A MILF in the Night, re-written [mF]

*I wrote this story about 9 years ago, shortly after it happened. I reread it recently and felt that the writing isn’t flushed out well enough. This is a re-edit intended to make the writing better. If you are curious what horny 21 year old me wrote, the original story can be found on my profile. I will link it in the comments. Both versions, while based on a true story, have been embellished.*

During my college days I was a very determined person. I had lofty career goals and I was working hard towards them. Unfortunately, this meant that I didn’t have much time to spare, no time for leisure or for relationships. When I moved to college, my high school girlfriend, Abby, and I broke up because the long distance thing wasn’t working out. After Abby, I hit a dry spell.

During the spring semester of my freshman year I got a job in a hospital near school. Having no marketable skills, my job was to transport patients from and back to the emergency room. Most of my shifts were from 7 PM to 2 AM (I had classes in the morning). The ED was often busy. People ran and yelled down hallways and across rooms about things I didn’t even really understand. I tried my best not to get in the way, to be a fly on the wall, especially at the busy times. My goal was to try to learn something. The environment was fascinating.

After 11 pm, things usually started to slow down and get less busy. It was possible to even slow down to a point where maybe the nurses, paramedics or maybe even a doctor would relax and stand around and chat a little. These were the best parts of the day. I tried to listen and learn, insert myself into conversations when I was able to. I enjoyed the camaraderie.

Among those that gathered around to chat was Beth. She was the “charge” nurse. I didn’t know exactly what that meant but it seemed like she was there to boss every one around, and they all clearly hated it. She was on the taller side, maybe 5’ 10”, she had a somewhat slender physique that she highlighted with tight fitting scrubs. Her skin was pale and freckles shone through that highlighted her age. She was maybe in her early 40’s, maybe even late 30’s (I was never good at guessing ages). She had a pretty face but she rarely smiled. She seemed like someone who would think that “smiling was a sign of weakness”. She wore a thick layer of eye-liner and a sharply-lined, vivid red lipstick. When she spoke, it was in short, definitive sentences like, “Room 4 is a drunk” or “that leg isn’t going to heal right”. Most of her statements were harsh or accusatory. Whenever she engaged in a conversation, it turned negative. She complained about everyone and was unimpressed with everyone. Needless to say, she both scared and disgusted me.

During work, our jobs never really overlapped, so we never talked. Even when our paths crossed, she grunted, “wheel ‘em to CT” or some such command. For a while I was happy that she never acknowledged my existence. Or if she did, I was certain that she viewed me as a space-occupying nuisance.

This was all until one night when, in a rare moment of calm at about midnight, she came up and started talking to me out of the blue. She was surprisingly friendly… suspiciously friendly. She asked a lot of questions. How old was I? What was I doing in school? Do I do any sports? Did I like my major? She even feigned a smile when she was asking. I answered her politely as to not give away how intimidated I was and that I really couldn’t stand her guts.

When she was done questioning me, she smiled as if she had been sizing me up. The silence made me uncomfortable but it clearly didn’t phase her. I felt I had to say something. “How long have you been working in the ER?”

“7 years.” She went on busying herself with something on her desk.

“That’s a good amount of time…” She didn’t look up. “Is there anything that you noticed in your time in the ER that you think can be improved on?” God, I must have seemed like an idiot. This was one of short list of questions that I had memorized to ask to show people I was interested and to make connections. I figured that a miserable bitch like Beth would have a field day with this question. I mean, she complained about everybody.

She shrugged. “Everything is fine.” I was wrong. I couldn’t recover. “When does your shift end?”

“In 2 hours.” I looked at the clock.

“Ok” She got up and walked off.


When it came time for me to leave, I walked into the break room and grabbed my coat (it was still early spring and the nights were cold) and I walked out. On my way out of the break room, I heard Beth call my name, “Hey Dan, can you wait a minute and walk me out to my car. I parked in the far lot and I am a little scared to walk there alone after midnight”.

