In The Spider’s Web

Short synopsis: D.Va is out patrolling when suddenly a sniper shot cripples her mech. Ejecting and running for safety. While fleeing D.Va triggers a sleeping gas trap and falls unconscious. She awakes in an unfamiliar setting, completely naked, bound, and gagged. A lone figure, D.Va’s captor, walks out of the shadows revealing herself as Widowmaker. D.Va undergoes major sexual abuse but can she defy her Talon captors or will she crack and reveal major Overwatch secrets?

Tags: Kidnapping, Heavy Bondage, Gagged, Masturbation, Sadism, Lezdom, Commission, Fanfic.

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“I just finished checking. The talon operatives were already gone when I got their mercy,” I said while leaning against the frame.

“Well check around the camp’s permit one more time then you can come back. We’ll get them next time if it comes to that. Be safe!”

“I’ll do another sweep, and I’ll head back. Try not to worry so much Mercy,” D.Va commented before jumping back in her mech.

I figure it would draw less attention if I wasn’t flying around this time. I’ll just have to search on foot. I circled the camp finding new evidence of recent activity and went back to check the perimeter. It hadn’t looked like the camp was used in days. Could they have fled that long ago? Was our mission leaked to them? That would be a scary thought, but no one at overwatch would do that.

A shot from a sniper rang through the still leaves. My mech stumbled and collapsed. My first thought was to engage. Who needs backup when you’re this awesome? But as I scanned the trees for the shooter I found nothing.

“Where did that shot come from?” I spoke aloud to myself.

Another shot rang through the quiet night until it made a clanging sound against my mech. My mech was completely immobile and the weapon system was damaged. I sneakily slid out the back of the mech peeking around its frame. The shot definitely came from the front. Ok, maybe I do need some backup.

“Mercy come in. I’m in trouble,” I said but I was only answered with static.

Shit, they were jamming my communications. I have to make a run for it and lay low until backup can find me. I made a break for another tree. A shot grazed past my cheek. I was shaking nervously as I held my handgun. This was really bad. Another shot chipped into the wood and then another.

I ran towards the camp shooting in the direction of my attacker blindly. What else would I do? I was scared like crazy. I’d never been in this much danger before. I didn’t realize over my panicked blind shots that they stopped firing. As I hid behind a small structure that was fashioned as a command tent I didn’t dare peak out to see if I was being pursued.

I turned the corner trying to slip inside. As I made it a switch was thrown. The air started to smell like dirty socks. More importantly, it was making me sleepy. I tried to push myself to run but my muscles were too heavy. It took all my strength to stay standing. It didn’t take long for even that to be a struggle. I fell down, my eyes heavy. It didn’t take long for darkness to engulf me as I succumbed to unconsciousness.

I felt groggy waking up. I felt like I’d been run over with a truck, kicked in the head a couple of times, and not given any headache meds. My sight was slow to return to me. I groaned weakly as every muscle in my body screamed out. I felt so heavy that I couldn’t possibly move. So I just laid on the cold cement floor and rested a bit more.

“Wait, CEMENT FLOOR!?” I thought to myself.

My sense of feeling came back in a rush. I felt my bare skin laid against freezing cold stone. I screamed in shock but my sound was muffled. Oh no, I was gagged. And judging by the taste in my mouth it has to be at least a few rags trapped in my mouth. I felt the duct tape cling to my cheeks as I tried to push out the fat collection of cloth that was impeding my speech. My efforts were fruitless.

I became aware of the rope now. My sight was still not fully back so I couldn’t inspect my situation. I felt lots of rope around my wrists and ankles. I felt my elbows squeezed together behind my back pushing out my chest. I felt two separate sets of ropes above and below my breasts. Another pair of ropes above and below my knees. Finally, one last rope was slung down my belly, between my legs and pressed hard against my cunt with plenty of knots in the rope. It stretched up to the small of my back and was tied around my waist then looped into my wrist bindings.

If I pulled or made any slight movements with my hand I’d feel the sensations that would undoubtedly torture my pussy. I would have to be careful lest I accidentally turn myself on. I tested my binds a bit and found exactly as I assumed.

