Love Yourself – [FF][Lesbian][Oral]

This is a bit of a metaphorical (in a heavy-handed way) piece of erotica. Shorter than I usually write. Please let me know what you think!


“Close your eyes, June,” Dr. Reshma said.

June sighed against the couch. “This is all very network TV. You know that, right?”

Dr. Reshma rolled her eyes. “Eyes closed.”


June let her eyes close slowly and tightened her jaw. She didn’t believe this would work, but she was still nervous.

“Listen to my voice,” Dr. Reshma said.

“As opposed to?”



“Now,” Dr. Reshma explained in a cool, calm voice, “Hypnosis is all about immersion. I need you to visualize what I ask you to visualize and answer my questions honestly. And June, if you joke, if you deflect, we will start over and you will be here all day.”

“Okay, fine,” June said.

“Let’s begin. Why are you here, June?” Dr. Reshma asked. June wanted to snap that the doctor already knew the answer, but she had agreed to be proper.

“Because,” June’s hands started to wring together, “Because…I’m sad?”


“I don’t know. I don’t like myself very much.”

“I understand, June. Now, I want you to imagine a place you feel comfortable.” Dr. Reshma paused for a few moments. She turned on some ambient music. Soft piano and nature sounds. “Where do you see?”

“The beach,” I said, “I’m at the beach.”

“Tell me about this beach. Which beach?”

“Sarah’s parents had a beach house. They’d take us all the time. That beach.”

“Tell me about the house.”

“Um,” Sarah was there. She could see it, and walked through it in her mind. “It was simple. A living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms.”


“Um…” June tried to think, “There was a front porch facing the water with these outdoor showers next to it. Three little steps to the porch and the front door. They left a big stack of beach chairs by the door.”

“Good,” Dr. Reshma said, “Be there. With no one else. See yourself on the steps to the front door. Sitting. See yourself as you were. Watch yourself from the shore. Visualize this.” Her voice was getting softer, “Now sleep. Let your eyelids be heavy and sleep. Fall into it.”

This wasn’t working. June was only not opening her eyes so as to not offend.

“Now open your eyes,” Dr. Reshma said.

June…didn’t want to. It was comfortable. She kept them closed. Eventually, she realized it had been a long time, so they opened.


She was on the shore. The shore she had visualized. But this wasn’t a dream, she was *there*. But she couldn’t be. It must have been a dream. She looked down at her slim body in a swimsuit and a coverup dress over, felt the sand in her toes, felt the hat on her head blocking the sun, the tint of the world from behind sunglasses, and her hair flowing down far almost to her stomach, brown locks flowing in the breeze.

Trying as hard as she could, she tried to remember the feel of the simple clothes she had been wearing and the couch on her back. But she couldn’t. It was like she was trapped somewhere new.

With a long breath, June took a step back, sand shifting and sticking to her pale skin, feeling very much real. She turned to the house, but stopped immediately.

Someone was on the front porch, sitting on the stairs. June couldn’t quite make them out. It looked like a young woman and, from a distance, a pretty one with blonde hair. But Sarah didn’t have blonde hair, so it couldn’t have been her. June looked away, feeling like she was ogling and deciding to walk down the shore. When she looked right, and looked left, the beach seemed to just end into blackness. This was all that was in this world. This section of beach, an endless ocean, and the house.

Sun high in the sky, she went to the house. As she got closer more features of the woman became clear. A deep tan, blonde hair, dark eyes, a full figure, a big smile. The woman put a hand on her brow to shield the sun. June got closer and her eyes widened. She took her sunglasses off and knew who it was.

“Why are you here?” The woman asked, still smiling.

“I…” June couldn’t speak. “You…”

“You’re old,” the woman laughed, “I guess it was inevitable. How old?”

“Thirty,” June said.

“Damn,” the woman nodded and pointed at herself, “20.”

“Oh.”The woman was her. It was June. June at age 20, a younger woman, desperately in love with her college girlfriend, Sarah. She looked just as June remembered in an old photo of her sitting on that same porch in a coverup dress and a bikini vaguely showing through the dress. She had a fuller body back then. She had dyed blonde hair and a tan from too much time in the sun. She was so different, and yet so similar. One in the same.

“You can call me January,” June’s younger self said.


