My steamy journey into the dark side.

This is my first delve into erotic writing and also based on a semi-true story from college. Taken awhile to bring myself to write it…but here we go. Love to know your thoughts :)

There was something about this black track and field athlete’s body that made me curious…ignited…lustful even. Maybe it was his long, powerful legs, or the sculpted, lean muscle that pulled along his whole frame and ever so subtly flexed and rippled with each movement he made. Graceful, yet unpredictably threatening. His dark, smooth skin stretched taut, holding all that power together in one silky, firm package — the natural shadowiness of it accentuating each hill and valley between the muscles, as light hit each surface. His body reminded me of dark chocolate; How it melts so creamily on the tongue’s surface, but gives a little bite to the taste buds. Smooth, but not too gentle. The promise of a good time to come.

I had only seen him in person once, when we first met. We were sitting in the bleachers at a college track meet, waiting for the last event to run so we could get the hell outta dodge. It had been a cold, rainy Spring weekend in Iowa and we were spent. I was a middle-distance runner, he a long jumper and we had competed our hearts out and were now trying our best to keep warm under our team-issued sweatsuits and blankets. Had our two teams not been sitting near each other that day, I may have never found out what was under those sweats. What a shame that would’ve been. We started chatting and he soon moved down one row to sit by me. The meet finally ended and we parted ways to get on our respective buses, but not before he asked to trade phone numbers. And that was the only time I saw “T” in person.

He called first. One call turned into many and after the school year ended, he made plans to come visit me. It was the first summer I was planning to stay on campus in an apartment I shared with 2 other girls that year. They were going home for the summer. They’d be back occasionally, but for the most part, I was living alone. My long-term, on-again-off-again boyfriend had gone home as well. So, this was the weekend T decided to come up to visit. I was nervous, excited and had no idea how this was going to go down. Although we had spoken for hours, he was practically a stranger to me in person. It was the middle of the afternoon on a Saturday when he knocked on the door, and I took a deep breath and opened it.

“Paaaaaamelaaaa!” He greeted me immediately, in this low, smooth, yet enthusiastic tone of voice he always used when he said my name like that. It was like the vibration of those particular sound waves he created in that tone, hit me in a very carnal way, even when it was over the phone. Not a whisper, but not loud. Sort of taunting, but not condescending. Seducing. Yes…it was like a seduction call.

“Heyyyy, you’re here!” I replied instantly and he dropped his bag and came in for a huge hug, like we were old friends. His chocolate arms wrapped around me for the first time ever, and suddenly I felt like the vanilla cream center of a Hostess cake…swirling and melting into his warm black body. The heat and the electricity of first contact ignited both of us. He loosened his hold on me, just enough to allow my face to turn upward towards his. And with no pause or awkwardness of a first-time, he placed his lips on mine…his first taste of me and mine of him.

I have pink pillowy lips, so they held their own, to a degree, against his full, dark soft set as he gently slid his tongue in, teasing me with what it might be able to do later. One hand was in my long brown hair as his tall body rocked me backwards, his other arm guiding me, back against the hallway wall. He pinned me there with his weight, pressing his strong black athletic hips into my pale frame, letting me feel his hard cock through his jeans against my lower abdomen. Damn that felt huge under there. As much as I wanted to whip it out, I didn’t want the tease to end, so I lingered in it for a bit. His mouth, his tongue, his heaviness, his cock throbbing against me. I loved that I turned him on. Small, vanilla me was awakening a bear in him. And I wanted to keep poking it.

We clumsily shuffled down the hallway, careful not to break our rapturous entanglement, past my two roommates bedrooms, the bathroom, and finally into my room at the end of the hall. We quickly realized that we’d need a new location. I was the first of my roommates to pick what room I wanted and, being a lover of the outdoors, I chose the only room with a patio door and much more natural light. This day, I was regretting it. My space was also the smallest of the 3, and therefore I only had room for a twin bed. This just wouldn’t do. Fuck it. Everyone’s gone for the summer. As we ventured back down the hall, past the bathroom and Mel’s bedroom, we stumbled into Jenni’s room, all the while tugging at each other’s clothes, trying to move our feet, but also trying to stay pressed together like an Oreo caught in a split-or-not-to-split battle. Jenni was a virgin so her bed hadn’t seen any action anyway, and to top it off, her bed had leopard print sheets. The perfect spot to get all Animal Planet this weekend.

With the dominance of a panther playing with its prey, T kissed down my neck, slid his strong black hands down to my ass, squeezing it and pressing my body tighter against his, while walking me back until my legs hit the bed. Then in a swoop, I was on my back with the panther on top of me, pinning me down. As I had been tugging at his shirt in the hallway, I could feel the warm firmness of his body through his clothes, poised and ready for this pounce. I slid my hands around and down to his waist to grab the bottom of his shirt. I began pulling it up over his head but was too pinned to get it totally off. So, he sat up on his knees, straddling me on the bed as he slid his shirt up and over his head. I was surprised his shirt hadn’t just melted off of him already, because what was under it was fire. His black, statuesque, lean muscled chest and abs stared down at me and I couldn’t resist lifting my creamy hand and running my fingers down the washboard as if I was looking for the right book on a shelf. The contrast of our skin was beautiful, and in that moment, it felt like it needed to mix like peanut butter and chocolate. It just had to happen. He smiled at me, noticing my pleasure of the view, and decided he needed his own. He pulled me up into his chest, my lips automatically connecting with his skin like a magnet as he slid both arms around me, tucking his fingers under my shirt, prepared to peel the wrapping off of his vanilla treat below him. Making short work of the shirt and my bra, he let me fall back to the bed and I beat him to his waistband, my fingers working at the button, then the zipper, anticipating what was about to be released.

