Fire for that need (part one witch)

Circled by seawater drying on the ground I throw the incense into the fire. The spicy scent drives me forward whispering, “I want, I need…” I can’t even finish the thought, the feeling that is untouchable, undeniable. Soon it just becomes a chant, “I want, I need.” Loosing myself to the beat of the words, the dance of the flames, I see them change forming a mountain. No, a piece of my mind goes, a volcano with a glowing top. Out pours a great blackness and then suddenly the flames have wings. Such brightness makes my eyes water so that I must close them, but the endless chant goes on. There is a large gust that blows the fire towards me and I yelp in surprise, the heat blazing by my body.

My eyes flash open, the fire is as it should be, the stones still keeping it in. Looking at it wondering how it could flow towards me in this cave with the entrance far behind me. “You called me witch,” I nearly jumped out of my skin at the deep voice at my back. I turned and saw a man near the edge of the circle. His skin was as black as obsidian where the white linen wasn’t covering it, with almost as much shine. Though it was his eyes that enthralled me, I had never seen eyes that were so golden, like a lost treasure suddenly found.

He turned his eyes to glance around the cave, only then did I notice he had enough muscles to bring a flash of fear with the heat that consumed my cheeks. Foolishly I said, “I’m no witch! And I am an adult not so little.”

Glancing back with a raised eyebrow “Is that not why you called me to a small cave trapping me in your circle, and in this form. You called with your incense, your chant, your spell.”

Shaking my head I looked back to the fire recalling the shop I’ve never noticed before today, stuck between two tight buildings. I entered on a whim not knowing what I might find but with no trepidations. A woman, old enough to be called a crone if unkind, was at the counter. Beckoning she called me over, “I can see you have a need little maiden, and I can help you with your wants.” Uncertain I didn’t know what to say but reading my face she continued. “I know it’s hard to see clearly, but I can give you help to set you on your path.” Taking my hand she moves around the shop, I follow unthinkingly. Pulling down a few jars, she looks them over and back at me before replacing them and moving on. I hear her murmuring under her breath, “This one?… no not needed… not right either.”

Finally in a corner behind several boxes she pulls out a small clay jar. Taking the cover off she hands it to me, the scent is spicy, cloying yet… erotic. She brightens at my reaction, “First you will take this to a private spot, not to be disturbed: the caves might be a suitable place. Take seawater with you and use it to draw a circle large as you can in the space. Start a fire in the middle and when it is hot and high throw this incense in it and say your need. You will understand the need and receive it.”

Nodding while repeating the instructions so I could repeat them later, I hardly noticed her leading me out. Only when I was halfway home did I realize how strange it all seemed. Even though, I found myself compelled to follow the instructions bringing myself back to the present. “See you called, I answered.” He was just behind me now, so close I could feel the heat of him at my back as strongly as the fire before me. “‘I want, I need.’ You have me now.”

“The lady she told me I would know, but I had no idea that it would call you. How did it call you?” I could feel a different heat filling my body starting low in my center. He was so close that his breath was stirring on my neck, toying with my blond hair. “Who are you?”

He chuckled, “A young witch then, one that wants, I am me and you are you. There is a need you have so here I am to serve you.” He glides from behind me back into view.

The firelight licks against his dark skin, the light linen pants almost see through with the fineness of the weave. As he moves it is with such grace as though he just wills his body from spot to spot. But it’s he eyes that pierce that seem to look past my shell into my soul. “What do I need help with, she said I would know?”

He gives a hardy laugh and I tense at the unexpected noise, “You already know little witch,” his nostrils flared, “I can smell your need.”

Blushing harder then ever I could hardly comprehend what was before me. Somehow I brought this man into the cave for a need within myself, a beautiful man who was having a powerful effect on me. “Yes you are understanding now, I can see it in your eyes little witch. I can make your wants and needs come to fruition. I haven’t had witch in many years but since you are so little I will be very gentle.”

I was shocked in place by his words, so curt in assumption that I would give myself to him. My brain warred against my body that wanted to know what his skin felt like, and what lay beneath his fine pants. Stepping forward broke me from my spell, “Wait, who said I wanted you?”

“Your soul called out and captured me, I am here at your behest.” He cocked his head to the side, “I cannot hurt you, as you have bound me. Let me serve you wonders that you couldn’t put into words.” His hand rose towards my face and I braced myself as to not flinch at his touch. However as soon as his hand cupped my chin and cheek I knew I could not struggle against my body any longer. His skin sizzled against mine, leaving a warm print where he touched. Taking it as the confirmation that it was he stepped before me, bringing his height down to my lips and gently kissing. A burst of need sped though my body opening my lips in a sigh of pleasure, he took advantage and deepened his kiss. I felt his hands moving me closer pressing me into his hard and hot body; I rubbed against him.

Releasing my lips he pulled back slightly, “You bloom so beautifully, little witch, but so many clothes in between.” Looking at me for conformation I give a little nod and he starts to unbutton. His hands blazing over my revealed skin until all my clothes are littered on the ground and I stand naked before him. I can feel his golden eyes raking over my nudity but I am not shy as I should be. I feel empowered that I had his full admirations and clearly an effect on his body with his tenting pants.

“Now it is you who needs to become naked,” I’m surprised at the crassness that fell from my mouth. Feeling assertive I moved to remove his pants, permitting my hands graze his muscled behind, letting it pool at his feet. Seeing my first eager male member entrances me. I wrap my hands around it and I can’t get over the silky hardness about it, gently I run my hand down and I hear him hiss. I raise an eyebrow at his reaction. Emboldened I grip tighter and pull up while my other hand runs over the two draping orbs just below, a small amount of liquid came from the tip.