Her younger self shrugged. “So, again, why are you here? It’s been a decade. What happened? You’re skinnier. Lucky. And pale. And why’d you ditch the blonde?”

“We had to get a job eventually, kid,” June said, “Can’t just play volleyball all day.”

“Would it kill ya to play, like, once year?” January asked.

*Was I always this annoying?* June thought. She moved to go up the steps but January stood up. June couldn’t help but look at her body in a bit of envy. “Uh-uh,” January said, pointing to the right where the outdoor shower was, “Sarah and her mom will kill you if you drag all that sand in there.”

She was right, but June also somehow knew Sarah wasn’t there. June nodded and pulled off her dress to be in her sky blue one-piece swimsuit that came down in a deep V in front. She stepped under the outdoor shower and pulled the handle, trying to dust the sand she found around her body.

January watched her from the porch. Then she hopped over the wooden rail and splashed into the ground by June.

“Be careful,” June told her, “You could slip!”

“Okay, old lady,” January said. June rolled her eyes. She was only thirty.

January stripped off her own cover up and was in a dark blue bikini that was probably a bit too small. Blue had always been June’s color, but had she really worn something like that before? January seemed to exude so much confidence.

January bumped into her and tried to share the water. June felt it was strange they could touch. Their skin pressed against each other and June felt she would be uncomfortable if this was anyone else, but it was, well, her. So it didn’t feel too strange.

You missed a spot,” January told her and turned her around. She moved her hands down the bare area of June’s back.

“T-thanks,” June said, feeling a little redness in her cheeks. Then January’s hands traveled down and cupped June’s butt, wiping the sand from the underside of her cheeks. It was the way Sarah used to do it. June bit her lip. *Am I really getting turned on right now?* She thought, *Isn’t that kinda fucked up?*

She held back any noise that came up to the surface in January and continued to wipe down her body, thankfully avoiding any particularly sensitive areas.

“Okay, all set,” January said, and moved into the water and started washing herself, tilting her head back and letting her blonde locks darken by getting wet.

June went to the porch and used her towel to dry off. She left her dress and opened the door, waiting for January, but January just kept washing herself. “Done?” June asked.

“Oh,” January said, “That’s it for me. You head in. Someone’s waiting for you.”

“Who?” June asked.

# January shrugged, “How should I know? I haven’t gotten there yet.”

Inside June closed the door and could still see January out in the shower enjoying the falling water. June was also suddenly dry head to toe and, instead of wearing that one-piece, she was wearing a bikini. The same bikini January, her twenty year-old self, had been wearing. It probably fit her a little better than January. She walked into the living room and found someone on the couch. It was her. Again.

“Hey,” the woman said, “I’m February.” This version of her was blonde too, but her dark roots were growing in. She wore a dress the color of sea-foam and had a tassel around her neck and jade earrings dangling from her ears. Again, June could see the picture of her in this outfit in her mind. It was from her college graduation. This June, February, was 22.

“Why are you here?”

June stared at the woman in envy once again. She remembered that day. The day of graduation. The day Sarah asked her if they could move in together. June had never been so happy.

“I’m sorry,” June said, both out of instinct and to answer the young woman’s question.

February curled a finger at June and June walked to her, feeling exposed in her swimsuit. The woman reached a hand and June took it. February guided June to lay on the couch over her lap.

“Further down,” February told her, and June shifted till her face was almost at the end of the couch. She heard rummaging behind her and looked up to see a camcorder had appeared in front of the couch. June recognized it. The night of graduation, Sarah and her had used it to try and make a sex tape. They had failed miserably.

The TV off to her right turned on. June looked at it and saw her ass in February’s lap in it, like a live feed from the camcorder.

“Why are you sorry?” February asked.

“Because…you have everything right now,” June said, laying her head down on the soft cushion in dismay, “And I’m going to lose it all for you.”

February nodded and lifted her hand, then brought it down.


June’s mouth shot open, but she held back any noise. February was just like her when she graduated, thinking she was hot shit.


“Ah!” June let out, but it wasn’t a noise that conveyed a lot of pain. She knew this feeling. Sarah had given it to her before. They’d been experimenting with it around this time.


This one was on her left ass cheek now. June let out another cry that shifted to being a moan.

“How long has it been?” February asked. They had also been experimenting with orgasm control at the time.

“A long time,” June panted.

