The Roommate Part I: I Want to be Your Little Slut [FF] [Light Fdom] [Light Huml] [Teasing] [Plot] [Arc 2]

**I: Marie and Lexi**


Marie’s body vibrated with the club’s near-deafening music as she walked toward the bar. She had just turned twenty in September, but her fake hadn’t failed her yet. And she needed a drink. Bad.

As she went up to the bar and ordered a kamikaze shot, Marie scanned the dance floor. The dim lighting didn’t allow her to see too much, but she glimpsed more than enough cute girls to let her know coming out tonight hadn’t been a waste.

She’d been horny all week, and nothing seemed to satisfy her. Alice and Leah weren’t interested in anything more than a drunk make-out sesh now that Liam…

*Don’t think about him. You’re here to have fun and get him out of your fucking head.*

Marie downed the shot immediately when it came, thankful for the distraction. She paid for the drink, tipping the bartender, then looked toward the dance floor again.

She’d come here alone instead of going out with friends or to any school parties because she didn’t want to develop a reputation with her sisters–and because it was easier to find girls to hook up with at a gay-club–but she still felt hesitant. She’d already decided she didn’t want casual sex with a guy. That didn’t appeal to her, and even if it did, doing so would just be proving Liam right.

*”Is there anything between us other than sex anymore?”*

Marie shook herself, realizing she had her phone out and open to her texts with Liam. She’d pleaded with him to give her another chance, promised she would try this time, and be an actual girlfriend like he deserved.

Looking at them just made her feel pathetic.

For a moment, Marie was tempted to order another shot. Instead, she pushed away from the bar and took a few steps toward the mass of dancing people. She stopped however, biting her lip. She felt so awkward just going in there alone, but she didn’t really have any friends to go out with.

Sophie and Blake wouldn’t have judged her, but Sophie didn’t seem like the type to go out dancing. Blake might have come, but things had been tense between them ever since that night, and Blake had just gotten more distant since Marie had told her about Liam and propositioned her.

*She could have done that for me at the very least. Her problem before was that I was with Liam, so why wouldn’t she sleep with me once he dumped me.*

A pop made Marie blink, and she realized she was clenching her fists. She was angry.

*At Blake? Or at myself?*
Marie sighed. Suddenly, she just wanted to go home. But she knew that all that waited there for her right now was an empty, silent room and an unsatisfying night with her toys. She was too horny–had been too horny all week–for that.

*No sense waiting here all night.*

Marie finally walked onto the dance floor, looking around as she made her way through the people–just in case.

*If Ashley finds out about this, I’ll never hear the end of it.*

Marie already had enough to worry about in that area.

Once she was in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by couples and small groups of dancing people, Marie felt awkward again. She wished she could have told someone about this, or at least had someone to bring along with her, but the only people she would have felt remotely comfortable talking to about this were Blake and Stephanie. The latter was on the opposite coast, and Marie hadn’t talked with her that much lately, either.

Not knowing what else to do, Marie just closed her eyes and started dancing, trying to forget about everyone and everything around her for a few minutes.

The alcohol eventually kicked in, which helped her relax and start dancing with some other girls and groups of girls. Some just danced near her, while a few were more than happy to grind up on her and get a little handsy, but none of them tried to make out her. The one time Marie went for it, she got a lukewarm kiss that lasted a bit longer than she had expected, and the girl danced with her for one more song before excusing herself.

Discouraged, Marie headed back over to the bar and ordered another drink.

As she waited for the shot–another kamikaze; they were blue and tasty–Marie somehow ended up with her phone in her hand, her conversation with Liam pulled up, thumbs ready to type.

“Fuck,” Marie swore, letting her phone fall to the bar. She sighed, resting her head on her hand.

“Rough night?”

Marie blinked at the address. She looked up and met the eyes of a girl resting on her elbows next to her, body toward the dance floor. Marie had to look the girl up and down twice. She wore minimal make-up, yet somehow still had plump cheeks, full lips, immaculate eyebrows and light blue eyes that sparkled even in the club’s dim lighting. All of that would have made her look a bit too girly if not for her strong jawline.

Her body made Marie’s blood run hot. And also made her a little jealous. She wore a crop top and jeans–nothing fancy, but her tanned abs made Marie’s mouth water, and her breasts looked impossibly perky. They weren’t huge, but bigger than Marie’s.

*Bitch isn’t even wearing a bra.*

Not that Marie minded the view that provided. The girl’s clothes did make her feel a bit over-dressed in her tight, shiny silver dress, however.

