Was it Just a Dream [MF] [bst] [nc] [str8] [dream]

The club is packed with sweaty bodies gyrating to the deep base of the music. This is just what I needed after the week I have had. Suffering from serious writer’s block and a deadline looming has sent my stress levels through the stratosphere. This is exactly what I need, the mindless release of pent upped energy and frustration.

The room is dark with multi-colored lights flashing around. I look down at the dance floor and it seems to be alive, waves of bodies moving almost as one. Except for him. A tall dark masculine figure standing against the wall across the room. He’s watching the dancing with such intensity, scanning people, almost as if he is on the hunt.

For some unknown reason, I can’t seem to take my eyes off him. Slowly, I make my way down the staircase to the dance floor. As I reach the bottom I realize that he is taller than I thought. I can still see him even with the movement and bouncing of the crowd.

I feel oddly drawn to him. His head turns my direction and locks on me, a shiver shoots down my spine. Warmth spreads through my lower back making me sweat with nervous anticipation.

I begin to mindlessly make my way towards him. The waitress bumps into me spilling drinks down the front of my red low-cut blouse, bringing me back from the trance I was in. She’s very apologetic and offers to take me into the bathroom to help keep the liquid from staining. As we head the restroom she grabs a bottle of club soda from behind the bar. We step inside the brightly lit bathroom, a stark contrast to the ambiance in the rest of the club.

I pull my blouse off over my head and hand it to the girl. She’s younger than I am, early to mid-twenties at the oldest. She takes my shirt and pours the club soda on the stain and proceeds to remove the purple drink mix from the bright red fabric. She introduces herself as Jasmine and continues to apologize. I assure her that it’s fine, the shirt isn’t that expensive. She says she has a shirt in her locker that I can have and walks out of the bathroom.

I am left standing in the bathroom with just my red satin bra, short black skirt, and black thigh-high boots. There are several women freshening up their makeup, gossiping about their dates or people in the club, and using the restroom. A pretty normal night.

Suddenly, the door swings open with a force that makes the air in the room gush. The tall man is standing in the door with his eyes fixed on me. I have never seen such bright green eyes in my 30 years. All the women in the room run out some screaming and some trying to push him back. He closes the door behind him and walks towards me and stops just inches from me. I can feel the heat radiating from his body, or is the heat something that is coming from both of us?

I must look up to see his face. He’s easily six and a half feet tall. He’s a broad muscular man with thick jet black wavy hair that reaches his collar, a closely trimmed beard, and eyes like emeralds. I can feel his gaze all over my body almost intrusive. I go to cover my double D breasts, but he pushes my hand away. The air escapes my lungs like he was sucking it from me.

I feel a little scared, not so much of him but of how I am feeling about his presence and how my body is reacting to it. He brings his hand to my face and softly brushes my auburn hair from my cheek. I bite my lip as his hands touch my skin. I inhale deeply, his scent is intoxicating.

My knees feel weak and buckle a bit, he catches me and lifts me up onto the counter with such ease. I hear him ask if I am alright, I can only nod. His voice is deep almost having a growl to it.

I feel him push his knee between my legs and part my thighs. He leans down and begins to kiss me, slowly at first but the hunger increases between us. My hands are gripped and entangled in his hair. His hand is on my lower back and he pulls me close to him.

I can feel his manhood growing against my belly. It feels so thick and big, making my juices flow even more. His body is so hard, and I feel so safe in these large arms.

He soon lifts me up puts me up against the wall. I wrap my legs around his waist and rock against him. His hand reaches between my legs quickly finding my wetness. He pushes my thong to the side and slides his finger inside me. I can’t believe how big his hands feel inside me. I can’t even imagine how his monstrous cock would feel.

He’s fingering me with such vigor I feel like I am already on the verge of an orgasm. He slides out of me and is pressing and rolling my clit. I am moaning and not caring who may hear or walk in on us. I arch my back and press against him harder. He’s kissing my neck, working his way to my shoulder right where it curves and bites me. It’s not real hard but it startles me.

The door flies open and its Jasmine with the shirt in her hand. She screams at him when she sees that he has me pinned up against the wall and my face is showing pain from his teeth. He lets me go and I slide down the wall. He turns to look at her.

I realize how awkward this all is and get scared at the intense feelings I was experiencing. I sprint out the bathroom door with Jasmine on my heels. She drapes the shirt over my shoulder and walks me out to the parking lot. She wants to know if she should call the cops. I assure him I am fine and please don’t call them. I just want to go home.

As I speed from the parking lot I see him outside the club getting on a Harley. I push down on the accelerator and make my way home as fast as I can.

I pull into my driveway and push the button to open the garage door. I don’t always park in the garage, but I feel the need for extra security tonight.

I unlock the door and turn off the alarm before resetting it again for the night. Throwing my purse on the counter and pulling the shirt off my shoulder that Jasmine gave me to use. I feel like I can breathe for the first time in about an hour. I can still feel his hands on me.

There is a bottle of Jack Daniels on top of my refrigerator, left there by my ex, Rob. I get the step stool and grab it. I take a big swig right from the bottle. It burns going down but it’s just what I need. I take another drink and put the cap on. I can feel the effects in my head already.

I’m finally feeling slightly more relaxed and at ease. I walk upstairs to my room and begin to undress, letting my clothes just fall to the floor and walk into the bathroom. I start a bath and add some lavender bath oils to the water testing the temperature to get it just right. While waiting for the tub to fill I brush my hair and put it up in a high bun.