*Smack. Smack. Smack.*

“Oh god,” June whined. Her knees rubbed against each other. February hooked a finger through the swimsuits material and pulled, pulling all the material between June’s cheeks and exposing her ass to February almost completely. The material pressed between her legs and June bit into the cushion underneath her. She watched intently as February looked into the camera, staring back at her through the screen.

“I asked how long?” She said.

June answered truthfully. “A year and a half.”

February was shocked. Who wouldn’t be shocked after hearing someone hadn’t had an orgasm for a year and a half, but that was the truth for June. February’s hands drifted along June’s ass. June’s ankles twisted with each other in suspense. February made a line dwon to touch June’s covered sex, giving it the gentlest of strokes.

June’s whole body trembled in need. She let out a beg through gritted teeth as this younger version of her touched her in the most intimate way. “This is fucked up,” she moaned, but couldn’t help enjoying it.

“No less so than masturbation,” February shrugged. And then

*Smack. Smack. Smack.*

A kiss to June’s bare ass that made her practically beg for attention to her pussy. Instead…

*Smack. Smack. Smack.*

February guided June to kneel up and then stand.

“That’s it?” June asked.

“Yes,” February nodded.

“What’s next?” June said, but shook her head, “Oh yeah, nevermind. You wouldn’t know, would you?”

“Nope,” February said, but pointed to the doorway to a bedroom. June swallowed hard, ass burning, and entered the bedroom.


This room was Sarah’s parents’ bedroom, the largest of the bedrooms but still rather simple other than the king-sized, four poster bed in the middle. June entered the room with her head down, trying to recover from the pain and frustration of her ordeal with February. She turned around after entering and shut the door, catching a glimpse of February sitting on the couch and playing with her graduation tassels around her neck.

As June expected, the moment the door shut her wardrobe shifted. The bikini was gone, and in its place was the sea-foam dress February had been wearing. A professional, if slightly short, dress, with tassels hanging around her neck and earrings dangling at her ears. June removed the earrings and the tassels. She also had to note she had no panties on at all. June vaguely remembered Sarah daring her to do so that day. College-June was a bit wild.

June turned around to find a new woman. And yet, as she came to expect, a familiar one.

“March, I assume?” June said.

“Wow,” March grinned, “You must be some kind of genius.”

March was slightly slimmer than January and February, mostly in the face. She didn’t have June’s brown locks or the blonde locks of the younger girls. Her hair was a natural looking (but not actually) shade of red. She had to be at least 24 that meant. She wore a pair of jeans, a smart, classy button up blouse, and had a jacket tied around her waist.

“When did you…I…*we* wear that?” June asked, not sure of the answer.

“Only once,” March said, “The promotion.

It came back to her. June had worn the outfit to work on casual Friday the day she got the news of a big promotion. June loved her job, and the promotion was everything she had wanted. She had worked so hard for it too. She remembered a photo taken at a happy hour after with her coworkers where they celebrated. This was that outfit.

June also remembered coming home that night to Sarah and having a huge fight. She couldn’t remember what it had been about.

March beckoned her over. Unlike the last two, she seemed sweet. Sweeter than June had ever remembered being.

June came to her and March guided her to lay down on her stomach on the bed. June wasn’t sure she could take some more spankings but March didn’t seem to have any malice in her. She helped June slide her dress up.

“No panties?” March asked.

“Blame the college us,” June told her, and March laughed. June wondered when the last time she had laughed like that was.

March looked in a drawer. June remembered once getting a nasty sunburn and Sarah bridging her into her parents room to use their aloe rub. As the memory formed it was pushed away by March putting some of that rub on June’s butt and rubbing it in to soothe her red skin.

“Ooooh,” June sighed, feeling the relief instantly. She wasn’t sure aloe would actually help with a spanking, but in whatever world she had entered it definitely seemed to.

March’s hands were so sure of themselves, massaging and pressing the soothing substance into June. “Our ass is more toned,” she said to June.

“I run a lot now,” June explained.

“We hate running,” March said.

“It gets the mind off things.” There were a few moments of quiet. “Why are you being nice to me?”

“The last two weren’t nice?”

“January was fine, but February didn’t like me once she found out that, well, that Sarah and I weren’t together anymore.”

