented as her uber pulled up in front of the restaurant. “Hold on. You’re *there*?!” Her mother exclaimed, “Hang up the call Stella! Nothing kills the mood faster than having your mom along on the date.” “But—“ “But nothing. It’ll be great. Just relax and enjoy yourself.”

And with that, Stella was standing alone. The warm air blew her coiffed blonde hair back against her pale face and into her clear blue eyes. The soft curves of her body shook from anticipation in the lilac chiffon dress she’d finally settled on, since the place sounded fancy. It was, Levi had picked it, to try and wow her. It was five times more expensive than what he could afford, and he hadn’t eaten anything in two days to save up for it. That didn’t help with the light headedness he’d developed on the walk over, compounded with how much he hated the shirt he’d ended up in.

“Hey! Stella.” He waved as he arrived just a few seconds after she ended her call. “Oh, hi! Hey. What a coincidence.” She said, her joke falling flat. She was taken aback with how handsome he looked. He’d put on a checkered button down shirt she didn’t even know he owned, and dress pants with a fresh crease in them. She couldn’t believe she was out with such a striking man.

Levi assumed it must be the opposite. “She isn’t saying anything. Fuck. I’m probably overdressed. I look awful in buttons. Fucking buttons. I should’ve listened to Garth and worn the Death Magnetic T-shirt.” He thought to himself as he held the door open for her, admiring the shape of her ass in the dress she’d chosen.

He could swear he saw the maitre’d eyeing her too, but ha ha ha, she’s taken. He delighted in rushing to her side and wrapping an arm around her as he locked his gaze with that punk kid who dared to look at his girlfriend that low for that long.

They were quickly shown to a table. Stella and Levi shifted in their chairs in silence for a minute as they were handed menus. They’d take an occasional glance down at the menu, each giving no thought to what they wanted to eat and instead considering “What would this do to my breath?” And “Is this too heavy for… later?”

But what they were really looking at was each other. Undressing one another in their minds, anticipating what they’d think, and what the other would think of them. And finally, after 15 minutes passed wordless between them as they white knuckle gripped the menus, a waiter came over. “A few more minutes, or..?” “Yes!” They both insisted emphatically and simultaneously.

As soon as the waiter left, Stella said what they were both thinking. “Hey, can we… would it be alright if we just…” Levi stood and went to help Stella out of her chair before she could finish the thought. His light head and his light wallet both felt relieved to leave this place. He’d take her back here someday and get her whatever she wanted. He promised himself, and he promised her, to himself.

As they stepped out the door, offering a hurried apology to the waitstaff, Stella explained to him, “Sorry I just, I kind of, I’ve been really nervous about the, uh, second part all day. All week, actually.” Levi nodded, slowly. “Yah, I’ve actually given it some thought myself.” He replied with forced nonchalance, reaching out to take her hand as they walked towards her house.

At first Stella had interpreted his comment to mean he’d had the same thought she did. That he’d wondered whether or not he’d still be attracted to her once he’d seen her naked. She’d have never guessed it was the opposite.

She felt a modicum of reassurance with her hand in his. And a jolt of pride whenever someone, even a stranger, passed and saw them together as a couple.

Levi had given serious consideration as to whose house they should go to. Ultimately he decided that, while hosting might be the gentlemanly thing to do in many situations, for something like this, Stella would be most comfortable in familiar surroundings. Plus, this way, he wouldn’t have to clean his room in anticipation of her staying the night. Win-win.

They arrived at her house and, before he knew it, they were standing in her bedroom with the shades drawn and the door locked. He realized he should’ve thought this through, logistically. Now there was a bed between them. They wouldn’t be able to see the most important parts through a bed.

Stella was hoping Levi knew CPR, because she was about to have a heart attack. She had played this out in her mind no fewer than a thousand times, but now that she was faced with it in the moment, she was frozen. Nothing was as she’d imagined it. Should she go up to him? Was he supposed to go up to her? Did they take their own clothes off and just stand there… completely naked?

Finally, Levi realized, he was the one who’d been down this road before. He needed to lead the way. With previous girls, it has been intuitive. No one had led, things had just sort of, well, happened. Sometimes it had been too fast for him, sometimes too slow, but whatever, it always worked out in the end. But it couldn’t be that way with Stella. He’d have to do something that took him far out of his comfort zone. He’d have to communicate.