The bath is ready, so I shut off the water and lower myself into it. I feel a slight stinging in my pussy, I’m sure it’s from the mysterious stranger’s big hands being a little rough with me. I put my hands between my legs to try and ease the discomfort.

I soon feel my clit Is still swollen and sensitive and begin to rub it. Closing my eyes, I can picture his face, those eyes. My legs spread open, I slowly rub and squeeze my tender button. I can feel the urge quickly build inside me, I need to cum. My fingers rub faster, I pinch my nipples in anticipation. The waves begin, I moan and gasp at the pleasure of this much-needed release. I am alone in this house now so I have no reason to be quiet. I know I’m loud but it feels too good not to just give in to it completely. By the time the waves dissipate, I’m breathless and weak.

Laying in the tub feeling relieved and relaxed, I close my eyes and start to doze off.

I find myself in a dark forest seemingly lost. Hearing strange sounds and feeling like someone or something is following me. My pace quickens but I don’t know where I am going, just trying to get away.

Suddenly, I hear branches breaking, bushes rustling, and the unsettling sound of heavy footsteps behind me. The thud from the impact of his steps seems much slower in pace but is getting louder and closer.

Soon it’s evident that whatever is chasing me is now ahead of me. As I try to stop I slip on the cold, wet, muddy ground. It pounces and is above me in one leap from the brush. He’s huge maybe over seven feet tall, covered in dark grey fur, bright green eyes, with a snout like a wolf. It hits me, this is a werewolf!

Getting away wasn’t an option, he quickly grabs me by my legs and pulls me to him. He flips me on my stomach with such ease, pinning me to the ground with just one enormous hand on my back. I feel a large claw slash away my shorts and panties like they were made from paper. Ripping away at my shirt, exposing my ample breast to him.

He doesn’t seem to notice or care how much I scream and fight him. No one is around to hear my cries and even if they could, would they be able to help me?

His claw-like hands are exceptionally warm, especially compared to the wet cold ground I am pinned to. He pulls my legs apart and raises me up to the doggie position. He’s now holding on to me by my thighs, hands so big they wrap entirely around them.

His tongue lapping at my pussy makes me jump in fear and desire. This tongue is so long and strong, plunging deep inside me, a sensation I have never experienced. This feeling is so pleasurable that I can feel my juices flowing down my legs. His tongue slides out and begins to rub and flick my swollen clit. Sending jolts of ecstasy throughout my entire body. Why am I enjoying this so much? Feeling that snout pressed against my ass as his tongue again penetrates me is bringing me quickly to a very powerful orgasm.

He seems to sense my impending flood of passion and goes faster, deeper, and harder. I am now screaming not in fear but in complete and total pleasure. I’m shaking, and my legs are weak. Why is my body betraying my mind with such ease and abandonment?

Suddenly, he flips me over facing him I again realize what he is, and the fear returns. I pull away and he quickly grabs me. He lifts my hips up to him and I see that he is hard and planning on entering me right now.

I have never seen a cock like that before. The shape and size scare me, and I pull away again. He growls then shows me his teeth. I have no real choice but to submit to what is about to happen.

I feel the pointy head of his monster cock enters me slowly. He looks to the dark sky and lets out a howl as he pushes the shaft deep into me. It felt like the air is being pushed out of my body. He was deeper inside me than I ever thought was possible. I continue to feel his cock become more engorged. His thrusts are quick and deep. Pulling out almost completely before slamming back inside.

How am I enjoying this so much?

The contrast of it all. The pain is pleasure. His fur is soft, but his body was hard. I am terrified but relishing what is happening.

Feeling his cock stretch and fill me is driving me over the edge. I am going to cum again and it’s even more powerful than the first one. He pushes inside me even deeper than before.

Saying that I am experiencing an orgasm doesn’t seem to do the experience any justice. My body starts to shake in convulsion like spasms. Wave after wave of ecstasy pulse over me, starting at my core flowing through my entire body. I have never cum so hard or for so long. My mind becomes foggy, and my body falls limp in his arms.

I soon feel the change in his rhythm, it’s faster, so much faster. His huge cock is thicker near the base. He forces his knot into me. I scream in pain, as his claws grip my hips tighter pulling me onto his hardness.

Suddenly he stops with one last hard thrust and howls into the sky as his load is being shot inside me. His juices are almost too hot for my body to stand but it’s almost a soothing feeling, warming me and calming my insides.

We stay locked as he turns me on my side and lays me down gently. Licking my back and shoulder, I feel him bite down a bit. It startles me, but I enjoy it. I feel safe next to him.

After several motionless minutes, I feel the size of his cock coming down, soon sliding out of me. I couldn’t believe how much cum pours out. I feel him move and start licking my thighs and pussy. He is cleaning me, it feels so good, much gentler, softer, loving.

In the distance, I hear sounds, voices, a lot of them. The wolf is up on all fours before I can even react. His snout pushes me behind him as I hear a shot ring out. I scream!

I jump in fear and splash water all over the floor. I realize I fell asleep in the bath and this was all just an unusual dream. The water is now cold, I stand up and grab a towel to wrap around myself and walk into my bedroom.

I dry off and drop the towel onto the bed. I soon realize my curtains are open and a dark figure is standing across the street next to a large motorcycle, looking up at my window. I cover and hide from him. I peak out the window again, he’s gone. Was it him? But how?

I continue to dry off and feel a sting on my neck, there are blood and non-human teeth marks. The doorbell rings…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/ha7fsp/was_it_just_a_dream_mf_bst_nc_str8_dream