Extreme Femdom World

*(I am writing something involving a heavily female dominated future, and would love opinions. I have mainly written world building, but I plan on adding a brother and a sister, who are going to college within the femdom world, but I feel like the world building is kinda listy, but would love a second opinion!)*

August 27th, 1990
“Since the beginning of human history, males have dominated society, the way things shouldn’t be, and as of recently, women have gained a strong foothold to which to stand against men, the only way society will advance. The noise of this pestilence grows increasingly quieter, but not fast enough. Many women are able to recognize their role within the house, as the matriarch, but they do not yet grasp the position in which they must take on in order to truly advance society, as the complete and undeniable masters of man.”

*The Journals of Alexandra, Founder of the Society for the Advancement of Males*

January 21st, 2011

“Though to the extent to which this issue would change was unknown to me, it was greater than I expected. Not only has the movement grown, men have joined. It is joyous that beings of normally such cowardice and sadness recognize their place, though not fully. I now realize that my dream is growing and healthy enough to make a significant impact. I must make an effort to reinvigorate those with me in order to preserve a proper society. We as a group must use our resources as efficiently and quickly as we can, to keep as many men as we can on our side, so others will feel more comfortable, so our change seems less drastic, and we can start major change faster.”

*A speech to Alexandra’s congregation in Virginia*


Months turned to years, years to decades, the cause was going places, but not fast enough, and the resources of the group were being lost faster than gained. Though a study came out by a small group in Nevada, that validated the time and money spent. While baseline intelligence between the genders was equal, the time after repeated female orgasm nearly exponentially increased their mental capacity. Despite multiple attempts of suppression, the study was popularized, cross-checked, and proven. Many had believed in the idea that the only difference between the genders was physical ability, which in decades had done no real help to man, only making them mules. But that had changed, conclusive proof showed that the mental capacity of a post orgasm female was barely comparable to that of any male, even under identical conditions, with many males simply falling asleep after the repeated orgasms.

Over time, it became commonplace for labs and research facilities to use men in their labs for the “release” of females, and most all men had been fired from any high ranking positions in these companies, as females simply produced better results.The passage of time only increased the number of fields in which men, most all of which were black, were used in different capacities, as orgasm givers. Most any high ranking official of any company had a “Stress Reliever,” the polite term for the women in the companies. Though after the issue of pregnancy arose, decreasing efficiency, which gave way to the rise to the want for faulty traditional ways, many companies simply moved to white men, who almost always licked the females to orgasm while functioning as their chairs. Gradually, this new system reached everywhere it could be afforded, even going to private colleges and some upper class high schools in rare cases. Male attendance in schools also substantially increased, most of the men happy to get paid to have women sit on their face.

Centuries later, this discovery and its results was called “The Final Great Awakening,” as many considered the current society unable to evolve past what it was. Over the years, the political landscape changed drastically. Due to the fact that females took high level positions due their greater ability, many government positions were held by women, and all those women obviously supported the idea of having men to give release, as all of them had men for that express purpose. As such, they decreased the limits on the usage of them, and each time a new generation was born, each believed that real “Social justice” had not been achieved, and that males had too many rights. The change was relatively gradual, but in 2983, society was vastly different from what the readings of the Journals Of Alexandra would portray.

Though the chances male and female birth were the same, females were a larger portion of the population due to the high death rate of men, especially once they turned around 35. Though much to the surprise of historians, the artificial evolution of the human species advanced faster than anyone could have thought due to the increased new technology allowing men to get pregnant and give birth, which prompted the creation of Hatcheries, where men would live in stables, constantly pregnant, giving birth and getting pregnant again.

There were three classes of men, decided at age 6, each different class was sent to different schools, colloquially known as “Conversion centers,” where their class would be ingrained, and their abilities to serve within that class would be focused upon.

1. This was the highest level a man could be, “Alpha”, or at least many men wanted to be this. These men were born with the greatest physical ability and penis size. Many were used as a higher quality dildo, and the only reason why they were a higher class was the fact that their genes were dying, so many more men were being born feminine and weak, unable to live up to this class.
2. Commonly referred to as “Betas” and the most populated class, and with most menial labor jobs taken by robots, they were only able to take jobs in which most didn’t want a robot, cooks, maids, waitresses, and most other service positions. This was also the class that was given to families who had daughters, and wanted them to have a slave once they turned 18
3. Also known as “Omegas,” these are the aforementioned men who live in the stables, they have no conscious brain function, essentially going by instinct. In order to get pregnant, most are just tossed into pens with retired Class A’s, whom after having no stimulation other than fucking for months, are the most brutal animals, especially since before any Class

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hetb4m/extreme_femdom_world


  1. This looks great!!! I want more. I’m also a writer (though it’s been a while), but this looks really really solid and I want to read it.

    I didn’t understand the relationship between black men and pregnancy. I’d like to know more about that.

    I’d also like to know more about how the men are kept in their place. Any sort of restraints or system to keep them in line?

  2. Sounds very interesting! Would love to read more! Definitely a great setting!

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