“Here, wear this” Angie slapped Clarissa with a coat hanger with little hanging from it. “How cum you always know what to wear” not even looking at what was handed to her. Letting her short robe flutter to the floor. “Mmm, that is one thing (toying with Clarissa’s ass) I admire about you. Your beautiful ass” Angie’s voice became a whisper into Clarissa’s ear, her hands kneading Clarissa’s ass. “Really Angie (holding the collar up to her neck) there is little hear to wear” Clarissa was quick to point out butt Angie seized the collar. “You said you wanted to do this so..” the clasping of the collar had cemented her commitment.
Feeling the beat from outside of Club Voluptuous, the velvet purple runners gave way to the silver doors. Angie tugged on the leash, “If you want to get in (pulling Clarissa closer) then accept your role..” squeezing Clarissa’s tit before nodding to the bouncer. Holding up his hand, “Hold up, let me see your slave Miss..” looking for her name while he caresses Clarissa. “Angie and she is with me” Stepping between the bouncer and Clarissa, “so what is it going to take to get into this club?” Stroking his cock, rubbing his head, choking his crown, “She can Mmm.. suck the chrome off of a well..” giving him a full stroke. “Clarissa on your knees” giving the command without looking at her, “give the bouncer a Uhh (walking her fingers up his chest).. a tip for letting us entire Voluptuous” reaching his shoulder as Angie’s legs moved her around him, offering Clarissa’s mouth and tits.
Throttling his crown, licking his head, twirling her tongue over his dome. “Oh.. you are very good, very good indeed” the bouncer moaned. “Ohh fuck are you just going to tease or are you going (grabbing ahold of Clarissa’s head) to suck it” his cock, his huge fucking cock. Throbbing as Clarissa started to suck on it’s chocolaty head, “I want you to suck my cock, I want you to..” Throwing back his head as Clarissa seized his ball. Starting to bob a little, pulling forward his nut sack. “She is good butt this is not going to get you in” he stammer. “She has to suckkk Mmm (feeling his cock as it slipped further into Clarissa’s mouth) Oh Oh fuck.. fuckkk Ooooh, I wanta (fondling his balls, pulling them as her mouth slowly took more of his cock) face fuck you” not wanting for Clarissa’s moan to begin, not even waiting for Angie’s seductive whisper. He just started, palming Clarissa’s head with those big hands, pulling her hand away from his cock. “Play.. with nuts, use.. use both.. … (eyes closing as he forced his cock further in her mouth) Ooooh.. shit!” Doing exactly what she was told, strangling his balls, squeezing them as she ran out of skin. “I.. I.. cum.. now” his cock hitting the back of her throat. His throbbing cock swelled, blocking any oxygen from passing down her throat. Holding her jaw in his hand, seizing her head as the pressure kept on going. “I’m … Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh.. …” his cock swelled one last time. Feeding her a torrent of his hot jism down her throat. “Now you may enter” releasing his hold on Clarissa’s jaw, relaxing the hold he had on her head. Unclasping the chrome latch the attached the purple velvet rope, “Have fun” was the last thing he said before turning his back towards Miss Angie and her slave.
Gripping the purple door handle, seeing her reflection in the silver doors. A simple pull as the world that Clarissa had known vanished without a trace.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/gi4kd5/wet_dreams_university_33_the_bouncer_dream_master