“Sure.” Feeling somewhat extra masculine in the moment. She may have intimidated me but she still needed my protection at night in the parking lot.

She grabbed her coat and we both walked out. When we exited the building, she started walking and a followed her. To my surprise she looked up and said “Fuck me, I forgot I parked over here, I made you wait for nothing.”

Annoyed but hiding it I said, “That’s alright, I didn’t wait that long anyway”.

“No, damn it, now I feel bad.” She looked genuinely remorseful. It took me by surprise. “You have school tomorrow and I made you wait”

“That’s alright, my class is not till 2 PM anyway, I will get plenty of sleep, good night”

“No, No, at least let me take you out to make up for it”

“Now?” I said, surprised yet again.

“Yeah. Get in the car its cold.” Her last statement was not as apologetic as her previous ones, rather commanding. She quickly jumped in her car and I had no opportunity to decline her offer so I jumped in the passenger seat. She turned the car on and immediately drove off.

“Where are we going?” I asked. She didn’t answer. She quickly glanced at me, keeping her eye on the road as she pulled out of the parking lot.

“You are cute. I was just thinking we would hang out a little. You said you don’t have classes until late tomorrow, right?”


“Well, we can hang out a little, do something fun. Maybe you can ask me more questions if you want.” She reached down and rubbed my leg over my scrub pants. I smiled uncomfortably.

We didn’t drive for long. She pulled into the parking lot of a hotel that was only 2 or 3 minutes away from the hospital, although the drive seemed longer. When she parked, she got out and I had nothing to do but follow her. I more or less understood what was going on. Maybe not exactly but I could tell that Beth had taken a liking to me. Her smirks from earlier were a sign of that. 

She walked into the office and paid for a room, single queen bed. I stood behind her quietly. Even the front office person knew what was going on. She didn’t care. That scared me more. She grabbed the key and walked to the room with me in tow. Once inside, she turned up the heat and took off her winter coat. “Are we gonna be quite all night? What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” The cheap motel art in the room only added to my uneasiness.

“I am sorry.”

“Oh honey. Don’t be sorry. Just relax” At that point, she sounded like a skivvy porn director trying to put the shy girl at ease. “We are here to just hang out and see where the night goes. You want something to drink?” She pulled out a couple of nips from her purse. I have no idea where those had come from. “You are 21, aren’t you?” 

“Sure.” I grabbed a bottle and chugged it down. I felt warmer. She didn’t drink hers. Instead she sat down at the end of the bed and started to take her shoes and socks off. Her toenails were painted red. She then stood up and took her hair out of the ponytail that it had been in all day.  Her hair was red and long.

After putting the hairband on the table, she looked up and saw me, it was almost as if she had forgotten I was there but upon seeing me, she was reminded of what she was there to do. “You can sit down.” She pointed to the bed next to her and said like it was common sense. “I have a silly question for you. Do you have a girlfriend?”

“No.” I sat to her right on the edge of the bed.

“Aww.” She seemed quite sympathetic. “I bet there are plenty of girls in school that are dying to be with a cute, sexy guy like you.”

“I had a girlfriend last year but we broke up because she went to college far away.”

“Oh. Well, that’s her loss.” She put her hand on my thigh again. “Do you find me as sexy as I find you?” It was a rhetorical question. “Am I a MILF?”

“Um… Do you have any kids?” What the fuck was I saying. She was blind-sided by the question as much as I was. “You know, MILF means Mom-I..”

She interrupted. “Why don’t you go take showed while a freshen up. Maybe I will join you.” She winked.


