How Steve Ruins Ana’s Life [Str8][Mf][nc][preg][Part 1]

The letter had arrived Wednesday, but Steve did not open it right away. There was no name on the envelope, but the return address was the only clue he needed. 519 Deckler Lane, Lot 34. He knew that address well, especially Lot 34. Why shouldn’t he? That was the ran down trailer that the mother of his children lived in.

Steve was curious as to what she would have written to him about. He knows whatever it was, it was something to savor, but he had too many projects this week keeping him occupied to give the letter the attention that it deserved. His schedule for the weekend was clear anyways, so that would be a better time he decided.

Saturday morning, he took his breakfast, coffee, newspaper, and the letter out to the large wooden deck off of his kitchen. The September morning had a hint of the chill autumn was to bring so he kindled a fire in the firepit before picking up the paper. The letter sat under the edge of the plate ignored.

The Saturday morning ritual of breakfast and newspaper read was completed, and he picked up the letter. He moved over to one of the chairs closer to the firepit, turning it over in his hands. Lot 34, man that was a dump. The trailer had to have been built sometime in the 70s, a tin can and ran down. So full of cracks that it probably was never warm in the winter. “No,” he thought looking up at his 2400 square foot house in a gated community that he built two years ago, “it probably never gets warm.”

*Steve, hello. It has been a long time since we have talked; what 7 years?*

Not that long ago he mused. She was only 3 months pregnant with his latest child, the 5th one.

*I am sorry that I just kinda dropped off the face of the earth and stopped communicating. I know that you had such high expectations of me, and I can’t thank you enough for the mentorship, friendship, and guidance you gave me in high school. When mama first made me go to the Church, I was sullen and thought it a waste of time. Had I known the friend I would have made in you, I would have went sooner. Had I known how hard I would have failed you, I would have never went. Had I known how you would have failed me, I would have never went *

He sat back watching the fire. He remembered when he had first met Ana Rine. A poor kid from the trailer park, Lot 16 in the same one she was at now if he remembered correctly. Her mama had put her on the church bus when she was 14 and sent her off. He was the youth leader now, but then he was the assistant. There was always a bunch of kids from the trailer park. They didn’t show up for the word for God, they showed up for the free lunch afterwards.

He had been drawn to Ana. She looked younger than her 14 years, like a pixie come to life. She was intelligent and had some vague dream of getting out of the trailer park. Steve had fostered that dream, helping her shape it into a workable plan. With his help, she had a real shot of getting out. With his help, she would never make it.

She turned 18 in February of her senior year. She was on track to graduate 6th in her class. She had scholarships galore; the dream was coming to life. Two nights later he paid some trash from the trailer park to get her mom out of the house. Ana was home alone when he showed up.

*I know that no one believes me when I said I was raped seven years ago. I don’t know why there was not more proof, but I swear it was not consensual. Mama never did believe me. You never did either. I was so angry with you.*

Of course there was no proof. Steve had planned it that way. Masked, he never said a word. She had no idea who it was that broke in. He was careful. He used his key to get in. He used chloroform to knock her out. He left a load of his sperm in her cunt and left. When Ms. Rine had called him to come over he had been over there in short order. He was stern and Ms Rine was a god fearing woman who knew that rape was violent and left evidence. There was no sign of a forced entry and no sign that Ana had fought against an attacker. Steve told Ms. Rine this was not unexpected, that bright young women such as Ana had a tendency to want to call rape after they had time to think about the poor decision they had made. Yes, she should regret it, but regret did not equal rape. Ms. Rine believed him over Ana.

*I understand why you and Mama sided against an abortion, but honestly I wish every day that I had defied you both. I was so angry with you; I felt betrayed. That is why I quit speaking with you. I know that Mama probably kept you updated after I stopped answering your calls or going to church. By August I was 6 months pregnant and I had to delay starting college that semester. I could defer my scholarships up to one semester. James was born in October. I love him so much, but it is hard to look at him and not resent what I lost for his birth. *

Steve did agree to get Plan B for Ana and it was so easy to switch the pills out for sugar pills. When Ms. Rine had called 5 weeks later to tell him that Ana was pregnant, he couldn’t believe his stroke of luck. First time and she was knocked up with his child. It was a rush to know that he had so drastically changed the course of her life with one day’s actions.


1 comment

  1. Fifth child? But she doesn’t know its his? He just keeps raping her repeatedly and she never figures it out? Well that’s interesting.

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