Go With The Flow: Ch2

Hello again!

Thanks for checking out my work! I’ve been enjoying this one a lot. If you missed the first chapter you can find it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hdgysi/go_with_the_flow_chapter_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x).

Please enjoy.



“Holy shit is right.” She said. Honestly, I’d completely forgotten she existed. I looked up from my still-tingling hand to find that the change had taken place immediately.

Her lips were absolutely larger than they’d been just a second before, but they didn’t look wrong at all. They just looked fuller, like they fitted her face better. When she finally stopped licking around them and touching them with her fingers I got an even better look and realized just how much of a person’s expression is made up by their mouth. The spell hadn’t just made them larger or fuller, they seemed to be shaped differently, too. More pouty, and, I’ll admit, more kissable. I gulped.

“Well, say something!” she said.

“They’re…” I frowned, snapping out of my thoughts. “How did you not know that about M&Ms?”

“I meant my lips, dude.” She stuck her tongue out at me. Wasn’t that a sight?

I shrugged. “They’re lips. They look nice.” Whelp, that was the wrong thing to say. I quickly backtracked. “Wait. That’s wrong. Sorry. They look amazing. Like, seriously. The magic didn’t just make them bigger— it really filled them out.”

She liked that better. Or at least she stopped glaring at me. “So I don’t look like I’m plastic?”

I shook my head and pulled out my phone, showing her on the camera what she looked like.

“Wow…” she seemed lost for a moment as she ran her fingers over her new lips. I could imagine doing the same thing. But my tingly fingers would probably get in the way.

“Does it always feel like ice?” I asked quietly. “The Flow, I mean.”

“Hmm? Oh, yes. But it doesn’t feel bad. More like…”

“Refreshing?” I finished the sentence, holding my hand up to look at it. I hadn’t noticed before, but tiny lights danced under my skin, bouncing around and causing the tinglings I was feeling.

“Yeah. That’s weird…” she took my hand and held it up to her face. “It shouldn’t do that.”

I tried pulling my hand away, but she held tight. “Do what?”

“The magic shouldn’t hang around. When you cast with the cards, you shouldn’t <i>actually</i> be dipping into the Flow. It’s the enchantment that should be doing that. The cards. You might feel it go through you like a spark, but you shouldn’t actually be touching the outlet. Does that make sense?”

I pulled again. She let go. “I guess. I don’t know this stuff. All I know is that was awesome.” She frowned, but I persisted, leaning excitedly back over the table. “Come on, let’s play again. My turn.”

I half expected her to argue, but after a moment of thought she nodded, licked her lips, and reached for the white deck. I fought down the shiver of excitement in my spine. <i>Am I going to feel it again when I change?</i>

She smiled. “Okay, this one’s fun. Should be pretty easy, too.” She cleared her throat and bit her lip. <i>Damn…</i> Like, sure I <i>knew</i> she wasn’t trying to be seductive, but… just <i>damn</i>. She continued. “Doctor Who reappeared on television in 2005 after a gap of nearly nineteen years. Who played the Doctor in the first new series?”

“Are there choices?”

She nodded, grinning. “I just wanted to see if you knew it without me having to give you options.”

I was pretty sure I knew who it was. David Tenant was the 9th, and Matt Smith was the 10th. It wasn’t Capaldi— he was more recent. “Was it Chris Eccleston?”

“Yes!” She did a little excited dance and I had to look away for a second. What I really needed was a cold shower. The card disappeared from her hand and she motioned toward the board.

I was about to move my avatar before it moved for me, casually stepping forward a space. I raised an eyebrow at her, but she just shrugged. “Magic.”

She threw around that word so flippantly, but that was just so insane to me. I’ve spent my entire life watching women do “magic” in awe and jealousy. To her it was as simple as breathing. But for me? Magic wasn’t taught to men. Why would it be when we can’t touch the Flow? Sure, some men had spent their lives studying it, but most wouldn’t. Much of it is just unrelatable, like trying to study the history of flight when you’ve never sat in a plane before— and you also happen to live in a society full of pilots.

But as I watched my avatar step forward onto a multi-colored square that paused at blue I was just in awe at the small wonders. The way my avatar walked like me, or the way her avatar had fuller lips. You could even see the way her new lips gave her a rounded Cupid’s bow.

I took a breath and reached for a black card. One appeared in my hand with a blue background. It read:







I studied the card for a moment. “I can apply this one to either of us since I answered correctly, right?”

She hesitated before nodding. “Yeah, but I already have a change…” she trailed off as I shook my head. Yeah, we were being courteous, but this was still a game and I wanted to win. Even if the point was just to get around the board, the fewer changes I took, the better.

That being said, taking a minor change in order to mess with her could be fun. Making her attracted to me might be interesting, sure. But we weren’t here for that, though I doubted the game was gonna let <i>that</i> go on for long. We were here to play a game and have fun. And this game was going to let me mess with my friend. That’s <i>my</i> kind of fun.