March’s hands stopped for a moment, then continued. “Well, I don’t know.” She said, “For me, we are working for what you want. We’re taking good care of ourselves.” Her hands got more elaborate and June suddenly remembered what Sarah and she had been experimenting with sexually at the time. “It’s important to take care of ourselves.

Her hands moved in now, between June’s cheeks, tickling her rosebud for just a moment. June’s whole body lurched. She remembered the first time she was touched there. In the shower with Sarah. They were going to get out when she held June close, her hands soapy, and cupped June’s butt. She traveled in and June didn’t stop her as Sarah had hinted at her desire for it before. So June let her and was shocked when she didn’t hate it.

March poured more aloe rub and pressed around June’s little hole gently, the way she liked it. March pushed just a bit inwards, but only a bit. It was enough for June to be pressing against the bed, hoping for something to grind against. She did this for a little while but then pulled June up.

All the aloe was gone from June’s ass butt and March’s hands in an instant. She sat June up to lean back and nestling into her, her chin settling on June’s shoulder. March’s hands moved up June’s front, cupping June’s breast.

June let out a wanton cry of approval and desire. March’s hands squeezed her roughly, which June liked when she had clothes on but preferred it more gentle when they were bare. “Please,” June moaned, and March complied as she kissed June’s neck.

Already putty in March’s arms from the hand and lip attention March was paying her, June couldn’t believe how good it felt when March found her sex, wet and waiting, and rubbed her lips gently.

“Oh, please,” June said, looking back into her own eyes and leaning in. March dipped down, though, and nibbled on June’s ear. June shuddered. March slid a finger slowly into June’s tight pussy. June grasped onto her past selves thighs in her moan for more. “Yes. Yes. Yes.” She let out as March pumped into her. It had been so long. *So long.*

The pleasure radiated through her. As if shot from March’s finger into her sex and moving up ever nerve and vein in June’s body, spreading out to every dead end it could find. June was going dizzy. This orgasm was going to be incredible. She knew it.

But then, June remembered. She remembered a fight she and Sarah had that night. It started because June had been out a little later than she said she would. She told Sarah she was overreacting, but Sarah was so angry they didn’t speak for days. They eventually made up. And when they did, Sarah had made June cum just like this. And June had let slip away…

“Stop,” June moaned, pushing at March’s wrist, then louder, “Stop!”

March did. June pushed March’s finger from her and slid off the bed. “June,” March said, “We shouldn’t stop being good to ourselves.”

“I’m done,” June said. “I’m done with this place. I’m done with being here. I’m done. I’m waking up.”

“Are you asleep?” March asked.

“I…I don’t…I’m just done.”


June pushed out the bedroom door, closing it behind her, seeing March on the bed rub aloe along her skin. The door shut and her clothes shifted again to the jeans, blouse, and jacket around her waist that March had been wearing. June pulled the jacket from around her waist and tossed it to the floor, heading for the front door.

On the way, though, she heard something. It was to her right, in the kitchen. She looked to her left to see February, still on the couch playing with her tassels. Outside, through the window, January was still in the outdoor shower, constantly washing away the sand. June’s curiosity got the best of her, and she dipped into the kitchen.

There was another her. Still redheaded, but finally had lost the tan of her other earlier selves and was pale like June. This woman was in the kitchen seat. Her hands were tied around her back. A scarf was tied around her neck with a knot and the other end of it was in her lap. ANd in her mouth was a balled up pair of panties. A blindfold was around her eyes. She was whimpering a little. As far as clothes, the woman was completely naked.

June walked in, sort of mystified seeing herself naked like this. “April?” June asked, removing the blindfold.

April looked up at June and smiled as much as she could with a full mouth the way she had. June’s hand reached out again, but this time, she took the end of the scarf and yanked April to her feet.

“This is your fault,” June said, “You started this all.” April didn’t feel threatened. She giggled and whooped with excitement as June pulled her by the makeshift leash and bent her over the table.

This version of June, April, had come from a picture she and Sarah had taken of her. A polaroid June had Sarah take before June went on a business trip. It must have been about four years ago now.

It was the time everything started going downhill.

April spit out the panties, as they had been there voluntarily. “What’re you gonna do to me?” She asked in an excited voice.

But June knew. She raised her hand and sent it down with a fury.


“Ah!” April let out, “Thank you.”