Then Marie remembered what the girl had said to her. Her cheeks heated as she met the girl’s eyes again and realized she’d definitely been caught staring.

“Yeah,” Marie said, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, “Rough night, rough week.”

“You here with friends, then?” The girl asked, her voice a little low, almost raspy, “Or just you?”

Marie bit her lip for a moment. She almost lied, but…

*Why do you care what this girl thinks? You don’t even know her.*

She was hot, though.

“Just me,” Marie said, unable to keep a bit of heat from her cheeks, “You?”

The girl gestured toward the dance floor, “They’re somewhere in there, having fun. I got a little tired and wanted a drink. Heels are a bitch.”

Marie blinked, realizing for the first time that the girl held a martini glass in one hand. An actual drink, rather than just a shot as Marie had ordered. For some reason, Marie found that hot.


The girl grinned, taking another sip, “Yeah. I know it’s a little basic, but I’ve stopped caring, they’re yummy.”

The way her tanned cheeks darkened a bit betrayed her supposed “uncaring” attitude, but Marie found herself smiling at it.

“I’m Lexi, by the way,” the girl said, leaning in a bit closer.


“Nice to meet you, Marie,” Lexi said, smiling in a way that made Marie squirm a bit, “I’m guessing you go to school around here?”

Marie nodded.

As they entered into small-talk, Marie found herself getting distracted by one part of Lexi or another. There was just something…unique about her that Marie found herself drawn to. They didn’t go to the same school, but they were still pretty close to each other given how many universities there were packed into the city. They both had a lot of school ahead of them, as Lexi was pre-law while Marie was pre-med. Marie found, however, that she didn’t care as much about the information as she did just talking to Lexi.

*Am I interested in her? Or do I just miss talking with Liam?*

Thankfully, Marie’s drink came just in time to distract her from that line of thought. She thought about just throwing it back it, but after a glance at Lexi’s drink, she decided to sip it and keep pace with the other girl. Kamikazes were sweet enough that she could do that and not need something to chase every sip.

The talk started to lull once both were near the end of their drinks, and for a moment, Marie worried that Lexi was no longer interested as the girl downed the last of her cosmo in one gulp. Then, however Lexi smiled, moving closer to Marie and nodding toward the dance floor. Now that she was no longer leaning against the bar, Lexi stood a few inches taller than Marie, “Wanna dance? I think my feet have rested enough.”

Marie grinned, surprised at how relieved–and excited–she felt as she took the Lexi’s hand and let the girl lead her onto the dance floor as she stuffed her phone back in its pocket, trying to be discreet. Her heart raced a bit when she and Lexi touched, and the need between her legs returned with a vengeance. Marie only then realized how good of a distraction talking with Lexi had been.

Once on the dance floor, Lexi surprised Marie by turning her around and wrapping her arms around her from behind. Marie blinked, but just went with it once Lexi started moving to the music and grinding up against her.

“So, do you normally come out to clubs by yourself?” Lexi asked. Her breath was hot on neck as she spoke. The other girl’s hands held Marie’s waist in a way that made her very frustrated with the fabric keeping her from skin-to-skin contact.

“Not really,” Marie said, leaning back and turning her head a bit so Lexi could hear her better. Her cheek touched Lexi’s, the contact sending shivers through her, and Lexi didn’t move away, instead tightening her grip on Marie’s hips. That sent a jolt of arousal through Marie, making her pussy clench in anticipation.

*Am I just that horny? Or is it something else?*

She didn’t remember feeling this turned-on when dancing with Lexi or Alice leading to their respective hookups.

*I did with Liam, though…*

“I’m…recently single,” Marie confessed, leaning into Lexi a bit more as they danced. She didn’t know why she’d said it, but it felt good now that she had. It didn’t make everything go away, but some of the stress that had been weighing her down the past week melted away.

“That sucks,” Lexi said, “You two together long?”

Marie frowned, “Yes and no.”

She yelped in surprise when Lexi suddenly spun her around and pulled them close, faces only inches away. Their legs tangled a bit. One of Lexi’s pressed between Marie’s, making her gasp. At the same time, Lexi’s hands found the small of Marie’s back, something she found oddly comforting.

When Marie focused on Lexi’s eyes, she found she couldn’t look away.

“That has to be the weirdest way I’ve ever heard someone answer that,” she said with a smirk, “Were you two on-again, off-again or something?”

Marie shook her head, “We met near the end of last year and decided to stay together over the summer but didn’t sleep together until we got back to school. He–” Marie sighed, “He dumped me last week.”

