A Night Out [MF] (Part3)

The cool air feels nice on my skin. The shot is starting to have its desired affect and I feel a warmth slowly spreading from my stomach to my arms and legs. We talk about books and comics the entire walk back to my place. She lists her favorite movies of the last ten years and asks mine. Turns out we still have a lot in common. She is careful not to delve too deep into her personal life and doesn’t press me for mine. We arrive at my place where I offer her another drink.

“Sure,” she accepts graciously taking a seat in the middle of my couch.

I open two bottles of beer and head to the living room where she is lightly tapping the cushion next to her inviting me to sit.

“I still cannot believe you haven’t see Edge of Tomorrow,” She shakes her head confused as I sit beside her and hand her a beer, “because Tom Cruise is a Scientologist?”

“Not entirely because of that,” I counter taking a drink, “he is also not a great actor.”

“Top Gun?”

“Not terrible for its time, but not my favorite.”

“Eyes Wide Shut?”

I nod, “I’ll give you that one, but not all the credit goes to him.”

“Ok then, Mission Impossible?”

“Daniel Craig’s 007 is better.”

“Jerry Maguire?”

I cough and try not to choke from laughing so hard, “No.”

She pounds her beer down on my coffee table, “That movie was fantastic!”

“That movie was a steaming pile!” I match the ferocity behind her eyes.

“Of Oscar winning genius,” she extols proudly.

“Which means less than nothing,” I laugh again.

“Fine, but Edge of Tomorrow is good.”

“I’ll be the judge of that little miss ‘you complete me’. Your taste is officially suspect with that last admission.”

She sticks her tongue out at me and reaches for her foamy beer.

“I can think of better places for you to stick that tongue.”

She smirks causing my pulse to quicken. My face must be telling because she shoots me a look and asks, “What?”

I shake my head, “Nothing. It’s just good to see you.”

She takes the beer from my hand and places it on the table. “Now that you have me here, what are you going to do with me?” She coaxes straddling me.

I exhale slowly weighing my options. I reach up and touch her face softly bringing her mouth to mine, “I can think of a few things.” She lets out a small moan as our tongues touch causing me to spring to life. She feels my erection and smiles.

“Again? I’m impressed,” she teases kissing me sweetly.

“You really have no idea the affect you have on people, do you?”

She runs her palm down my hard on, “I know the affect I am having on you.”

I close my eyes and lean my head into the oversized cushion savoring her touch. She runs her fingers down my chin, over my stubble and along my neck ever so lightly. I feel her breath on my skin and then the softness of her lips. She kisses me once, twice and lingers on the third leaving a sensitive wet mark.

“I could get used to this,” I mutter massaging her thighs.

She pulls on my shirt, “Off.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I sit forward and help her remove my shirt tossing it to the floor. I smile as she slowly runs her nails down my back moving closer as she goes.

She stops at my lips, “Remember the last time we fucked on this couch?”

I remembered, it was half the reason I still owned the damn thing. I nod leaning in to kiss her, “This is my favorite couch.” She pulls back just out of reach.

“Favorite couch, favorite girl…you’ve got everything now don’t you?”

“Favorite is such a hard earned title,” I muse being cheeky, “One I don’t throw around lightly.”

She leans back on her heels challenging, “Are you saying that I’m not your favorite?”

“I’m saying that this couch worked really hard to become my favorite,” I grin moving my hands tenderly over the cushions.

“Oh and all those times we fucked don’t count?”

“I have taken those into consideration. Sex isn’t everything, my favorite girl would know that.”

“You’re such an asshole!” She yells bringing both fists down on my chest in an attempt to hit me. I catch her by the wrists stopping the blows.

“You’re favorite asshole,” I gloat enjoying the upper hand. I hold her where she is and lock eyes with her. She flashes me a defiant look and then a small smile. I bring her hands to my chest. She flattens them against me feeling my heart; it is pounding. She exhales smiling. “Your turn,” I insist pulling her shirt up over her head.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5a9se2/a_night_out_mf_part3

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