The Game Part 2 (MF) (MM) (FF)

OK folks, what is my bid for this strapping young man.
Look at the muscles on his arms, those are as sturdy a set of legs as you will ever see.”

Turning me around with her hand still gripping my manhood, she followed up with.
“Take a look at his back, strong and solid, you’ll get a lot of work out of this one.

And as an added bonus, take a look at his… well you know what, nicest one I’ve seen in years.  

So let’s begin the bidding.

“I don’t know, I mean, he looks OK.
But we have no proof of your claims!” Lynn stated.

“Please, ladies and gentlemen, if you are patient we will supply all the proof one would need.” Sakura told the others.

Turning me around, my back to the others Sakura bent me over at the waist.

“Now folks just look at the ass on this one.
It’s as tight as you might imagine, solid just listen to this muscle tone.”

With that her hand descended upon my bottom with a loud smack as it landed across my ass.
Three… four… six… ten times her palm came down across my bottom.

The first couple were rather light.
However as she progressed the blows became herder and harder until by the tenth my ass was stinging.

What began as a joke took on an ominous feel as Sakura began to get into the role.

Standing me up and turning me to face our friends she once again took hold of my cock which had begun to shrink from her spanking.

“No, no, a soft cock will never do.
Our customers want to see your stamina. 

So you had better keep that thing hard young man, or there will be consequences, do you understand me ?” She told me.

“Yes mistress.” I replied.

As I said this the others began laughing at my predicament.
Lynn was the next to offer ideas to prove my worthiness as a toy for sale.

“OK, I grant you he has a nice body.
However that tells us nothing about his other skills and his stamina.
Come to think of it what other skills does he have and will he demonstrate those same skill as proof of his worthiness?” Lynn asked.

“Yes miss, I think we could arrange a small demonstration to quell your concerns.”

Leaning over to speak to Sakura I quietly told her I thought she was going to far with this game.
Turning her head to whisper in my ear. “If you don’t indulge me, you can just forget about any loving for the next few months!” She informed me.

Turning to Dave Sakura said, “ Sir, you have been rather quiet this whole time.
Do you have anything to ask?”

“Well yes, I am wondering if he is any good at pleasuring his mistress?
I just can’t imagine that he would be very good, just look at his face.
I doubt that he has any skill with that short stubby tongue of his.
Along with that his fingers look rather unskilled at giving pleasure.

Granted his cock looks OK, but I question whether he knows how to put it to good use.” Dave said.

“Well now, a challenge has been issued.
I for one am ready to put this piece of merchandise to the test to prove to any potential buyer his worthiness.”

Pulling my by my still engorged cock Sakura dragged me around to the other side of the table.
“Miss, would you like to inspect the merchandise?”
“Yes, yes I would, if you don’t mind.” Lynn said.

As Lynn raised her hand and grabbed my cock, I pulled away from her touch.
Not that I wanted to, rather I was worried what Sakura’s reaction would be to someone else playing with my cock.

Slapping me hard on my ass three times she ordered me to stand still and submit to Lynn’s inspection.
To enforce the issue Lynn reached into her bag and pulled out a long Velcro strap. 

Turning me around Sakura took my arms behind my back as Lynn fastened the strap around my wrists.
Keeping my hands bound behind my back.

“Now miss you may continue with your inspection.” Sakura told her.
What the fuck I thought where was this going and why did Lynn just happen to have that strap in her purse?

Lynn began by running her hands along the lines of my chest, tracing the outlines of my abs.
Reaching upwards she took both my nipples between her fingers and teased them a bit.
Followed by her giving my nipples a hard pinch that caused my knees to buckle.
Grabbing me under the arms Sakura lifted me back up.

As Lynn’s hand reached out and cupped my balls I began to tremble at her touch.
When her hand fell upon my cock, it twitched big time and jumped in her hand.
With just a few strokes it began to drip pre-cum.
“Well I will say that his little thing is very responsive.” Lynn offered.

“Sir, what do you say?
Care to inspect the merchandise?
Yes I would.

As Sakura turned me around to face Dave, he reached out very slowly as if embarrassed to touch another guys cock.

With just a single finger he reached out and stroked the top of my cock for just a second before he withdrew his finger.

“Yes I guess he’s OK.” Dave told Sakura.
“OK, he’s far more than OK.

Why his skill in using his tongue and mouth have had woman swooning with delight.” Sakura stated.
Would you like a demonstration?
If so why don’t you just hop up on the table and allow us to prove to you his skill.”

With a flourish Lynn sat upon the table and told Sakura to have me prove my skills.
Looking over at Dave she asked him to remove her Betty-Bop underwear.

“I don’t know about this, are you realty going to let him go down on you?” Dave asked.

It had already occurred to me that the girls had set this whole thing up beforehand.
It was now time for Dave to play catch up.

Lynn leaned over and whispered something into Dave’s ear.
As Dave withdrew there was a look of resignation on his face.
Whatever she said to him must have struck home, because seconds later he reached over and ever so slowly drew her panties down the length of her legs and off.

Dragging me by my cock Sakura sat me down in the chair vacated by Lynn moments ago.

My arms still bound behind my back Sakura pushed my head down towards Lynn’s pussy.
It only took me a few seconds to discover how difficult it was to keep my balance while bound and leaning forward. 
To offset this Sakura reached around from behind and wrapped arm across my chest to steady me as I began my task.

This wasn’t the first time I had seen Lynn naked, it was however the first time I had seen her pussy up-close and personal.
Shaved smooth and glistening with her moisture, the aroma was intoxicating.

With Sakura supporting me I leaned forward and touched my tongue to her sex.
The moment I touched her, her body jerked upward and her legs began to shake.