“Too good, if I didn’t know better little witch…” he stopped talking when I kneeled down and licked the end. The bead of dew was salty and sweet, addicting, with my hand still around it I placed the end in my mouth and sucked around it. I felt his hands tangle in my hair not pushing or pulling but allowing me to test and tease. His breathing got ragged and a deep groan rumbled through his chest, he panted with a little panic edging his voice, “I will spill, stop…don’t stop…” With a roar he stiffened, I felt his hot seed coat my tongue before swallowing it all.

His knees buckled and he sunk down next to me while still out of breath. “I have never… you are truly an unusual little witch. To bring me so low I am doubly indebted to you, one I will rectify at present.” As quick as an arrow from a bow his lips were on mine again, his tongue exploring my mouth tasting us both. He tenderly laid me back and brought his kisses down to my neck, his hand tracing my raised nipple. Each new kiss brought sparks surging through my body, my back arched in a want that needed him to fill it.

His tongue ringed my nipple before kissing past my navel and to the pooling warmth. “Yes my little witch, you need my touches and my tongue too,” his tongue flicked out and sent my body into a bowstring tautness. All my focus was on the wonderful things his tongue was doing, lapping at my wetness and flicking across the pebble of sensitivity. Each time spooling something deep inside me tighter and tighter, until I felt a finger enter me as he lashed at that spot. The spooling snapped and my body contracted, stars blinding me in pure feeling.

Tenderly I came back to my body and he was laying beside me, tracing circles on my leg, “Such passion you have little witch, you can make any being want you.” Recovering quickly I knew I wanted more of him, the need rising again. I run my hand over his chest feeling the raw power rolling from him, before bring my hand up to his shaven head. Pulling him to my lips I kiss him deeply, tasting myself as well. He pulls back after a moment, “Are you certain that you want to continue, you are still a maiden. I can leave you as you are and no one would ever know of us little witch.”

I search my soul and find that I do not want to stop and needn’t to be an innocent maiden any longer. “No I want you and the need is still there,” I look into his golden eyes, “please.”

A slow smile curls his lips, “I will be gentle but it might hurt still. Then all will be delightful after, I will take care of you little witch.” Pushing me down he moves on top of me, I can feel his muscles coil as he cages me with his body. My hands smooth over his muscled back to his bottom filling out my hands perfectly. Growling softly he moves my legs apart and I feel his harden manhood at my opening, instinctively I bring my legs up, opening myself to him.

Capturing my lips in his I feel him enter me and break through with a small pinch, but he distracts me with his hand flicking my nipple. Pulling out leaves me feeling empty which he rectifies quickly, pushing back in and rubbing the point of pleasure. My breath quickens and he breaks his lips away moving to my exposed neck. Ecstasy is rising from both sides as he quickens the pace, my body moving and craving each motion he gives. My hands pull him into me as the world shatters again, my body pulsing, as I come back to it.

He whispers into my ear, “Yes my little witch, I think you have one more for me, but now you must judge the pace.” Then he quickly rolls us, so that he is below and I on top, a smirk upon my face. He is held fast within me, I push up from him then sink down again, his mouth opens and a small hiss seeps forth. Bringing myself upright so that I’m sitting on him, I start a rhythm up and down, feeling the bliss building again.

Grabbing my hands in his one he brings me closer and he catches my neck with the other, controlling my lips as I control the tempo. Having him control me in this way draws me ever closer to the edge, subsequently then his growl as he releases my hands and neck. His hands grasping my hips pulling me deeper, harder onto him sets my body on fire. My breath catches in a scream that cannot escape as my body arches back. I feel him push deeply into my throbbing body and groaning his release.

Tension bleeds from my body and I sink down beside him, feeling him slip from me. He turns and embraces me, nestling me into the hollow of his neck, the heat pouring off of him contrasting to the cool ground. I can feel slickness at my core and my body was more tired than it had been for a long time but the need is quieted. Soon I am drifting off to sleep when he pulls back kissing me lightly on the head.

“I have to go soon, the fire is almost out, the spell nearly finished. However I will give you an easy way to call me, if that is your wish to see me again little witch.”

I looked up into his warm eyes and knew that this would never just be a one-time event, “Yes I want that, again and again. What is it that you must do?”

“I will leave a mark upon your skin, it won’t be large or clear but you only need to trace it and say my name then I will appear again in this form.” His hand brushing my hair from my neck, “You must give me permission to change slightly and to mark you.”

“Yes with all openness you are allowed both.” I catch his lips again before unhooking my body from his.

“Do not fear me my little witch, I cannot harm you but this will prick a bit.” He moved down to my inner thigh, suddenly his finger lengthens and the nail grows sharp, like a claw. Taking the claw he makes an upright triangle, then quickly licks the beading blood with a forked tongue. So quick was the motion that no pain permeated, the triangle healed like an old scar, raised slightly and whiter than the skin around it.

“What does it mean?” my hand tracing the area, excited by the secret mark.

“It is the mark of fire, my element,” he looks back to the fire, and then to me again, “I must go, remember to trace it and say Obsidiyano, my name.” He seizes my lips once more before turning to the dying fire. “Call me soon my little witch.” Stepping into the fire I see it raise up and change him to his true form, a black dragon, flying towards his volcano. He looks back just once and I see his golden eyes before the fire burns low, then out.

Looking around the cave I know this will become a new favorite place, just as that little shop I’ve never noticed before.
