[Str8; Mf(F); Voy] Cause for concern?

My late husband set-up and developed a very successful business. He hired me as a finance graduate and I progressed to being both his finance director and his wife. Unfortunately, perhaps in part from overwork, my husband died five years ago, in his mid-thirties. I inherited the business and I still run it, today.

The bottom line is that I am very wealthy. Not mega-rich, but very comfortable, thank you very much!

A few years after we got married, my husband and I had a house built for us and our daughter. Not surprisingly, it is a very nice house with multiple bedrooms, bathrooms and plenty of living space. One of the things we included in the design was an internal closed-circuit television security system. There are hidden cameras in every room, except bathrooms but including bedrooms. One reason for this was because of the high value ornaments, pictures and entertainment equipment in the house. The other reason was to monitor the nannies and au pairs that we employed to look after our daughter whilst we were working or away from home.

Now our daughter is older, I no longer employ an au pair and it is a long time since she needed a nanny. I do, however, have a cleaning company visit every week. The security system is still working and I do use it to check-in occasionally, on my phone, to make sure that everything is okay.

A few years after my husband passed away, I started dating again. Eventually I met a guy and we became serious. He moved in with me about a year ago. I have never mentioned the existence of the CCTV system to my, now live-in, lover.

My lover has his own employment and income, however his financial means are a fraction of mine. Before he moved in with me, I put in place a legal agreement that made sure that he would not have any entitlement to the house or any of my wealth should we separate. All of it is intended for my retirement, for my daughter and for a few good causes that I support.

Life is good. I have a beautiful daughter, I enjoy my work and I have an attentive lover who is eager to satisfy my sexual desires and introduce me to new sexual experiences.

One of the things that I have discovered with my lover is the range of sexual experiences of which I had previously been unaware, or which I had dismissed as perversions and things in which I would never consider participating. My lover, who is significantly younger than me, has really opened my eyes to a cornucopia of sexual practices from which, to my surprise, I find that I obtain immense sexual pleasure.

This morning, I needed to be in work early for a breakfast meeting. My daughter was still in bed when I left. On the spur of the moment, after my meeting, I checked the home CCTV system on my phone to check whether she was up and about. I flicked through the screens and found her in the kitchen with my boyfriend. They appeared to be getting breakfast together. I closed the app, satisfied that everything was okay.

But, during the day, I have a continuing niggle at the back of my mind. Was everything really normal and okay when I checked-in this morning? Am I comfortable with my daughter, in her pyjamas, being in the kitchen with my lover, in just his robe? And why do I feel sexually aroused when I think about it?

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/gpro26/str8_mff_voy_cause_for_concern