My Maryland Girl

Hi everyone, I wrote a short story that is up for 99 cents on Amazon! (Kindle eBook)

It is called My Maryland Girl, and my pen name is Zak Desire!

Here is a free snippet-

We lived six hundred miles apart. And that only made the desire stronger. I wanted her. Her and her vibrant red hair more than anything in the entire world. To be held in her arms. Her smile, her warmth. We met on a dating app. Honestly, I hadn’t known I set the mile radius so far. I lived in North Carolina and she lived in Maryland. I assumed that every girl I was matching with was local, if I had known she lived far away, we probably would have never gotten to know each other. I remember when we matched. She was beautiful. Her body was so thick, she seemed so soft, and her curves looked sculpted by a perfectionist. I wanted nothing more than to kiss her, and feel her arms wrapped around me. It started off with light flirtation, complimenting our hair, our eyes, our laugh, but it soon turned into sexting.

But you are free to purchase and leave me with a lovely review ;)


1 comment

  1. I love it!

    You wrote in a way that was sweet yet sensual. I love how you described her body! Makes me really miss a former online correspondence with a guy I used to know.

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