Escape Part 1 of 3 M/F Cybersex

(This is one I wrote years ago when cybersex was a big deal. Let me know what you think. Comments are always welcomed!)

I was bored. There’s no other way to describe it. Life was boring.

My girlfriend and I had been together for several years, and we had just reached that point in the relationship where I think we both knew that it wasn’t going to go much further.

Our sex life had always been good, but lately it seemed that neither one of us really put any effort into it. She always welcomed our lovemaking, but was the passive partner.

That’s when I started looking at the Personal ads online.

Most of the ads were the same…. “Divorced female 30’s, seeks knight in shining armor to sweep me off my feet and live happily ever after”, or “Single female seeks financially secure older male for good times.” I wasn’t seeing anything different.

One day, I came across an ad that intrigued me.

“Hi. I’m a brown eyed, red haired Aries who is unbelievably unfulfilled. I am involved with a guy who is very caring and loving, but who has no idea or imagination when it comes to sex. Help me escape. I am hoping that someone out there can email me with their fantasies to touch me in places that are not being reached. Erotic chat a possibility. To be honest, I’m looking for someone to talk dirty with.”

It seemed harmless enough, maybe she and I could exchange fantasies and in turn, spice up our various relationships. I decided to answer “Red Hott” with what I considered a witty response.

“Red Hott, I want to be the man for your fantasies. Let’s play doctor in our minds: tell me yours and I’ll tell you mine.” I signed it with my new anonymous screen name: Hard Rider.

A few days later, I received her reply: “A ‘Hard’ man is good to find. I will contact you soon on Instant Messenger.”

The next time I signed on, I received the notice that “Red Hott” had added me to her friends list. A thrill went up my spine and I began to fantasize what we would say, and the things we would talk about doing to each other: two lovers across cyberspace, touching each other only with our minds. I couldn’t wait.

Unfortunately, the waiting continued. Several days passed. One night, my girlfriend and I had one of our more frequent fights and she went home, pissed. I sat down in front of my computer, looking for some mindless surfing to take my mind off our crumbling relationship.

As soon as I signed on, I heard the tinkle of electronic chimes: Red Hott was online. I sat there in front of the screen, nervous like a teenager on his first date or a man cheating on his wife for the first time, not knowing if I should initiate contact or let her.

Suddenly, a chat window popped up with a message.

Red Hott: Hi!

Hard Rider: Hi!

Red Hott: How are you?

Hard Rider: I’m ok…. how are you?

Red Hott: Fine. i’m a little nervous.

Hard Rider: Me too… I’ve never really done anything like this before

Red Hott: Me either. When I wrote the ad, I never really expected anyone to reply.

Hard Rider: Did you get a lot of email?

Red Hott: Yes. Most were EXTREMELY explicit. More like a porno movie than a message. Some even sent me pictures of their… of themselves. Kinda creepy.

Hard Rider: Really?

Red Hott: Yeah. Yours was the only one that caught my imagination.

Hard Rider: Thanks…

Red Hott: It was that ‘lets play mind doctor’ thing. really got me to thinking.

Hard Rider: me too… after I got your email in return…. It’s all I could think about.

Red Hott: Good. I’m already in your fantasies! =)

Hard Rider: yeah… ha ha

Red Hott: I hope you don’t turn out to be some kind of psycho. You seem really nice so far.

Hard Rider: I’m not, really…. You know you could be some kind of Fatal Attraction chick yourself you know.

Red Hott: =) That’s a good one! So where do we go from here?

Hard Rider: Well, I guess we get to know each other… just talk… or do you want to dive right in to the nasty talk?

Red Hott: No, I guess you’re right. Tell you what; I’ll contact you tomorrow night, I really have to go.

Hard Rider: Ok. About the same time?

Red Hott: Yes. See ya later.

The chat window indicated that she was gone, and I closed it wondering where this was going to lead, but excited about getting the chance to talk to her again.

I disconnected and reached for the phone to call my girlfriend and cancel our date for the next night. As I touched the phone, it rang. SHE was calling to cancel.