I blinked a few more times trying to hasten my sight back into focus. When it finally returned, I checked out my surroundings. It was dark but I could make out some silhouettes. There was a mattress atop an old iron bed frame that was illuminated by a faint trace of moonlight. There were no sheets or covers and it looked like it wasn’t at all comfortable to lay on.

At the foot of the bed was a trunk looking thing, like something you’d see in a pirate movie. I rolled over, carefully so as to not disturb the crotch rope, to find a metal door with a slot cut out for bars. I guess it was so people on the outside could look in. I’d have no chance getting to peek out while I’m so tightly bound in these ropes.

The rest of the room was empty. It felt similar to a prison cell I’d seen back at headquarters where we kept bad guys. Except our cells had sinks and toilets at least. What the hell was I supposed to do if I needed to pee? There was no chance I’d piss myself. Although, I guess I don’t really have much choice even if there was a toilet. I wasn’t sure how long I’d been out for. Maybe the rest of Overwatch was out looking for me.

“So you’re awake little one?” A voice cooed from the shadows.

The hairs on my skin rose and I jolted my eyes to the dark corner of the room. I hadn’t noticed the slim figure cloaked in the shadows in my original look in that corner. I glared absently at the shadow covered person who was now laughing at me.

“My my. Such a mouthy little brat. But being one of those pathetic goody two shoes over at overwatch would only cater to such an attitude,” the shadow laughed again.

“MMhn phhm hmmm nrm mnn!?” I cried.

I was getting very frightened. I thought I might know the voice, maybe I’d heard it somewhere before. I just couldn’t recognize the voice enough. The shadow moved forward towards the moonlight and my eyes popped wide with astonishment. My body began to shiver or shake, I wasn’t sure if there was a difference. It was Widowmaker.

“Oui chérie. You shouldn’t go snooping around in dangerous places,” she spoke.

That’s right; Widowmaker was a talon agent. I dreaded what she had in store for me. Overwatch wouldn’t find me anytime soon. So whatever torture she has concocted, I have no choice to endure.

Widow strutted over to me, bending down and using her finger to draw circles around my nipple. She had a wicked grin on her face. Oddly, I was getting mega turned on. My pussy was starting to drip with arousal and I wanted nothing more than to stop by Hanzo’s for some late night fun. Shame I have no idea when that would ever happen again; if at all.

Her purple-ish finger traced down my midriff to my navel but never once did her eyes ever leave mine. A warm flush crept throughout my body. I heard about sexual tortures that are used on female prisoners as a way of making them talk. I wonder if she would use some of those methods on me.

“Talon wants some information chérie. You’ll give it to me without a fight won’t you?” her voice was so smug I hated it.

I shook my head in defiance of her request. Her hand snapped to my breast pinching my nipple. I screamed out in agony as she pulled and twisted the sensitive bud. She kept at it for what felt like an eternity. When she finally stopped, without a word she stood and moved over to the trunk. Above it, dangled a thin string that she grabbed. I hadn’t noticed it before. With a quick tug, light illuminated the room in almost a blinding sense.

The trunk was an old chest, exactly like a pirate’s treasure chest. The bed’s frame was coated with rust and the mattress looked super used. It would be even more uncomfortable than I initially thought. Widow was still rifling through the chest, clearly looking for something. Not that I had any clue as to what she was seeking.

“Now where did I leave it?” Widow whispered.

I started looking around for a means of escape. Something, anything I may have missed because whatever she was planning wouldn’t be good. My second search was just as fruitless as the first. Despair began tearing at my mind and then Widow returned to my side. Frightened, I squirmed, thrashed, struggled to even move an inch but any distance for her was enough.

In one hand, resting on her palm, laid a chain that connected to clamps. I didn’t need to be a psychic to know what she was plotting with those. I wasn’t by any means well versed in sex toys but I knew those were nipple clamps. I fled as far as I could with my bound body.

Widow didn’t let me get far before catching me and dragging me back. My skin scraped against the rough cement floor but the pain wouldn’t even compare if she put those clamps on me. If escaping wasn’t an option, I’d have no choice but to resort to begging and pleading.

“Nnn’ph! Pmmnphm! N’mm nn mmhnph mnn mmnnph N phmmmnr!” I cried desperately.

“Pauvre chérie. I’m going to make you feel so good you’ll spill every little secret Overwatch drilled into you.”

