Recovery Ch.1 – Part 1: A History Lesson [ff][Public][Mast]

Part 1: A History Lesson

October 4th, 2032 1:17PM

The room was bright, light shining through the window and displaying the beautiful environment beyond the Wall. A mountain loomed in the distance, but knowledge reminded me that it was far from the largest mountain in our world. Still, it seemed a giant in immediate view and often caught my eyes when we were allowed to look or be outside.

“Evelyn, would you close the blinds for me?” The teacher spoke from the front of the room. I looked up and her smile was gentle as it always was until one of us got in trouble. I stood and took one last look at the mountain before closing the curtains, pulling them together in the middle.

The room was thrust into near darkness and I blinked for a couple seconds to adjust my vision to the darkness. I turned and could just barely make out the rest of the class and Madam Beverly at the head. My feet were cold on the floor, my shoes discarded next to my desk when class started, my socks were usually warm enough when we sat down to study for hours.

“Wotcher, Evey.” Hailey giggled as I bumped into her leg. My best friend and desk mate was always playful, nudging me as I found my seat. I felt a witty retort on the tip of my tongue before Madam Beverly cleared her throat and clicked a button on a remote in her hand. On the whiteboard, a picture appeared. It was one I vaguely recognized, but only because of the shape of it. It was the continent we live on, but none of the borders and named were familiar to me. Admittedly, history wasn’t my strong suit.

“Today we are covering some history that I’m sure most of you know a little about, unless your parents, guardians, or something else around here has told you stories about it. Mostly, we only concern ourselves with the world we live in now, but it wasn’t always this way.” The way she spoke always caught my attention, straying dangerously close to droning on, but her love of teaching and excitement for the subjects always got to me.

“The world as we know it was created by events more than 20 years ago. In 2010, when I was just a girl myself, the world was well developed and seemed to be on track to become a truly space-faring civilization. I always had dreams about going to the moon, but I found my passion when I got a little older.” She smiled in the light from the projector and I felt it from across the room, even as she looked around at the rest of the classes.

“But events behind the scenes that none of us knew about brought about the rise of politicians that cared nothing for our world, but only greed and power. Our master saw the signs back then, he was only 7 or 8 years old than me, but already had wealth from his family.” Speaking on the Master brought everyone’s attention. Even Hailey next to me tuned in more than normal, she had the biggest crush on him and swooned often.

“He created the Society of Misfits that we know now as the people that protect us here and give us safety. Places like this, fortresses as they called them, were created around the world and especially in the United States, the country that used to be in control here.” She clicked the button and the borders changed to be a little more familiar. I knew about a little history, mostly places like Espanola rebelling from the USA and some other little facts.

“In 2020, I was in High School at the time, learning as a teenager as some of you are, and thought nothing of the world until everything changed. We were sent home and we couldn’t leave our houses. Some blamed it on disease, others blamed it on the government. My father was part of the underground then and knew a little about the Society.” She clicked her button again and the picture changed, small parts of the country shifting into red, then more and more as the disease spread.

“When it was all said and done, the country was under martial law under a dictator that cared little for his people. For us.” She frowned and seemed to shiver. “And, excuse my language but Shit hit the fan. A country called China attacked us, starting a war that was quickly finished but the point of the war was never to destroy us, instead it set off a chain of events that ended up with much of the world being destroyed by powerful missiles. Her voice was beyond serious now and I remembered more about what she was saying.

“The Great Panic put many more in danger after the War began, but the Society was there to gather up the pieces of what they could. Some of your families came here, some sent you here, and some of you were likely rescued by others. I’m sure many of you remember some about those days, even 12 years later.” Her words brought about memories I didn’t want to think about. Even Hailey shivered and pressed against my side. I brought my arm around her and held her.

I never knew my family, rescued as a child from a collapsed building, so I didn’t really know what I was missing. I was a baby and my parents adopted me here without pause. Hailey was a couple years older than me and knew her mother well, the woman that died to save her and her father and give them time to get to safety.

