The Sea Nymph’s Embrace [MF] [nymph] [handjob] [sweet] [teasing] [slight femdom if you squint]

Lysander’s eyes opened slowly. He didn’t know where he was, but he could feel that he was weak. Extremely week, to the point where he couldn’t move his arms or legs without it hurting bad, like a burning sensation in his limbs. Unable to move that well, he looked around at his surroundings instead.

The young man was on a beach of some sort, with his back propped up against a big rock of sorts. Maybe for support. He knew he had to have been moved here by someone else, while he’d been out cold.

But what surprised him was that his clothes were gone. Well, not on him. The fine cloth and bronze armor of a nobleman’s status. were to the side, a few feet away, wet from the ever changing tide. He tried to reach for them, but it was all in vain. Accepting that, he sat there, trying to get the dizziness out of his head and think about how he ended up here.

A few minutes later, something plopped out of the water and his questions were answered.

She came out of the water head first, an angelic pale face with fiery copper hair, perhaps an awkward – or ironic – contrast to the fact that she came from the sea. She wore next to nothing, although it was clear to him that she was a creature of the oceans and she could get about both water and land easily enough. Though most would’ve seen her as a human woman, Lysander didn’t think that was the case at all. Far from it.

She looked like a sea nymph to him. Those inexplicably beautiful maidens that served the sea god Poseidon and his court at Atlantis, far under the sea. Lysander watched as she slowly emerged fully to him, the only thing covering her were a few pieces of cloth that somehow remained on her breasts and waist without any trouble. Just enough for modesty, but more than enough to allure and draw the eyes of men.

“So you finally stirred yourself,” she said to him, her voice like honey. “Good. I was wondering when you’d wake up here.”

“Wake up?” His own voice was groggily, the gunk in his throat struggling to get out. He patted the light stubble on his beard for a second before replying. “What happened? Where am I?”

“As for where you are, you’re in a favorite place of mine. I use this area of the beach for when I want some privacy or seclusion. As for what happened… do you not remember? You saved my life.”

“Saved your life?” Lysander asked. But he was started to put the pieces together.

*“No! Stop!”*

*The three bandits laughed and kept talking among themselves. No doubt something about how much fun it would be to rape this washed up nude girl that just happened to be sunbathing on the seashore.*

*Lysander saw the whole thing as he was riding his horse on his way to the Olympic games. He was curious as to what the big deal was, and his father had given him his blessing, so he set out by himself, more discreetly to avoid any attention. He supposed that there would be the risk of highway robbers, but he felt it was worth it to take. He was armed and had a suit of ceremonial armor on him. If someone gave him trouble he’d deal with it.*

*As it turned out, there was trouble. Three men were dragging a screaming girl in the nude, clearly intent on raping her for all she was worth. The smart thing to do would be to find a way to pass by, but Lysander’s conscious kept insisting that something had to be done. He couldn’t just leave her there to die at their hands.*

*So he left his horse at a post and crept on the three bandits quietly. There were some bushes that he used to hide himself in. As Lysander approached the first bandit from behind, he said a silent thanks to all the military training his father had forced him to endure. He’d hated it at the time, but now it proved the difference between life and death. It also helped that these three had no armor, just daggers and one with a club of sorts.*

*The first one was walking behind the others, so Lysander stabbed him pretty easily. As the other two were taken by surprise, he used the element of surprise to wound a second bandit, although the thuggish man remained standing. He then focused on the third, the apparently leader of the group and the one with that big club. The club was swung about rapidly, so Lysander had to block his movements and swings with his sword. The other bandit, the wounded one, attempted a charge at the young nobleman.*

*It proved to be a mistake. Lysander used all of his weight to push the bigger bandit with the club aside, getting his arm scraped and banged up in the process, and stabbed the wounded bandit with his sword. The shock on the other man’s face was clear to Lysander as he watched the second bandit have the life drained out of him and his body slumped away.*

