Exploration – Part 1: A Drink After Work

I should start with some context for this story. My divorce from E had been finalized about a month before. E and I had been married for 12 years prior to that and dating another few years before that. E had been friends with J since working together approximately 6 years ago. I was, thus, friends of J and her husband D by extension. We were normal, suburban parent friends. We went to birthday parties for each other’s kids, we had playdates at each other’s homes, we went trick or treating together. The usual sugary sweet and innocent things.

That made the following story even more unexpected. I’ll give some physical descriptions in advance as well. I , T, was 37 at the time, in fact all of us in the story were that age, plus or minus 2 years. I’m in pretty good shape for mid-30’s and was regularly running 10K’s and half marathons. I do have plenty of (NSFW) pics on my post history if you’d like to see more. J was a curvy brunette. A dress size 16 with 38DDD’s and a round, shapely ass. She had a cute, round face with dark brown eyes and shoulder length hair that was almost black. To look at her in a minivan full of kids, you’d probably never imagine she’d ever been anything but innocent. D was a our age but always looked a bit older. His hair had grayed early and was receding at a pretty quick pace for a man in his late 30’s. He was about 6’0” and 280 pounds if I had to guess. He had a bit of a paunch or potbelly but wasn’t a slob either. Just a bid of an older looking dad bod, I suppose.

Ok, on to the story.

I got the call from J about 4 weeks after my divorce from E was finalized. I must admit I was a bit surprised. J had always been more E’s friend and I figured I was just roped into events with J and D as an extension of that friendship. J had asked if I’d be up for a drink and some light conversation at her place. I asked if that was a good idea, what with her being E’s best friend and all. She assured me it was no issue and that she intended to remain friends regardless of our divorce. I had my doubts about how that would work out but was more than willing to give it a shot. We set a date for a few days away, after work. J said that would be great and she was looking forward to it.

A few days passed and I was standing at J’s front door, still in my dress shirt, tie and slacks. I apparently worked at one of the last conservative engineering offices around, with a strict dress code. I knocked lightly in case her youngest daughter was napping. J answered the door in a somewhat loose-fitting t-shirt, yoga pants and had her hair pulled back into a ponytail. Standard issue momwear in the suburbs, it seems.

“T! Come on in!” she said as she stepped aside and welcomed me in. J was always remarkably smiley and positive to the point you’d probably be annoyed by it if she weren’t so damned genuine. Once I was in the door, she threw her arms around my neck and gave me a smothering hug. I must admit it felt nice to have her ample breasts pressed to me. It had been quite a dry spell during the divorce process. I was a bit disappointed the hug had to end eventually.

“D, T is here, say hello,” she shouted to the home office just off the entryway. D popped out to say hello, shake hands and exchange pleasantries. D was practically always on his laptop in the home office when I was at their home. He was a consultant of sorts and always seemed to be at work. So, it was no surprise when he begged off and excused himself to continue working. J and I meanwhile headed for the kitchen. They had a lovely island feature in the middle with several barstools around it.
“I hope I didn’t wake the kids,” I said, wondering why it was so quiet.

“Oh, no, they’re at my mom’s. She was eager to see them, and I certainly don’t mind the break.” J said she was going to have a drink and asked if I wanted anything. I said I’d be glad to have a beer if she had any. She said sure and brought an IPA from the refrigerator as well a glass of Pinot Noir she’d poured herself.

We exchanged pleasantries for a bit, just talking about how work was going, how things were in her life and dancing around the elephant in the room, the divorce. I guess we might both have been a bit nervous because it seemed our drinks were empty in no time. J asked if I wanted another, she was having one. I answered that I would, and she headed to the refrigerator again. I took in the lovely sight of her round, shapely ass in tight yoga pants as she got the beer from the bottom drawer. I guiltily broke my gaze away before she turned around, somewhat surprised at myself.

We were a few sips into our second round when J decided it was time to talk about the divorce. “So, what happened? In your words. Obviously, I’ve heard E’s take on it.” I explained that some people just grow apart and that things happen, taking a diplomatic route so as not to offend E’s best friend

“Yeah, I get that. It does happen. But it might also have something to do with the fact that she basically stopped having sex with you, right?” I nearly spit out my beer at hearing J say this. It was true, sure, but it was absolutely the last topic I thought I’d hear preschool homeroom mom J bring up when I turned up on her doorstep today. I took a few seconds and regained my composure while J said “Don’t worry, she’s told me about it. And I told her it’s dumb to think that was going to work out ok for her. You guys had sex, like twice last year?”

“Yes, it was pretty few and far between, I must admit. Two last year sounds about right,” I said as I could feel my face getting warm and redder.

“Well, I’m pretty sure that’s not going to work for anyone. E is my friend, but she’s in the wrong on that one.” J took a long drink of her wine, swallowed and said “Especially since she told me you’ve got a great cock.”

It took a second for me to process what J had just said. First, I just heard her drop the word cock casually into a conversation. Second, said cock was mine, not some random hypothetical cock. Third, apparently there had been conversations between J and my ex about my cock. Finally, apparently, the reviews of it were pretty good, even from someone who wasn’t exactly putting it to use.

“Heh. Yeah, I’m, uh, glad to hear she thinks so. Shame she didn’t act on that.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it, T, you’ll meet a nice girl who will properly appreciate it. Or better yet, a naughty girl who will really put it to work.”

“Thanks, J, I really do hope so.” I took another sip of my beer and realized I’d just finished another one. “I need to use the restroom, J, I’ll be right back.”

I stood up from the island we were sitting at and walked over to the small guest bathroom just off the kitchen. My head was swimming a bit and I was sure two beers couldn’t do that. It was the sudden turn in conversation that had me a bit dizzy, honestly.

I’d just finished draining most of the two beers out of me when I heard the door open behind me.

“Occupied!” I stammered as I tried to cover up.
“Oh, I know it’s occupied, silly. I saw you come in here.” J practically giggled as she let herself into the fairly cramped bathroom. She squeezed in directly behind me and I felt her hands on my sides, just above my hips. “I thought maybe I’d take my chance to see what E was missing out on all these years.” J’s hands continued their path around my sides, to my lower abdomen and down. I felt her fingers brush through the pubic hair above my dick before one soft, delicate hand took a firm grip of my manhood. J was now on her tiptoes, and pressed intimately against my back, her mouth just below my ear. “Oh my. She was really missing out on something, wasn’t she?” With that, her small hand worked it’s way from the base of my shaft to the rapidly enlarging head. “What a silly girl.”

To be continued in Part 2…

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/gnk0f2/exploration_part_1_a_drink_after_work