*Why am I telling her all this? Why does she even care? Why does it feel so good to tell her?*

“Hence the rough week.”

Marie nodded, “Yep.”

Lexi grinned, “You trying to forget about it, or want a list of all the reasons boys suck?”

Marie snorted, “A little of both.”

Lexi’s grinned widened. One of the hands at the small of Marie’s back pressed her closer. The other rose to her face. Then Lexi kissed her.

It wasn’t the kind of kiss Marie had expected to get from anyone tonight. She found that she was more than fine with that.

Her body responded immediately as she melted into the kiss with a moan. Sparks of pleasure erupted from between her legs as Lexi pulled her close and Marie ground her hips against the other girl’s thigh, hands rising up and grasping Lexi’s muscular back. The taller girl’s scent filled Marie’s head as they kissed, lips mashing against each other, tongues occasionally darting out for a quick taste. Marie moaned, digging her fingers into Lexi’s back when the other girl moved the hand at Marie’s back down to squeeze her ass. Then she sucked on Marie’s bottom lip, nipping at it.

*Fuck, she’s good at this.*

The thought floated through Marie’s fogged-up mind as they made out, the music and the people around them fading into nothing. Marie couldn’t remember being this turned on with Alice or Leah. Not even when she got in bed with them. What was the difference with Lexi?

*Only Liam was ever able to make me feel like this just from touching and kissing me.*

The thought cut through the haze in Marie’s mind, shocking her long enough for Lexi to grab her ass and pull her even closer, this time a bit more rough. That–and the friction between them–sent a spike of arousal through Marie that pushed out all thoughts of Liam.

Marie needed more, though.

She brought one hand down and around, fingers dancing over the exposed, muscular flesh of Lexi’s midriff before rising up to cup Lexi’s breast. The other girl moaned into Marie’s mouth, giving her a feeling of triumph.

Then Lexi pulled back.

The motion caused Marie’s hand to fall back down to the girl’s stomach. The skin there was firm and hot, shining with a thin sheen of sweat. Marie met the other girl’s gaze, satisfied at the glazed, almost cloudy look in the other girl’s eyes.

*Mine probably look the same.*

Both of them panted, trying to catch their breath.

Marie smiled. Shivers ran through her when Lexi smiled back, then bit her lip.

*Fuck, that’s hot.*

“You want to get out of here?” Marie ventured, leaning in a bit closer.

The corner of Lexi’s mouth curled in a smirk. The taller girl leaned in, closing the distance between them as she rested her forehead against Marie’s.

“To talk, or fuck?”

Marie blinked, somehow caught off-guard by her directness. She found herself tongue-tied.

Before she could manage to force something out, Lexi reached up and tucked a lock of hair behind Marie’s ear. That made Marie shiver. She shuddered, gasping, when Lexi trailed her fingertips down Marie’s neck all the way to her collarbone.

“Phone?” Lexi asked.

It took Marie a moment to process that, but she reached down and pulled her phone out of the pocket strapped to her thigh under her dress. Lexi’s eyes widened at that.

“Roommate gave me the idea,” Marie explained, handing her the unlocked phone.

*Ugh! You can tell her that, but not whether you want to talk to her or fuck her? Both! The answer is both!*

Lexi grinned at that, then looked at Marie’s phone. An eyebrow went up and she seemed to hesitate for a moment before she started typing.

*Fuck. I had it open to my conversation with Liam.*

Marie’s hand tightened into a fist out of embarrassment, nails digging into the palm of her hand. She relaxed a bit, though, when Lexi handed the phone back.

“I put my number in,” she said, leaning back in, “I like you, but I don’t jump into bed with someone the night I meet them. Things just get too messy that way. Especially with me.”

*Especially with her? What does that–*

Lexi interrupted her train of thought with a kiss that made Marie moan and almost drop her phone. Before she could wrap her arms back around Lexi and melt into the kiss, however, Lexi had pulled away, biting her lip again. She walked around Marie, placing a hand against her stomach as she leaned in close one more time.

“I hope I see you again, Marie. It was really nice to meet you. Text me tomorrow. We can talk about how shitty boys are.”

Then she walked off toward the bar.

Marie wanted to follow after her but found she couldn’t move. Her pussy throbbed even harder than it had when she and Lexi had started dancing. Now, she had no outlet for that, though.

As she looked after Lexi, a few other people blocking her view, Marie was surprised to find a bit of anger rising in her. This time, she put her phone away before she could look at it.