I welcomed the opportunity to be alone with my thoughts for a second. I looked for a lock on the door, but there wasn’t one. I was scared. I knew that much. I could feel my heart beating in my ears. What was going on? What was going to happen? I felt like I was stuck in a sketchy porno. Except in porno, the “MILF” is usually a beautiful, sexy, made-up and pleasant. Beth was certainly beautiful but she was showing the signs of a 12 hour shift and she was certainly, not pleasant. I didn’t know what to do. I could just walk out. Just open the door and walk out. She wasn’t holding me here. But then I would show up and have to work with her tomorrow or the day after. What if she gets me fired? Can she get me fired? What if I just fuck her? I could just do that. Maybe she likes me. Maybe we can be boyfriend/girlfriend. I laughed at myself. What a fucking idiot? Besides, she is married. FUCK. She is married. What if her husband finds us? What if he walks in while we are making out and punches me?

“Are you alright in there?” A knock came at the door. I reached up and held it closed.

“I just need to use the bathroom. Sorry” She chuckled. Now she thinks I am taking a dump. What the fuck is wrong with me? I glanced down and found that in the middle of my uncertainty, the decision has already been made for me. My dick stood erect and bulging in my pants. I hated Beth, that much I knew, but fuck if I didn’t want to lay her down and make love to her and make her moan my name. I pulled my pants down and my dick sprung out as the elastic band of the scrub pants dropped past it. Defeated by my own desire, I got naked, turned the water on, and jumped in the shower.

The water pressure was low and the temperature was barely warm enough to keep me from shivering. As I cleaned my hair and body, my courage started to waiver again. As soap ran down my eyes, I heard a squeak and guessed that the door has been opened. “Knock Knock” I wiped the water from my face and peaked my head from behind the shower curtain. Beth was standing in the door way, completely naked. “Mind if I join?”

I was dumbfounded and staring. She didn’t wait long. “I will take that as a yes.” She started walking towards the bathtub. She had had a chance to redo her make up. She had reapplied the eyeliner and the lipstick. Her red hair flowed down to a little past her shoulder. She tousled it and then put it up in a pony tail again. As she raised her arms over her head to do that I noted her breasts. They were big, drawn slightly down owing to gravity and age. Her freckles were denser on her upper chest but had cleared up the lowed on her chest I looked. Her areolae were wide and slightly less pale than her skin. Her nipples stood atop the mounds of her areolae, they were darker and pointy. She was unlike any of the girls I had ever been with before.

I scanned further down her body as she walked towards me and into the bathtub. I had stopped showering and was watching her. I was mesmerized. She liked that. She seductively extended her leg up and into the bathtub behind me. She had long pale legs. She was not cleanly shaven. An unruly red bush peaked from between her legs. Another thing I had never experienced before. “I see the carpet matches the drapes.” Once again, I was trying to sound clever and confident by came out sounding only like a fucking idiot.

“That’t not gonna be a problem, is it?” Her tone was vaguely threatening. I remember where I was and who I was with.

“No. Not at all.” She smirked again.

She reached around me and scooped some water in her palms and dripped them on her breasts.”Soap?” I handed her one of those little shampoo bottles from put there by the hotel. She cleaned her body. I was watching her. She wasn’t seductive at the moment, just a woman showering. “Clean up” She barked in the same tone of voice that she barked at me at work. “Just don’t finish the soap, I am gonna wanna shower again after.” After…

I turned around and cleaned myself quickly.

In a minute she tapped me on the shoulder. “Turn around”. Another command. She reached down and grabbed my cock. I had gotten a little softer while I cleaned up. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” She reached over my shoulder and grabbed the bottle of conditioner. She squirted some on her hands.

“That’s conditioner.” I said thinking she was mixed up. She didn’t care. Didn’t look up. She lathered the conditioner in her hands and then grabbed my semi-erect cock and started to stroke it. Almost instantaneously I got hard. She grabbed my balls a little. I was totally in her control. She rhythmically stroked me. At that moment she owned me.

I closed my eyes and tried to enjoy her touch, but she continued to speed up. She had one hand on my balls and the other wrapped around my cock. Her breasts jiggled back and forth as she forcefully rubbed my dick. I reached up and grabbed them. She was unphased and undeterred. “You should slow down.” I didn’t know how long I would last.