*Thank me?* June thought, *This isn’t supposed to be fun. You ruined everything!*

Again June spanked her, and again April thanked her. Again and again. June eventually needed to stop, her hand hurting, and touched between April’s legs. April shuddered as June did and June felt her own sex on the younger woman’s body. Wet. Very wet. It was so strange to feel her own pussy, something she knew the feel of so well, but from an outsider’s angle.

Stop enjoying this!” June told April, but June giggled and moaned as June’s fingers entered April. “Fuck you!” June yelled. And in that moment something appeared on the table. A toy. A toy she recognized. Navy blue straps with a purple toy attached. The strap-on was Sarah’s and at around this time in their lives Sarah had introduced it wanting to use it on June, but having no interest in it being used on her. June had complied and mostly enjoyed it, though she enjoyed their more finger and mouth based bouts of sex more.

“Fuck me,” April begged.

June didn’t hesitate. She took the strap-on and managed to be surprisingly effortless about dropping her jeans and getting the straps attached. She kept April bent over the desk and bent at the knees to slide the thin, short toy into her very slowly.

“God,” April squirmed as it entered her, “Holy fuck, June. Yes. Fuck me.”

*Fuck you, kid,* June thought, which was just as April wanted. June moved her hips, trying to figure out how to work the toy, and soon found a rhythm. Soon after, April was accepting the whole thing and hitting a first orgasm.

April’s ass quaked and her legs shook, trying to keep her up properly as June pushed in and out of her. April’s came down from her high but June didn’t let up and a new escalation seemed to start in April. June smacked her ass just inches below where April’s hands wrists were still tied up behind her back. June then pulled on the scarf, April crying out in pleasure and pain as she was pulled up to arch her back while June fucked her. Fucked her. Fucked her.

*Fuck her.*

April’s second climax was partially choked away, but June let go of the scarf and april slowly went back down to the table where let out a scream of pleasure, her whole body shaking, her skin red as her hair in all the exertion while she came all over the toy for almost a full minute squeezing it so hard with her sex it almost was pushed out.

When it was over June pulled from April, giving April an aftershock. June pulled her up and sat her back down in the chair she found her in. “Let’s cuddle,” April said, trying to kiss June. But June backed away.

“No,” June said, “You don’t deserve that.”

“What…why?” April asked, but she was cut short. June had found her own panties she’d just been wearing and stuffed them into April’s mouth. Deep this time. Deep so she couldn’t spit them out.

“Because *you* ruined everything,” June told her, “It was all perfect at your time. The job. The relationship. But you just had to have more, didn’t you? You-”

The front door opened and closed. June turned quickly, but didn’t see who it was. Footsteps went towards the back of the house and a door opened and closed. April was still in her seat. June left her and went to the first bedroom, where March was still rubbing in Aloe. She looked back to see February still playing with her tassels and January still washing off in the shower. The sun was starting to set outside, the sky purple and orange and dark blue.

June swallowed hard and looked back at the only room she hadn’t been in. The second bedroom. A small one where she and Sarah would stay whenever they came to the beach house.

With a deep breath she walked to it, dropping the strap-on from her bottom half. She opened the door and it barely seemed to be the room. Just pitch black. She walked into the darkness and closed the door behind her.


June had been ready for a wardrobe change. She knew she’d be naked now. But she wasn’t, not really. Instead, she got the full extent to what she had left April in. A scarf around her neck, hanging down behind her. Wrists tied behind her back. Panties deep in her mouth ,unable to be spit out. They had a sort of familiar taste. Sometimes Sarah would have her lick her fingers after she fingered June, which June didn’t like but she did it since Sarah really liked it. That taste was similar to this one now.

“Hello?” June asked the darkness, but, of course, it was muffled and unintelligible with her mouth filled. Light filled the room. Not the lights of the ceiling, but as if someone allowed the light from the windows to finally enter, the setting sun still mostly showing. The room was as she remembered it. A small full sized bed. And on it, was another woman in an outfit June never wanted to remember.

The photo was long since burned. A sexy little selfie she had taken for Sarah on a polaroid. She had been wearing one of Sarah’s button down shirts but with only one button buttoned. She wore nothing else.

This woman was in the same outfit. She had dark hair now, and was barely less slim than June. This woman was basically the same look as June altogether, way more than any of the other’s. She stepped off the bed.