“Its been many years since that time and we are still taking in people from outside.” She motioned towards Edward and Rhi, brother and sister that were saved from raiders outside of our walls. “But the society puts emphasis on remembering why we are all here now, a despicable man that cared more for money than his own people. He weakened our borders, weakened our very civilization because another country gave him money and power. And for what?” She looked around the class now, asking a question but surely not wanting an answer.

“Death and destruction is all that his greed brought. A destruction of nearly everything that made our world great. We still have some technology, but so many things were lost that I can’t even begin to explain.” She seemed sad for a moment, but clicked the button once more.

The vision of the country changed and seemed to zoom in on our current location, a place near the bottom of a mountain range and set within a forested land. I knew the world beyond the wall was uncivilized and rough, but I knew little of the outside except for the peaceful forest that was inside of the wall and the mountain beyond it.

“We are safe here, but one day we may not be. You all are getting older and its time for you to think about what you want to do when you get older. Some of you want to serve here, I’m sure. When I saved by our Master and his friends, I wanted nothing more than to give back and do what I can for the world he created for us.” She looked around the classroom once more. She met my eyes this time and I knew she was looking at me, a gentle smile on her face.

“Others may want to venture beyond our slim borders and give back that way. Saving what parts of the outside that you can, bringing back what we can use, or those that you can save and trust. Others may want something entirely different. After all, each of you know about the Taurus Station that orbits our world, a testament to humanity.” She spoke of the last science lesson she gave us, a nighttime lesson that brought us outside after lights out.

She made us all lay back on several gigantic blankets and look up at the sky. I loved looking at the stars and the moon. She directed our gaze to a moving object in the sky, a space station she called it. She said there were many people on board, most of them frozen in animation waiting for a time when it was safe to return to Earth.

“I wish I was on the station.” Richie said in longing as we stared up at the night sky. He was laying on one side and Hailey on the other. Richie was handsome and probably the closest thing I had to a crush around here, at least on a boy.

“But then you wouldn’t be here.” I replied quickly and he hummed thoughtfully as he touched my hand. We held hands for a few minutes before Madam Beverly ushered us back inside, sleepy and ready for bed. I thought about the way his skin felt as I looked at him in the dim light of the classroom. He was sitting closest to the front and stared at the teacher in rapt fascination.

My arm was still around Hailey and she was clearly not paying attention anymore. Her fingers slowly ran along mine, her soft hands touching mine as she focused on anything except her memories and thoughts. Before long, I realized my hand was almost entirely on her breast. Mine weren’t very big yet and Mommy Frankie said I wasn’t gonna get much bigger, unless something, but Mommy Beck interrupted her and said they were big enough as long as I was happy.

Hailey, on the other hand, already had bigger boobs than me and was still growing. I felt the plump flesh under my palm, pressing against her as she seemed to explore my fingers. My distraction brought thoughts through my mind and Madam Beverly’s continued lecture was so far away from those thoughts.

The memory was still bright in my memory, only days ago, and made me squeeze my thighs together as I struggled against my body’s own memory. My panties were damp as I shifted in my seat and Hailey giggled softly as my hand fell completely on her breast. One of her hands continued touching my fingertips, while the other hand went to my thigh and squeezed.

Hailey and I in her room on the 6th Level, her father asleep in his pod after working overnight as one of the patrolmen. Her hands on my bare thighs, her breath on my belly as she told me about a way to relax. The premise being I was stressed over getting bullied by one of the girls in class, Margaret, who was ugly and mean and Hailey wanted to help me relax.

Her fingers hooking into my panties and pulling them down as she made me naked for the first time in front of anyone except my mommies. Her breath on my sex as she spread my thighs and her fingers on my sparse hairs.

Her hand sliding up my skirt brought me back to the present and to the dim classroom. From the front, Madam Beverly continued speaking, but it was less important now and from her viewpoint she wouldn’t see Hailey’s hand. I wanted to resist, wanted to tell her not now, but I couldn’t resist her then and I couldn’t resist her now.

I focused on my breath and appearing normal as Hailey’s hand worked up my skirt and my thighs spread for her until her fingers were against my panties and she felt my wetness. She pushed here and there until she found it, my button. I held back a gasp, biting my lip and gripping her breast with one hand and the desk with the other.