*Then Lysander was hit pretty hard, falling to the ground.*

*The third bandit was a rock of a man, seemingly unharmed by anything Lysander could throw at him. The sword was caught by the bigger man’s hand, and he appeared to feel no pain as the blade sliced at his hand, the blood dripping away as he tossed the sword aside and started punching Lysander in the face and chest, hard. Blow after blow came as Lysander struggled to get up and find some sort of way to kill this bastard before he was the one being sent to Hades.*

*Then he saw it. A stone, from part of the beach leading to a mountain. It was just the right size – small enough to grab, large enough to use as a weapon.*

*The man punching him was as big as a rock? Well, a rock would be his demise.*

*With all the energy left, and in the middle of the bandit’s punches to the ribs, Lysander bashed the rock against the bandit’s head. The robber yelped with a howl of pain and his hands immediately went to his head, feeling the pain and trying to stop the blood pouring out from his skull. Lysander pressed on, using both hands to hit the bandit’s head again and again, until the body stopped moving. Only then did Lysander collapse and gasp for air.*

*He felt horrible. He was bleeding from a number of areas and at least one eye was swollen. He thought his ribs weren’t cracked but it was hard to tell. He did know it hurt, hurt as bad as the torments of Tartarus. The life in him seemed to be draining as well, and he had no idea of what would come next.*

*The last thing he saw was a woman’s face, incredibly beautiful and with red hair, look down on him with beaming eyes of approval, and she seemed to be saying something, whispering something, before he faded out of the beach and into a blissful sleep. Whether to Hades or the earth, he didn’t know.*

Now he realized it.

This woman was the same woman he’d saved on the beach from the robbers. He’d saved the life of a sea nymph against all odds, and somehow was still alive after the brutal fight.

“You,” he said, all he was able to say.

“Yes, that girl who those men stumbled upon by mistake. Silly me, really. I made the mistake of relaxing on that beach for the first time in a while, and look how it turned out.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Still, everything turned out fine.”

“How long has it been?”

“Maybe half a day. I found you yesterday afternoon, and it’s currently the morning of the next day. I did my best to heal your wounds and make sure you were cared for during the night. That’s why I brought you here, to my little hiding spot.”

Lysander thought about the Olympics that he was supposed to attend. The longer he was delayed, the more likely he was to miss them. However, he currently couldn’t do much, given how he still needed rest and recovery. Maybe in a few hours, he’d get the strength to get up and resume his journey. But for now, he’d satisfy the sea nymph’s amusments. “I don’t even know your name.”

“Niso,” she replied in that overly sweet voice of hers. “And you?”

“Lysander.” He straightened himself up a little bit. “I suppose I should thank you for caring and watching over me. Would you say I’m ready in a few hours time?”

“Probably. But you still need to stay here a little longer, to make sure your human body doesn’t give out on you for any reason.” Her gaze went to his crotch for a moment, and she smiled. His cock was slowly twitching at the sight of a lovely woman, although not getting hard fast. An idea came to mind to her, one that would keep both of them happy and strengthen his connection to her.

“Luckily for you, I’d like to thank you for doing what you did for me. And I think I have a good way of showing my appreciation.”

She leaned in to kiss him, with him offering no resistance. As their lips locked, slowly moving, her hand reached out and found his cock, wrapping it around it perfectly. She broke the kiss to sit beside him, almost in her arms but not quite entirely. Here she had a good view of his own point of view, which she wanted.

Lysander sighed a little more heavily when she touched his cock. He wasn’t expecting her to show her desire for him, but it wasn’t unwelcome, and her hand felt good on his shaft. “Err…”

“Shh.” Her voice changed tones, almost like a mother putting her child to rest. “Just relax. It’ll be good, I promise.” Her hand began stroking him slowly, her fingers working up and down on his foreskin. Now he was starting to get a proper erection.

Lysander’s gaze alternated between the gorgeous woman next to him and her hands working on him near-effortlessly. In fact, she seemed to be enjoying this. “Are… are you going to…”

“Fuck you?” she let out, giggling almost. “No, not quite yet. You’re definitely too weak to do that at the moment.” But she left the idea of it open: in the future, when he had more energy and vitality. Or so he hoped. Maybe in the future, he thought to himself.