“May,” she introduced herself, “But I’m sure you guessed that.” June was scared, but May approached her very slowly. “It’s okay, June. It’s alright.”

June shook her head and backed into the door, but she couldn’t get it opened. May stopped walking towards her. “Okay,” May said, “I won’t come any further. Just let me get that out of your mouth, okay?”

June’s eyes were wide and she nodded. May walked to her and reached two fingers delicately into June’s mouth and pulled, silver strings pulling attached to the panties breaking away from June’s lips. Before June could protest, May wiped June’s lips for her and then took a few large paces back, tossing the panties aside.

Moving her jaw around, June took a breath.

“I’m assuming you’ve realized we’re all from pictures,” May said. June nodded. “And you know what picture I’m from. From *that* day.”

June remembered that day vividly. At least, she remembered the day time of it. IT had ended with her opening almost every bottle of booze in her apartment and drinking away the night. She remembered, vaguely, having a thought that night and tried to hold onto it, but she couldn’t.

“That was the night Sarah left,” June said, dejected.

“Yeah. But then you drank. And, while that wasn’t very healthy, you did have a good moment. And that’s where I came from. But, why are you here then? What has happened since?”

June said nothing.

“How long has it been?”“A year and a half.”

May nodded. “I saw what you did to April. Why’d you do that?”

“It was all her fault.”

“No. It wasn’t.” May rubbed her head, she swayed in place, shirt shifting around her body. June watched her body openly, as it was her own body, and had some admiration for it. And some loathing. “It wasn’t her fault. And she is you. And it wasn’t your fault. That was what happened that night when you got drunk. You had clarity. I had clarity. *We* had it.”

“I worked too much,” June said.

“You had goals! Dreams! Maybe you worked a little too much but you didn’t ignore her! It was her-”

“I pushed her away.”

“*She* left *you* after what she did. Don’t you see how insane that is. It’s not your-”

“Stop!” June shut her eyes.

May walked up to June until June was against the door again, scared. May pointed at June accusingly at perfect eye level. “You’re not with her, are you?”

“No,” June said, “She’s with Karen.”

May’s anger dissipated. She put her forehead on June’s chest and sighed. June was cold, her nipples starting to harden. The sun was waning outside and the lights weren’t on. May took June to the bed. June wanted to resist, but she was tired. May tied the scarf to the headboard and then let June out of the wrist tie. June stretched her arms and May pushed her body until June lied down on the bed on her back, breasts swaying as she settled down.

“You’re gonna fuck me now?” June asked. May seemed to ignore her as she looked up and down June’s body.

“You shaved,” May said, pointing between June’s legs. Sarah had always liked June to keep a little bush, but June preferred clean shaven.

“Yeah,” June nodded.

May got up on the bed and undid her shirt, letting it fall down so they were both nude. June’s eyes traveled down May’s body. *Her* own body. “June,” May said, “This wasn’t your fault. It was hers.”

“No,” June shook her head, “It was mine. I’m an idiot. I’m-”

“You’re not,” May said, shifting to lie down next to her. She went on her side and held her head up with a hand. She laid a hand on June’s stomach and drifted her fingertips along it, making June’s eyes flutter closed for just a moment to enjoy the sensation. She opened them again and looked away. “She’s the one who did this. She cheated. She left. You can’t blame yourself for that.”

“Stop touching me,” June snapped.


“I don’t like you.”

“Well,” May said, “I’m you.”

“I know.”

The sun disappeared outside and the room had only dusk’s light to fill it.

“Just get it over with,” June said.

“What do you mean?” May asked.

“You’re gonna do something to me. Everyone has.”

“And what would I do?”

“You’re the last one so I’m guessing fuck me. You’re all here so I can finally have an orgasm, right?”

“No,” May said. She climbed up and onto June. She straddled her waist and held her face so she had to look into her eyes. Her own eyes. “I have no interest in fucking you.”

“Then why did you trap me here?”

“June. You’ve just had a scarf with a knot attached to your neck for the last five minutes. You could have untied it and walked out whenever you wanted. And you knew that.” May’s hands then did just that, undoing the knot and flipping it away. They were both completely naked. Not even an earring on them. Not a spec of makeup. Not a hair tie. They looked into each other’s eyes.