He bit down hard on the inside of his cheek to steady his trembling voice and draw his eyes off her bulging tits. “Alright Stella, you got any particular idea as to how you want to do this?” He asked, taking a small step closer and maneuvering to space at the edge of the bed. She shook her head, oblivious to the fact that she was staring directly at his zipper. “So she does know where she’d like to go, whether she knows it or not,” Levi smiled to himself.

He had to force himself to slow everything down, despite his aching desire to get it all over with. “Ok. So, first thing’s first. It’s a little bright in here. We’re lovers, not doctors, so I’m gonna dim these a bit, is that alright?” Levi asked.

“Sure?” Stella nodded, guessing, hoping that was what he wanted her to say. She did agree as she surveyed the room that it was a bit stark. Levi went and switched off the overhead lamp, leaving only the warm glow of her pink fairy lights and yellow table lamp.

“Ok. Next, let’s have you stand on this side of the room, and I’ll go stand on the side opposite you. Let’s move over here.” Levi instructed, moving them to the side nearer to the door. “Why?” Stella asked, incredulously. “Because you’ve got an Elvis poster there. And it’s very cool. But I don’t need another man looking at me, or you, while we’re doing this.” She laughed, but obliged.

That wasn’t the real reason. Levi wanted to flip over the photos Stella had with her parents on her dresser before she noticed them and the vibe was ruined and they had to do this fiasco over again next week. He did that successfully when her back was turned. He watched her body language and plotted next steps. Then, he realized, why were they standing so far apart? They’d been together nearly four months.

“Hey, let’s sit for a second.” He suggested, motioning to the edge of the bed. The hazelnut orbs in his eyes beamed the sincerity of his soul into hers as he said, “I know this is a big step for you. For us. So, the thing that matters most is just that you’re comfortable and that it’s fun. So tell me how everything feels, tell me what works and what doesn’t. It’s ok. It’s ok to be nervous. We’re gonna take our time with this.”

Levi tried to say all the things he’d wished has been said to him when he was where Stella was. He hoped he’d done a halfway decent job. “Can I kiss you now?” He asked, as she continued to stare blankly at his pants. He wondered if she knew she was doing that. “Mmhmm.” She nodded. “I’m guessing she doesn’t know.” He laughed to himself. “And Levi,” she added, as he went in to start. “Yah Stel?” “Thank you.” Levi smiled. “Are you kidding? You’re letting me play with your boobs in a minute. Thank *you*.” He replied, lost in the moment.

And with that, he slid his hands down her ribs and to her hips, taking her bottom lip for a timid kiss that slowly evolved into the passionate embrace of a warm, wet, make out session. “Let’s get this dress off?” He whispered between mouthfuls of her, hands already at the rim of the purple gathers of fabric.

It had been pulled above her waist as they rolled around on the bed, revealing her white cotton panties. He maneuvered it the rest of the way, to reveal a matching white bra. Levi loved that about her. She was a model in his eyes, even wearing the most simple apparel.

The lily white fabric offset her skin perfectly and the schoolgirl cut of the design was too tempting, he couldn’t help but let his free hand wander and rub the distinct outline of her slit. She was already wet. She subconsciously swirled against his fingers as their tongues interlaced. She almost forgot about the uncharted territory still to come as she lost herself in the simpler pleasures of the moment.

Levi resisted the urge to yank her panties down, an impulse he’d been heroically controlling all these many months he’d been with such an earnest princess. He knew first things came first, and that he had to involve her in each step. “Let’s stand up.” He said in a sultry growl, bringing his hands up to trace the outline of her breasts. He could feel her nipples harden in anticipation. He led her hands to his shirt and they started unbuttoning it together. He let her finished once she caught on, cuffs, collar, and all, throwing it to the floor.

He returned the favor, reaching back and unhooking her bra. He slid the straps down one at a time, relishing in the agony, the pins and needles anticipation, for both him and her. He’d been dreaming of this moment for months, she’d been dreading it for just as long. She was terrified of what he’d think of them. Were they perky enough? Were the stretch marks too pronounced? Were her nipples normal? How were they compared to his last girlfriend, or the one before that? She held her breath.