With her emphasis on good, I knew well enough it wouldn’t be as good for me as it would be for her. Widow leaned in and applied the clamps to my nipples. The sensitive little buds screamed in agony, probably as loud as I whined when they were applied. Once both were in position, she tugged on them for good measure. I screamed in pain. This was so humiliating.

“PHphnp! PHphnp! N’mm phmmm mnn mmhnph mnn mmnnph phn hnnmm!” I screamed with all the air in my lungs.

Widow struck both my tits with a hard smack and then cupped the perky mounds in her hands.

“Quit your whining chérie. Or I’ll have to punish you. Only when I’m done with you or when I ask you a question are you allowed to speak.”

I cried meekly but didn’t speak up again. Widow fled back to the chest and returned to searching for what I assumed would be another device of torture for me. The chain was dangling on my skin. The metal was cold, colder than the breeze in the room. I didn’t move a single muscle as any movement would either send tingling sensations to my breasts or to my clit.

I didn’t notice Widowmaker returning to my side as all my concentration was focused on keeping perfectly still. She wasn’t going to let that happen, however. Her foot stepped on my cunt and I cried out. She rubbed the crotch rope under her heel, digging it deeper into my folds. I was getting so turned on and some of my cries mixed with moans. I’m pretty sure she took notice causing her to stop.

“chérie, are you a horny little slut?”

I didn’t answer. Tears just flowed down my cheeks to which she laughed. She wasn’t going to let me stay quiet though. Widow squeezed one of the clamps and twisted it.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmm!” I screamed out in shock and pain.

“You answer when spoken to chérie.”

“Mmph! Mmph! N’m hnrnm!,” I cried.

“That’s much better chérie. Things can be so much more pleasant when you cooperate. I suppose a dumb brat like you wouldn’t understand that yet. I’ll just have to fix that.”

Widow pressed her heel into my cunt again sending another wave of pleasure bouncing in my body. I didn’t want to be getting turned on to this but Widow manipulated my body perfectly. This made my submission all the more real and I couldn’t stop crying.

Bored of my tears, Widow left me to whine and writhe in anguished pleasure while she searched the trunk again. This time she retrieved a dildo vibrator, similar in fashion to the one I had. It was covered in bumps for extra stimulation and had a small attachment that would attack my clit. At least it wasn’t some monster penis that would never possibly fit. Maybe I could enjoy this just a little.

Widow undid my crotch rope and plunged the vibrator in. She started with a low setting thankfully but it was plenty enjoyable. My hips acted in their own self-interest bucking off the ground trying to give the toy a better angle to attack from. I was acutely aware of Widow in the corner watching me. She had a sadistic grin on her face like a plot of her was being concocted in that sick head.

Widow would raise the speed consistently and then lower it suddenly to a stop. I’d whine and protest to have it back to which she made me beg. It was so humiliating but my body needed it. I needed it, I needed to be that slut. Eventually, she’d turn it back and not to a low setting but a super high one. I would go from whimpering to screaming my lungs out.

I wasn’t sure how long we kept going but by the time she was bored and the sun was peeking past the horizon, I found myself thrown on the crappy mattress. It was worse than I predicted. Some of the springs were poking at my skin and it didn’t help that I was ungracefully dropped on the bed with the vibrator still in.

“Have a good nap chérie. I’ll leave your new friend on a low setting while you rest,” Widow chuckled.

And with that final goodbye, she left. I heard some locks latching and another door being closed. It gave me some sense of the area outside. I’d have to get through two doors to escape. Hopefully, the outer door would be unlocked or easily picked. For now, I would take the chance to rest and recover my strength from the six orgasms I somehow managed. The soft buzz in my cunt was lulling and it didn’t take long for me to fall to sleep while bound gagged and incredibly horny.

I woke up in an ever more foreign room than the last. At least it was full of more things; things I could maybe use to escape. I would just need to escape my new troubling position first.

My arms were bound in leather cuffs. The cuffs were chained in the center and attached to a hooking mechanism of sorts above my head. The mechanism held my arms in place. I couldn’t pull them any further down no matter how hard I tugged. The chain made me uncomfortable but at least it didn’t hurt yet.

