My Slutty Step-sister Kylie Part 2 [MF] [Incest] [Step-Siblings]

A month passed since Kylie and I had our drunken affair. The days that followed afterward were some of the most awkward I’ve ever had. We were both young, drunk and horny kids that had taken a situation too far.

I awoke a few hours after we passed out, it was about 10:00pm, my mom had gotten home and was treating herself to dinner and catching up on a soap opera. The first thing that rugged at me while I lied in that bed was regret. We both knew it was stupid and should’ve stopped it, but we just didn’t. The hangover brewed with my emotions mixed for a shitty set of days to come. My mom didn’t suspect anything, seeing as she was working a lot and was only off once a week. On one hand she needed the money; on the other she was just as bored as the rest of us.

Kylie and I barely spoke at all during these days. After I woke up that night I shut myself off in that room and practically lived there. I only left to use the restroom or to hunt for food. My days were wasted away playing video games or watching porn. Kylie, on the other hand, was taking the situation differently then I was.

Though we weren’t talking for the following days, Kylie wasn’t as miserable as I was. Kylie left the house every day to go see her friends. She was relatively popular, after all. Any friends that I had was doing exactly what I was doing- leaving this shitty world behind for an electronically produced one. Kylie was taking care of our ruined relationship by seeing other friends and enjoying her life, patching up the wound at home. At some point, she began bringing a guy home with her to her bedroom (while mom wasn’t here). I would wear my headphones or do anything I could to block it out, but she moaned loudly, seemingly to taunt me.

Our relationship truly was ruined. Years of being friends and having fun had just gone down the drain. Her year away at college changed her for the worst, and she thought it fun to tease her step-brother. It was probably best I would be attending a different university now. My plan was to hope the summer went by quickly so we could be separated again and have time to heal. During this miserable month I managed to play through countless video games and binge watch several shows, I was even able to obtain some pot to accompany me.

My step-dad was coming to visit us for two days. Mom broke into my room one day to bring the announcement to my attention. What she didn’t know, about, however, was the disgusting state my room was in. Scattered about the floor was dirty laundry, food, garbage, alcohol bottles- the room reeked. Needless to say, she was pissed. She wouldn’t change her tone with me until I managed to put everything back in order after a few hours. Luckily, Kylie showed some compassion by staying in her room. Once I finally straightened up and showered, mom waltzed into her speech.

“We’re going to dinner, all four of us. The night he gets here we’ll get him unpacked and we’ll all head out. He’ll be gone again the next night. You are to be dressed and ready to go, no bullshit. Be polite. You haven’t seen him since you graduated, after all.”

“When is this gonna be anyways?” I asked her, sitting across from her in the kitchen.

“In two days. He called and explained everything to me a few hours ago, so we gotta do some cleaning up around here.”

I sighed. It’s not that I didn’t want to help out, I really didn’t want to be around Kylie. That sort of awkwardness was too unbearable for me right now.

“You can have the rest of the day off, but tomorrow we need to do something about that damn yard,” she said, standing to look outside.

“Jesus fucking Christ, you’d think he could afford lawn care more than once a month.”

I nodded, honestly having not payed much attention to it. “Can you put Kylie to work somewhere else then? I want to be out there by myself, I’ll work better that way.”

She laughed at my suggestion.

“What, did Kylie piss you off or something? If you two are at war I guess it would make sense. It did seem kinda funny that you’ve been in hibernation and she’s been out in town constantly.”

“It’s none of your business, just forget it,” I said, getting up to leave.

“Take our the trash before you go marching off,” she barked. With that, she retreated into her bedroom.

I couldn’t even remember the last time I had been outside. The sun scorched me so much my eyes took several minutes to adjust. I took out the trash and took a walk up and down the street. It was just a normal day as any would be, but the sunlight was improving my serotonin. Once I finally got back home I actually accidentally caught Kylie before going back to my cell. We made an awkward glance in the hallway.

“Haven’t seen you in a decade,” she said, almost grinning.

“Yeah I guess,” I said, walking past her and into my doorway. I was nervous.

“Well you can’t be depressed forever. We’re gonna have to talk eventually.”

I closed my door behind me and went to sleep.