“So, what do you want with me?” June asked.

“June, what do you think? *You* have to say it. You have to know it.”

A tear came to June’s eye. It fell down her temple and soaked the pillow underneath. May wiped it away and June managed to hold the rest back. “You want to love me?” She asked.

May smiled sweetly. “Of course,” she said. She leaned her face closer, a curtain of hair around them. June could smell her own shampoo on it. “And I’m you, so that that means?”

June’s hands came up to May’s cheeks and lifted herself up. They kissed. May’s lips were tender and soft and matched her own perfectly. June moaned into them. She inhaled sharply with May and traveled her hands down to feel her younger self’s breasts, cupping them, feeling her nipples between her fingers, knowing everything she liked.

May slipped her tongue into June’s mouth with her own moan, echoing in June’s ears, confusing her as to who was making what sounds. Their tongues danced and May sucked on June’s the way June liked. Everything was perfectly tuned to her. May’s fingers circled June’s nipples and then gave them the softest of pinches. She kissed down June’s neck and June writhed in anticipation, biting a finger.

May traced her tongue along June’s collarbone, then kissed with more firmness to June’s breasts and cupped them, giving them soft love and squeezes and sucking on her nipples with no teeth and pulling them gently with her lips until they slipped out and snapped back into their place along June’s flesh.

“Oh my god,” June let out, her hands rummaging through May’s hair just as she would rummage through her own when stressed. But this wasn’t stress, this was the opposite. June’s body tingled all over as May kissed down her stomach. Her legs opened on instinct, wider than she had in months. May kissed her mound, soft and smooth, the only difference between them really. Now, seeing it on May, on herself from a new angle, June kind of liked the look of a little tuft of hair there. Maybe she would grow it out again.

The thoughts were interrupted, though. May reached her destination. She kissed June’s thighs and licked along the gentle skin around her sex. June’s toes curled in and her hands went to her own chest. Her eyes closed.

May kissed her lips softly. June’s body came alive with fire inside and out. Her eyes opened and she crunched up to her elbows to see May watching her. May’s tongue came out and licked up June’s wetness. *This won’t take long,* June thought. May seemed to know that too, and accelerated from simple licking to more fervent eating of June’s pussy.

June kept her eyes on May as long as she could, but eventually, May’s tongue was too good to handle and she fell back to the bed, pulling the bed sheets. She yanked them so hard they pulled from the mattress. “Don’t stop…please don’t stop…” June yearned. May’s tongue dipped inside her a bit and her lips played at her clit. “Holy shit!” June thrashed but May moved with her.

It hit.

June’s thighs quivered. They shook inwards, trapping May’s head in love for what she was doing to her. “Yes. Thank you!” June cried, and knew it was her own self she thanked. The pulses of an orgasm so sharp and all encompassing ran through June’s body from between her legs, out to every finger tip, toe, and strand of hair. Everything was on such pleasurable fire. June’s jaw hurt from hanging open and moaning for every single action May did to her.

Eventually the pulses hit her slower. She shook and shook. And shook. And eventually the shakes stopped. She closed her mouth and swallowed hard to fight the dryness that had formed. Pants escaped her bit by bit. She curled her neck and looked down at May, lapping at her gently, hair having fallen in her face. June moved it and saw her own eyes looking up at her still. They had been watching the whole time.

“Hey,” June smiled.

May smiled too, giving her one more kiss and raising up, wiping her mouth and coming to kiss June gently. June moved her, though, rolling them so she could be on top of May now. June’s thigh landed between May’s legs, and May’s thigh raised up between June’s. June grinded, gently at first, holding May’s face and kissing her deeply.

“I’m sorry I blamed you,” June said, “I can’t explain it.”

“You don’t have to. I’ll always forgive you. We all will,” she gestured out the door and moaned a little. June felt wetness on her thigh. They grinded more and kissed more, and felt each other more, and loved each other completely, pressing their legs into each other until they both were holding each other tightly for one final, soft climax to share. They laid there afterwards for a long while, until the night was officially upon them and moonlight had filled the room.


“We love you,” May said, when they finally detached.

“I love you too….June.” June said. May smiled at the name. June kissed her one last time.

June stood from the bed. She picked up the shirt May had been wearing and May nodded to her. June left the room.

