Maxwell Farm: Part 4 of 6 [MF and FFF, Fantasy, Breeding farm, Mild furry(cow), Lactation, Weight gain, preg, huml, reluc]


I rush to dress and dry my eyes before Isobel arrives. As I grab my overalls, I find that I cannot get them over my rapidly expanding ass. I jump, shimmy, and pull, but they are just too small. Isobel arrives to see my large white rear, bare and exposed, with my overalls pulled tightly underneath.

“I told you to lay off the clover,” she mocks, dropping the bucket and walking back to her friends.

I fall to the hay, sobbing hysterically. I am so fat, and I hate it. I hear the sheep laughing. Then they start to taunt Yinlee: “You wanted to be like the cows.” “Soon you’ll be a fat whore like Kami.” “I will not!” she shouts back in protest. As I cry, my muscles grow tense and achy. By now I realize that even having the water on my skin is making me fat. I’ll just have to do without, I resolve silently as my sobs fade to a sniffle.

Still depressed and embarrassed, I wrap myself in my blanket and walk to Mable’s stall. She is lying quietly in the hay, her shirt partially unbuttoned as she nurses Toby. “Do you have any…bigger clothes I could borrow?” I ask meekly.

Mable just smiles knowingly and points to a dress, shirt, and overalls, all nicely folded and sitting on a cedar chest beside her stall. “I wore those last season – before I had Toby,” she whispers softly.

“Thanks,” I reply sadly, taking them back to my stall. I slip on the flowery cotton dress. It is definitely a size or two too big…and I resolve to keep it that way. My stomach growls, but instead of eating the silage in the pen, I walk down to the lower pasture and graze on fresh grass. Then I make my way to the river for a drink. Without the special water, I feel tired and cranky, so I find a soft, sunny spot in the grass and lay down to take a nap.


For three days I go without your special water. It is hard. I hurt and ache. I am tired and miserable. But I tell myself it is better than being fat. I try to stay active, but the pain makes it difficult. I watch Yinlee continue to drink from the cow trough. Her fatty body is hidden by thick curly hair, but she is no longer slim like the other sheep. Missy will be giving birth soon. Each night I hear her pant, wheeze, and moan. Every movement is a struggle for her.

On the fourth day, you come to my stall early in the morning, as you did before, and begin rubbing me down with a moist cloth. “No!” I cry out. “I won’t. I won’t be fat like the others.”

You place your rough hand over my mouth, not wanting my screams to wake the other animals. I kick and struggle against you, but farm life has made you strong and tough. You push my head back to the straw and, lifting your bucket, begin pouring water over my face. I spit and gasp in surprise as the cold water flows over my skin, getting into my nose and mouth.

You tilt the bucket back up, stopping the deluge. “We kin do this da ‘ard way,” you warn, still holding the bucket over my head.

I open my mouth to protest, but I stop as I feel the beginnings of a familiar and enticing calm. I reach up and grab the bucket from you. You watch with intense satisfaction as I begin greedily lapping up the water – my starved body desperate for relief.


My hand massages the insides of your thick thighs slowly as you drink, reaching your wet slit as you finish the remains of the bucket and your head falls backwards onto the hay, the feeling of relief washing over you as you lay there with a dumb grin on your face. My fingers slide between your nether lips, stroking slowly up and down in slow strokes before dipping inside you and coming back out. You let out a soft moan as your tail swishes about, happy to feel the effects of what promises to be another orgasmic evening. Your fears pushed out of your head by the calming water.

Moments later you're mooing in ecstasy, my thick member has penetrated deep into your body once more, this time with your legs up in the air, your hands reaching behind your head, grabbing at straw as I drill deep into your body, the angle giving even more depth than before, my head easily slipping into your womb and back out as I pound away. The deformation of your flesh around my hands as I grip your thighs is lost to you, but a sign of good things to me, soon you'll be ready to bear, nice and fertile.

I grunt as I shift the angle slightly, I'm practically going straight down into your body by this point, my cock plunging into your soaking cunt. You can feel my heavy balls slap against your fat ass as your juices dribble down between your cheeks. You moan and moo as you orgasm for the third time, you can't seem to keep still, your arms and chest involuntarily squirming about as you grow breathless under my constant pounding.


I am not used to being so exhausted by physical exertion, but the added weight puts extra strain on my muscles, joints, and organs. I pant and gasp as my large breasts restrict the movement of my ribcage. Milk dribbles across my stomach and down my side. Curious to taste my wares, you ease your pounding and drop my heavy thighs. With your cock still resting deep inside me, you bring my melon-sized boob to your lips and gently suck. You feel my muscles pulse around your shaft as my body reels from the sensation. My milk is warm and sweet .

“Mmmm, Kami,” you coo, “ya make sum mighty fine milk.” And with that, you sample the other breast. I squirm beneath you as your tongue circles my nipple. Milk oozes freely into your month. As you suck my tit, you resume your thrusting…slowly at first…and then more forcefully.

“Oohhhmmmooooooo….Mmaaaaaxx…mmmooo,” I cry as I am hit by a fourth orgasm. You pump vigorously through my climax, grunting softly as you dig your fingers into my fleshy hips. Your body stiffens as you cum inside me. Feeling my pussy fill with your gooey fluid, I am immediately drawn from my lust-induced haze. “No!” I shout, simultaneously bursting into tears. You playfully wiggle your dick inside me, watching my face contort with torture and enjoyment. Thanks to the hormones, you know I have a nearly insatiable sex drive.