The next day I was mowing the lawn and sweeping the patio while Kylie and Mom took care of things in the front yard. Mom checked on me hourly to see my progress. It was relatively easily, it just took a lot of stamina to muster, so, time. The two waters I brought out had been depleted so I was about to have to find something else. To my aid, Kylie came from the front yard with a gift. She approached me with two energy drinks in hand.

“Brought you a peace treaty,” she said, gesturing them towards me.

I took them, and turned to get back to work.

“So what, do you want me to apologize?” She now has a more stern tone.

I turned back to her, taken aback.

“This was both our fuck up. Sure, I instigated it, I’ll give you that, but you’re the one who brought it up to speed. It’s not entirely our fault anyways, we have the vodka to blame for that.”

My fist balled up, I was now fuming.

“Can you shut the fuck up? I don’t want to talk about this, I don’t want to-“

“I miss you dude. I know you’re upset about it and I know it’s awkward to talk about, but fuck, I just miss you,” she interrupted, on the verge of tears.

I felt too awkward. I was pissed. I took the drinks and got back to work. After several seconds she turned and left. We didn’t speak again for the rest of the day.

My mom planned for the next day of cleaning to be short, detailing the inside of the home. The only area that was really messy was the kitchen, and the living room just needed to be arranged and scrubbed down. Because the job was so small compared to yesterday’s my mom let me opt out and just camp in my room again. Nothing really happened until that night.

Though I was upset at the situation and I was mad at my step-sister I did in fact miss Kylie. After what she said to me the previous day, my emotions slowly came back to me and I was now up to speed. I developed a plan to go out and buy some Smirnoff as a “peace treaty”. I managed to get my mother to go buy some and get it back to me buy 11:20pm. I knocked on Kylie’s bedroom door and she opened, semi-surprised to see me.

“I brought you a peace treaty,” I said, gesturing the alcohol to her. She looked pissed, but then she looked at the bottle, back at me, then broke down into tears. I responded by giving her a tight hug.

“I’m sorry okay? I can be a dick. I’m stupid.”

“Yes you really can,” she said. “You made me cry. Right here. Dick.”

“Maybe we should talk about this?” I said, checking to make sure my mom wasn’t near.

She let go of the embrace, and let me in her room. We sat next to each other on her bed. We took a deep breath, and she spoke first.

“First of all, here’s what I think about the whole thing: it’s not that bad. It’s not terrible. It would be so much worse if we were blood related, but we’re not. I’m not sorry for the teases before it got worse, but I am sorry I let it go forward.”

I was hit with a sigh of relief, but wasn’t sure how I felt about her opinion on it.

“I’m sorry I made it worse. I did pull my dick out after all,” I said, managing to get her to giggle.

“Sure,” she said, putting a hand on my shoulder. “But at the end of the day we do need to acknowledge that we both were pretty drunk and that’s exactly why it went as far as it did.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, looking up at the ceiling in thought. “I think it would honestly be smart to have a rule to not drink along again.”

“You may be right there,” she said. “But, I do want to address my thoughts one thing.”

I turned to her, ready to hear what she has to say.

“Like I said before, I really don’t think it was terrible, terrible. Am I implying we should do it again? No. That’s only going to make it worse. But was it really that bad that we did what we did? Think about it.”

I opened my mouth to speak up, in disgust, but was stopped by her.

“I know what you’re going to say, but just try to understand. We are not related. We are siblings that live together, yes, but it isn’t that terrible. Weird things like this probably isn’t that uncommon, it is a kink after all.” I gave her a weird look, and she laughed. “Not that I’m saying I’m into that, I’m just trying to semi-normalize this. We’re not up for the death penalty is all I’m trying to say.”

I reluctantly let the ideology just soak in my head for a few seconds. Then, I voiced my opinion.

“Well I guess I didn’t rape you, so that’s a plus.”

“Exactly!” She said.

“I guess it’s not that bad? I guess I sort of understand what you’re saying?”

“I think it’s perfectly normal if you think that I’m hot. I think it’s okay if I think that you’re cute when you’re embarrassed.”

I went sort of red with this statement.

“If we’re being frank, here, if you really like my ass as much as you did that night, that’s totally your business. What really matters is if we act on that or not. You agree with me, right?”