I considered giving her a fetish, but having her really into feet or something wasn’t my cup of tea. Hey, I’m not here to yuck any yums. I just know what I like. Maybe a fetish for giving massages? That might be fun…

But that gave me an idea. If this card could give her an attraction toward something, or get her turned on by something, really, then maybe…

<i>Give her an attraction for physical contact.</i> I thought at the card. Was it devious? Sure. Sexy? Absolutely. Plus it was a bit more respectful of our boundaries than just making her find me more attractive. But if she decided she wanted to touch… well, I can’t be held responsible for that.

The text on the card changed.




I didn’t know what that meant, but it was probably too late now. I tapped the card down on top of her avatar and it disappeared.

Again, that refreshing feeling of tingling ice crawled up my arm. I watched it this time and actually saw lights dancing along the patterns of my forearm muscles. It was incredible! Seeing the lights move helped to focus my mind’s eye as well. For some reason, I was pretty certain what I was registering in my head was the same sort of experience happening along my skin. And it felt <i>good!</i>

Then I felt the change begin to take place. I didn’t know what to expect from ‘fat redistribution’ at all. I don’t have a ton of fat, honestly, though I was probably due to start running again to lose a few pounds around the waste. But as I sat there studying my arm, there was what felt like a massive <i>gurgle</i> around my midsection. It happened quickly, so I didn’t have much time to see what was happening, but I could feel it.

My belly fat had shifted downward into my lower half. My pajamas were tighter around the thigh and butt now, and I had the strangest sort of feeling around my hips. Not like love handles sit above the hips, but actual fat <i>on</i> my hips. It wasn’t a lot to move around— which is probably why it only counted as a minor change— but I could absolutely feel the difference.

“What happened?” she asked.

She was looking at me as I stood up and moved around. It felt so alien! “The card said ‘fat redistribution’.”

“You gave it to yourself?” she asked. “I thought I saw you tap my piece, not yours.”

“I did.” I said. I was too distracted by how everything moved to give a better answer. My lets felt softer now under my hands, and the hand that was still lighting up with magic sent little tingles along my thighs and butt as I felt them.

“Wait. You <i>did</i> give it to yourself?”

“Huh? No. I gave it to you. Sorry.”

“Then why did you get a change? And what exactly happened? Your legs look…” she searched for the word, pursing her lips and talking with her hands the way she does, “…feminine.”

I stopped groping myself. “The card gave me a minor change, on top of the change it gave to you.” I waved her over a little bit to make room so I could sit next to her on the couch. She scooted.

“What change did you give me? I don’t feel any different.”

I smiled as I sat near her, my now wider thigh gently touching hers. I was amazed at how similar they looked now. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

“No fair! You told me last time.”

“That’s true.” I considered. “Okay. I’ll give you a hint…” I reached for her hand and she gave it to me. Her skin was soft as I began running my thumb in a slow circle along her palm.

“Ooh…” The little moan escaped her when I started massaging her hand. She closed her eyes and leaned in to me, resting her head against my shoulder. “That feels amazing…”

I let go a moment later and let her just sit there for a second, feeling her heavy breath. Eventually she sat up. “Wow.”

“Shall we?” I asked, leaning forward for another trivia card. When I sat back down, her leg was up against mine. She didn’t pull away. In fact, she leaned over to look at the card, resting her hand on my thigh.

“That’s funny. I can’t see what’s on the card.”

“Magic?” I asked.

She shrugged, still catching her breath, and leaned back. Her hand was still on my thigh as I held the card up to read it. The tingling light was fading out of my hand as I read the card. “In the book <i>The Lord of the Flies</i>, what instigating event lands the children on the island?” Whelp, that was easy for her. <i>The Lord of the Flies</i> was one of her favorites.

“Nuclear war.” She said quickly, smiling when I nodded. She stood a little and leaned forward grabbing a black card. I looked around and watched her character move forward a space. <i>Weird.</i> I couldn’t tell what color it had changed to.

What I <i>could</i> tell was that her thick ass looked incredible in those shorts. She’d put on some weight since we were in High School, and though she hated it I thought it really only served to help fill her out more. She shifted her hips in front of me, and I wished she’d stayed there longer before sitting back down. Although when she did sit down, having her sit so close to me was a definite plus.

“Ooh…” she grinned deviously, reading the card. “You’re going to like this one.”

I doubted it.


This story has been a new experience for me. It’s the first time I’ve ever written in the first person, and it presented me with a whole new series of challenges.

If you’re enjoying the story, please let me know! I’m constantly begging for critique because I want to get better.

[Chapter 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hdh30p/go_with_the_flow_ch3/) is right here if you want to continue the read.

Stay safe out there.


Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hdh1lg/go_with_the_flow_ch2