It’s Too Hot To Sleep

I remember you all too well. If it wasn’t for your pushing, things might have worked out. The thing is, you never really got me. Sure you knew what I wanted, but you thought that sex was the way to my heart. That’s honestly why it fell apart. I know, I know. It sounds stupid… maybe even selfish, but I was being selfish… maybe even stupid. But my heart hadn’t healed, and that didn’t mean anything to you. You thought sex meant you had dibs on my love, but you didn’t listen when I said I wasn’t ready.

But that’s not why I’m here right now. I’m here because it’s hot, and humid, and sticky and I can’t sleep. And I will always associate this stiffling heat with you. It will always fill me with those desires. It will always cause my mind to wander… thinking about how you would walk into my room with just a pair of panties on. Your gorgeous double Ds out in all their tanned glory for me to see. My “roommate”. Considerably more than half naked and complaining at the foot of my bed that you can’t sleep because of the heat.

We set the rule. Was it just to be broken? “We can’t do this anymore”… we’d fight because you wanted more and I didn’t… then once again, there you were at the foot of my bed when neither of us could sleep, with everything out for me.

The heat will always remind me of the hot, sweaty depraved sex we would have for hours. Waking up on top of one another hours later in time to get ready for work.

Then there was the night that you needed to go for a walk, but you were too afraid to go by yourself. ‘Though we’d had many warm nights in that apartment, that night was certainly an exception. You promised me it wouldn’t take long, so I decided to give in and see what trick you had up your sleeve.

We walked to a brook just down the road, where you proceeded to strip down, and walk into the water. I watched your beautiful volumtuous figure as you seductively waded in to the waist deep water, only to turn around and motion me to follow. You knew what you were doing… and in some ways, so did I. You excitedly told me you wanted to show me something, and took me by the hand. I was defenseless to you when you were like this. As much as I would pretend I wasn’t interested in you, when you were enthusiastic, I couldn’t help but be intrigued.

You lead me across the brook to the clay shore on the other side. It was so different from the rest of the surrounding area that it felt like we were on another planet. Then you said something I’ll never forget: “I love playing in mud.”

There was a twinkle in your eye when you said it
The way you sighed, the way your nose flared… I could tell this was a dream come true for you. You proceeded to push your hands deep into the mud and spread it all over your body. You covered every inch from your neck down, and moaned and sighed loadly as you rubbed it into your stomach, breasts and legs. You knew I was watching, and that seemed to make you more enthusiastic. You performed. and I watched. I watched you play in the mud for several minutes… until you saw my cock throbbing and asked if I wanted to join in.

You started smearing mud all over my legs, and started jerking me off with your slippery, muddy hands. You asked me if the mud felt good… if I liked that you were dirty and covered in mud. You seemed to really get turned on by being covered in a thin, slippery layer of mud, and now cobering me in it. You could not stop rubbing yourselfl. You start fingering yourself and playing with your pussy, until you squirted into the mud… and then proceeded to rub it all over yourself.

I’ll alway remember how you said you wanted me to pour mud over your head while you sucked my cock. I thought it was a different request, but I was so turned on, it still sounded like fun. I went to the brook to wash off, while you fashioned your t-shirt into a bag to hold the mud. You gave it to me and said to pour it on you as you gave me head… I wait a few minutes first, allowing you to get into it so I could enjoy as much of the blow job as possible. That was when you looked at me and said “are you going to fucking pour the mud on my face or not”. The words were barely out of your mouth, and I covered your face in mud. ait seemed like you were shocked at first. You cry out in surprise, but when you realized what happened, you adjusted to the shock… you nose flared, and you let out a grunting moan that could only be described as satifaction. The mud bubbled and flicked out of your mouth as you shuttered and sighed “yessss. morrrre”. You took my cock back into your mouth and I proceeded to pour more mud completely over your head, and into your thick, wavy hair. You sighed loudly again with my cock in your mouth… pulling it out to wipe your face and say “Don’t you love making me dirty? I love being filthy. I love being covered in mud and dirt. Cum for me daddy…”

To this day, I still swear that was the hardest I’d ever cum. I knew where the night was going, but I had no idea it was going there. I’ll always remember how uour body glistened in the moonlight as you rinsed yourself off in the brook, and how we went back to our separate beds that night, exhausted after a few more hours of play in the water and the mud.

Everytime I find myself awakened by the heat, I almost wish you’d be at the foot of my bed. But that was a long time ago… a lifetime ago now. One I’ll always remember.