I let out a large sigh, and waited before my response.

“I guess you’re right.”

She gave me a smile of reassurance. “Good!”

We then got off her bed and I walked towards her door.

“So with that being said, it’s okay if I tease you here and there? Just for my amusement? It’s funny.”

“Of course it-“

I stopped myself before I finished, and really thought about what we just discussed. Then I lowered my defensive state, and turned around to leave.

“It’s fine.”

That night I slept hard. I wasn’t totally mentally okay being around her again, but I didn’t lie to her. I did understand where she was coming from. And for the first night in a while, I slept, fantasizing about her. It made me a little hornier knowing that she was okay with it.

The dinner with my step-dad and his stay helped to heal our relationship even more. The four of us together as a family helped define how much we mean to each other. He even gave us some extra cash before he left for us to blow. Time rolled by quickly during his stay, and as soon as he was gone, things were back to normal. And I mean actually back to normal. I wasn’t hiding in my room anymore, and was instead watching tv with Kylie or going on shopping trips with her. We managed to mend things back to health over the course of just a few days. Two weeks later in the middle of July we really were back to normal.

One afternoon we had just gotten back from the mall and went up to her room to put her things away. Once we were done, we just sat on her bed on our phones whilst talking to each other. After a few minutes of silence, Kylie broke it with an interesting prompt.

“Sooo I have an idea, and you can’t get mad at me for asking because we’re doing good now.”

“Okay, you’re making me nervous,” I said, playfully.

“Do you remember when you were in hibernation? I was seeing a guy. We were dating, we were honestly just being dumb and messing around, but he did carry me on dates and make out with me a few times.”

“Ew, thanks for the TMI,” I shoved her, again, playfully.

She giggled before her next response. “It really doesn’t matter that much, but I found out he was sleeping with someone else at the time, and that upset me. Not really, but still.”

“Well shit, I’m sorry,” I said, showing remorse.

“I want to get back at him.”

“How? We gonna fuck him up?” I said, now eager to hear her plan.

“I actually had a more devilish idea,” she said, grinning. “But only if you want to. It’s kind of weird.”

“Go ahead,” I said, preparing myself.

“The solution would be to sleep with one of his friends, but, they’re all taken, let alone even interested in me. I don’t really have power in my hands. So I thought of something that I think would work if you’re down.”

“Spit it out already.”

“What if…” She was casting away her gaze from me. “What if I send him a snapchat of me sleeping with you, topless? We can keep your face out so he doesn’t know and he’s just confused.”

The request did come off as odd, but it could’ve been much worse. I made up my mind before speaking.

“If that’s all, okay.”

“Great, take your shirt off.”

The demand was out of the ordinary, but again, not that weird. I took mine off, but then was surprised to see hers come off as well.

“What are you doing?!” I said, surprised.

“This was part of the plan you dumbass!” She said, irritated. “Honestly, I get that you’re still uncomfortable with this stuff, but will you stop being so whiny? If you really don’t in fact like it you would have left.”

I couldn’t argue with that. Still, I didn’t move for several seconds before I caved in. She was right. I was acting like an innocent protagonist in an anime harem and I needed to stop being a wuss. I cuddled in the bed next to her, her bra brushing up against my chest.

“Just take the picture already,” I said, getting a little heated by it.

“Fine, fine,” she said, opening the app. She took the photo, and I let go of her, sitting back up.

“See? That wasn’t so bad.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” I said. “I’m sorry I keep being so whiny.” She laughed.

“Yeah, it would be great if you could grow a pair,” she said. Then her phone dinged. The guy had already sent something back.

“He sent me something,” she said. “Gather around.”

I leaned in next to her, ready to see what we cooked up. To our disappointment, the guy just responded with a selfie and a caption that said “Cool.”

Kylie’s expression changed to frustration. “Cool? Is that it!?”

“Well, that turned out to be a waste,” I said.

“Can’t he be jealous at all? This is fucking infuriating! Why can’t I have any power here?” She was pretty agitated.

I tried to ease the situation. “Relax,” I said. “It’s just your stupid fuck buddy thing. Pack up and move on.”

“You’d understand if you did something with your social life!” She said, tossing her phone to the other side of the bed. “I want to back stab him. I want to piss him so badly.”