As my tongue split those lower lips Lynn became quite vocal.
Issuing forth a long string of Ooh’s and Ahh’s, with the occasional hiss of air passing through her lips as she began her journey towards pleasure.

While this was going on Sakura kept one hand on my cock keeping me harder than normal.
Not that needed any help in that matter.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Dave leaning in and watching me eating out his girlfriend.
He managed to get close enough that I could feel his hair occasionally brush up against my head. 

I felt some shuffling going on behind me when I felt a change.
There was now two hands touching my cock.
One hand was being guided by the other.
It was Sakura holding Dave’s hand while guiding it upon my cock.
Soon enough Sakura withdrew her hand leaving Dave’s as the sole hand stroking me.
This had the effect of me driving my tongue and lips into overdrive on Lynn’s sex.

While this was going on I stole a glance upward and saw Sakura had removed Lynn’s bra and was playing with her breasts.
She would lift them feeling their weight and heft.
Every once in a while pulling on her nipples, until finally putting her lips upon them as she suckled on those erect nipples.

Soon enough Lynn was in the midst of loud vocalizations of pleasure.

“Enough!” Sakura shouted as she pulled me away from my task.
“I don’t want to waste this moment.” She said.

As I was pulled away from Lynn, my face smeared with her juices and Lynn laying there nearly spent, my cock and Dave’s hand soaked with my pre-cum, Sakura began to giggle like a kid with a new toy.

Sitting up in the chair Sakura leaned in and began kissing me with a vigor.
“Oh my god, Lynn I can taste you on his lips.
I never knew you tasted so delicious.” 

With that Sakura did something unexpected, she leaned inward and ran her tongue the length of Lynn’s sex.
“Damn, I should have done that years ago, and I would have had I not been so afraid of losing my best friend!” Sakura announced. 
Turning back to me she made a show of licking off the remainder of Lynn’s juice from my face.

Hopping off the table Lynn moved over to Sakura and myself and gave us each a deep heartfelt kiss.
“Sakura, we have a problem here.
But before I tell you what it is, I need you to walk over to Dave and remove his boxers please.”

Stepping over to Dave Sakura hooked two fingers on either side of his shorts and began to ever so slowly draw them downward.
As they made their journey towards his feet, Sakura knelt down to lift his legs and have him step out of his shorts.

Once this was done her face was mere inches from Dave’s hardened cock.
Looking back at Lynn, who gave her a nod, Sakura leaned forward and took Dave into her mouth.
However she didn’t linger, just one dip inward and the backing off and standing up left Dave in utter shock.

Lynn once again spoke up saying.
“OK so here is the problem as I see it.
Everyone here is naked with the exception of you Sakura.
What are we going to do about that?” Lynn said.

At this the three of us moved inward and surrounded Sakura.  
Before anything else I leaned down and kissed her with all the passion I could muster.
Breaking the kiss the three of us began to ever so slowly undress her.

Lynn began by untying the string like straps of the dress laying across her shoulders.
Once this was done each of us took hold of the top of her dress and began to draw it downward.
Sakura began to shudder as more and more of her became exposed to our gaze.

As the dress lowered enough to uncover her bra she suddenly became shy and raised her hands to cover herself.
With a kiss from Lynn that surprised her, along with Dave and I, Sakura dropped her hands allowing us to continue.

As the dress passed her stomach Lynn and I began to stroke her torso and back.
When at last the dress fell and whispered to the ground Sakura stood between us in just her panties.
We stepped back a few feet and looked at this marvel of a body, thin and sleek.
Her bra and panties were typical of Sakura, pure girly.
White and translucent lace, so delicate looking you would swear they were painted on.

As I looked at her face you could see the blush form as we took in her beauty.
Her cheeks reddened and her stance began to shift in a way that kept her modesty intact. 

Lynn was the first to move back inward.
Taking Sakura in her arms in a great hug, she held her close and kissed her while reaching upward to undo the clasps of her bra.
Stepping back Lynn took her bra from her shoulders.

“Damn your beautiful!” Lynn said.
Once again Lynn approached her and lowered her panties to the ground.    
Now it was everyone else to bask in her beauty.

As quickly as Sakura became shy was as quickly as she lost it and began to revel in her nakedness.
Stepping back she raised her arms and performed a pirouette.
It was if one were watching a lithe cat stretch in the sun, absolute grace and beauty.    

Once again we surrounded Sakura, each of us taking the time to softly stroke and caress her body from head to toe.
Sakura was in heaven, although every once in a while someone would touch a spot that was especially ticklish.
This would cause her to break out in a short burst of the giggles.
Oh well, all good things come with a price. 

Looking into her eyes, I leaned in for a kiss.
What I didn’t expect was the level of passion that she would return to my lips.
Had I been wearing sneakers the rubber soles would have melted from the heat she generated in my body with that kiss.
As we kissed she reached down with one hand to stroke my cock and the other to cradle and play with my balls.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my bottom stroking the crack and finally teasing my little hole.
When I felt a finger begin to penetrate me, my cock got harder than I ever remember and the pre-cum poured out by the quart.
So much pleasure, I was forced to pull away or blow my load there and then.

As I stepped away, I picked up Sakura and lay her on the card table.
Holding her arms out to Dave she asked him to return the favor I did for Lynn.
Pulling up a chair Dave leaned in to feast upon Sakura’s sex.

Sakura is one of those girls to whom sexual satisfaction is proclaimed by screams of joy followed by loud vocalizations.

There had been times in my old apartment when the neighbor lady would exclaim her delight in hearing Sakura make noise during the throws of passion.

Whenever we ran into each other at the mail box in the lobby she would loudly pronounce to anyone in earshot that she lived next door to a pair of crazed sex fiends.    
Whenever I left the area she would make a point of patting my bottom.