“I want you to cum for me.”

“Now?” I was confused.

“Yes baby. I want blow your load all over me.” Her pace quickened. “Drench me in your cum. Squeeze my tits. Blow your nice creamy load all over me.” With those words I came almost immediately. I spewed my load all over her legs as she stood in the shower facing me. “Good job big boy” she said with another smirk and smacked the side of my butt playfully.

She let go of my cock and unceremoniously grabbed the soap and cleaned the cum off her legs and climbed out of the shower. “Come out when you are done.” She walked out without closing the door behind her. Once more, I stood confused and dumbfounded. Was this over? is this all she wanted? Listlessly and now flaccid, I climbed out of the shower, dried myself off and then joined her.

When I walked out she was drying herself with what seemed like her own towel. She took her hair out of its ponytail again. When she saw me walk out, she turned to me. “Now for the real fun.” She grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me on the bed on my back. I fell backwards. She climbed over me and started to kiss me. She was forceful. Her pendulous breasts rested on my chest. Her hair draped around my head and it made for a very intimate moment. She used her tongue and was biting my lips. It hurt a little but it was a good type of pain. I could tell she was very turned on. She was breathing fast and I felt her grinding her pussy on my leg. She moved her head down and started to kiss my neck. I kissed her cheeks but only for a second because she moved further down to my chest. I felt the warmth of her tongue then lick my nipples, it tickled. She felt my body shiver. She looked up.

She rolled off to the side and signaled me with her chin to climb on top. She let her arm drop to the sides. I started to kiss her. I was still somewhat soft but I was getting hard quick. I was gonna be ready to fuck her soon. I kissed her lips but I felt her hand slowly pushing my head down. She wasn’t forceful, just slowly guiding my head. I kissed her neck and chest. Her freckles were sexy and I wanted to just lick them off. She guided my head down a little more. Off to the side, her breast had fallen to the side of her chest. I reached with my head over and grabbed her nipple with my mouth. I used my hand to grab other breast and brought them both together. She let out a moan. When I heard the moan I was secretly happy. Not because I liked Beth or relished her pleasure, but rather because I felt a sense of control over her. If I can make her moan then there is something that I have that she wants. Something that gives me a semblance of power.

She then pulled her boobs together and grabbed my head and shoved them in between them. She forced my head in there deep and I couldn’t breath for a few seconds. I heard her say “You like tits…here” She was very forceful and I was starting to lose my breath so I had to free myself from her fleshy embrace.

I pulled back for a second to catch my breath and I looked up at her. “You almost killed me.” I said.

“You would have only been so lucky.”

As I stood up to catch my breath, by body was hovering over hers. She was laying on her back and looking up at me. She had a seductive look on her face. Having almost suffocated a few seconds ago, my dick was soft. But she looked like she wanted to get fucked. I grabbed my dick and started to rub the head on her pussy. “No. Not yet.” I found her saying.

She grabbed my head again and I thought she was going to pull me back into her breasts. But instead I felt her slowly push me down further closer to her pussy. Her red pussy hair scratched the tip of my nose. “Eat it” was all she said.

I had eaten pussy before, but only once. It was weird and uncomfortable and neither one of us came. Now I had climbed down to kneel in the floor and was lined up with my head between Beth’s legs. I was once again scared. I wanted to satisfy her. I wanted her to moan again.

I looked intently at her vagina trying to figure out where to start. Her smaller lips we long and droopy, they visibly hung between her bigger ones. I reached out with my tongue and licked the dangling lips. They were soft in my mouth. I then tilted my head and tried to stick my tongue in between her lips. At that moment I heard a chuckle, she discovered I was clueless.

