Princess Gets to Fly

Daddy is wise like nobody else. First he reads my body, from my sensitive ears to my inner labia. He stays kink-current; if there’s a new pleasure tool out there, he knows it and can operate it like a boss. He reads my feelings too. He saw me staring at those butterfly wings at the boutique and soon he’s tying them on me even though I didn’t ask for them. I thought I did not deserve to have them because I am not a perfect girl. He may have said the rhinestone tiara that I clutched was *junk* and to *forget it*. Later, when he crowns me with it after I pouted at him on the drive home, he beams at me and winks. You know what? I made it worth 1,000,000,000 dollars in Daddy’s eyes. If something goes wrong in our play and I cry…he lets me play alone if he thinks he’s the cause of my tears. He plays Vivaldi real loud in the other room or runs the power mower outside to let me know he’s still here for me if I need him.

It’s a windy day and Daddy has a stack of work on his desk that is growing into a leaning tower. He gets up from his work desk, stretches, and looks over at me, “The wind is calling Princess. What do you think it’s saying?” I run to the front door and say “Come out and fly a kite!!” Maybe when we get back home there’s a Jack in the Box behind his fly, but he says deep and slow, “What flavor tonight, Princess?” If my eyes get heavy, then he lets me sink into my pillow. If I say “Hollywood Kiss, Daddy,” then he flashes me a smile like Cary Grant and turns me into a lady of the silver screen. If I say “Tonight it’s Daddy’s pick,” then he always asks first, “Are you sure you are ready for me, kitten?” I put on my fuzzy black ears and he eases my tail in. I tell him *Meow* *Daddy* before he spreads his Pussycat wide and cums inside.


1 comment

  1. Is that a pappa dream? A kitten dream?
    Maybe both… Because are to faces of a coin that is worthless without one…

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