The Best Night of my Life [oral, mf, loving]

First time posting here so be nice please! :) This is fiction, by the way.

My heart was already thumping heavily as I knocked gently on the front door. His parents were out for the weekend, and we’d chosen to finally make the step into sex. We’d spent the last 5 months building up to it. Getting used to each other’s bodies, and discussing how we felt, and now the night was finally here. My stomach had been doing somersaults all day, from the second I took extra caution shaving in the shower before slipping into a new pair of sexy underwear I’d bought, feeling like a stranger to my own body. But I was ready for this. I knew it. We both were.

He opened the door almost instantly, looking drop dead gorgeous as always, his smile spreading up to his chocolate brown eyes. I melted at the sight, and if anything my heartbeat sped up.

“Hey you” he said, embracing me and pulling me inside out of the cold.

I didn’t trust my voice, so just smiled up at him from the safety of his arms, before noticing my surroundings. The whole place was gently lit with candles. The lounge floor had been set up with duvets and pillows, and the fireplace was filling the room with friendly warmth.

He must have seen the look on my face, because he gently pulled my dropped chin around to face him, kissing me gently. His mouth tasted like toothpaste, and he smelled like his spicy aftershave. The familiarity calmed my shaking thoughts, and I pressed into him, returning the kiss.

He pulled away finally to look me in the eyes.

“You like it?” The fact that he sounded nervous as well made me laugh.

“It’s so cute! I love it,” I said as I found my voice at last.

He looked relieved, and he took my hand and led me over to the pile of blankets in the middle of the floor. I sat down cross-legged, not really knowing how to proceed. He sat opposite me and took my hands in his.

“If.. If you’re not ready..”

“No! I am, I want to,” I cut him off. And I was. My fluttering heartbeat was more from excitement than anything else, and I’d wanted to do this with him for so long…

He smiled again. God, that smile never fails to make me melt!

I saw him lean in for another kiss, and suddenly realized why I’d wanted this so badly for so long. I beat him to it, wrapping my arms around his neck and sighing into his mouth. His jaw relaxed, and he responded to my keenness. Holding me with one hand, he gently lowered me down onto the puffy layers of blankets. I grasped his hair softly and closed my eyes, sighing gently as he broke the kiss and moved down slowly to nibble at my neck. He returned his lips to mine, and the tempo picked up as we both let ourselves give in to the lust that was overtaking us. I felt his erection growing against me as we started grinding against each other, and in response my underwear started to feel damp. Once again, he moved down to my neck, lingering slowly to breathe hotly on my neck before carrying on to my cleavage. I gasped to feel his lips against my goose bumped skin, and my back arched involuntarily up towards his soft mouth. His hands slid up from my hips to hold me down gently, pulling my top up as they did so to expose my stomach. He took advantage of this, moving even further down to slowly and delicately kiss along my waistline. I let out an involuntary moan at the pleasurable sensations running through my body, and his breathing hitched in response, his kisses quickening as he worked his way back up towards my mouth. Once there, I grabbed his lower lip between my teeth and tugged gently, and was rewarded by a sharp inhale and flickering tongue. I responded in kind, and our hands started to explore more keenly.

I pulled his shirt over his head, and he lifted me up slightly so I could pull my own off. His mouth formed a little ‘o’ shape at the sight of my new black lacy bra, and I couldn’t help but smile confidently. I ran my fingers down his chest, and he closed his eyes in pleasure. In my moment of confidence, I pushed him backwards gently, until he was on his back and I was straddling his waist. I slowly grinded my hips up against his erection, which was now clearly showing through his jeans, and he let out a whine before reaching up and pulling me down on top of him.

He proceeded to kiss me roughly, one hand cupping my lower back, and the other tangled in my hair. I was feeling the need for him more and more, and I sat up again, reaching behind me to deftly undo my bra. I slid it off of my shoulders, and he reached up, running his fingertips ever so gently over my breasts. My nipples hardened, and my chest rose and fell unsteadily. I really needed him now, and I shuffled down his legs, undoing his belt and jeans ever so slowly. He watched me with those huge chocolate eyes, his brow furrowing in pleasure as my fingers grazed his now throbbing cock. I slid his underwear down, and noticed that he, too, had shaved for the occasion. I was no stranger to giving him blowjobs, but had read up on a few tricks to make tonight extra special. Keeping eye contact, I gently breathed up and down the length of his cock, grazing my bottom lip against it as my hot breath made his stomach muscles contract in pleasurable convulsions. I loved what I could do to him; it made me feel so good. Before continuing, I stood up and deftly slid out of my jeans. He threw his head back and moaned again at the sight of my matching lacy black underwear, and I couldn’t help a smug smile as his cock twitched temptingly.

