You Ready? [Str8] [mF] [Tease]

Its a full day of back to back online meetings that I totally lost track of time till you popped in in your uniform smelling of soot and waved “hi” before pointing and mouthing “shower”. I gave a light nod and can’t wait for this last call to be over.

I’ve been on the call for 30 minutes and starting to get restless. Told co-workers I’m going on mute and off the video while I shifted from the couch in the living room to the dining table outside our kitchen. While making a cup of tea, and still listening to the conversation, my mind wonders. Wonders how I would strip you off your uniform this time round. Wonders how I would scrub off all that soot and soap you up real good. Wonders how my hands feel as I explore every inch of your body. Wonders if you need a release as much as I do. Walking back towards the dining table, my mind continues to wonder. I grinned and felt a slight tingle.

I was fully engaged on the call as discussing details of a client’s pitch when you walk pass to go to the kitchen. With only a towel wrapped around your body, you grinned and mouthed “water”. Minutes later you walk out of the kitchen slowly with a glass of water and gave me a cheeky grin.

My phone buzzed with a message from you asking how long the call going to last as we need to order dinner. I simply replied with a shrug emoji and told you to order whatever you feel like eating. Minutes later you sent a picture of you still wrapped in your towel, sitting on the couch with your legs crossed on the coffee table, holding the empty glass nicely placed on top of your cock with a caption “dinner ordered”.

I was talking on the call when you popped in again, grinning widely. Doing your version of a catwalk towards the dining table, you tug at your towel letting it drop to reveal your semi-hard cock. You then stood, grinned and turn around slowly showing that nicely shaped ass of yours before gripping your cock and pulling it lightly, doing all without losing our eye contact. You take a bow, pick up your towel with your right hand and stroking your cock with your left hand, you walk backwards slowly with that cheeky grin of yours.

I lost my chain of thoughts, had to tell a white lie while I recover from what you just did. My phone buzzed again. You sent a picture of you standing holding your cock with the smiley emoji as the caption. I put my phone aside and try to focus back to the conversation.

As I was listening intently to the conversation and writing some notes, I feel a soft touch on my right leg. Thinking it was a fly I just shook it off. Then I feel a soft touch on my left leg. I flinched, moved my legs still thinking its a fly when I feel a pair of hands on each of my ankle. I was about to move my chair backwards when I feel my right leg being tied to the leg of the chair. Before i could react further, I feel my left leg being tied. My phone buzzed with a picture of my tied legs and the caption “you ready?”
