Painful Victory [M/F]

“*Five*.” Their voices mixed together in the tense air. “*Four*.” She smiled as she said it moments before he did. “*Three*” A longer pause that time, and he was barely in front. “*Two*” They raised their hands in unison. They locked eyes… “*One*” They both smiled as they said it together.

Their raised hands moved forwards past each other and with finger and thumb extended they landed on the opposite chest.

“*Go*” They shouted together and at once they both clamped down their fingers on the others bare nipples. They both let out a small gasp of air and then their body’s tensed up.

Her long blue nails bit down deep into his small soft nipples, chest hair brushing at her fingers as she twisted slightly.

His fingers griped hard at the tips of her pointy nipples, pulling slightly he caused her breasts to lift up with a small bounce.

They locked eyes, no hint of pain showing in either face. Smiling they tried to assert a calm dominance.

He looked away first, distracted by the curve of her breast in the candle light. Her eyes then went down his hairy chest to his defined abs before settling on his crotch.

“*Hmmm*” She purred. “*Is that a reaction to the pain?*”

He smiled and his hardening cock twitched. “*No, just admiring your boobs.*” he pinched harder as he said it.

She smiled eyes still on the outline of his hard cock trapped under his tight boxers. With a grin she pulled and twisted hard, in reply he did the same. Their body’s moved closer as they pulled on each other.

“*You wet down there?*” He whispered at her “I *bet you are. My touch* – he twisted again – *is magical*” She smiled but only pulled and twisted as her reply. No verbal retort. but the damp patch which had appeared on her white panties said enough for him.

Time passed and they held on tight with delicate fingers. A pull or twist now and then just to test each others resolve. Both of them waiting for the other to break. They held on strong for while longer.

He closed his eyes and with a grimace let out a grunt. She smiled but was interrupted as he squeezed harder, making a cute moan slip from her lips.

They are both getting close, each pushing the other to back out first and both trying to hold on. Locked in battle their minds focused on the pain.

Now their nipples are sore to the point of numbness and every new spike of pain weekend them bit by bit. Sweat formed on them and between gritted teeth they swore bitter painful truths. Until…

“*Ouch! You win, you win!*”

They both dropped their arms, nipples now released throbbed and their chests tingled as blood flowed back. Pain came in waves and after a breath they locked eyes.

“*I win…*” A breathless wispier of pain from the victor.

– – –

“*Hmmm, looking good.*” Her purr came from deep within in her chest.

He stood in the kitchen nude but for the low cut apron and nipple clamps that dangled off his sore nipples. She was lounging naked on the sofa hands rubbing at her numb breasts working life back into them.

“*Now be a good boy and wash up quick. My boobs need a massage*” She smirked looking at his barely covered body as he began to wash that evenings dinner pots. He let out a sigh and got to work as his nipples stung with pain.

“*I’ll get you next time.*”