“Is it really that important to you?” I said, trying to understand.

“Yes! It is! I just wish you’d acknowledge that.”

“Okay, I do,” I said, trying to help her. “Any ideas?”

She was surprised, by went into a blank space trying to think of something.

“You sure you don’t have a guy here who would fuck around with you? Anything?”

She thought long and hard, but nothing came to mind. We both just sat there for a while trying to think of something.

“Actually, I have an idea.” She said quietly.

“What is it? I’m ready.”

“It would kinda break our code. A little.”

Normally I would shy away, but I was trying to be different here. I spoke up. “Just say it. If I don’t want to do it, I’ll say so.”

She looked up to me with hope, happy that I was being so loyal to her.

“Well… we could send him a dic pic.”

“Is that all?” I said, laughing. “I’ll go in my room right now-“

“No, wait,” she said, grabbing my shoulder.

“I mean we could send him a dic pic, with me in it.”

I couldn’t help it. I drew back, and got nervous again. “Oh…”

“Look, you don’t have to. We can just ignore it and move on.”


I contemplated it for a minute. I thought about the situation as a whole. It’s true, I did not want to ruin our relationship. It’s why I was the one that was so adamant on us not doing anything fishy. This was my headspace for so long.

I did remember, however, what Kylie had to say during our talk the other day. It’s not like we’re doing anything that’s gonna turn us into demons.

We’re step-siblings. Being fuck buddies probably isn’t the best idea, but if we sexually fantasize about each other, that’s normal. That is okay. It’s true that I thought Kylie was sexy. It’s true that I fantasized about fucking her and doing whatever else to her.

If we had a minor event like this, it wouldn’t mean the end of the world. It would be one minor slip up that would just heal up within a few minutes, and that’s all. We would be back on with our lives. I cleared my throat to speak.

“I’m in.”

She raised her eyebrows.

“You sure? Don’t do something you don’t want-“

“I said I’m in.”

“Okay,” she said. Then we awkwardly set there for a few seconds.

“But I’m not hard,” I said. “That’s what we want, right?”

“Yeah that makes sense,” she said. “What would help?”

I thought for several seconds. “Well I guess I could find some porn or something.”

“Don’t waste time with that,” she insisted. “We’ve already wasted so many minutes just sitting here, you can stare at my butt or something.

The thought of it made my heart skip a beat again. It’s something I wanted to do, but knew I shouldn’t. I agreed it was okay.

Kylie changed her position on the bed so that she was lying on her belly, facing opposite of me. She was wearing pajama pants and still hadn’t put her shirt back on. I now lie, head resting on the pillow, staring at was she was displaying before my as I grabbed my crotch, hoping it would grow.

I thought I should spice things up, to impress her. I wanted to show her I wasn’t gonna puss out anymore.

“Slide your bottoms down so I can see a bit better,” I said.

“Uhhh are you sure that’s okay?”

“Are you the one asking me that for once?” I teased at her.

“Okay then, jeez,” she said. She tugged her pajama pants down, revealing the same black lace panties wrapped in her delicious cheeks. They were the same pair I saw on that day a while ago. Now that I was seeing those, my cock was growing by inches easily.

“Now we’re getting somewhere,” I said, satisfied.

“Okay, I’m getting next to you again.”

She pulled her pants back up, then crawled back next to me, opening her phone. “How should we do this?”

“Lie your head on the pillow. I’ll get next to you and rest my dick next to your face,” I said, growing more hard by what I was saying. “It’ll be more convincing with your bra off.”

“I guess you’re right,” she said, unclipping her bra.

I had never seen them before, but Kylie’s b cup boobs were now right in front of me. I’m not much of a boob person, but they were still beautiful. Her perky nipples stood straight up, in mood with what was going on. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to play with them.

“Okay, pull it out,” she said, getting the camera ready.

“Okay…” This was the moment. I moved next to her, dropped my pants, and pulled out my solid hard, 7 inch cock. She stopped what she was doing to stare for a second.

“Okay, well, uh,” she was nervous.

“I’ll get into position, just get ready to take it,” I said, thrusting my dick next to her left side of her face.

“Okay, I’m doing it,” she said, her face now getting red.