*Now what the fuck am I supposed to do?*

Marie almost jumped out of her skin when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned ready to bite the person’s head off but found herself breathless as she gazed at the girl with a hand on her shoulder.

This girl was tall, too. Her green eyes caught Marie’s gaze first. Then her distinctive nose and tanned skin. Light brown hair tumbled down to her massive chest, barely contained by something halfway between a crop top and a bralette. Her stomach was even more toned than Lexi’s had been. The muscles near her hips formed a V-shape that disappeared under tight jeans clinging to shapely thighs.

Marie couldn’t think of anything to say, but she saw the question in the girl’s eyes, and nodded. The girl grinned and grabbed Marie by the hips, pulling her roughly to her. A moan slipped from her lips as the brunette pressed her thigh between Marie’s legs and into her already worked-up pussy. Marie looked up, meeting the girl’s sparkling green eyes again, and saw something flash in them.

Moments later, both had their arms wrapped around each other as Marie moaned into the taller girl’s mouth.



“So, no luck?”

Lexi glanced over at Kendra as they separated from the rest of their friends, walking toward their apartments.

She shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant, “You know I don’t hook up with anyone the first night I meet them anymore.”

Kendra grinned, “That’s not an answer.”

“Yes, it is. It’s just an annoying one.”

Kendra rolled her eyes, “Ugh, just tell me who.”

“Did you see the cute blonde I was talking with at the bar? Tight silver dress? Really nice legs?”

Lexi paused when Kendra just gazed at her, brow furrowed.

“I’ll take that as a no, then?”

Kendra grinned, “No, I remember her–just wanted to see how far you’d go with the description.”

Lexi rolled her eyes.

“I think I actually danced with her. She seemed a little awkward, especially when she tried to make out with me.”

Lexi narrowed her eyes at her friend, “Are you just fucking with me, or did I actually get your sloppy seconds.”

“Barely. I wasn’t feeling it.”

Lexi frowned at that. There was something about Marie that had drawn Lexi to her. Maybe it had been the frustration plain on her face, or just how fucking good she’d looked in that dress. Making out with her had definitely been fun–just thinking back on it made her heart pound a bit faster. Not inviting Marie back to her room had been hard, especially since the blonde had obviously been willing.

*But she doesn’t know what she’s getting into.*

“So?” Kendra prodded, “You gonna try and see her again?”

Lexi nodded, “At least once more. I want to see if there’s anything about her that’s just a giant red flag.”

“Aaand tell her about how hooking up with you will probably be a bit different than she expects?”

Lexi raised an eyebrow, snorting, “A bit?”

Kendra laughed, “Fine. It will be a *lot* different, okay? A *huge* surprise.”

Lexi couldn’t help but join in her friend’s laughter.

“But seriously,” Kendra continued once they’d both stifled their laughter enough to speak, “You gonna tell her next time you see her?”

“Probably. Not *right* away, though. I’m going to have to try and get her even more interested, so she doesn’t just run off right away.”

Kendra grinned.


“Nothing. Just…impressed at your restraint. How long has it been since you got laid, again?”

“Way too fucking long,” Lexi admitted with a sigh, “But honestly, if waiting a bit longer gets me a fuckbuddy or even a date or whatever the fuck you call it when you’re seeing someone but not like ‘officially a couple,’ it will be sooo worth it. Random hook-ups are just too much effort even when I don’t factor in the lack of a guarantee that I’ll have a good time or making sure I’m safe.”

Lexi paused, studying her friend for a moment.

Kendra was pretty. Long, straight black har, a distinctive nose and pale green eyes made her stand out in any crowd, and her runner’s body didn’t hurt, either. She and Lexi knew they weren’t each other’s types, however, and even if they had been, fucking one’s roommate just did not seem like a good idea to Lexi.

“What about you? How long has it been since you’ve had a boy or a girl over for some fun?”

Kendra stuck her tongue out.

“Fair enough,” Lexi’s roommate sighed.

Lexi laughed, “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’ve got a date with some toys when we get back.”

“Honestly,” Kendra began, cheeks turning red, “Probably going to do the same.”

Lexi laughed, putting her arm around her roommate’s shoulders as they quickened their pace back to their apartment.



Marie’s pussy was on fire by the time she reached Kylie’s place. After Lexi and then making out and grinding on the brunette’s leg until they left the club, she felt almost drunk with arousal. Kylie had begun teasing her more boldly while they danced, dipping her hand under the hem of Marie’s dress to rub circles over her underwear. The walk home had been ever worse. Kylie had squeezed Marie’s ass or just stopped and made out with her whenever she felt like it Each time they entered a quiet area without too many people around, Kylie had reached between Marie’s legs to tease her, even slipping her fingers under Marie’s panties once to brush her fingers directly against Marie’s needy lips.

