Waiting Pet, Part 3: Expectations [Mf] [fsub]

Even after Emily had swallowed, the taste of his cum seemed to fill her mouth. He made no move to get up and with one hand woven in her hair she wasn’t going anywhere easily. Emily sat in her in place between his legs and on her knees. She was forced to look up at him, though she would have anyhow.

Her eyes studied his naked body. Muscular but not lean like the boys she had been with previously. Just the right amount of hair on his chest and a little trail on his stomach leading to his semi-hard cock. And his face. She spent the most time looking there. Though his head was tilted back and mostly she saw his jaw line coated in the rough stubble. His blue eyes were closed. He just sat silent and catching his breath and seemingly basking in the pleasure Emily had given him. She felt proud of that. A little dirty but mostly excited.

Finally though, he released her and got up. He grabbed his boxer briefs and t-shirt and pulled them back on as Emily rose uncertainly. She glanced over at her own clothes but remembered what he had said. It didn’t seem fair that he got to be dressed though…

“How about dinner? I’ll make us something.” He smiled, his eyes glancing down at her naked body as he headed into the kitchen.

Emily followed behind, a little awkwardly and unsure. She still felt uncomfortable being completely naked, especially for normal activities. He hadn’t really phrased it as a question but Emily felt like she needed to respond, “S-sure. That sound’s good. Thanks.” Her response quickly turned into a nervous ramble before she made herself shut up as her cheeks burned.

In the end, she sat at the table. Still naked, the soft cloth of the chair feeling odd against her bare bottom and watching him cook. The way his back and broad shoulders looked when he was facing away, the way the muscles of his legs shifted with each movement. He talked easily and comfortably, as though it wasn’t an odd situation.

He asked Emily questions about herself, her friends at school, her classes. Things that were far too normal for the current situation. Questions that somehow made her feel even more self conscious about the fact she was sitting naked in an unfamiliar apartment with someone she barely knew. It felt so *naughty*.

Her answers were short, stilted. Emily was already bad at talking in situations like this but as distracted as she was, it was made all the more difficult. In the end, he ended up talking most of the time. Telling stories of past experiences, adventures, travel. He had her enraptured as he led the conversation.

When he was done cooking, he brought two plates over. Sitting one down at his spot and held another just away from Emily. She went to accept it, only for him to pull it back. He was smiling and his voice was playful, “I did all the work, the least you could do is ask politely.”

Emily’s cheeks flushed for a moment. Even if he was playful about it, she felt like a kid being taught manners and almost immediately slipped into old habits of addressing ‘adults’ like she had been taught. “Thank you for cooking for me. Can I please have mine, sir?” She blushed even redder as she realized what she had said.

He just grinned a little wider as he passed the plate, “Good girl. I knew you could be polite.” His voice was still light hearted but it was obvious he was pleased all the same.

Emily accepted the meal and stared down at the table as he took his seat across from her. Her cheeks were bright red, she felt ridiculous for having called him sir but those two words from him had made her chest tighten happily, ‘good girl’. She didn’t know why him saying that sent such a thrill through her. If anything, she felt like she should be insulted to be treated like a child and not an equal. Instead, she felt happy. Proud. Excited. And that embarrassed her.

The rest of the night followed the same way. He set the pace and Emily was left excited and embarrassed and wanting more. He talked throughout dinner, while she tried to eat but had other physical needs she was more concerned about. After, she cleaned up the dishes eager for another compliment and then found herself back on the couch, nestled on his lap as he found something to watch.

His hands were all over her, playful more than anything but each touch was electric for Emily and she couldn’t help but squirm and want more. She could feel the heat of him against her back, smell his scent, and she was still naked. She didn’t want to watch the show. More than once she tried to turn and kiss him, to distract him. To turn his attention fully onto her but he’d just squeeze her thigh and tell her to watch.

After the third attempt his voice got stern, less playful, “Just watch the show, unless you want a spanking.”

Emily didn’t take the threat seriously but she did take his tone to heart and sat sullenly. She didn’t like feeling rejected, didn’t like the show being more important than her, but most of all she didn’t like feeling like a nuisance so she stopped. She had no idea what was going on in the show after not paying attention so it was hard start now and the minutes dragged by slowly. His hand on her thigh and the other arm wrapped around her stomach didn’t make it any easier.

Finally the end credits rolled and before Emily could make a move she felt a jolt through her whole system that forced a loud gasp out of her lips as his teeth found her neck. His mouth teased at her skin as a hand slipped between her legs, making Emily moan and arch her back.

His mouth worked up to her ear, giving a little nibble that caused a flood of tingles and made her inhale sharply. His voice was a rough whisper, “You could barely wait, could you? You’re such an insatiable little slut. *My* little insatiable slut.”

His words made her face burn, she *was* acting that way The way his fingers came away wet proved how badly she wanted it… but more than that she felt warm when he called her *his*. She liked that. She didn’t mind being a slut if she was his.

