The College Experiment [MTF] [Bi]

“Hey, uh, I think there’s a mistake on this form.”

“Lemme see,” the bored looking psych major leans out over the desk, impatient and pissed that she has to do something for her work study. “Where?”

“right here, “ I say, “This experiment says $15,000 stypend. shouldn’t there be less zeroes? None of the other experiments run over a hundred bucks.”

She shrugs, “dunno. It’s on paper though, Not my problem if the school fucked up and you have proof.”

“So I signed up.”

Two days later I get called down to Aldon 203. There’s a panel of seven or eight grad students and at least three profs. “Hi Mr. Granger” says Dr. Winstone, “ Please have a seat.”

I sit.

“we’ve called you here today to interview you for Experiment # 201.”


“Yes. I’m sure you saw the stipend rate for this experiment.”

“Yeah. I figured it was a typo.”

“Not at all Mr. Granger. But I”m sure you can understand that we have a rather high number of applicants and only two openings, so interviews are in order.”

“Ok. Shoot.”

“First some basic information about you; verifying that everything here is legally correct. And I might remind you that any falsehoods on this record or during the interview will void any compensation to be received from participating in the experiment.”

“I understand.”

“Good. You are Theodore Granger IV. Male, age 22 and Graduating Senior in the school of marketing, correct?”


“And your parents both passed away along with your older brother in a plane crash when you were an infant.”

I nod, “that’s correct no surviving family.”

They continued with about fifteen minutes of standard questions–current medications, drug use, sexual activity, average number of hours of sleep, etc. But just when I thought things were winding down, Dr. Winstone opened a sealed file and pulled out another sheet, handing it to me, “So far you have qualified through the first round of interviewing, Mr. Granger. At this point, if you want to continue, I will require you to sign an NDA. Take a moment to read it completely before you sign. You are the first candidate of hundreds to make it this far.”

I read it over. Nothing damning. Though there’s an interesting clause, “I see this thing says that the stipend is monthly?”

“indeed it is. This experiment is very important, and demanding; you will be well rewarded for our efforts.”

I sign the NDA.

“Thank you Mr. Granger. It is important that going forward in this section you answer all questions honestly and accurately. They will not be easy questions to answer but they deal directly with the experiment.”

I nod.

“Very well. What is your sexual orientation?”


“If you were a woman with the same persona and memories, would that change?”

I had often secretly harbored fantasies of being a woman, and this answer was easy, “BiSexual”

“You did not pause. Most people are uncomfortable with thinking of themselves as the opposite gender.”

“No. It doesn’t bother me in the least.”

“Have you ever considered cross dressing?”

“Yes. But I’m too ugly of a guy to make it worth while. But I would If I thought I had any chance of being attractive.”

There was a flurry of writing. “Have you ever thought about more than crossdressing? Gender reassignment?”

“If it were real. I mean not that it isn’t now, but silicone breast implants and a lot of plastic surgery isn’t really a true transformation. But if it were. You know if it were something like swap my head into a woman’s body. I’d do it.”

“How would you dress if you were a woman?”

“I’d be a rubber fetishist for certain.”

By now several of the grad students were blushing at my candid and quick responses.

Dr. Winstone leans forward. If I were to say to you that a true gender reassignment transformation was available, would you do it?”


The panel smiles.

“We’ve found our first candidate, everyone. Mr. Granger,” he offers his hand to me, “will you participate in an experiment to naturally transform a male to a female using targeted DNA modification?”

I smile, “Sure.”

“Good. For the duration of the experiment, your room and board will be within our facility. Know that we will record your actions but nothing will be broadcast beyond the team without your consent. You will be paid $15,000 monthly for the duration of the experiment, which we estimate to be a minimum of one year. During this time you will learn to adapt your mannerisms and behavior to your newly acquired female form.”

“When do I start?”

“Now. Follow Angie. She’ll take you to the initial screening room.”

Angie, the bored psych major from the other day looks at me with strange eyes and leads me down the hall. “I can’t believe you want to do this.” she says.

“Why not?”

She just shakes her head and then nods to the shower as we enter a lab. “please disrobe and shower. The shower contains special depilatory liquids, so you will be losing all of your hair. This is necessary for the procedure.”

I do so without second thought; instead thinking of how smooth and soft my skin will be when I am no longer male.

After the shower, I am measured very precisely. Every dimension and then some is taken. And after that, I am imaged by a computer. Once that is done, I’m given a hospital gown to wear and taken to a computer terminal. “Please follow the instructions of the program,” says another grad student, who leaves me alone with the computer.

I’m met with another survey. This one is focused entirely on my tastes in women. shape personality, coloration, everything. I mark out that I prefer women shorter than 5’5”, that have a curvy hourglass shape with shorter legs than the US Long leg standard and definitely small feet. I prefer brunettes and redheads over blondes, and very feminine styles of dress–except all in latex or at the very least, latex under normal clothes.

The next section of the program asks me to project myself into the role of a woman for the purpose of answering sex-oriented questions. I provide that I would be bi-sexual, and generally submissive, but not always. Sort of a mix. Fond though of sucking cock, especially if I’m wearing a pussy mask.

Then finally, I’m asked to go out on the internet and provide the top 100 images of women that I find to be most beautiful and comment on why.