The way Kylie just took control thrilled Marie, but now that they finally had some privacy, she jumped Kylie. The moment the brunette closed the door to her room, Marie pulled Kylie’s lips down to her own, meeting them in a hungry, fevered kiss.

*Too many fucking clothes.*

Marie trailed her hands down over Kylie’s chest, then her stomach, fingers groping at the toned muscle there as Kylie slipped her tongue between Marie’s lips. Marie moaned, allowing Kylie more access as she brought her hands to the buttons of the taller girl’s jeans. Kylie grinned against Marie’s lips when she got the buttons open and started to tug on the denim.

Marie moaned in disappointment when the brunette moved back, lips forming an immediate pout.

*She didn’t bring me home just to make out and cuddle, did she?*

Then Marie saw the way Kylie’s eyes sparkled as she shook her head, gesturing at Marie, “You first.”

It took Marie a moment to realize that Kylie was talking about her dress. For a moment, Marie thought about asking Kylie to unzip it, but she got the feeling that wasn’t what the girl wanted. Instead, she grabbed the hem of her dress in both hands and pulled it over her head, leaving her in only her tiny white thong and the phone strap on her thigh. Her tits were small enough and still perky enough that she rarely had to wear a bra. Marie tossed the dress to the floor as she looked at Kylie, then shuddered at the way the taller girl’s eyes raked over her hungrily. Marie wasn’t as fit as Kylie, nor could she compete with the brunette’s curves, but Kylie very clearly liked what she saw when she looked at Marie.

That made her pussy even needier.

“Now you?” Marie asked, closing the distance between them again.

Kylie nodded, hands rising to Marie’s hair as she leaned in.

“But you have to kiss and lick every inch of skin you uncover,” Kylie whispered, tangling her fingers in Marie’s hair before she pushed down.

Marie let herself sink to her knees, putting her at eye-level with the apex of Kylie’s legs.

For a moment, she hesitated.

*She teases me the whole fucking way back, then makes me wait even longer?*

Something about the way Kylie did it, though, telling Marie what she expected rather than asking, thrilled Marie, making her soaked pussy even wetter. It made her more impatient for Kylie to touch her, but for some reason, being told that and why she had to hold off on her own pleasure made Marie want to do as she was told.

Hooking her fingers over Kylie’s waistband, Marie tugged down and brought her lips to the tanned, muscled skin she revealed. She did as Kylie said, licking and sucking at the newly uncovered skin, enjoying the satisfied moans and little shivers her attentions elicited from Kylie. The way the taller girl’s fingers tightened on her scalp made Marie feel almost as though she was going down on someone. The thought made her shudder.

Marie pulled gently at Kylie’s jeans, revealing the girl’s skin ever so slowly, but eventually, her fingertips brushed a softer fabric beneath. Marie’s pussy clenched at the contact, and the image of her just ripping Kylie’s jeans off the taller girl flashed through her mind. She almost did it, but found she liked kissing, almost worshiping Kylie’s hips like this.

*If I had done this for Liam, would that have made him feel like I wanted more than just sex from him?*

Marie shook the thought from her head and went back to licking and kissing Kylie.

Once she’d uncovered about two inches skin, the tanned flesh starting to pale a bit at she came so tantalizingly close to the girl’s lips, Marie felt Kylie tug her head to the side a bit, turning her hips.

“Don’t forget my ass.”

Marie’s blood ran a bit hotter as Kylie turned and pressed Marie’s face into her ass. Marie shifted her grip enough to squeeze Kylie’s firm cheeks and felt a strange mix of jealousy and arousal as she handled the other girl’s ass.

*My ass is nice, but fuck…hers is just incredible.*

Marie went back to work, covering the exposed cheeks with a thin layer of saliva as she practically worshipped it. Kylie’s skin was slightly salty from the sweat they’d worked up dancing in the hot club, but Marie found she liked the taste despite who it reminded her of.

*Fucking Liam after a workout was always so hot. His muscles looked and felt so fucking good.*

For a moment, Marie could forget that she was kissing and licking the ass of a girl she’d just met that night. In her head, it was Liam’s ass. He was making her worship it, making her kiss every inch of his body to show him how much she wanted him.

Then Kylie moved her back to the front of her hips again, shattering that fantasy. Marie blinked, feeling a cold spike penetrate the fog of arousal in her head.

