Pet Play for Lovers – James has a bad day [M/F]

James arrives at home much later than usual. His Sweet Girl Maggie hugs his leg tightly feeling relieved that her Greatest Love is finally home. He’s never failed to return before but the thought of it is so scary that poor Maggie can’t help but worry. James smiles warmly and pats Maggie’s head softly before turning his attention elsewhere.

Oh no! Maggie knows something is wrong because James is always so happy to be home. With great concern, Maggie watches James closely to get a feel for the problem.

James peels off his clothes, soaking wet from the hard rain. That’s odd. Maggie puts her feet up on the window ledge to have a look outside and sure enough, there is no truck in the driveway. It must have broken down on the way home from work. James now stands barefoot in his underwear while he tries to plug in his obviously dead phone. *POP* That didn’t sound good. James’ shoulders slump as he realizes his phone must have gotten wet during his long walk home. He drops his phone in frustration and turns his attention to dinner. He knows his Sweet Girl must be hungry. Maggie wait’s patiently at the table. She wants to comfort her Greatest Love very badly but she knows it’s best to stay out from underfoot. She’s such a good girl. While chopping vegetables, James ships and cuts his hand causing him to growl in pain and anger with himself for being so careless. This terrifies poor Maggie causing her to curl up in her chair and hide her face. She’s not used to this kind of negative energy. James bandages himself and gets back to dinner. Just when he thought things couldn’t get worse, poor James burns himself while putting dinner in the oven and drops food all over the floor. “FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU” Dinner is ruined.

Now James mutters angrily to himself while he cleans up the mess but then he’s interrupted by a touch on his leg. His Sweet Girl is sitting next to him with fearful tears in her eyes holding James’ old phone and a take-out menu in her teeth. James’ heart is shattered by the sight as all his rage fades away leaving only shame. His Sweet Girl cares for him so much, even when he’s acting so badly. Tears fill his eyes and he scoops up his Sweet Girl, holding her tightly. “I’m so sorry, my Sweet Girl. You don’t have to be afraid anymore. I’m so lucky to have such a wonderful pet who loves me so much. I love you too.”

James picks her up with one arm and grabs his dead phone with the other. He carries everything and everyone over to the couch and proceeds to move his sim card into his old phone. The whole while James is calling a tow truck and ordering pizza, his Sweet Girl clings to him, pressing her face against his bare chest.

After dinner and clean-up, Maggie takes James’ hand gently in her teeth and leads him over to the couch, motioning for him to sit. Once seated, Maggie curls up beside him, resting her head on his lap. James finds great comfort in lovingly stroking his Sweet Girl. Her smooth skin and soft tail feel wonderful but it’s her ears he loves best. She has the softest ears. James traces his finger along the rim of her ear and his Sweet Girl melts, purring softly and relaxing completely. Even with the way James acted today, she still trusts him fully. Now Maggie gently frees her favorite toy from James’ underwear. Still soft, she holds it lovingly in her mouth, not playing, just holding. Now James in the one who melts as all the stresses of the day disappear finally allowing Maggie’s favorite toy to react. It grows inside Maggie’s mouth but she continues to just hold it gently, providing much needed comfort to both of them.

James continues to caress his Sweet Girl as she lovingly holds her Greatest Love. Several minutes pass as the two comfort each other before James starts throbbing. Maggie knows just what to do. She takes him deep in her mouth and with a flick of her tongue, she sends him over the edge causing him to groan softly and unload. Maggie swallows each spurt, too fast and too deep to taste until James is depleted. Within seconds, James goes soft and falls fast asleep while Maggie continues to hold him with all her love.

James may be the human and Maggie the pet but job of caring for the other belongs to both of them and Maggie takes her job very seriously. She is sweet. She is loving. She is the goodest.



  1. That is a really loving story. I’m so glad to see one that isn’t full of abuse, full of punishment that seems undeserved.

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