“Please stop,” I beg as my pussy begins to throb anew. A subtle hint of disappointment crosses my face as you honor my request.

“Yer gonna make a great mamma,” you comment as you zip your pants. I watch, still teary eyed, as you refill my water pail. You also return with two hoses to the milking machine. “Ifa you get too horny an’ I’m not aroun’, you kin use this.” My heart races as you attach the machine to my nipples. I don’t want this. I don’t want to be a dairy cow. I don’t… But my objections melt away as the cups start to massage my tender nipples. Soon, I am laid back in the hay, eyes closed, mooing softly as a slow but steady stream of milk is coaxed from my body.


During the evening hours the pumps popped off once the milk stopped flowing, you wake up feeling much better than you have in a while, at least physically anyway. Your breasts are heavy, but not swollen or tender, your legs aren't trembling when you walk, your pussy is gently dripping down your thighs, but not throbbing or aching. All in all you feel great.

But deep down you're scared, you remember everything that happened last night, in detail, and the scent of sex is still all over your stall. You pace back and forth in the barn slowly, your butt bouncing and your thighs jiggling as you do, you cup your breasts and massage them thoughtfully as you argue in your own head. It felt really really breathtakingly good, but you feel disgusting for liking it. Max's rod buried deep inside you, thrusting over and over, his body pressing and squeezing your thick flesh, even his cum, seeping into every crevice in your womb. You slip a finger between the soft folds of your sex, fingering your body ever so gently, a soft moan escaping your lips as you feel it tingle.

How can you be horny again?? Your body quivers as you feed it the attention it craves, another finger slides between your slit and you bite your lip to keep from groaning,* you have to stop… this is only going to make things worse… you have to stop… … right after this orgasm…* You push your fingers in as far as they can go, but even then it doesn't reach your womb, not far enough, not deep enough. You grab hold of your melon sized breast and squeeze for all you're worth, your breastmilk leaking onto your hand as your flesh oozes between your fingers. Your legs almost buckle as you damn near orgasm, but not enough.

Looking frantically around the stall you search for anything that can help, your eyes wide as you finger fuck yourself only to hang onto that edge of cumming. Finally your eyes fall onto a milking stool kicked off to the corner, three long stubby wooden legs… Quickly you reach out and flip it upside down, squatting over a leg before you can think. You take just a moment to line yourself up, the rounded end feeling like a cold swollen cock as you push an inch in slowly. But your body can't take it, it can't be slow, you need it hard, like Max gave you. Violently you drop your hips, your pussy swallowing the stool leg up to the seat, at least eight inches of wood buried deep inside your soaking hole. Mooing loudly, you sit and rock your hips as your orgasm bursts through your body. But you still don't feel your lust subsiding, you grab the milkers and latch them onto your full breasts, throwing your arms behind your head as you bounce your fleshy thick body up and down on the wooden faux-cock feeling it just brush your womb each time you bottom out. Gasping at the thought that even this doesn't quite reach where Max did…

You groan loudly and start to buck again as your second orgasm is about to rock through you, when you're suddenly startled by your master's voice, "Well well well Kami… lookit here… I think you done milked yerself more 'an any other sow I've had," Max's looking at the milk can next to your stall. You stare wide eyed for a moment in mid thrust before he looks at you, smirking, and you see he's already got a tent in his overalls.

He looks you dead in the eyes and speaks, so forcefully and commanding that you can't help but obey, "Cum."

And your body obeys immediately, dropping your legs out from under you, you fall directly onto the wooden dildo as it spears the full length inside you again, and your pussy eagerly accepts it. A gush of climax washes over you, and with a huff and some deep grunts you cum, a spurt of your feminine juices bursts out of you and splatters like a water balloon onto the ground between your trembling thighs.


As my body relaxes and my breathing slows, I feel your strong hand wrap around my upper arm. Your fingers sink into my soft flesh as you lift me from the stool. I stumble awkwardly causing my fat to shake and ripple. You step back and admire my growing proportions. Subtle stretch marks confirm the continued expansion of my ass and breasts. You instinctively grab my protruding belly and give it a pinch and a jiggle. My chest tightens with sadness and embarrassment. How have I let myself get this way?

Sensing my distress, you slide your hand down and run it across my clit. My heart races, and I bit my lip. But just as lust is about to conquer my distress, you stop. Pulling your hand back, you leave my stall. Tears well up in my eyes as I realize just how weak I am. By the time you return, I am sitting in the corner of my stall, sobbing lightly.

“Ahw, Kami, now don’t be like dat,” you scold. “I was gonna take ya ta town tomorra, but if yer so upset wit yer weight, why don’t I let ya mingle wit some cows from another farm who've gotten pretty fat themselves?”

Your voice tells me that I don’t really have a say in the matter. I weakly nod my acquiescence and continue to pout in the corner. You run your hand over my horns and down the side of my chin. “I’ll git ya a nice outfit fer da trip,” you promise, giving my flabby arm a smack before walking away again.