There’s something about unzipping a man’s pants that is so hot. The button is stupid. Undoing the button is never as smooth as you imagine it will be, and it’s as pointless as unwrapping the ribbon off of a present, when you still have the actual wrapping to remove. But the zipper….pulling that little metal tab down slowly….each little tooth clicking you closer to the big reveal, like a rollercoaster going up the ramp before the first plunge. Anticipation, nerves, vulnerability for him; I’m about to see this very private part of this sexy black man, because right now, I’ve got the golden ticket for admission. This hidden wonder, that I’ve only been feeling solidly against my body through too many layers of fabric, is about to show up to the party for *me*. When it comes out, this becomes real. The first plunge down the rollercoaster.

Just breathe and take the ride.

I yanked down his pants and let his rock hard erection free. My God. His big black cock saluted me, thick and long, and I couldn’t wait to find out what that felt like inside of me. He wrapped his hand around his length, which gave the perception that it must have been too heavy to just let hang on it’s own. That zipper surely had already put in a day’s work within the past 15 minutes alone. My turn. This lengthy, wayward visitor needed a room for the night, and T began checking himself in, as he slipped off my own jeans, his dark hands caressing my white legs as he peeled off the layers left between us. I was excited, curious and nervous of the intrusion to come, but no one warned me there was to be hor devours before the main course. Maybe he didn’t know either, until he caught that first glimpse of his appetizer — pink and presented just below him. T’s breath caught for a moment, then he leaned his big black body back over on top of mine and my peanut butter began to melt with his chocolate. He kissed me on the lips, then proceeded to kiss down my vanilla body; my neck, my breasts — catching my perked dark pink nipple in his mouth — then down my stomach and thighs, landing those lips just at the edge of my warm, swollen pussy. It ached to be touched. It ached for his sexy smooth-as-caramel mouth to find it’s destination, as his warm panting breath grazed it’s surface, teasingly. My body writhed in anticipation, my hips trying to lift towards his juicy lips. But first, he snuck his hand down south, playing with my swollen moistness at the surface…another quick tease…before sliding two deft fingers between the curtains, plunging into my burrow, filling me for the first time. I could hear my arousal on his fingers as they moved. Lost in heavenly pleasure, I forced my eyes open to watch his dark, long fingers gliding in and out, between my pale thighs. Then he took me to another level, when his mouth followed through with it’s earlier suggestion, and he planted his lips right over my swollen clit, while I continued to writhe in pleasure against his hand. His tongue found the perfect spot to swirl, and his lips and hands seemed to work independently, yet still danced to the same song in perfect harmony.

I couldn’t take it much longer. I wanted to come, to crash hard against his mouth and fingers, but I didn’t want this to end too soon. He sensed I was close and ceased the assault, sparing me from a premature finale. I laid for a moment, catching my breath and he must have stretched the condom on at that time, since I don’t remember noticing the action myself. My reprieve was short-lived, as he, once again, held his long black shaft in his hand invitingly, while I lay spread out, below him. I couldn’t take my eyes off of his cock as it lowered, locked and loaded, near my slick pussy. I felt the gentle pressure of the tip spread my lips, and that split moment feeling of needing absolute nothing more than for it to plunge in consumed me. The need for his cock in that second was more than for air itself. He slowly thrust his hips into me, letting me savor every inch of his big black dick sinking in. When I thought it was in as far as it would go, it kept going, finding unexplored depths within me I didn’t know I had. He was good. He was good at making sure it was good — that nothing hurt me and that I was getting the most out of what he had to offer. His chocolate body melted down on top of me as he thrusted his full length in and out of my body, filling me up. Then in one swift motion he rolled onto his back, pulling me with him so that I was now on top; His solid black cock impaling me even further as my weight settled down onto his strong body. He grabbed my ass, pressing me down then releasing back up, and I rode him like the black stallion he was for me that day.

We couldn’t get any closer, or so I thought. Until he shifted and sat up, with me still connected to him, and he pulled my body, my breasts, into his chest. I wrapped my arms around his muscular back and the embrace made all conception of time disappear. The beautifully stark contrast of our skin was like midnight and noon had crashed together, forming a whole other world where time did not exist, and yet all of time existed. Day and night coexisted in that moment and my brain couldn’t remember who I was anymore. I was just a floating being of consciousness, and that was ok with me. I craved that surreal disconnect, because forgetting I was human somehow made me feel more human on the other side. I pressed into him, trying to meld my white skin to his black. We were like yin and yang, and the pressure of my pussy down against his groin, with his thick, dark cock shooting up into what felt like my abdomen, rocking and plunging in and out of my depth, sent me over the top and I crashed hard all around him. All control of my movement was lost, and my floating consciousness returned to my body with a force like a tidal wave. I felt nothing and everything at the same time. For those few seconds, I thought it wouldn’t stop, like when you’re high and feel like you’re never not going to be high again. My falling to pieces sent him over the edge and his cock swelled up even more inside my now tender pussy, before blasting itself into me. His body clenched and released, his muscles rippling along his body, out of his control, much like mine was, and we slowly floated down together and returned to Earth. He laid back down, lowering my weakened body onto his chest to lay, like creamy white frosting on a chocolate cake, letting the post-orgasm fog clear.

That was the second time I saw T in person. We repeated this carnal adventure 7 more times during his 24 hour stay. And that weekend was the last time I saw T in person.
