M4F Inspiration on a story I am working on called “Our first date”

This is the introduction to my story so far…


I am sitting in my office finishing up work when I look at my watch. It is almost time to leave to meet you at the restaurant and I don’t want to be late. I text you one last message, “by the way no panties tonight” and I turn off my computer and look at myself in the mirror. At 45, I am still in good shape. I work out daily, usually running 4-5 miles without any problems. My dark hair has a little grey in it but not much and my hazel eyes are still vibrant with life. As I walk out of my corner office and get on the elevator, I put on my red silk tie with my black suit and white shirt. This was the outfit that we agreed on when we talked a couple of days ago. I found you on a site called Reddit and we instantly started talking. I was looking for a new play thing to keep me occupied and somehow you took me up on my offer.

When I suggested that we meet for drinks and dinner and then suggested the steak and seafood place down on the river, I was happy when you accepted. As my driver pulled up in front of my building I got in and sat back and closed my eyes. I wondered if you would be up for the type of games and playfulness that I really enjoyed or if I would have to dial it back a bit so as to not scare you off in real life. Online you seemed opened to my Dom comments, but what are you really like when I see you sitting across from me?

As we pulled up to the restaurant, I grabbed the bag and got out of the back seat. I walked in and went straight to the bar. Luckily, I come here often, actually I own this place, so they know me here and I went to my usual table and sat down. It is a corner booth where I can see the whole floor and still look out over the water. It really was the best table in the place and they always have it on hold for me when I let them know I am coming in.

The server came over and asked me for a drink. She was a gorgeous woman that I have spent some time with in the past and although she has a great body and a full sexual appetite, things just didn’t work out between the two of us. We smiled at each other and I ordered my usual, an old fashion on the rocks with Bulleit Rye. The bar was busy and I enjoyed watching everyone move around, doing their jobs, the other patrons in the place gathered in groups talking and everyone enjoying themselves. As my drink arrived, I looked at my watch again. It was 7:30 and you were supposed to be here by 7:15. This was not the start I was hoping for and I knew you would have to be punished for your tardiness.

Taking a sip, I looked across the room and saw you enter. You looked amazing in your black dress, your makeup was perfect and your hair was up, just the way I like it. I remember thinking that you must have taken everything I talked about with you to heart. I nodded as we locked eyes and you noticed me. I am not one of those guys that would wave, I am in more control than that and as you walked across the room I watched as your body swayed with each step.

As you got closer, I stood up as a good gentleman would and greeted you.

“So nice to meet you in person.” I said with a smile, my hazel eyes giving you a warm welcome as well. I lean in and give you a kiss on the cheek and whisper in your ear, “But you are late, and that requires a punishment.”

As I pull away I look at you and your reaction, wondering what your next move will be.


If you are still with me then I hope you will DM me some of your ideas and where the story should go. Tell me about your character. I prefer realistic characters and people instead of blown up porn doll types. I would like this to be long term and hope you don’t ghost on me in the future. I enjoy chatting with you as well and not just RP talk because getting to know each other makes for a better story and we can incorporate what our actual kinks, likes and fantasies are. So tell me about yourself, your age, you looks, etc and we can see how well this story progresses.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/gs7fab/m4f_inspiration_on_a_story_i_am_working_on_called

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