When my roommate leaves

Its finally happening.

I’m watching you and your friend walk down the driveway and to the car parked on the curb. You open the car door, get inside, and giddy with fun and expectations, you both drive off to enjoy an evening on the town.

I told you I had a headache and just wanted to smoke it off.

It’s been a pretty good time since you moved in three weeks ago. We used to work together and got along REALLY well, despite my attraction for you and every inch of your curvy body. I hid my feelings and we built a friendship, and now a roommate living situation, on trust and honesty. Its now time to cash that in.

You went to a hot yoga class about four hours ago. You came home, soaked in sweat and glowing with serenity. My cock was crushing itself inside my pants as you chirped out that you were going to take a shower. That’s when I decided that tonight was the night.

I tried to hold out longer than this. I really did. But as soon as I stepped into your messy room, I knew it was always going to be like this.

You don’t know this, but I know EVERYTHING about you. Your bathroom is situated right next to my bedroom, and you haven’t really figured out that my bed is on the other side of the wall from your toilet and shower. I hear everything. I’ve heard you use the toilet. I hear you take a shower. I know your schedule in that way.

I know that you didn’t shower before your yoga class, meaning that your soiled yoga clothes will be extra fragrant this evening. I spot them immediately among the other clothes you have scattered on your floor. You’re a typical 24-year old girl who doesn’t keep too clean a room, and your dirty clothes draped around the space is driving me even crazier than I normally would be in this moment. I like how unkempt you can be sometimes, despite an Instagram filled with impeccable, unblemished images of your perfect skin and hair.

I’m stepping over used thongs and socks and leggings to get to what I’m after. I see those stretchy little booty shorts that you wore to yoga today. I’m fully aware of just how tight those shorts are on you. How much your juicy, full butt cheeks strain against the fabric. They’re right next to the door to the bathroom, where you mindlessly peeled them off and discarded them on the floor before bouncing into the shower. Your sports bra is right next to them. I don’t bother.

My heart is fucking RACING right now. Before I commit any true breach of trust, I turn around and take one last glance out the living room window, just to make sure you didn’t forget something and come back. The coast is clear.

My longtime girlfriend had just moved out after a hard breakup, and you were getting booted from a rental property that just got sold, to be torn down and replaced with a cookie cutter apartment building. The timing of our respective living situations just matched up, and we knew from our time working together that we enjoyed each other’s company enough to live in the same space. You trusted me when you made the choice to move in. Your perception of me is pretty pristine. Wholesome. I’m the good guy who you wouldn’t date, but are happy to be kinda flirty friends with.


Here I am. In the doorway of your bedroom, strewn with dirty clothes. Evidence that you’re operating without a hint of what my intentions have been ever since the possibility of you moving in with me came up.

I walk across the room to my prize.

I pick up your booty shorts. They’re still damp, and have had a few hours to marinate in sweaty pussy and ass juices on the floor.

I can hear my pulse in my ears. There’s a tight and heavy feeling deep in my lower abdomen, a mixture of guilt, exhilaration, shame, and lust all mixed in together.

With your hot yoga shorts in one hand, I remove all of the clothes I have on. I lay down on your unmade bed. My head hits your pillow, and I can smell a mix of your pheromones and shampoo on the pillowcase, which hasn’t been washed since you moved in. These sheets are kinda ripe, and I couldn’t be more excited about it.

Finally, with my right hand wrapped around my concrete cock, I lift your shorts up to my face with my left hand. I carefully position the crotch of your shorts over my nose and mouth. I huff inward, like I’m trying to get high off a rag soaked in gasoline.

Your scent makes my blood rush in crazy circles throughout my entire body. I can smell your fragrant pussy juices. I can smell your musky asshole. I can smell the sweat that soaked into the creases of your hips. I can smell a faint note of urine. I now know what it’s like to bury my face into the scent of your pussy and plump, juicy ass.

I’m in zero control of my right hand, furiously pumping away. I notice a pair of silky shorts that you sleep in a lot, next to me in the dirty sheets. I grab it and drape it over my cock, letting it brunch lightly against my balls and taint and asshole. It’s like the most erotic feathers I’ve ever felt tickling my undercarriage.

I put the crotch of your shorts into my mouth, tasting the musky, damp fabric on my tongue and lips. Holy fucking shit am I in utter, depraved, perved-out heaven. I’m almost hyperventilating into your shorts, trying to completely soak my sinuses in your sweaty scent.

About thirty seconds later, I’m cumming. Fucking HARD. Spurts came up from deep within my body, supercharged and leaving my body with velocity I’ve never experienced. I’m left shuddering and wrecked on your soiled, fragrant sheets.

I’m gasping for air as my senses begin to normalize. It’s only a matter of time before the collapsing shame and guilt sets in. I toss your shorts in the vicinity of where I found them. Deep down, I know it doesn’t fucking matter in this room.

I walk out of your room with my clothes in my hand, naked and satiated. I’ll process the shame later. Right now, I can still smell your cunt sweat on my face. I’m thinking about round 2.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hh376h/when_my_roommate_leaves