Belts had been fashioned around my ankles and wrapped up to my thighs. Thus I was forced to be resting on my knees. Thankfully there was a soft bed underneath me. I was still unfortunately naked but at least I was less restrained. Also free of a stuffed mouth my jaw relaxed and was thankful. That would make escaping easier.

A door opened on the far side of the room, which I was directly facing. It wasn’t just Widow this time but an omnic as well. One that was far scarier than the sniper assassin, Maximilien. He was one of the remaining suspected council leaders for Talon. His sharp black suit covered most of his robotic limbs. The top two buttons were undone as well as the lowest button revealing a tight white button-down dress shirt and the top of his crimson red tie. His hands were behind his back as he strutted into the room.

As he approached me I couldn’t tell what was going to happen to me. Reading an omnic’s intentions were impossible. I suppose that’s why he was here; to give me as little information while taking the most.

“I heard you had captured young Ms. Song but I was skeptical with your performance as of late. I’m glad to be disappointed this time Widow,” Maximilien commented towards Widow who only bowed her head in gratitude. The omnic returned his attention to me.

“Ms. Song, I’d like… information. For instance, where exactly is Overwatch holding Moira prisoner? What are the security codes for your compound? Stuff like that. Give me what I need and I will ensure your… immediate release.” Maximilien emphasized his last two words heavily which made me skeptical.

“I won’t ever betray my friends!” I shouted.

“Very well Ms. Song.”

Maximilien turned to leave, stopping next to Widow and resting his mechanical hand on her shoulders.

“Make her see reason, won’t you my dear.”

Horror washed over me as Widow entered the room more and gently closed the door on Maximilien. She slowly approached the bed while staring me down. My resolve buckled under her intense gaze.

“I don’t care what you do to me, I won’t ever talk!” I shouted.

Widow’s expression shifted, her eyebrows raised as if to say ‘oh really?’ I gulped obviously as she approached closer. I went to tell her off but her hand clamped over my mouth and squeezed tight like a vice. Her palm shifted and her thumb was pressed against my nose. I couldn’t breathe. I yelled and wasted every breath as my body panicked. I tugged on the chain to get away but it was no use.

She released me a few seconds later and breath flooded into my lungs. I was thankful for the air but I knew this was far from over. Widow had drawn a remote from her outfit. She flipped the switch up and the machine holding my cuffs came to life. It tugged my arms upward, lifting me off the bed a little. I screamed unable to bear the pain of my arms being stretched. I couldn’t manage to support myself so it was even more painful.

Widow clicked the remote again and the machine died down. I was left dangling in mid air, screaming with all the air in my lungs. I didn’t register when she cupped my breasts with all the pain but when she pinched my nipple I was made aware. I didn’t even catch when she moved into the bed with me or when she shed her clothing.

“Chérie, you need to be better behaved in front of the boss. If you misbehave,” she paused and twisted my nipple harshly, “I will have to make you see the error of your ways.”

“Please I can’t hold myself up. I’ll tell you anything, just let me down!” I shouted desperately.

“Oh no, chérie. I can’t let you off that easily,” Widow said with another twist.

“Please,” I whined.

“If you keep up your annoying tears chérie, I will gag you again.”

I whimpered silently as Widow continued to twist, pinch and pull on my little buds. Whenever my cries got to be too much for Widow, she pinched my nose and covered my mouth until I was quieter.

This was only the beginning of the punishment for me. It was all blurry after a point but I remember the harsh assault of a whip on my backside, my ass, and my feet. Then there were the clamps. They were even worse and more painful than the first set she had on me earlier. I cried lots and screamed till my lungs couldn’t make another sound. Then and only then did Widow gag me with a thick dildo that was taped in place. My jaw struggled to accommodate it.

When Maximilien returned, I was a beaten bloody mess dripping from my abused cunt. Widow stood with a smug look against the wall the bed was pressed against.

“Feeling more cooperative Ms. Song?” Maximilien laughed.

“Moira’s in a secure facility,” I coughed, causing me to pause, “In Germany.”

Maximilien chuckled at my weak reply. I spilled everything Maximilien wanted to know. When he was done, Widow made me feel good. I orgasmed five times before passing out. Overwatch never came for me; they never found me. I was to be Widow’s prisoner forever.