She was good at this, very good. The seawater on her hands was a perfect lubricant, allowing her palm to gracefully move up and down without any resistance or uncomfortable feelings. It was almost intoxicating to him, to have a good hand rub from the base of his shaft up along the foreskin and up to the head, making the foreskin wrap around his head with her fingers, and then back down to repeat over and over. And while he’d like to play with her too, preferably her breasts or clit, his arms weren’t able to do much but relax, like she’d said.

Still, it wasn’t too bad.

It was very different, to just be lying there while the girl was stroking him ceaselessly, offering kisses along his body every few seconds. It almost felt… good. Good to just sit back and truly relax, letting Niso the nymph take control of him almost. She seemed to already know how his cock worked, since he was hardened to near perfection.

“So good,” Lysander let slip out of his mouth, continuing to watch her work.

She giggled in reply and licked the head of his cock briefly. “You’d like this mouth on it, wouldn’t you?”

Lysander nodded hesitantly. At least his head had some energy in it.

Niso giggled again and shook her head playfully. “Naughty boy. Getting ahead of yourself. We’re taking it one step at a time.” Her hand continued to stroke him, but more slowly for a minute. He could’ve sworn he was close to the edge, but the way she slowed down stopped it for the moment. Then she moved it faster, gradually building up his erection again. She was delighted to watch him under his control, how much she could do with one man, a very handsome and younger man at that.

Her other hand went to his balls, cupping at first before lightly massaging. It was enough to push him further to that edge, get his blood flowing faster now, but she made sure not to do it so much that he started spilling sooner than she’d like for him to. Again she asked if that was ok and if that felt good, and both times Lysander replied with a hesitant, if approving, “yes”.

She let the hand on his balls mover over to his abs as she leaned in to kiss him again, slowly and passionately, as she kept moving his cock up and down, lightly applying pressure here and there when he wasn’t able to see what she was doing, as his eyes were closed and his left arm barely able to rub along her side. It was enough to drag down the cloth covering her breasts, however. When she saw that her breasts were now exposed, Niso broke the kiss to stick them in his face.

More overwhelmed than ever, Lysander sighed a happy sigh and began sucking on her nipple, Niso having practically made it so that he wouldn’t have to strain at all. She moaned when he moved to the other breast, him only having to turn his head and be engulfed in a different place of pleasure. She wanted to enjoy this as much as he would, and this was her way of doing so. Without actually making love to him, of course. This was how she liked to start it, with slow and tender affection on both ends. Him being largely incapacitated was only better.

He whined a slight whine when she pulled off his face to go back focusing on his cock, now using both hands for a few minutes. Her eyes never left his, and she enjoyed watching his expressions: the way he signed and moaned as his foreskin was forced up and down, his eyes widening when she clenched his balls again, and his arms occasionally shrugging up as if to do something he really wanted to do to her, but just wasn’t able to. She found it all adorable and surprisingly endearing. She liked having a man that sat back and relaxed under a sea nymph’s touch.

Then Niso put two fingers where the foreskin met the head of his cock, and rubbed that up and down briefly. Then she did it again, much faster and more intensely. Despite it being far less work than rubbing on his whole cock, it ended up being stronger than anything she’d done yet, as Lysander’s pleasure was visibly growing at a faster rate.

“Doesn’t that feel wonderful, human?”

Lysander gulped, then nodded. She’d been teasing him for a while now, and he wanted a release.

“Want me to keep doing it till you let go?”

Another needy nod.

Niso put the rest of her fingers and her thumb on his cock, stroking his foreskin up and down in a way not yet done before. She wasn’t exactly jerking him as much as she was shifting the skin along the shaft, but that was having a very strong effect on Lysander, who looked ready to burst any moment now. His lips were on the verge of speaking, wanting to tell Niso something, but under her spell he just couldn’t get it out just yet.

The head of his cock was now coated in a milky substance that the foreskin opened and closed on, a clear sign that he was so very close but not exactly given the proper release yet. Niso continued to rub around the area where the head of his cock met the shaft, and Lysander bucked again under her touch – well, as much as he could with his weakened muscles and sitting propped against a rock.