We sat still in this position for a few seconds before she finally took it. Though she wouldn’t admit it, she was taking her time. Once it was taken, I didn’t move. She didn’t object to it so neither did I. After a few seconds, she received a reply.

“He’s pissed, we did it,” she said. Now too happy to acknowledge her surroundings.

“Good, so this was worth it.”

“Yeah, now he’ll rot in hell and we get to laugh at him, it’s great,” she said. She giggled and turned to her left to me, accidentally nudging my cock with the side of her face. In this motion, I leaked a little bit of pre cum on her.

“Shit, fuck, sorry,” she said, coming back to her senses. My fault, yeah, we can be done.

I retreated back, got off the bed, a little nervous by what just happened. “It’s fine,” I said, heart racing. “It was just an accident.”

“Yeah,” she said. “My bad…” her gaze was caught on something. I was rubbing my eyes, trying to get away from the situation. “I’ll head back to my room now, take care of myself,” I said, laughing to try and desires the situation. “Let’s just be careful. We’ll watch a movie or something in a bit-“

I stopped and looked at her, and realized I hadn’t put my dick away. Kylie had been staring at my swelling cock for the past half minute.

“Shit, sorry, I wasn’t paying attention,” I said, grabbing for my pants off the bed. I had gotten them up to my knees before Kylie said something.

“Wait,” she said. “I…”

“What?” I was confused.

“I just… I like to stare at it.”

My heart sank. I never would have expected her to say it. I just froze. It was a few seconds before I spoke up.

“But we can’t, we agreed-“

“I know what we said, but I just, I don’t know…” She was pretty red. “You have such a nice looking cock Jacob.”

“I should get out of here,” I said, pulling my pants up and heading towards the door.

“Wait, stop, please!” She said, sounding very desperate. She was now speaking too quickly.

“Maybe we can renegotiate? Maybe we can think of something? Fuck, Jacob, I don’t know, I just- I know we can’t touch each other. We said we shouldn’t. We don’t want to fuck us up, but I just can’t help myself. I want to just see it so badly.”

I didn’t know what to say. I stood with my hand on the door knob, ready to go. I could’ve walked out. I could’ve left it be, but I just didn’t. My thoughts had a constant battle with themselves before I could finally let something out.

“L-like what?” I stuttered. “What sort of bright idea do you have next?”

She stopped to readjust herself. “This is crazy, but like… maybe we can watch each other masturbate? As weird as that sounds?”

I turned the knob ready to go.

“Jacob, just stop!” She raised her voice. She had become so horny all of a sudden. “Consider it, please. For me. You said you agreed with me, that this wasn’t so bad. Maybe this wouldn’t be completely crossing the line? We wouldn’t do it very often.”

I stood there in silence. I was considering it, but part of me was also just done with it.

“You said before that you were done being a wuss, and quite frankly, I’m just done with this fear of our relationship being ruined. We are young, we don’t have people to sleep with, and we’re horny. That’s why we keep having these moments.”

I turned around to her, still indecisive on it.

“We don’t have to touch. We can literally just sit across the room from each other. You jack yourself off and I’ll rub my clit. That’s my plan. I think that’s okay.”

It was still a lot for me to process. I was uncomfortable. I just was. I had such a fear of this because I was so nervous about us just not being cool around each other again, I really didn’t want to lose someone I loved so deeply. I also didn’t want it to become something more, we weren’t that fucked up. But she was right in a way. I did say I wanted to grow a pair. I did agree that this isn’t so bad. I stood there, thinking about all of this.

After a moment of silence, Kylie turned around on her bed, and dropped her pajama pants again. “Will this help you make up your mind?” She said, swaying her ass in my direction.

I don’t know what finally clicked in me. I don’t know if I had finally just had it, or grew up from the situation, or if it was the sight of her trying to seduce me, but in that moment I decided I really could work with her on this. I decided we could work this out, and manage to get each other off slyly while maintaining a good relationship. After standing there so motionless, I reached down and dropped my shorts again, exposing my cock to her.

“Good, you had me worried you were gonna get pissy with me again,” she said, looking in my direction with her butt still in the air.

“If we’re gonna do this though, I don’t actually want to have a sit across the room and watch rule, that’s lame,” I said, again trying to muster up some courage.