Hailey giggled and ran her fingers in circles around my button, driving me crazy with muted pleasure and need. I stared at Madam Beverly, watching the way her lips moved and the way her eyes scanned the class. If she suspected, she didn’t appear to care.

“The United States had 50 states when it began..” Her voice trailed away as Hailey’s fingers gripped my panties and pulled them to the side just enough for her purpose. They traced along me until she found my button again and she worked more intently now, murmuring softly next to me not to make a sound.

I nodded in agreement, already so starving for her pleasure that I would have done anything. She had me hooked the first time and I was addicted by the second time later that night, and under her instruction of what to do at home, I was unsatisfied by my fingers.

As her fingers circled and circled around my button, she brought me closer and closer to what I both craved and dreaded. Having an orgasm in the classroom was scary, the teacher at the head of the class and other kids in the class. If I slipped and made a sound, they would know. I wasn’t sure what my punishment would be, but I certainly didn’t want to get made fun of anymore.

Once or twice, she dipped a little lower and her fingers pressed slightly into me. Those times were the closest I got to moaning out loud and she seemed to sense it after the second time. She was only getting her fingers wetter, I knew. Lucky for me and her, I suppose, I was extremely close and then I was over the edge.

I didn’t show any outward sign of my orgasm, my eyes were still open and paying attention to the teacher, but my mind was a million miles away, floating among the stars as pleasure shot through my system. I was unaware of any thing other than the pleasure and the way Madam Beverly’s lips moved as she answered a question from one of the students at the front.

I only realized I wasn’t breathing when I began to come down from my high, Hailey’s fingers still on my button but unmoving. I took in a breath and shuddered silently as her fingers dragged down against my honey and then went to her lips. She hummed in satisfaction and shifted my arm off of her shoulder, shooting me a pleased look in the dim light.

“Any more questions, class?” Madam Beverly asked as I shifted my panties back in place, now soaked with my honey, and smoothed my skirt down. No one spoke up and she turned the projector off, walking over to the window to open the blinds. I was glad she didn’t ask me again, I wasn’t sure if my legs would even work after my orgasm.

“So I have some homework for you all, but it will be simple. Ask your parents, guardians, or someone that you know about one of their favorite experiences from before the war and the panic and everything that followed. I want you to write an essay about their experience and relate it to an experience that you have had here. It doesn’t have to be super in depth, but make it at least a thousand words.” She spoke as she walked back to the head of the class, looking at us as she passed. She smiled at me, almost making me worry she knew about us.

But she continued on and didn’t call me out. The other kids groaned about the homework, but alongside the other assignments that we had, it wasn’t like it would be very hard. I found myself looking forward to it. I didn’t get a chance to ask my mommies about what their life was like before this. I only knew of our life since we came here.

Mommy Frankie was a cook and she was very talented, making some of the best things I’d ever had. She was a stand-out cook among all of the others in the kitchens and the Master often requested her for special dinners. I knew some of what that meant, but I knew I didn’t have the full explanation. I didn’t know any personal pleasure until Hailey began introducing me to girl sex, but I knew what a man did with his cock. It didn’t always look pleasant, but Hailey assured me that it usually felt good.

Mommy Beck was a tailor and her specialty was dresses and shirts. My wardrobe was very nice because of her handiwork and I didn’t have any ragged clothing like some of the other kids that couldn’t afford better clothes. I knew she didn’t charge much for her work, but orders from the Society usually kept her too busy to offer our neighbors much more than patching things up.

“I want the essay by Friday, so make sure you don’t wait until the last minute. And don’t forget about your math worksheet. I want that by Wednesday when we have class again. I’ll see you all then. As always, if you need anything I’ll be here until 6 and I’ll be here from 12 to 6 tomorrow as well.” Her words were well rehearsed and most of us knew her hours without being told.

Finally, we were dismissed and we packed up our things. Hailey pulled me by the hand from the classroom and guided me along the hallways, dodging other kids and adults as we went to the stairwell. We headed down to the 6th level from the 3rd level where the classrooms were.

Out of breath already, I was nervous to play with Hailey again.



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