Now’a that’s going to be twenty sex sextons or’a blow job the’a choose is yours” the cab driver adjusted his rear view mirror expecting to see his passengers rear view. “Its’a been a pleasure to do business with ya” giving Clarissa the get the fuck out’a my cab look. “Cheep fuckin’ broad doesn’t even where the right style of clothing” not really caring if she heard him.
Taking in a deep breath to the college atmosphere, “I am hear.. now what” eyeing a gaggle of students that was gathered around a stage. “When in Lingerie as the saying goes” Clarissa started to wonder towards the stage in a nonchalantly type of way. Staring at all the naked butts bouncing right in front of her, she wanted to gasp butt upon closer inspection it seemed everybody was wearing the same style of clothing. “That is everyone butt me..” her hands moved over her crotch and ass of her skirt. With all this staring Clarissa didn’t notice more students gathering behind her till she felt a long hard fleshy feeling rubbing against her hand, she was ashamed to admit it butt her panties where soaked from all the cum that just appeared. Shocked at her inadvertent grip on the hard membrane, even more shocked by the way she kept stroking it as a person took the stage. “Good morning my peeps (pointing to all the students) I suppose you are wondering where your going to bunk tonight (turning towards Clarissa so she could get a full Monty of his cock) am I right cuz there is only so much that this body could do in one night. So for those of you who don’t have a appointment with all this, there is a list assigning you to a dorm. Let’s be real peeps their is a guys fraternity for all you bad asses and Oh yea their is the coed for those of you who like to share.. and I think there is one for women’s sorority butt I’m not sure about that..” as the senior class president prattled on. “Ohh fuckkk yeaaa” was blurted behind Clarissa when the male dumped his load all over the back of Clarissa’s skirt. Leaving her hand a stick mess and even worse her skirt must be burned to hide her shame of jacking off some dude who she never new.
“Let me see..” running down the list of names till she found hers. “Clarissa, pie beta pie house.. great now just to find that house? Oh wait let me see..” doing a quick scan till a slender arm pointed to the same house. “Yes, I am half way there” before snagging back her slender arm. “The Hunt is on” Clarissa said with conviction. Spinning around before loosing sight of that slender armed girl.
“That is the symbol for pie beta pie?” Once again staring at the cap stone of one woman eating out the other. “This is going to be interesting” Clarissa sighed, still not willing to acknowledge that her panties we’re soaked once again by this blatant display. Checking her palm for directions, “Number Sexy nine (letting one teensy little orgasm slip by) Mmm, this could (letting the door swing open) one short trip..” “Hello there are you my roommate” the question was asked before Clarissa could even see who was asking. Fumbling with her baggage until everything had landed on the floor. “Yes.. yes I.. am” Clarissa finally answered staring at the naked body of her roommate. From the full length red hair to her pale skin, the triple D’s to her shaven pubes she was stretching in the dirty dog position. Clarissa could not help to hike her mid length skirt up as her panties fell to the ground. “Mmm.. I’m so fucking wet just by looking at her..” Clarissa was sucking on her finger while her other hand dove down into the raging pink sea of cum. Her finger dragged over her clit as it trailed down into the deeper depths of her wet pussy. Hooking her finger tip, “Umm.. Oh yes.. yesss (slouching against the closet door, she gave into her finger) Oh Ohh Ohhh yesss (trickled out of her mouth, butt the orgasms kept cuming) Ooo Ooo fuckkk Ooooh.. yes (her mind was screaming to feel the sent of a woman) Ooooh yesss OooohOooohOooohOoooh..” Clarissa’s hips bucked as her feet slid out from under her. “Hi there little miss innocent, Ah I just was curious is there anything (fingering Clarissa wet snatch) else I should be concerned with” jerking her twin digits inside Clarissa, making the wall of her pussy cum alive with more orgasmic needs. “Yesss.. … OooohOooohOooohOoooh fuckkk (the growling, the barking all mumbled up inside Clarissa) OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss fuckkk yesssssssss OooohOooohOooohOoooh..” as the last of Clarissa’s energy was gobbled up by the need too cum.