He tried not to rush. He wasn’t thinking about any of those things. Would she let him put his dick in them tonight or would he have to wait? Would she think he was weird if he sucked on her nipples, because his last girlfriend definitely thought it was weird. His biggest, most all encompassing thought was, “Yay, boobs! This is a great day.” He held his breath.

They let the straps fall to her wrists and he dislodged the cups to reveal her stunning 40DDs. His eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store as he exhaled a sigh of disbelief at his all access pass to them. Stella exhaled a sigh of relief as she watched him. He stared, eyes bugged out of his head, for a moment. “Can I, uh, can I play with these?” He asked, looking up at her with a dirty innocence she’d never forget for as long as she lived. “Anything you want. They’re all yours.” She said, so thrilled that they were satisfactory to him that she could barely string together a coherent sentence.

“Wow. Awesome!” Levi said out loud, “Shut up, stupid!” Levi said to himself. He ran his fingers over them and circled her right nipple with his index finger “Ohhh,” Stella moaned in unanticipated pleasure, grabbed onto the bed frame for support. “How did you—“ She asked, looking at Levi in disbelief. “I’m a magician.” Levi smiled, winking.

He’d learned early on that one of the benefits of dating an inexperienced girl was that even a little experience made him seem like a total Romeo sex God. He knew he had to enjoy that while it lasted.

He walked up close to her and sucked on her breasts, applying just the right amount of pressure, while rubbing her with his dominant hand. She could barely keep her balance, it was such a powerful combination compared to what she was used to.

He wanted to work his fingers inside her, but he knew he had to take it one thing at a time. He pulled back after a couple minutes more of tasting the sweet flesh on her chest.

“Here,” he said, guiding her hands to his zipper. He had figured she’d have gone there herself by now. He underestimated what a blur this was for her. Stella was just letting this night happen. Her pulse was hammering, her breathing was shallow, and while it was the best most relaxing time she’d had in recent memory, it was simultaneously the most demanding and she was simultaneously terrified beyond expression.

“Ok, so, this is a zipper. Are you gonna pull on it, or…” Stella snapped back to reality. Levi had guided her hand to his fly, he’d hoped she would take it from there. She undid it slowly, practically listening for each metal clink, and slid the belt from it loops just as deliberately and cautiously.

Their roles were semi-reversed now. While Stella certainly hadn’t assumed the position of confident instructor, Levi was now lost in an anxious spiral. “What if she hates it this time? What if last time was just a fluke or just the thrill of seeing a dick for the first time? What if it’s not how she remembers?”

Before he knew what was happening, she’d pulled his pants off, and had her fingers in his boxers. He’d had the presence of mind to talk her through everything he intended to do and get her consent first. She was so nervous, she could barely remember how her hands worked, let alone how to speak English. She just found the band and yanked on them. That’s what she was supposed to do, right? No. Levi was mortified. For a moment, at least.

Her eyes lit up, not like a kid at a candy store, but like a kid on Christmas morning in the North Pole adjacent to a candy store. Suddenly, she found some words.

“I think I finally get why you’re so religious. You’re blessed, Levi.” Stella started at his semi-erect manhood. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder, because on paper it was average at 5’5 inches hard, circumcised with a mild downward bend, and testicles that he always worried should be a little bigger than they were. But to her, a more perfect penis had never, and could never, exist anywhere on planet earth. Not even in her wildest dreams. She was awestruck, all grin and glow. It was even more pristine and masculine than she’d remembered it.

In a trance, she reached up and wrapped a hand around it. She began working, slowly, one hand on his shaft and one on his testicles. Squeezing rubbing and praying she was doing it right. “Good?” She finally asked breaking the silence. “Uhh, uuhhhghh, uhhhh, huh? Uh, yah. Mmhmm. Really, really good, Stella. Real nice.” Levi reassured her, too lost in the abyss of her touch to fully reconnect with reality at the moment.

He hadn’t been sure whether or not the night would involve any pleasure of this sort for him at all. Going in, he wasn’t sure whether or not she’d even still want to be dating after she saw him naked, let alone want to get him off.

Before he knew it, she was blowing on his balls just the way he’d tried to explain to her after a few drinks recently, and he came explosively and without warning. Thankfully it just missed her face, or the fun would’ve been over before it started.

