Captured prey (m/f, nc?, piss, kidnapping?)

Allison walked the man in the mask come in again, staring down at her. She shook, too weak to scream anymore, or struggle against the handcuffs holding her to the bed. His glare was so intense, it burned her. She felt ashamed at her nakedness, despite having no control over it. Her svelte body trembled, her breathing ragged. He simply stood there, staring. Waiting to pounce.

She had been at the bar, drowning her sorrows. Another shitty week at work, with her gropy boss. She hated him so much. He was like a nightmare out of the 50’s, always pinching her ass, awkward hugs, smelling her hair. But she needed the job. She was finally getting her life on track again, her drinking was under control, things were looking up. She hadn’t had to live in her car for 8 months now, a personal record for her. Still, she had her weak moments, like that night. Her boss had held her against him, asking her if she wanted to close with him. His grip was tight, as he sniffed her hair. She had told him no, clocking out right after. Her hands trembled as a lifetime of memories she wish she could forget percolated in her mind. And so, she had gone drinking.

There, some men had hit on her, some nice, some not so nice. Several had bought her some drinks and she had gotten fuzzy quickly after that. Something had been put in her drink and fucked with her mind and body both, leaving her heavy and barely able to think or walk. Somehow she had been escorted or perhaps carried out into a stranger’s car, and then a long drive to a secluded cabin. She didn’t remember most of it, at least in a continuous sense. She had been zip tied and tossed in the back, a ball gag in her mouth. She’d mostly drooled and passed in and out of consciousness, as a man, masked, had driven her away from her world and all that she knew and knew of her.

She vaguely remembered being carried into the simple cabin. Clean, but rough-hewn. He had taken her directly to the bedroom, tossing her on the bed. Then he’d cut her zip ties only to replace them with handcuffs, doing the same for her legs. Splayed out, he then got out a knife. She’d sobered up some then, screaming around the rubber ball in her mouth, as he slowly sliced off her clothes. He had pressed the cold metal against her bare skin multiple times, pressing the side against her, making her think he was going to cut her, but he never did. Then her bra and panties where removed and he teased her nipples with the tip of the blade, barely making one bleed as she sobbed. Then between her legs, looking her dead in the eyes.

“This will hurt,” was all the masked man said before he shoved and she felt the knife shoved into her vagina. She screamed, shaking her head back and forth, hysterical for several seconds before realizing something felt wrong. He smiled, pumping the knife, or more accurately, the knife handle into her.

“You’re soaked you worthless fucking whore,” he said, slapping her, as he kept pumping the knife in her. She looked away, ashamed as he pulled the handle out of her, smearing it on her face, telling her to lick it. He then pulled out the gag and she had screamed bloody murder. A dozen or so slaps put the end to that, grabbing her jaw and telling her to lick it again. She did, as he strangely stroked her hair. Then he got up and grabbed a couple toys, an anal vibrating plug, some lube, and stood beside her. He unzipped, pissing on her face, the bed, leaving her spitting out the vile fluid, her eyes burning, hair soaked. Then he lubed the plug, his finger cold as it smeared the jelly on her ass, before inserting it. It vibrated and she felt so violated, memories flooding back. Then he inserted another toy inside her pussy, taping it inside her as it buzzed. Then he had walked out of the room for hours.

And then, some time later, hours, he had came back in, standing there, just watching her. By then she was exhausted. Her wrists were chaffed from the handcuffs and the same was likely true of her ankles. She hurt, her holes were numb. She’d came so many times and then everything had just gone numb. She’d peed herself she knew, reeked of it, from both him and that both. Then she’d gone from numb to a pain or ache, an over-stimulation that just overwhelmed her. Combined with however she’d been drugged, she had finally passed out briefly, only for another convulsion to waken her before fading out again. Eventually she’d opened her eyes, faint light outside the window, her voice raw from screaming uselessly, to see him standing there in black as dawn came.

“You’re fucking pathetic,” he told her, walking towards her, “and no one will ever find you. Nor will they miss you. You know that, deep down. It’s what you fucking deserve.” She cried as those words cut through her tired body as he started stripping, except for his mask. Then he got on the bed, towering over her. He slapped her several times, then spit in her face, her eyes, her mouth. He gagged her with his fingers until she spit up on herself, smearing it all over her face. Reminding her again and again, just what she was. Worthless. The word she’d heard all her life.

He pulled off the tape and laughed at her when he touched her wetness, sliding two fingers in her, then pushing each finger up her nose, so she had to smell her “whore cunt” as he called it. Then he leaned down, biting her tits, her nipples, again and again, looking at her face in pain as he pulled them so hard she believed he was going to tear them off of her. She expected to see them bleeding when he paused and her breasts did have white indentations, but no blood flowed. He sneered at her, slapping at her belly, her tits, before working on her thighs. He didn’t slap them like the rest of her, no there, he slapped with all his strength. She writhed in agony, her thighs getting redder and redder, white hot pain coursing through her. He went right to left to right to left, the only variation sometimes being her pussy, a hard slap making her arch.

Then, he made her, between spastic sobs, kiss his hand and thank him. For showing her how worthless she was, for taking her here, to ending the farce she called her life. She cried then, repeating his words as he pulled the toy out of her pussy.

“Thank you,” she barely whispered as he shoved into her, fucking her, slamming into her cervix painfully. “Thank you for showing me I’m worthless, thank you for ending the farce that is my life,” she cried as he slapped her again and again. She barely could get out the words, her body in pain, as he slid his hands around her throat, squeezing. She tried to mouth the words thank you, but couldn’t as he squeezed, harder and harder as he fucked her, his eyes burning into hers. She bucked, quivering, orgasming despite the pain, the memories, just wanting the black to come. It crept in her vision, everything fading, as she felt him erupt in her, filling her limp body with cum. And then, black.

Later, he stroked her face softly, as her eyes fluttered. She jerked, wild eyed and confused, and then grabbed onto him sobbing. He held her tight, stroking her hair, telling her to let it all out. They stayed that way for probably 30 minutes, just a rush of emotions pouring out of her as he let her cry.

“Are you ok,” he asked, smiling down at her, his mask long since discarded.

“Yes, thank you Sir. I mean, I hurt kinda all over and I could use some water, but yeah. I feel…purged,” Allison said. She laid her head on his lap, his limp but warm cock on her red cheek. She could smell her sex on it, strangely comforted by it.

“All good then babygirl, I’ll get you some water and some food. Don’t eat or drink to fast or you might get sick, all right?” She nodded, obeying like a good girl as he fed her, sipping the cold water slowly. “I didn’t go too far did I, you can be hard to read sometimes.”

“No, no, it hurts to go through all that, to hear his words again, but here, controlled, they hurt less every time,” she said.

“Good,” he said smiling, looking at her. “Now, let’s get you in the shower and cleaned up while I replace the bedding with something fresh. But first,” he said with a grin on his face, handing her a present. She smiled it, blushing hard. She opened the small box, pulling out a metal collar. Engraved on the metal was the word CUNT. She burst into tears hugging him.

“I thought it was about time, don’t you?” She nodded, happier than she had ever been, as he fastened it around her neck. She was finally where she belonged, to him.