This takes about five hours. When I’m done, another student takes me to a suite sized room with a king bed, 50” tv, computer, and several wardrobes. I notice that the bed is covered in latex sheeting and immediately get turned on–I’ve never had much more than enough money to cover school and expenses, so owning latex has always been a long far away dream.

The student leads me to a table and uncovers a tray of food. “Eat.” he says, “The next part of your journey will start after dinner.”

I finish eating and four women come in carrying a few boxes. One of them begins to unpack dozens of articles of rubber clothing into the wardrobes while the other three assemble around me and begin to lay out various pieces of rubber and what looks like a deflated blow up doll.

A fifth woman enters. She matches my appearance guidelines exactly; the hottest woman I’ve ever seen, and her skin is gleaming with rubber. A clear catsuit with black rubber toe stockings, black gloves, garter belt, and rubber corset. Her mouth, or where it should be, was shaped like a rubber pussy, that blended so well into whatever mask she had on I couldn’t tell it was fake. She strode in squeaking with each step before sliding to her knees and leaning forward. Already the other girls around me had removed my hospital gown, and before I knew it my erect cock was in her pussy mouth. I couldn’t believe how amazing it felt. Better than any blowjob I ever had. Better than sex. I came almost immediately, but she didn’t stop until I came four more times. By then, I was so weak that she had to lay me on the rubber sheets and straddle me, grinding away with her somehow rubberized pussy.

Sort of in that half dream state after more orgasms than I’ve ever had, I see her pull off the mask, and feel it sliding over my head, a strange tightness as it almost feels like it’s shrinking to my face contorting my mouth in strange ways. I try to say something, but my lips aren’t responding. I fade out.

I wake up covered in rubber, the smell of rubber in my mouth and in my nostrils. Vague memories of the rubber clad girl come back, and my hand slides up to wipe my face, rub my eyes, and an interesting feeling crosses my finger. My face. It’s made of rubber. Smooth and somewhat stretchy. But more so, my mouth is off. Something’s different about my upper lip. in fact I can’t move my lips at all and there seems to be a hole at the bottom– like a little ‘o’. I scramble out of the sheets and into the bathroom to find my face feminine, round, bright blue eyes instead of my dull brown, but instead of a mouth a rubber pussy. I touch it with a finger, , sliding it into the warm wet hole. A shiver runs down my back; the pussy mouth is very sensitive. investigating more, I let out a soft moan when I brush against my mouth’s clitoris. Suddenly I have a massive hard on. And all I can do is stare at it with my mouth dripping pussy juices wanting to suck my own cock.

The door opens and I turn to see the rubber girl from last night. This time she’s wearing all pink rubber and has a penis gag on. she steps closer to me, slides her leg up my hip and pushes her pussy onto my cock the same time that I bear down on the cock coming out of her mouth.

when I cum, a hot warm spray fills my mouth. and an intense orgasm ripples through me. This happens three more times before I’m too exhausted to continue.

When I awake again, I’m strapped to some sort of framework and three attendants are slowly working some thick piece of rubber over my feet. One of the professors says, “you’ve been given a dose of the gender transformation serum. We are now going to encase your body into a mold of sorts. It will work in tandem to the serum and help you achieve the body you desire. For the time being, I’m afraid we’ll have to suspend the pussy mask, Much to Angie’s dismay, I’m sure, but You don’t want to be having that permanently now do you?”

I shake my head as the mask comes off, but once it’s off I can see clearly that my face has changed considerably since it was put on. My lips are full as any woman’s, eyes and cheeks structured more like a woman’s. Hair coming in thick and black instead of my thinning sandy brown. “Wow,” I say, and then am shocked by the high pitch to my voice.

“The semen we injected into you was modified to deliver both the serum and shorten your vocal chords. Quite painless, I’m sure you’ll have found.

“No, this has been all pleasure so far.”

Smiles all around. I look down and see that they have wedged my foot successfully into an anatomical mold of a woman’s 5 and a half foot. It’s stretched so thin that some areas shine through almost transparent.

“How can this possibly help shrink me down to a women’s five and a half.”

“have faith. it will.”

Slowly they work the rubber over the other foot and then up my calves before pausing to glue on some padding panels around my thighs and butt. After three hours, I was looking like a very stretched out woman from the waist down. Next they worked my hands into the gloves and then while bending me over, had me fit my face into the mask, which covered everything, even my lips and teeth. Standing slowly they adjusted the fit to my torso and newfound breasts before sealing it closed down the back.

Prof Winstone said, “It will take several months for your body to replace all of your male genetic data with female data, but in the interim, your rubber body will allow you to look and feel like a woman to make learning the role all that much easier. Don’t worry about ripping the suit. It has a contact glue inside it; so you won’t rip anything unless you cut it with a knife.

I smile. twirling and looking at my body. “thank you. I feel beautiful already.”

That night I began to dress in rubber, mimicking Angie’s initial outfit. Clear catsuit, anatomical stockings, gloves, garter belt, corset and pussy mouth. I found they had given me a stock of dildos and vibrators, so I learned too that I could coax an orgasm after several hours with a vibrator pushed deep into the rubber folds of my pussy.