“Just do what I tell you” she said. “Reach with your fingers and spread me open.” I did, her pussy felt soft on the tips of my fingers. “Now do you see that little round part at the top? lick it” I had seen it and knew it was her clitoris. I delved in and grabbed it in between my lips which made her jump back. “Not too hard, Its very sensitive, be gentle. Lick your fingers first”.

I, slowly and gently this time, did as I was told. I spread her inner lips like a curtain. Once open it revealed behind it her pink pussy. At the top, I saw her clit. I knew it was the clit. It stuck out from behind her lips. Instead of sticking my tongue out I used my lips. I wrapped my lips around her clit and sucked slowly. She let out a deep breath. She liked it.

“Now you have to lick it slowly”. With her clit between my puckered lips, I started to lick the tip of it that sat inside my mouth. She moaned. She loved it, I thought. I felt her hips shift as she moved with pleasure.

“Oh John.” She moaned. That caught me off guard.

I stopped. “My name is Dan.”

“Whatever.” She reached her hand down and put on the back of my head again and positioned it on her pussy. “Now try to swirl your tongue around the clit. Switch it up back and forth every once in a while.”

Fucking bitch, I thought as I put my lips back around her clit, at least learn my fucking name. This made me mad. This miserable cunt just brought me over to cheap ass hotel room to fuck me and she doesn’t even bother learning my fucking name. I went back to licking from swirling. Her husband is back at their home with their kids and she is out whoring it up with a 20 year old she works with. She was moaning louder. If she was my wife, I would.. I didn’t know what I would do. She now let out a scream. Back to swirling. “Faster, faster, faster”, I was going as fast as I could. My tongue was hurting. I could taste her pussy juice in my mouth, “Oh God, don’t stop.” I wouldn’t dare. She screamed again and arched her back off the bed. I chased her pussy with my head as she jerked her pelvis. She jumped back and fell back on the bed with long breath. She looked satisfied.

She took only a few seconds to catch her breath. I felt accomplished. “Are you ready?” She got up now and pushed me back down on the bed. I lay flat on my back on the bed with my legs hanging off the end and my knees bend.

“For what?” with a smile. It was finally going to be my turn. She climbed on top of my hips and sat on my lap. Maybe it wasn’t my turn. Maybe she was going to ride me now. She then slowly crawled with her knees on either side of my until her knees were in my armpit. I didn’t know what was going to happen. She advanced one knee from under my armpit to over my shoulder, and then the other. My arms were now pinned under her shin, her pussy right over my mouth.

“Now don’t move, let me do all the work.” Before I knew what was happening she was riding my face. She grinded her wet pussy on my nose, lips and chin. Her juices dripped down my cheeks and into my mouth. All I could see, taste or smell was her pussy and red bush. She moaned when I tried to turn my face to the side to breath. My five o’clock shadow made her pussy tingle. She had clearly done this before and in only a few minutes, she came all over my face, and once again, fell exhausted on the bed.

I felt drunk. The shot I had taken earlier wasn’t much but I felt a little woozy. It was perhaps the fact that I hadn’t eaten all day. Or maybe the fact that I couldn’t breath while she rode my face.

“Now you are ready.”

I was too scared to ask again. She grabbed my cock and put it in her mouth. Fuck she was spectacular. I got hard again almost instantaneously and woke up from my momentary stupor. She now climbed on my lap once more. My cock was slobbered in her spit. She spit on her hand and rubbed her pussy and slowly descended on my pelvis engulfing my cock in her hungry pussy. We both moaned with pleasure. It slid in easily with no resistance.

She bounced up and down on my dick rhythmically. She kept going for about a minute. She then rolled of and said, “I want it deep.” She got on all 4’s, and looked at me. “Get up.”

“Ok” I was doing everything she said without a second thought.

I stood up behind her as she crouched on all 4’s. I bent my knees to get in position to slide my dick in her.