“Well damn, okay,” she said, shocked. “Ten feet apart?”

“No more, no less,” I responded. She giggled.

I wasn’t completely sure if this was ten feet, but I lied out on the opposite side of the bed. I had kicked my pants completely off and was now stroking my cock. Enjoying the show, Kylie pulled her panties off, and we were now completely nude. “I’ll give you a good start before I finger myself,” she said, bending over.

“I know you like the view.” Kylie spread her cheeks for me, exposing her pussy and her sexy asshole for me to gaze at. I quickened my pace slightly.

“Thanks,” I said, now finally being okay with everything. After two minutes, she turned back around so she could lie on her back and begin fingering herself.

“How about,” she started, without finishing her sentence.

“What?” I said, letting go of my dick.

“What if I just spit on your cock? That’s all, promise. It’ll make me hornier knowing I’m your lube.”

I would’ve rejected, but my mind was getting the best of me, and I did honestly see no harm in it. Instead of saying anything however, I shoved her head toward my dick. She grinned, and spat a wad of saliva over the head of my dick. I wrapped my hand around it and kept stroking. It made me so much more hornier knowing I was using my step-sister’s saliva to beat myself off.

Kylie moved back to the other side of the bed and began by using one hand to play with her clit. She was already pretty wet so she didn’t need to lube herself. After she did this for a few seconds and was breathing pretty heavily, she used her other hand to stick a finger or two inside of herself. She knew how to pleasure herself correctly and let out several moans of satisfaction. These sounds all but made me leak even more pre cum.

And well, there we were. Both masturbating in my step-sister’s room on her bed. We had fun for about half an hour, we were never bored watching each other. Eventually the time came for us to climax.

“What should we finish on?” I said, holding back to think logically.

“My sheets,” she said. “It’ll make it so much more hot. I’ll just wash them later, it’s fine.”

I was hesitant at the weird request, but gave in to the idea after a second thought. She’s right, the idea is kind of hot. She was watching my hand guide up and down my shaft as my balls clapped below. She had managed to fit three fingers in toward the end and I loved watching her boobs bounce up and down in motion. After a few seconds it was time.

“Fuck, fuck!” Kylie yelled, drenching her sheets with her own cum. She even managed to make herself squirt, knowing it would probably excite me.

“You want me to soil your sheets?” I said, getting ready.

“Yeah, I-“

“Beg for your step-brother to cum on your sheets.”

She changed her to tone to suit what I wanted.

“Please, please shoot your load in my sheets. As much as you can.” She pleaded. “In fact…”

Kylie removed three comforter next to her pillows, exposing the bedsheets underneath. “Do it here, so your stepsister can lie next to your hot cum. You want that don’t you?”

Obeying the request, I ordered her to get out of the way, and I crawled over to the spot. Kylie stood up from the bed and even spread her cheeks for me again, encouraging me. In a short few seconds, I finished a large, drenching load over her bed sheets. Some even got on one of her pillows. She turned around, exhausted.

“Fuck. Okay. That was everything,” she said, out of breath.

“Yeah, it was, I can’t believe I did that…” We were both out of air.

“Get our for a few minutes, let me change and rest. You probably need to do the same.

“Yeah okay,” I said, grabbing my clothes. I didn’t bother to put them back on seeing as mom wasn’t home, I just walked towards the door.

“Promise we’ll meet in an hour? We do have to be okay with this. We said it would be okay.” She sounded worried.

I stood for a few moments, then turned my head to her.

“Don’t worry. I promise.”

She responded with a smile.

“Thank you. Now get your cock out of my room, before I bite it.”

Needless to say, the regret I felt from last time just wasn’t there now. We were completely sober, and we did something that was acceptable. I went back to my room, busted another one out, then went to shower. Once we had both managed to clean up, we met in an hour and watched a movie. Mom got home later that night and we had dinner together. Kylie actually “forgot” to wash her sheets.

Part 3 soon. Thank you for reading!



  1. The next one will not have as much build up as this one needed, and will also be the last part. The next one will be sexual for 80% of it, sorry this one took a while getting to the point. Thanks again for reading!

  2. Another hot story. I’ll be ready to read part 3 when you post it.

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