They sat in silence for a minute as Levi stumbled back and caught his breath. “Seriously Levi, you’re blessed. And now I am, too.” Stella beamed, flopping down by his side.

It took Levi a second to process everything that had happened and been said, but he finally burst out laughing. Kicked his pants and boxers to the side, that laid in a heap near feet, and said, “In more ways than one. Can I take my turn now?” Stella didn’t want to say yes, but at the same time, she couldn’t wait to. She nodded and closed her eyes in anticipation. She searched her mind for some sort of disclaimer to offer, but none came in time.

Levi went as slowly as he could manage, unlike Stella, if anything only to get her back for the suddenness with which his business was brought out. He pulled her panties down as leisurely as he could bring himself to, taking in every new raster of vision, every new scent, every new audible squeal and breathy gasp from her above.

Finally, her pussy was completely visible, like a crown on the opposite end of the Queen. She’d asked him if he wanted her to wax and he’d told her to do whatever she was most comfortable with. She’d ended up shaving it close. He was glad. He wanted to be able to navigate easily, but he didn’t want to feel like he was with a pre-pubescent teen either.

He’d had a few girls get naked for him before, and he’d seen as much porn as anyone, but this felt different. Not just because of the buildup and ceremony surrounding it, either. No man had ever seen this pussy since it matured. He was the first. It was all his. She was all his, to make in his image, and teach to respond to whatever he desired. She would have her sexual awakening with him. It was surreal. It was like meeting an uncontacted tribe.

“Can… can you lay down?” He asked her. She did as requested. “I’m gonna spread your legs, alright?” He asked as he was already doing so. He spread her just a little wider than she could comfortably go and stared in awe at her tight, unblemished, soaking wet opening, only inches away from the smooth pocket of her taint leading to just the very top of her anus followed by the thin seam of her crack. The entirety of his attention was drawn to her soft, pink, labia and her engorged, newly engaged clit. He wanted to plunge his face into it. Or more. But he knew she wasn’t ready for that. They’d talked about it at great length.

She propped herself up on one shoulder. “Well?” She asked, half playfully, half nervously, “How is it?” Levi could’ve looked at this naked woman peering at him over her mountainous breasts, spread wide for him, for the first time in her life, forever. It was one of the most beautiful, pure, blissfully erotic things he had ever laid eyes on. All his own anxieties, shortcomings, and hang ups, dissolved into the ether.

He could’ve delivered a full blown soliloquy in answer to her question, but he was so overcome with hormones and ecstasy that all he could muster was a breathless, “Perfection,” without pulling his eyes away.

She laid back again, and he took that as his consent. He slid two fingers inside her, though they barely fit due to a combination of her virginity and her tension. She soon relaxed, and he was able to go in and out at a faster pace, relaxing into the rhythm as he watched her stomach tighten and release in anticipation of his movements. He used his other hand to stimulate her clit, just grazing her lightly, but increasing in intensity as she drew closer and closer to orgasm.

When he’d finger just the right spot and she’d kick a leg or two in the air, he’d take the opportunity to spank the bottom of her ass cheek, and she would moan with a pleasure more intense than he’d ever coaxed her to produce before.

Finally, he finished her. She shrieked so loud he worried the neighbors might bang on the wall, and she flailed so violently he had to dodge with ninja reflexes to avoid a kick in the face. But all his worrying had been for nothing. And that’s all that mattered to him.

He still didn’t really know she’d worried at all. If anyone told Levi just how distraught Stella had been over what *he* thought about *her*, he’d probably never completely believe them.

Levi had hoped to spend the night in his own bed, but he knew he’d have to stay and help Stella clean up, and he knew neither has that in them right then. He crawled into bed beside her and swept the hair out of her face, still flush with pleasure. She turned to him and shimmied closer into the soft strength of his arms.

“So, you know exactly how I look naked now.” She whispered. “Mmhmm. And you know how I look, too.” Levi replied, closing his eyes to try and capture the image of Stella the first time forever. They were finally both focused on remembering each other instead of anticipating themselves to one another. As they drifted off to sleep, they reflected on the bodies they’d seen, and spontaneously mumbled, “You’re beautiful.” Slightly out of sync, as their sweat and their laughter and their love adhered them together, carrying their bodies into one another’s dreams.



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