“Spit on it.” I did. My dick slid in her one more time. It went deep. Very deep. I started to pump from behind, slowly at first then escalating in speed. I had put my hands at hips and was using it to bring her ass closer to me then further, into her pussy then out, in and out.

“Slap my ass” She said. I slapped her with some hesitation. “Harder” she yelled. I slapped harder. “Call me a whore.”

“Whore” I said in a voice that was more shaking that I had intended.

“Fuck me like a man.” I fucked her harder.

“Harder” She said yelling at me. “Harder, damn it. You fucking pussy.” At that point, I was starting to get angry. Not only was she a miserable cunt that was cheating on her husband with a guy whose name she didn’t know but now she was calling me a pussy.

“Shut the fuck up, bitch” I yelled now very angry. I reached with my left hand and put it on top of her mouth to shut her up. I was sick and tired of her voice. With my right hand, I reached high and came down hard on her ass. I felt a whimper under my left hand. “It’s about time someone shut you up.” Some wrath awoke inside me.

She jerked her head to side and my hand slipped off her mouth. “It’s about time you decided to stop being a whimpery little bitch.”

With my dick still buried deep inside her used up, slutty cheating pussy, I used my right hand to grab her hair and left hand to gag her again. She was enjoying the hair pulling. I could tell. She was done being in charge and it was my turn. I fucked her furiously. I pile drove her from behind for what seemed like an eternity. I used her hair to pull her closed on my dick with every thrust. I let go of her mouth only to slap her ass. In a few minutes she screamed with pleasure and I felt her cum. She then collapsed on the bed face down to catch her breath.

I then turned her over onto her back. She was breathing heavy still. I more fully in control now. She looked at me. I smirked. I then forced her legs open and slapped her pussy. I am not sure why I did that or where I saw it. She squeeled and her outer lips jiggled from under my slap. I then stuck 2 fingers inside her pussy furiously and pulled them in and out very very quickly. As I did that she screamed and crawled back to the head of the bed on her hands and knees. I looked to see her reaction. “Again” she said.

I climbed on top of the bed and pulled her back toward me by the ankles. I finger fucked her and at the same time she helped me by rubbing her clit furiously. Her saggy tits were bouncing up and down and hitting her arm as she rubbed herself. She knew she was going to orgasm and I did too, so I pushed faster and went deeper with my fingers for a few more seconds until she immediately stopped, grabbed my hands and pulled them out and rubbed her clit again until she came again, a third or forth time. I couldn’t remember.

“Fuck me again” She said, this time her voice much calmer and exhausted. I climbed on top of her and put my dick in. It slid in even easier than before. Her cum lubricated my entry. I then started licking her nipples as I fucked her. She was quieter this time around.

“I am about to cum.”

“You can cum on my tits. You earned it.” I chucked satisfied with my work. I climbed on her chest and slid my dick in between her soft tits. She pushed them tight together and they completely covered my dick. With a few pumps I blew a load on her pale, creamy tits. A few drops landed on her cheek. She didn’t seem to mind. I collapsed beside her on the bed with exhaustion. I was drenched in sweat without realizing it.

“That was good, Dorothy.” I tried to be clever. She chuckled. I looked around the room for a second and saw the alarm clock besides the bed. It was 4:00 AM. “Fuck” I said to myself. I had lied to Beth earlier, my class was not at 2:00 PM, rather it was at 9:30 am and I had little time to sleep. I looked back at her on the bed but she had gone up and went to the bathroom.

The sound of the shower running was low and constant.

I think I heard her come out but the exhaustion overcame me and I dozed off. The sun rays coming through the blinds woke me up the next morning. I looked for the clock and it was 8:00 am. I looked around for Beth but she was no where to be found. I got up showered and jerked off in the shower thinking about her.

I then climbed out and dried myself only to find that my boxers were missing. The freaky bitch took my boxers. I put on my scrubs and went to my dorm room and changed into school clothes and went to class.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/gqhksp/a_milf_in_the_night_rewritten_mf


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