I sat back down, straddling his thigh, and kissed down his hip for a while before reaching his hard cock again. He was convulsing uncontrollably by now, and I loved the feral noises coming from his soft lips. When I finally took the head of his cock in my mouth, it was already glistening with pre-cum. I sucked gently, glancing up at him every now and again when I sucked harder. I slowly lowered my head, taking all of his cock into my throat. He let out a high-pitched whine when I finally took in his entire cock, and I held still for a second before starting to slowly move my head up and down. I sucked hard at irregular intervals; picking up pace and occasionally stopping to lick up the length of his cock while moaning softly. All the while, his obvious pleasure made me more and more excited, until I was sure he could feel it on his thigh. After a long while of teasing and listening to his glorious moans, he sat up slightly and pulled me up to him. He kissed me passionately, before surprising me by rolling over deftly so he was back on top. Then he started a long, teasing journey down the length of my body. I moaned, softly at first, then picking up volume when he teased my nipples with his teeth. When he finally reached my hips, he slid my underwear off, and kissed my shaved pubic mound gently. My back arched again, and he smiled at the reaction, gently pushing me back down and kissing me on the lips in an attempt to temporarily satisfy me. He moved back to between my thighs, and gently kissed downwards until he was kissing the hood of my clit. I let out an impatient moan, and I felt hot breath against my wet pussy as he laughed quietly.

Then, he finally gave me what I wanted. He kissed my clit wetly, before starting to firmly and slowly lick at it. I moaned, louder this time, as pleasure shot through me, and he increased his pace as I tangled my hands in his dark hair. He continued to change between fast, flickering licks and slow teasing ones, and I felt my pleasure build up to irrepressible levels. He slid two fingers inside of me, and began to gently rub my g-spot. I was now moaning constantly, gasping for air to try and keep consciousness as the pleasurable spasms increased to unfathomable levels. Finally, he decided to give me release, and increased both strength and pace until I lost control, gasping and moaning simultaneously.

“I – I’m gonna-“ was all I could gasp out before I fell over the edge. The orgasm rolled through me, and I cried out, my whole body convulsing under the waves of pleasure. He continued to suck my clit gently as I came, reaching up to link his fingers in mine as I came back down to earth again.

I finally got my vision back, and looked up to see his face smiling down at me. He looked very happy with himself.

“I… that was…”

“I know,” he said smugly, before leaning down to kiss me gently.

I wasn’t done though, and neither was he. The kiss quickly picked up heat again, and finally he pulled back to look at me.

“Are you ready?” he asked, and a hint of nerves appeared in his voice again.

My heart stuttered, but I nodded. I wanted this so bad.

Both of us were still soaking wet from oral, and he sat up, rubbing two fingers gently against my tight hole before pushing them inside me. I gasped heavily, and he slowly pushed them in and out a few times to make sure I was ready. Then he pushed the head of his cock against my hole, and ever so slowly started to move inside me.

I had been expecting some pain, but there was none. My strong orgasm had left me nice and open and ready for his large cock. Even so, he kept eye contact as he slowly entered me. I could see his chest flexing every now and then as I involuntarily tensed my pelvic muscles around his hard cock.

He leaned forward once he was fully inside of me, and just kissed me gently, not moving a muscle. I kissed him back, trying in one moment to show him just how much he meant to me. It was a loving moment, rather than a passionate one, and in that moment nothing existed but our two bodies joined together.

Then I pulled back from the kiss, looked him in the eyes and tensed my pelvic muscles.

His whole body convulsed, and he moaned as he almost collapsed on top of me. I couldn’t help but feel smug at the effect I had on him.

When he’d recovered his composure, he gently pulled out slightly, before pushing back in. I felt so wonderfully full, my eyes rolled back in my head and I let out a little moan. This encouraged him, and he continued, slowly picking up speed until we were both in one motion, rocking our hips together and moaning in unison. I gently grazed my fingernails down his back, and he sighed, before bending down to bite my neck as he pushed into me hard. I whimpered, and he picked up yet again. He was now shoving his hard cock into me with quite some force, and the fullness was making me cry out in pleasure.

Between the hot noises we were both making, and the fast, hard sex, I was amazed he lasted as long as he did. When he finally came, he thrust into me hard and cried out, burrowing his head against my neck and breathing hard as his hips involuntarily jerked against mine. I held him tightly, sighing as I felt his hot cum spill out into me. Once he recovered, he kissed me gently before slowly pulling out and moving to collapse beside me.

I thanked him for making my first time so special, and he did the same.

We spent the rest of the night talking softly, and as the fire burnt down we fell asleep in each others arms.



  1. Amazing story, a really good break from all the weekend fuck stories you see in this sub. Do you have any more?

  2. Thanks! That’s my first story. I’m currently working on a slightly kinkier one.. should be up in a few days :)

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