*No. Just forget about him. Concentrate on Kylie.*

The thought made Marie a bit more impatient as she continued. She began nipping and sucking at Kylie’s flesh as she pulled the jeans over the brunette’s incredible ass, needing to practically peel off the denim. Kylie seemed to enjoy it, however, so Marie didn’t stop.

When she finally pulled Kylie’s clothes down far enough to reveal the brunette’s glistening, hairless lips, Marie moved her head toward that prize. Kylie tugged her head back, however, moving it a bit further down toward her thigh.

“Not yet,” the taller girl chided.

Biting back an objection, Marie lost herself in worshiping the taller girl’s thick, muscular thighs and shapely calves, reveling in the noises Kylie made and the way Kylie’s finger’s dug into her scalp when she nipped or sucked on a particularly sensitive spot. She did more than Kylie had asked of her, tracing shapes and long trails with the tip of her tongue over Kylie’s legs.

When Marie finally pulled off the brunette’s jeans and socks–she’d already kicked off her boots–Marie straightened, pushing herself up enough to kiss and lick at Kylie’s abs. Something about feeling those firm lines of muscle under her mouth and her fingers made Marie’s pussy throb.

*These panties are so fucked.*

Marie was so lost in worshipping Kylie’s flesh that she gasped when Kylie’s hands were suddenly under her arms, pulling her to her feet.

Marie gazed into the brunette’s smoldering green eyes, breathless.

“That was much better than I expected,” Kylie panted, “I thought you’d be a good little slut for me, but not that good.”

Normally, Marie didn’t like that term. Something about hearing it come from Kylie’s mouth as a form of praise, though…it made her shiver, pussy quivering.

“T-thank you,” she managed, voice thick with arousal, “I’m glad you liked it.”

Kylie smirked, then pulled Marie against her, kissing her roughly. When she pulled back, Marie raised a hand to her lips. She knew they were swollen now, and something about the sensation let her know they’d be bruised tomorrow.

*Why do I find that so hot?*

“Do you want to be my little slut tonight?” Kylie asked, leaning in close, breath hot on Marie’s ear. The words made her shudder.

“What do you mean?” she asked, mind growing too hazy with arousal to think straight.

“If you say yes, it means you do what I say, and then I reward you by fucking you with my big, thick strap-on until you scream.”

*Oh fuck.*

Marie’s legs quivered, and she had to lean into Kylie to keep from slumping to the ground. Her pussy throbbed in anticipation.

Taking a few deep breaths, Marie looked up and met Kylie’s gaze.


Kylie raised an eyebrow, “Yes, what?”

Marie hesitated, then shuddered, pussy quivering as she spoke.

“Yes, I want to be your little slut.”

Kylie grinned.


1 comment

  1. Happy May, Everyone!

    I hope you all are staying safe!

    For those of you who haven’t read my work before, this is Part 2 of a story I’ve been writing called *The Camgirl* so if you haven’t read that, [go read it!](

    For anyone who wants to help support me so that I can keep this story free to read, please visit either my [Ko-Fi]( if you want to just drop me a tip, or my [Patreon]( if you want to support via monthly-subscription! And don’t forget to join/subscribe to /r/taylorstormserotica!


    **BEWARE: Camgirl Spoilers Below**

    This is Chapter I of *The Roommate.* I decided to go with a different name as this is a new arc of the story and it focuses almost exclusively on Marie for a bit while catching up to where we left off with Blake and Liam.

    *Camgirl Arc 2* just didn’t sound as good, and didn’t want the roman numerals to get too crazy, which they would have pretty soon.

    This chapter takes place a few days after [Part XLIV: He Actually Did It](, so we’ve got a bit of catching up to do before the stories line up with each other (not too much though, don’t worry).

    Finally, just some announcements about *The Camgirl*

    I have not published the books yet, as I am still working on the cover art and blurb/marketing aspects, but they are cleaned up and ready to go. They will actually be divided into four books of similar size that all started and stopped at good points. I will let you all know once those are out.

    As for the frequency of posting, as I said a while back, for now I will be posting once every 2 weeks. I will try to keep them on the longer side as with this one, but if I try to make them too long, it somewhat defeats the purpose of doing that, and I want to make sure this story stays free and consistent for you all.

    I’m currently working toward some goals for the month that will ideally allow me to start posting more frequently down the line, so hopefully that works out.

    As always, comments and critiques are welcomed. Thank you all so much for your continued support and readership! And stay safe!

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