His voice was still a rough whisper, his breath sending a shiver down her spine and making Emily squirm even as his fingers between her legs continued to make her gasp. Continued to make it impossible to think of anything but more pleasure. “Say it. Admit what you are and beg for what we both know you need.”

His words made her feel like she was melting and she couldn’t stop a soft moan, even as her face burned. She could barely catch her breath to speak but finally found the words when his fingers stopped moving, “I… I’m *your* slut. Please, fuck me. I need it.” Once she started, the words seemed to tumble out in a desperate rush.

His fingers didn’t start moving again though. Another breath hit her sensitive ear, “Ask nicely. Like earlier.”

Emily couldn’t figure out what he meant for a second, she was too focused on the pressure of his fingers against her aching little pussy. Touching but not rubbing. Finally though it clicked. Her face burned again as she remembered dinner.

She hesitated for just a second but she would have said anything, “Please, fuck me, s-sir. I need it.” Her words came slower, a little less sure but just as needy as before.

Emily could feel his cock straining against her ass as she spoke, felt her need rise even higher in response to his excitement. He kept one hand between her legs, holding her hips to his as his other pushed between her shoulders, forcing her forward. Forcing her to shift her legs under her and lean forward and place her palms on the coffee table to catch herself from falling forward. His hand started to move. Fingers dancing between her sensitive folds. Each touch sending tingles cascading through her, making Emily forget everything except the pleasure and the need his touch caused her.

It didn’t last long and it wasn’t what she really wanted but his touch was pushing her closer and closer to another orgasm. Emily’s eyes closed as she gasped in pleasure with each movement of his fingers and then… **Smack!**

Emily let out a startled squeal and her eyes shot open at the sudden jolt of pain that quickly faded to a stinging red handprint on her ass. She was breathless. After a second, Emily barely noticed the stinging over the needy ache between her legs. The ache he was no longer satisfying. His hand was gripping her upper thigh, not rubbing her.

His voice was deep, commanding, “Get up. Go bend over the kitchen table.”

Without even thinking, Emily stood on legs that felt like rubber. Unsure and feeling nervous but anxious to please. She did as she was told, glancing over her shoulder as she bent forward, just in time to see him pull off his shirt and boxers. The wood felt cold under her bare skin. She felt goosebumps forming and her nipples managed to get even harder. He stepped behind her. One hand on the small of her back, pinning her in place, and the other holding his hard cock.

Emily felt him behind her. Felt the heat of his body so close. She sighed in pleasure at the feel of his hardness pressing against her glistening sex. Each little move caused fresh tingles but he continued to just hold her there. He made no move to enter her. To fill her like she wanted. Needed. She whined in frustration.

He spoke up first, his voice was in control, almost taunting, “Say it again. Beg like the little slut you are.”

Emily could barely find the words but when she did, her voice was breathy, “Please. Please fuck me, sir. Fuck me like a slut.” Her face was on fire, she couldn’t believe that she was talking like that, begging like that.

His voice was pleased, almost a growl, “Good girl.”

Emily barely registered the little tightening of her chest at those words again before he sunk inside her in one movement. She moaned as he filled and stretched her tight pussy. He didn’t waste any more time. He held her tight against the table as he pounded into her. Each hard thrust almost painfully pushing her hips and thighs into the table but the sensation of being pinned down only made everything more intense. Made the pleasure more overwhelming.

She couldn’t stop her moans. Couldn’t seem to do anything except try to rock her hips back to meet each of his punishing thrusts. His hands moved all across Emily. Pinning her, slapping her ass between thrusts, gathering her hair and pulling her head back and forcing Emily to arch her back. She felt completely under his control, like she had only one purpose in life, only one *need* in life. Each touch, each thrust was sending shivers and tingles through her. Emily’s body felt like it was on fire

He fucked Emily until she was pushed over the edge, until the pleasure cascaded through her in waves of tingles that seemed to start at her pussy and radiated to her fingers and toes and even her hair. Her already tight pussy clenching tightly around his cock as it continued to thrust into her. **Smack!** Another slap to her ass only made her moan again. Her orgasm seemed to last forever and he kept going, until the pleasure was almost painful. Until Emily wasn’t sure she could take anymore even as she knew she never wanted it to stop.

Eventually though it did, with a tensing of his muscles, a grunt of pleasure from him as he thrust deeper inside her. As Emily felt his hands clench tightly around her hips and pull her back to meet him almost violently as he sank into her for a few more desperate thrusts before slowing and slumping over her.

Emily shivered as his mouth found her back, her neck, her ear. They were both panting, both basking in the afterglow of the pleasure. It took Emily a few long moments and the feeling of wetness leaking down her thighs to realize… He had cum inside her.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5c3vq7/waiting_pet_part_3_expectations_mf_fsub


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