She went to the kitchen and found April. “I love you,” she told her, removing the panties from her mouth and kissing her tenderly. April just smiled at her while June untied her completely. June took the panties with her as she left.

June went to March next. Bursting through the door she dove onto the bed and kissed March, sucking her tongue for a brief moment. March sat up in shock and elation. June undid March’s jeans button and pulled them from her, waving goodbye and telling March she loved her.

In the living room she found February. June straddled her on the couch and kissed her, biting her bottom lip gently, and murmuring her love into February’s mouth. She slipped the dangling jade earrings from February and the living room.

With all the clothes balanced in her arms, and still very much naked, June ran out the door. She grabbed a beach chair and threw it in the sand, then tossed all the clothes onto the chair.

In a spotlight of the moon, January still stood under the water. June went to her and pulled the tan, blonde version of herself from a decade ago to her and kissed her deeply, holding her tighter than any of the others. January looked nervous when they detached. “You’re going to be fine,” June assured her, “I promise. She kissed January one more time and reached behind her, pulling undoing the bikini and pulling it from January, who covered herself for a second but laughed, her tanlined breasts out for the world to see.

“Go inside,” June told her, “I love you.”

Nervous, January nodded and went up the porch, disappearing into the house.

June took a deep breath. She looked at the blue bikini top for a few moments and put it on, tying it up in the back. She went to the beach chair and one by one put the clothes on. April’s panties. March’s jeans. May’s shirt. And February’s earrings. She was ready.

June looked back at the house. The five of them were standing in different windows, waving to her like a little family. She smiled at them and turned to the water, sand between her toes, waves crashing filling her ears, and walked.

One step. Two. Three. Four. Five.

June’s eyes opened. There was no sand. No waves. No special outfit. Just a couch under her and an office around her.

“Welcome back,” Dr. Reshma said behind her, “How do you feel?


The dream, hypnosis, whatever it was had come to an end and June arrived back in her apartment. The apartment She had found out Sarah was cheating on her in and Sarah soon after moved out of. June had spent so long blaming herself, but that didn’t make sense. It wasn’t her fault. Had she been perfect? No. But she was not bad enough to warrant that. She knew that now.

June arrived home at 9pm and ate dinner. Then, instead of changing to her pajamas, she got dressed. She found a pair of black lace panties she once remembered Sarah putting into her mouth. She found the shirt she had been wearing when Sarah had left her. She found her favorite pair of jeans. She found her blue bikini, tucked deep in her drawer, with a rip along one of the cups. And she found a pair of earrings, jade, a gift from her parents when she had graduated.

She put it all on, she got on her bed…and she called Sarah.

“Hello?” Sarah’s voice came through. “June?”

“Hey,” June said.

“June…it’s really good to hear from you. What’s up?”

“Nothing much,” June said, “How are you?”

“Um…okay. Karen and I broke up, I don’t know if you heard.”

June hadn’t. “Oh…” She said, “No. I’m sorry.”

“Thanks. So, that’s not why you’re calling then. Why are you calling?”

“I just,” June had so much to say to her. So much to *scream* at her. But she didn’t. “I just want you to know, I don’t think you’re a bad person. I think you made a mistake. And it was a really bad one. But…don’t hate yourself, okay?”

“Oh…” Sarah sounded surprised and sad, “Wow, that’s really something. I kind of needed that. Really. Thank you.”

It was quiet for a while. Then, kindly, June simply said. “I hope you have a really wonderful life, Sarah.”

Sarah sighed a little. “Yeah. You too, June.”

They hung up. June dropped the phone and laid there for half an hour, just remembering whatever the experience she had was.

Her hand traveled down remembering it. She unbuttoned the jeans and allowed her hand to slip down inside. The orgasm hadn’t been real. June had always grown sad doing this before, and never did it. Never dated for the same reason. But now she felt how wet she was and her fingers moved. They rubbed her wet lips gently. It didn’t take long at all. She moaned openly into her dark room’s air, shaking in her strange outfit for a long while until she finally came down.

She knew herself. She loved herself. And she would be okay.


*Thanks for reading. Please comment, or send feedback if you wanna talk about it! And, of course, remember to love and believe in yourself!*



  1. What a great story ! Tremendous plot line and just the right amount of erotic activity. You definitely have a gift for writing. I hope you continue for a long time.

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