Lysander was breathing more heavily now. His heart was pounding like crazy, and as much as he hated to admit it… he was *enjoying* this. Genuinely. Niso had unlocked something new inside him that he didn’t know about before.

Now she was baring her teeth, knowing full well how much excitement and lusty feelings were in the air. She started going more slowly again, asking him, “How much do you wanna cum?”

“Gods, I really, *really* want to.” His cock had been at her disposal for a good while and he was finally ready to burst. But it would be when she wanted to, not him. Not enough energy.

Niso hummed to herself and kept stroking. She continued to build him up, take him just that tiny bit closer to the edge, teasing both his cock and body. She wouldn’t be able to do this sort of fun once he was healed up fully, so she tried to savor the little moments.

A minute later, he came.
He shot out suddenly, without much of a warning. The first spurt of hot, thick cum fired straight out from his shaft. Her hands aimed his cock towards the sea, and the cum landed in the water, slowly swished around and blown out by the ever moving tides, coming up to the sands and back out towards the deeper ocean.

She held his cock a little tighter, the next spurt suppressed, but not so much that it failed entirely, and a couple of drops got out and were deposited on the sand. It would wash away too, in time. Niso giggled and kept jerking him.

Now, he flowed freely. His ejaculations were discharged one at a time, beginning from the head of his cock and ending on the water, a convenient place to send off his seed and sexual urges. Each shot, each twitch of cock muscles, sent Lysander into a deeper and deeper feeling of bliss, one that seemed to consume his whole body after spreading from his groin outward. He was in thrall, of both his spilling into the ocean and the beautiful creature that had made it possible. He almost felt… liberated, in a sense.

He took his time coming back down, enjoying the wooziness while it lasted. Then he looked down at Niso, who laughed when he did. “I told you it would be fun!”

“Yeah…” Lysander moved his head down in an attempt to kiss her. Fortunately for him, she was receptive, and after another giggle completed the kiss, and they were like that for a few minutes, slowing down after going faster the last few minutes.

“Wanna do it again?” she asked after kissing him, a combination of glee and amusement on her face.

Lysander thought about it – briefly. It would definitely wear him out again, which meant he’d take longer to get to the Olympics. But he was already late, so extra time wouldn’t hurt that much. And it had been very fun to let her take control of his cock and milk it to perfection. Not to mention how pretty and angelic she was.

It wasn’t a hard decision for him.

“Yes, please.”

He gasped again, the sensation going all about as his cum shot into the air and on the surface of the ocean’s vast emptiness.

Niso also gasped, but in pleasure as much as him. She enjoyed watching how far his cum could go, after being pent up by both her beauty and working on him. Once done for the second time, she kissed him on the forehead and got up.

He started to protest weakly but she put a finger to his lips. “I have to return to the ocean, it is my home after all. But meet me here when the moon is full, I usually come here for the view of the sea and the mountains nearby. It’s very breathtaking.”

And then she jumped into the water, effortlessly swimming. As she did so, she splashed away the cum from the second round of ejaculation and orgasm, sending it in all directions and leaving it to the sea to dissolve and dispose of.

Lysander stayed there for a while, vainly hoping he’d get to see her again. When his strengh came back and his legs not shaky from the intense pleasure he’d just had, he got up, put on his clothes again, and went to go find the spot where he’d left his horse. He’d be late to the Olympics, but he’d discovered something, and someone, of far more interest to him.

*Hope you enjoyed! I feel like I wrote too much for the flashback and actual act of the handjob, but maybe I’m just doubting myself and it actually reads better than I thought.*

*This is set in a vaguely Ancient Greek/classical mythology setting. I got the inspiration from a prompt by a dirtypenpals friend. Although weren’t able to get a story going, she gave me her blessing to take her ideas and write something out with them.*

*Thanks for reading! I maybe have to visit Lysander and Niso soon…*



  1. Please do consider extending, and you did not spend too long on any thing, I liked it!

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